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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and nods as she unsheaths her own weapon of choice and testing it. She gets into a stance and starts to shadow sword play with her "This place is perfect, quiet and out of the way" she says and does a few more test swings and parries "Ready when you are darling, but lets keep it simple, we just had a bath before so no point in working up too much of a sweat"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


"I'm happy you like it, I thought it looked inviting." Crys replied as she came out of another one handed eight and grabbed the blade in the middle, then redirected it rapidly for a backward thrust. "Halfswording was never my forte. Sabers aren't built for bashing with the guard, or pommel for that matter. But those thrusts are handy."


She resumed her posture and walked several steps away, then turned around to face Clare. "There's no point in even trying to spar, your blade will cut mine in half on the first parry. So we'll take turns on mimicking each other's moves." Crystal took a one handed stance and nodded to the other mare. "Ready? I lead first, for a change." She sticked her tongue out jokingly and stared a moment later. First, a forward stab, followed by a parry of an upward strike, and a riposte from the wrist. They continued like that for a couple minutes, at a relaxed pace but picking increasingly complex moves. Finally, Crystal sheathed her sword and nodded. "Good, short break and it's your turn."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods as she practices with her marefirend, mimicking her moves and smiles as she then decides to switch swords "I'm gonna switch to my saber, it's been a while, and you never know when it will come in handy again" she says, sheathing the Dragon Sword and taking out her saber and inspecting it "Good thing I always take good care of all my gear" she says, resuming her mimicking of the moves. 


She nods and then sits down for a short break when it was called, she then takes out some swiss cheese and offers a chunk with some bread and cranberry sauce to Crys "Here you go love, I've got some cider as well"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear laughed a bit but took the food. "Bread and cheese, I was beginning to miss that stuff..." She sat cross-legged on the grass and nibbled on the snack, while looking at the narrow stripe of sea and the other island nearby, apparently thinking about something. She stirred from her thoughtful suspension when Clare asked if everything's okay. "I uhh... yeah, sure. Perfectly fine." She wasn't hungry yet, not after a full plate of fish, but she finished the offered meal, in lieu of getting "more snuggly".


She decided to extend the break, mainly because of the fact shey had a light meal. She urged her marefriend to sit on her lap and wrapped her arms around her, then said. "So what do you think we'll do once we get to Opal? Get back to our previous lives? Each of us going their own way and meet ocasionally on the court or during other occasions? I'm not very sold on the idea, you know. Maybe we could do something together? Go on a trip to mainland Equestria, or have an adventure here in the Isles, hmm? We're adults, after all."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare giggles and nods "Only this is the good stuff, not the stale stuff they gave us at the Academy" she says, giggling even more as she is dragged into a snuggle in her marefriend's lap "I'm not sold on that idea either" she says, nuzzling into her marefriend and sighing "An adventure sounds nice, I mean father is still alive and well, so I won't be crowned Princess any time soon" she says with a soft sigh and closing her eyes. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear kept the other mare in tight embrace, feeling her warmth. She also closed her eyes as they rested each other's heads on their shoulders. "An adventure it is then. We'll roam the land, help ponies in need, and most importantly, be together, away from court intrigues and stupid gossips. Like long vacation..." She sighed and hugged Clare closer, as if refusing to let her go.


"Hmmm, I'd take this before any training, on any day..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods and smiles "You know, same here, you're just so snuggly" she murrs and flicks her ears "and that sounds like a good plan, of course if we are called back home, we will answer, we do still have duties to our fathers to help when needed" she says softly and sighs a little "We could just return to our room at the inn and snuggle in the bed...and yes Wolfy too, you know he misses his snuggles if he doesn't get any"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Clare purred. "Sure, if we get called back, we'll answer." She inhaled deeply and opened her eyes. "Alright, you convinced me: we're going to our room, even if I'll have to carry you. I'll give both you and Wolfie your fair share, and then some." The mare reluctantly let go of her companion, but nuzzled her before letting her get up.


Once both were back on their hooves and ready to go, the mares went back to the inn, arms locked and not giving a flying one about ponies watching. When they entered the inn, the common room was nearing capacity as local residents, after the whole day at sea or other work, came to unwind and spend time together. The place was teeming with chatter and clanks of cups. The mares bought a bottle of the inn's finest and wet upstairs. As Crys let Clare inside their room, she closed the door, opened the bottle with her teeth and spat it into her palm, then grinned. "So where were we...?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles as she stripped down to nothing then lay down on the bed, cuddling up to Wolfie while waiting for Crystal "I believe you promised me and Wolfie equal snuggles and we were planning our future together" she says as she huggles her plush wolf close to her chest, Wolfie was actually a gift her sister had given to her for a birthday, and she cherished it very much.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal took a swing off the bottle and cocked her head slightly, admiring the view. "Now I remember... better get to work, right?" She smiled and walked to the bed, swaying her prominent hips seductively. The mare laid her bottle on a nightstand and also undressed, laying her clothes neatly on the nearby cabinet. Seeing Clare's impatience, she shrugged. "Old habits. Don't worry though, I'll make it up for you." As she finished speaking, Crys walked to the bed and laid beside her marefriend. Laying on her side, she brought a finger to her chin, as she usually did when deep in thought. "Hmmm... but who should I snuggle first?" The mare made a concerned face as she kept her companion waiting. "I know, I'll snuggle you both!" With a wicked grin, she leapt on top of her marefriend, Wolfie between them.


The couple spent the evening on snuggles and other such activities, and fell asleep in each other's embrace. They woke up as the sunlight intruded on their bed through the nearby window.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare felt the sun's warm rays hit and warm up her soft fur and yawns. "Mm good morning sweetheart" she says as she nuzzles her mare friend "Don't forget I promised to entertain the little ones before we leave" she says as she stretches and begins to get dressed. She smiles over at Crystal, still somewhat blushing about what happened the previous night, she then whispers "I keep how ferocious you are under the sheets" she says with a kiss and a giggle

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys stirred from her slumber as she felt her marefriend move and nuzzle her. As usual, Clarissa used her as a pillow. The mare stretched and rubbed her eyes open as her companion vacated the bed. "Nghhhh... Yeah, I remember. You could entertain me too before you leave though." She looked as Clarissa got dressed and took it as a cue that the playtime was, in fact, over. Her marefriend's remark gave her some new hope, however. She wrapped her arms around Clare, not letting her go just yet, and whispered in her ear. "If I recall correctly, you weren't meek either. Shame I lose my shine every time I sleep, but maybe you could help me with that?"


Clare gently worked her way out of her embrace however, and Crystal was left sitting on the bed, sighing that her plan didn't work. Somewhat resigned, she got up and got dressed.

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@@Raven Rawne


"I'd be dead if I was meek under the sheets, you know that, plus you love it when I let my wild side out" she giggles before getting on her medium armor and strapping her saber and Dragon Sword to her belt, "can't be too careful" she notes as she goes to brush her mane and tail but thinks twice on it, "They'd just get messy during the oxen ride" she says with a chuckle and straps her boots on, waiting for Crys. "I'll show you a good time when we get to Opal, promise" she says somewhat seductively

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


"Crystal Clear laughed while putting her pants on. "You and meek is like me and green. And I wouldn't have it any other way." She noticed her marefriend put the armor on and sighed. "And I thought I was the paranoid one... Okay, armor it is." She put her shirt on and strapped the armored hoofboots on, then donnedd her gambeson and secured the plate shoulder pads and gorget. "I intend to make sure you keep that promese, you know that? And I have just the right idea how to thank you once you're done..." She smirked and winked. With the saber by her belt and with her plate gauntlets on her hands, she was dressed and nearly ready. "Just a quick brush and I can go." Crystal took her comb and combed her mane and tail in shape, then tied her ponytail with gold lace, as usual.


"Alright, let's get this party started!" She opened the door and let Clare out, and the pair walked towards the stables.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and flaps her wings a little "I know you do love, and I know what I want" she says with a chuckle as they go to the stables and begins to unload the oxen cart, while thelittle ones had already begun arriving, eager to go on their ride with the beloved Princess Clarissa. Clare smiles as she sees them and kneels to be their level "Now my little ones, I want you to promise me something, alright?"


They all nod eagerly, eager to please her


"I want you to promise me you will all always look out for each other, colts, you treat these fillies well and with respect, you protect them, and you will have yourselves wives in no time. Fillies, I want you to be the best little fillies you can be, but don't pretend to be somepony you are not, if you want to learn to fight and be a knight like the countess and myself, then go for it, don't let anypony hold you back...now give me a hug!" she says opening her arms and giggling as they all rush her.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear was busy emptying the cart as Clarissa gave the youngsters a motivational speech. She glanced at them every now and then, smiling at the heartwarming scene. She may not be a community type, but she understood the importance of giving the foals good role models. The mare dragged the empty cart out of the corner and went for the oxen. "Your carriage is nearly ready, Princess." She giggled sligtly at the sheer ridiculousness of the sentence - a simple wooden cargo wagon was nowhere like the royal carriage. Crys returned a minute later with their oxen and sttrapped the obedient animal to the cart. "Aaaand, done! Have fun you all, I'll stay here and sort our stuff."


She waved the merry company out of the stables, and leaned on one of the wooden collums. "She would be a great mother..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The foals all giggle and cheer as the carriage is brought around and as Clare helps them get into it before climbing onto the driver's seat and looks to Crys "You be good now Crys, no flirting with Celeste's future husband" she says with a laugh and a wink before letting the oxen know it was time to go.


Dusty was chewing on a blade of wheat and smiles "she sure would, as would you" he says and looks to the merry band of foals being given an oxen cart ride "If your ladyship would allow, have either of you given any thought to adoption? There's plenty of parentless foals who would love to have a new life"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys rolled her eyes at her marefriend's remark, and once she was out of the stable with her merry band, the crystal pony turned to the stablecolt and shrugged. "She likes to tease me, but I don't swing that way. So no worries."


The proposition of adoption took the mare by surprise, and she eyed the stallion curiously, still leaning on the bench. "Hmm, I never thought about it. Guess it's only natural with my "blood purity" obsessed family. See, crystal ponies are born only if both parents are crystal ponies. In other scenarios, the offspring inherits the race of their non-crystal parent. Kinda hard to hook up when you're the only crystal family in the whole Isles." She waved her hand dissmissively and began sorting their belongings. She liked to keep stuff in order. "I'll talk to Clare about it, but I don't know what she'll say. Maybe it's a good idea, after all."

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@@Raven Rawne


Dustyhooves smiles "Ah hear ya yer ladyship, but Ah can also tell that ya are the same" he says and continues to lean on a wooden slat that was holding the barn roof up "Ah'm just a simple and humble colt but Ah'm very honored that the Princess sees me as a suitable match fer her sister" he says and closes his eyes "Ah'm not sure how Ah'd go at being a Prince, but Ah will love her highness none the less"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mare was repacking one of the provision bags when she gave him a curious glance. "In my experience, it's a mixed bag. Sure, it's nice to live in luxury and have all those things, but you'll also need to deal with all sorts of bootlicking, bribery, and political nouances the court has to offer. Hay, I'd go mad if not for the fact that I spent most of the time in Raven Rock, away from the action in Opal Hill. Word of advice - get yourselves a nice hideout as soon as possible, because some ponies will try to use your inexperience in the matter."


Crystal Clear was about to continue her task, but she hesitated and looked again at the stallion, this time more... inquisitively.


"What do you mean I'm the same?

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@@Raven Rawne,


He smiles "Ye may refuse to admit it, but yer love fer the little ones is just  tha same as her highnesses, " he smiles and chuckles "Ah still hope ter take over from ma and pa when the time comes, so Ah've still got here as my hideaway" he chuckles "and don't ye fret none yer ladyship, we get plenty of dem bootlickers here, trying ter get fre food and' drinks" he says and shakes his head "Sure we offer charity, but only ter those who truly need it"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys sat on one of the bags and sighed. "Yeah, I guess you may be right. I'm not as outgoing as Clarissa though, so I just... stay in the background. I'd love to have a foal of my own one day, but... you need a stallion for that. And I don't really want anypony between me and Clare. I always knew how to make my life complicated..." She chuckled, but there was no humor in it.


"I guess you may have more to you than I thought... the innkeeper is a bit like a local lord, after all. He who holds the key to the cellar has some reeeeal power in his hand. Trust me on that."


She got up and resumed sorting their stuff. "Geez, where did she put THAT? Good thing at least I'm the organised one..."

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@@Raven Rawne


Dusty chuckles "Like Ah said, love makin' ain't the only way ter have a foal, adoption's always an option, remember" he says as he goes about resuming his duties, humming a song about a love between a Princess and a simple Stable Colt. 


About an hour later, Clare returns with a cart full of sleepy foals. She chuckles as she helps each of the foals' sets of parents get the foals out of the cart "They fell asleep near the end, they just adored seeing the scenery from the view of the cart and hearing the stories of the battles that Countess Crystal Clear and I have gone through" she says and smiles softly as she lifts up a little filly and hands her to her mother "This little cutie, continued to ask questions about my love for the Countess, rather endearing" she says and then waves to the parents who had started to carry their sleeping little ones off to their homes to be tucked in for their afternoon nap.


She then looks and sees one she didn't see before and looks around to see where the little filly's parents were.. "Odd, is there nopony here to claim their darling little daughter?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear nodded. "Like I said, I'll talk to Clarissa about it. Foals aren't toys, we need to be able to take care of one before we make a decision." 


The stallion made himself scarce, and the mare shook her head on his song.  "Such high hopes..."


She spent the rest of the time organising their belongings, but once she was done, Clare was still nowhere to be found... So she decided to swing her blade a bit. She was still practicing when she heard a cart outside and went to investigate, sheathing her blade beforehand. It was indeed Clare,  but her merry band was quiet as everypony was fast asleep. She leaned on the wall and observed as her marefriend handed the little ones back to their parents, telling them how the trip went and how the fillies and colts behaved. Crys had to admit, the scene was... heartwarming.  She approached the other mare when only one filly was left, and no adults to pick her up.


She looked at both of them with some concern. "Is there a problem?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare gently scoops up the filly into her arms, the filly looked to be about four or five years old "I-I don't know Crys.." she says, trying hard not to cry, "I-it seems that this filly d-doesn't have a family to love her"


Suddenly Dusty comes up and shakes his head "Like Ah said countess, some foals don't have somepony ter love them and ter care fer them" he says, leaning against the beam again, still chewing on the grass "this little one is known ter us," he says then nods "Ah'll go get father, he's been lookin' fer her" he says then goes into the inn "Father? She's been found"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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