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private Cotton Candy Love <3 (1x1 with Br O N Y(2))

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Clarissa had had a long day watching over the other ponies that worked at the weather factory. She had to organize a whole routine for the major storm they were planning for Ponyville the next day. She sighs and goes to her desk, puts her feet up and opens a bottle of soda and drinks it. She looks at her calendar but shakes her head as it was nothing but rain and wind for the next week or two.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Just as a side note, I kinda had to laugh about the idea of someone sitting in the wheater factory saying "ah shit, I have to onle make rain for the next two weeks".


It was a sunny day in the candy cloud vally, Sugar Cloud is on her way to her best friend, Thallia. Thallia has a party planned in the candy cloud vally, since the wheater is just perfect. But Sugar Cloud was at the other side of the vally, and what she saw was frighning, really dark and scary looking clouds were coming from the horizon. She knew she had to inform Thallia about that immediately!

*knock knock knock* "Thallia, open the door please! It's really important!"

Thallia slowly opend the door of her tree house and stared confused at sugar cloud "What's going on sugar cloud?"


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Clarissa looked at her watch "Well, guess it's time to head home" she says to herself as she locks up her office and the weather factory. She spreads her wings and sighs as she flies over to her small house that was nestled nicely near the Rainbow Falls. As she opens her door and walks in, she sighs and goes straight to her kitchen to start making dinner. As she does, she grabs a bottle of cider and swigs it. 


While Clarissa awaits for her dinner to cook, she goes over to her lounge and lays on it, opens up her favorite novel and begins to read it, while sipping on her cider.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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*BUMP* "ouch, couldn't you land a little bit gentler!?"

"Sorry, you know, I normally don't fly that far, I just deliver candy to the ponies in candy cloud vally"

"Ouh.....and you're really sure that the wheater pony lives there? I've never seen this place before"

"Yes, my mom told me about her, I think her name is clara or something like that, just do ahad and knock"

"NONONOnonono! It was your idea to come up here, YOU KNOCK"

"But you wanna save your party tonight, or do you wanna see our mayors mane soaked and wet, I bet that would be a real embarressment for you"

Sugar cloud pushes Thallia to the door and she slamed right into it with a loud BUMP!


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*BUMP* *THUD* Clarissa had just begun dozing off as she was woken up by a lot of noises outside of her house "Nng, coming" she groans as she gets up and walks over to her door before turning her stove off. She opens the door and crosses her arms "Are you two fillies lost or something?" she asks in a rather droll and bored tone, "In any regards, is there something I can do for you? I was just about to doze off before turning my stove off, so I guess...there's some way I can thank you"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"ehm um....hello...." Thallia says with a rather shaky voice.

Sugar Cloud whispers to Thallia "so this pony is in charge of the wheater, no wonder that it's always so bad"

But Sugar Cloud didn't notice that her whispering was a little bit louder than she intended it to be......


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"Excuse me little miss?!" Clarissa scowls "My weather management is never bad, ponies just have bad timing" she says, a scowl still on her face and her arms still crossed "So, what can I do for you? I assume you came here to my house for one reason or another, so speak up or else be gone" she says in a demanding tone of voice. She then sighs and shakes her head "Forgive me, but you'd have no idea how hard it is to manage everypony at the weather factory, there are bound to be slip ups, but tell me, what brings you here?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"yeah yeah...always coming up with stupid exc.."

"Please Sugar Cloud, I'am kindly asking you to let me talk now,.....um hello there, sorry about that, Sugar Cloud is really easy to upset, but she doesn't really mean it, she's a sweet pony if you get to know her, her name already says it, hehehe, soooo, you know I have a party planned for tonight, but there are really dark clouds coming up a a and this party is super important to me, because I planned this party in order to convince the mayor to not cut down the trees in the center of candy cloud vally, since they are the home for the super rare pink cloud pigeons. But the mayor will most likely be much less willing to negotiate with a soaked mane, so it's super super important that it's not going to rain tonight, can you do something about this PLEEEASE??"


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Clarissa nods as she goes to her roster and her eyes grow small "I swear, that stallion is a pain in my flank" she mutters as she goes back to her door "Thundercrash, he was supposed to clear those storm clouds ages ago" she grumbles "I shall go clear them myself, only reason I keep him on is a favor to his father who is like..well it's unimportant. where is this party of yours? The mayor is a very important pony and not easily impressed, So I'll do what I can"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Oh, you're really going to help me, thank you thanky THANK YOU! You can't imagine how important this is for me!" Thallia jumps forward to the wheater pony and hugs her.

"The party is right in the center of the vally, where the trees are, I wanna show the mayor the pink cloud pigeons and how beautiful creatures they are, I think that will convince her for sure! Thank you so much mrs. whater pony, if there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate a second to let me know!"


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Clarissa was shocked at first but then hugs her back "it's Clarissa or Clare by the way, ih its also miss" she says with a soft chuckle "right in the middle eh? I can get there quick enough i think" she says and lets go of the other mare. "You two just get back there and get the party ready, I'll be there to get rid of the clouds"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"You heard what the lady was saying, quickly jump onto my back so we can get there in time"

"Okay, see you later Clara......uh, but the way, my name is Thallia, I know it's a weird name, I'am named after there element thall...."

"We don't have time for small talk now Thallia, come and jump on my back now so we can get there in time!"

"I'am coming!" Thallia runs towards Sugar Cloud and jumps on her back, with Thallia on her back, Sugar Cloud runs to the end of the cloud and jumps off, first they just seem to fall down, but luckly Clarissa saw them rising again in the distance.


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"Cute little thing" Clarissa says softly to herself as she grabs her flying goghles, locks her door and immediately flies off towards where the storm clouds were. She gets to work at clearing them, and just in time as she cleared them just as Thallia and Sugarcloud arrives, ahe smiles and waves to them from the now white, fluffy clouds.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Oh my gosh! D d d did you see that, did you see how she just cleard up the clouds!? And she even arrived faster then us, oh my gosh she's SO AMAZI..."

"Calm down now, she's trained to do that......unlike me....So stop to exaggerate." Says Sugar Cloud with a somewhat upset voice.

Sugar Cloud landed with Thallia on her back on the ground, clearly relieved to not bump into the ground again, Thallia jumps off Sugar Clouds back and looks with big eyes towards Clarissa, who was still flying in the sky.


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"Haaave fuuun~" Clarissa calls out before she flies off towards Cloudsdale Coliseum to do some practice for the next Wonderbolts show, but as she opens her locker, she sees a letter fall out and she reads it "A party at Candy Valley? The..Well I'll be, guess I've got to go" she says before zipping up her uniform, it hugged her curves rather nicely and showed the size and roundness of her chest a little too well "Better make an appearance then, wonder if Spitfire and the others will be there" she says to herself before flying back over to the party. As she reaches the tree house, she couldn't stop thinking about how cute Thallia was and blushes somewhat, trying to adjust her suit and uniform. Holding the invite in her hand, she knocks on the door "T-Thallia?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"um....yeeees?....."*Thallia shouts through the door of her tree house* "OH, IT'S YOU! Well, I guess you got my letter then, I invited you because I think that such an admirable pony like you at the party would help for sure to" *Thallia opens the door and looks at Clarissa, she immediatley stopped in the middle of the sentence* "..........to....to.....impress ...um convince t....the presiden.....ehhm mayor to stop doin......ehm cut...NOT cut down the trees." Thallia suddenly became extremly red in the face.


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Clarissa blushes a little too "W-well y-yeah, having the Sergeant Major of the Wonderbolts would d-definitely he...is it..is it hot in here?" she asks then shakes her head "Is something wrong miss Thallia?" she asks, looking around and smiling softly, her tail swishing gently in the light wind as well as her hair and her ears flicker a little. "Oh and uh,may I come in now?" she asks.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Come in? Ehm, no...I mean yes....I mean it's extremly messy in here, I don't know if you really wanna come in." Thallia tries to block Clarissas sight into her treehouse

"Okay, I think we should really take care about organizing the party and stuff like that, because we wanna impress the major so that she's more willing to negotiate with us, you really don't want these beautiful pink cloud pigeons to be gone forever, do you? Thallia spoke conspicuously quickly while pushing Clarissa away from the entrance in an attempt to get her to walk with Thallia to the party.


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Clarissa giggles "Alright alright cutie..." she gaps and covers her mouth "Uh..forget I said that, let's just go to the party then shall we" she says with a deep blush across her face and going with Thallia to where the party was "So uh..do you really think the Mayor will be willing to negotiate with us" she says as one of the pink cloud pigeons lands on her arm "Why hello there little one" she says, gently petting the bird before smiling a little and letting it fly off "She's very difficult to convince"

  • Brohoof 1


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"I know, she's a very.....umm unique person....I think you could call it that, hehe." 

As Claraissa and Thallia were walking, they came to Sugar Clouds candy factory, which is on the way to the party. Thallia knocked on the door, and immediately Sugar Cloud opened.

"But luckly my best friend Sugar Cloud prepared the mayors absolutely favourite treat." 

"CHOCOLATE CHEES CAKE!" Shouts Sugar Cloud as she grabs a cake consisting of chocolate brown and yellow layers and holds it into the air" ".......yes, it's as disgusting as it sounds, the mayor is a very strange person.....but I never ever said that! Please be prepared that the mayor might also offer you a piece of this wonderful treat, I apologise for that in advance"


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Clarissa nods "Strange is putting it lightly" she says with a smirk before they reach the candy factory and as she sees the cake, she steps back a bit "Is that...even edible? I mean surely it is, but..uhm..wow" she says before blinking and smiling "Uhm, need any help with that?" she asks, offering some help, "and don't worry about getting my suit or uniform a little dirty, they need to be dry cleaned soon anyway" she says as she adjusts herself and smiles "And yes, I am the same pony you met before, but don't worry, you were right, sometimes the weather control is bad, but it's mainly on days when I get too overwhelmed"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Uhhh, did you hear that Thallia, she want's you to get her uniform dirty, I think I can see where this is going"

"Stop that Sugar Cloud!" Says Thallia while her face gets red again. "Um, I apologise for Sugar Cloud again, she really has no filter and just says everything that comes to her mind......um.... I think we should take this....ehm delicious ...cake now and head towards the party, we don't wanna let the mayor wait, that would be a disaster!"


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Clarissa chuckles and shakes her head "I deal with ponies like that every day, it can be hilarious at some times" she says as she nods and walks with them "I remember the one time that my group got caught up in a storm and was only about five minutes late. The Mayor was livid, she kept us back for an extra fifteen minutes" she shudders "While she is usually a kind and caring mare, she can be quite scary at times" she shivers once more and smiles

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Is everything okay with you Clara um...Clarissa? You seem to be really frightened of the mayor"

"The mayor is just a really crazy pony, I mean what a freak do you have to be in order to eat chocol..." 

"BE QUIET!....um, the mayor is right there at table, you almost ruined everything Sugar Cloud!"

"Oh my god, just calm down, you know all of this would have never been possible without me!"

While finishing the sentence, Suger Cloud gets really red in the face as she looks to the ground.


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Clarissa smiles "Yeah I'm fine, she can just be really scary if she is kept waiting too long" she says and smiles as then looks to Sugar "Hey now, cheer up Sugar Cloud, I know for sure that your cake will impress the mayor, it'll hep a lot with getting her to not cut the trees down, I also have a few things to say to her about it myself" she says before she reaches the mayor and smiles "Hello Mayor Mare, it's been a while"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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