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private Felicity's New Friend(1x1 with Driz)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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It was an early morning and Felicity was on her way to the latest stageplay she was going to perform in, but this time things were different for her. She was in a new town that she had only visited on occasion, and instead of the small time troupes she would perform with, this time it was a major troupe called Highgarden's Drama Institution. 


She looks at her map to figure out where the theater was Where is this theater? she asks herself as she walks around the city for a bit more before finding the theater "Huh,never seen this here before? Maybe I never really payed much attention to my surroundings before" she says to herself and steps inside. Looking around the interior of the theater, she stands around and waits for the roll call.


She sighs as she continues to look around, somewhat regretting her decision to move to Canterlot, as she had left all her friends and family behind but then..she posts a stallion and blushes a little, hoping he hadn't noticed.


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"Ara Ara"

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It wasn't really a particularly busy day at the Highgarden's auditorium that day. Having just recently finished their last work's box office run, it was time they started thinking about their next... relatively big hit. That meant arranging new scenarios, new stories, new costumes and, most importantly, more staff members to help with all of that. If everything went according to schedule - which was a rare occasion, in reality -, the HDI troupe would be able to finish all preparations in a few month's period. They needed to get down to business as soon as possible.


A somewhat buff, dark coated, middle-aged earth pony stallion suddenly stepped into the theater's hall. He had long, grizzly mane and tail, resembling some sort of shifty butler ponies usually see in mystery, thriller genres. Holding onto a clipboard, he stopped in the middle of the room and raised his muzzle into the air.


" 'aight, laddies, let's get on with it, aye? We've got a busy week a'ead of us, so you better move those lazy flanks 'fore I force you to do so, y'hear?" He spoke up in a firm tone of voice. That was Coal Dust, the group's manager and overall head chief. He was kinda rough at times, but deep inside, he cared deeply for each and everyone of his members.


"Pale Daisy!" A young unicorn mare silently raised her head. "Ye'll be in charge o' the story development team, aye? Gather 'em up and get to work!" The mare nodded and wandered off.


"Vivian!" An older-looking pegasus mare approached. "Yes, Mr. Dust?" She asked politely. "How's the tailor's paperwork coming along? We need their estimate today!" He demanded. Vivian lowered her head. "I-I called them just now, sir, their attendant said they were looking into--" "I don't give a dog's bone what their attendant said! Get me those papers asap if you don't wanna see me angry!" He raised his voice. "Y-Y-YES SIR!!" The mare stuttered, dashing away as fast as she could.


"Shooting Star!" A few seconds of silence ensued. "...SHOOTING STAR!!" He called a second time, to which a beige pegasus colt jolted up from his seat. "Me! W-What?-- Uhm... Sorry, Dust!" He apologized and trotted near his superior. Perhaps Star had been daydreaming about something - lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice his name being called.


"...Gimme 'nother one o' those and I'll send yer head flying straight towards Mercury. Anyway, kid, you'll be responsible for teaching the newcomers. Let's see 'ere..." The manager quickly skimmed through his notes. "Miss Felicity Sycamore will be joining us today. Make 'er feel right at home if it's the last thing you do with yer sorry life." Coal Dust grunted and made his leave, back inside his office.




Star looked over at the pony he was in charge of welcoming into the troupe. With a friendly, warm smile on his face, he made his way towards her.


"Hi there! Uhm... We're glad to have you here with us at the Highgarden's Drama Institute--tution... Institution. Yeah... Anyway, I'm Shooting Star! And you must be Felicity Sycamore, right?" He said, extending out his hoof to greet the mare.

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Felicity blushes as she sees the stallion approaching her. She smiles and hides a bit behind her mane "O-oh hello Shooting Star, yes I-I'm Felicity Sycamore, b-but my friends call me Fel" she says as she smiles and takes his hoof to shake it, "So uh..is the manager always like that? I've been in a few smaller troupes but the managers were never that...gruff?" she asks and rubs her eyes a little and looks around "So, what's there to do? Like, is there anything that I can do to help out around here? Or do we already have a script to rehearse?" she asks then blushes "S-sorry, I'm just really passionate about performing" she giggles and looks around nervously. "So many beautiful mares here" she whispers to herself.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Who, that grumpy old pirate?" Star laughed joyfully. "Nah, not really... Trust me, Dust is all talk. He might look scary, but he's actually an extremely nice and kind pony on the inside. He's here to basically make sure our heads are connected to our bodies at all times... You'll get used to him bossing everypony around in no time!" He smiled.


"Anyhow, it's a pleasure to meet you, Fel! And it's good to be excited, really! Like the boss said, we have a lot of work ahead of us, so we better not lose this energy! But unfortunately, we still don't have a script to work with. Just a few days ago, we finished performing our last play: The Life And Death Of Star Swirl The Bearded." Star moves closer to Felicity and whispers to her. "If you watched that, I played his loyal assistant, Puck the Frail. Modesty aside, nopony here could've been a better comic relief than I was." He laughed once again, and backed up. "But yeah, since we're done with that, now begins the whole, seemingly endless preparation for our next piece. You probably know the drill." The colt began moving towards the back of the theater's hall, near a big set of double doors akin to a cinema's entrance.


"For now, I can show you around the house. It looks like Daisy was in charge of coming up with the next play's story. We can go and see how she's doing! Whaddya say?" He suggested, signaling the mare to follow him.

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Felicity smiles and nods "Alright, we can go see Daisy" she says as she goes to follow him, looking around to get a feel of her surroundings, "Oh I hope Dust gives me a singing role, I sure do love to sing" she says with a giggle and a cute flicker of her ears. She continues to follow Shooting and hums a little tune as she does so, "I moved here to advance my career in the performance arts, and when I was told about the auditions for the parts with this new play, I just had to try out.." she says then thinks back and smiles with a nod "Oooh yeah I saw that, just after I moved here..you did a really good Puck by the way, kind of reminds me of the Puck from Midsommer Night Dream too, just a litlte though"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Oh, you sing? Hey, that's great! We actually do need ponies who can sing in our team. Perhaps we could try and have a proper musical this year. That'd be fun!" Star looks over at Felicity and gives her a reassuring smile. "I sure hope we can live up to your expectations... We might not be the greatest, most popular theater company around, but we're all family nonetheless. I have no doubts you'll fit right in!" He said as he opened up the door that led into the main auditorium.


Inside, a vast ocean of empty seats presented itself. The rows stretched out as far around 50 meters total, slightly arching towards the entrance, with a lengthy set of steps leading down towards the end. At the very back end of the hall, a grand stage, complete with spotlights, curtains and a bunch of artistic gadgets made up the rest of the room.


"Well... Here we are." The colt held the door open so that Felicity could enter. "This is Highgarden's auditorium. It's not that big, but it's not too shabby either. If I remember correctly, it accommodates around 400 ponies or so. Either way, we're gonna be spending most of our time here, practicing and whatnot... What do you think? Pretty neat, huh?" Star smiled, before stepping inside, and began looking around the area.


"Now... Pale Daisy must be around here somewhere..."

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Felicity smiles and giggles as she looks around "Why are you younger colts always so cute?" she asks with a slight blush "Uhm..forget I said that" she says as she sits on a chair to start brushing her mane, something she did when she was nervous. She then looks around and spots the mare they were looking for "I-is that her over there?" she asks somewhat shakily. She gets up and goes over to Pale Daisy, she smiles softly "H-hi there, I'm Felicity Sycamore, the newest member of this troupe, it's nice to meet you" she says then whispers somewhat softly "A-also am i the only one who thinks Shooting Star is cute? I m-mean it could be my age showing I'm a motherly type, but he's...like wow"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Star's ears suddenly perked up and his eyes shot open. His cheeks also acquired a vivid tone of red. "Wh--... I, uh... S-Sorry, I d-- Oh...Okay..." The colt stuttered, utterly baffled, unable to form a proper response before Felicity went away. He was sure he'd heard a compliment - perhaps something about him being cute. But easily distracted as he was, he didn't know for sure: that would be kind of a random thing to say in that situation. Nevertheless, he couldn't lie to himself. He sort of felt the same way towards her. Lost in his thoughts once again, he laid back on a nearby seat and waited for a while.




The unicorn mare sat alone near the corner of the auditorium, levitating a pen, silently writing down ideas on a piece of paper. Pale Daisy was the youngest member of the cast. Her coat was a rather faded shade of blue, and her mane and tail were darker, mid-night colored, along with a pair of tired-looking green eyes. Apathetic, she mostly enjoyed mocking and teasing her troupe friends, and generally demonstrated disgust towards any form of love or kindness. But what she didn't have in a friendly personality, she made up for with an amazing creativity when it came to writing stories and characters for their stage plays.


"The pleasure is mine." Daisy responds, emotionless, not taking her attention away from her work. "If you think Shooting Star is cute, you're most likely delusional. It's warm outside. Maybe you caught a fever." She says in a tired voice. Letting the pen down, she slowly turns around to face Felicity.


"Either way, it's good to have you here with us, Felicity Sycamore. This group is full of numbnuts, I sure could use some help babysitting them all the time. Just a friendly advice: don't stay too close to them for long periods of time, or else you might be contaminated by their stupidity. That would be a sad fate..." She concluded, and went back to focus her paper.

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Felicity giggles and shakes her head "You remind me of an old friend of mine" she says and looks over at the script and smiles "Oooh a singing part, I hope my tired old voice can sing it well enough" she says but then places a hoof on the mare's shoulder "Pale, you really ought to rest, look at yourself, you've got bags under your eyes, that are so heavy that they'd make Rarity faint, and look at your mane and tail. Come on, why not at least take a break?" she asks then looks back at Shooting Star and shakes her head "sorry about that, the mother in me comes out at the weirdest times" she then sighs and closes her eyes "Despite my age, this is actually my first major troupe" she then hugs Pale and giggles before skipping away back to Shooting. 


Felicity smiles as she leans over a seat that was in front of him, "Soo young one, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" she asks, smiling at him, and unless someone told him, or he was clued in enough, he wouldn't have been able to tell that she was twenty years older than how she acted. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Daisy grunts in annoyance, sliding farther away from Felicity. "Do you mind? You're not supposed to look at the story until it's done. Nopony is. Be patient, you dimwit." She puffs angrily. "And no, I do not need to take a break... Besides, how dare you tell me what to do? Learn your place, underling." In reality, the young mare was more bark than bite, so much as simply attempting to look big and scary - Coal Dust and her weren't too different in that aspect. Only, the boss actually was threatening, while Daisy turned out somewhat cute, like a stubborn child. Or somewhat annoying, like a stubborn child. Either way, she was still part of the HDI family, and a very cherished one at that.




Daydreaming as usual, it took a few seconds for Star to notice that Felicity had come back from her encounter with the scriptwriter. Once he did notice, he jolted from his seat, startled.


"Oh, h-hey Fel! You're back! Heheh..." After coming back round, he looked down at the floor, thinking about her question. "W-Well... There isn't much else to show other than the auditorium, really. Let's see... There's Dust's office, but that's obviously out of bounds for us. And then there's the living room upstairs. Nothing really impressive; just a kitchen area, a couch and a TV for the staff to relax when needed. Come on, I can show you where it is. Maybe Vivian is there and we can talk to her." He suggested, getting up from his seat and opening the door that led back to the main lounge area.


"But anyway, did you meet Daisy? How did it go? Did you manage to get a sneak peek at our script?" Star paused briefly, furrowing his brows. "Don't worry too much about it, but... S-She can be kinda scary sometimes, honestly... Whenever I try to ask about the script, she gets mad and tries to kick me, saying I'm not allowed to look at it."

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Felicity rolls her eyes a little "Daisy was...a bit gruff but nothing I'm not used to from the other troupes I had been in" she says with a light giggle and nods "I did get a bit of a look before she noticed, there's some good parts here and there, but I didn't get a good enough look" she remarks as she follows Shooting to the rest area, As she follows, she couldn't help but blush at seeing Shooting's tail swish from time to time. Shaking her head to clear it, she smiles and catches up to him "So Shooting, tell me a little about yourself" she says as she walks alongside him "Do you have a special somepony to spend Hearts and Hooves day with?" she asks with a soft smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"A, uh... special somepony?" Star blushes and smiles awkwardly, looking down at the ground. "Well, um... N-Not really, no." He responds, making their way towards the staircase leading to the second floor of the institute's building. "To be fair, I haven't put much thought into it these past few days... With the last play's road trips happening, and with me helping my parents at the family's store with the little free time I had, I guess I just... um... kinda forgot about Hearts and Hooves day..." The colt continues to stare down as they move upstairs, diverting eye contact with Felicity out of embarrassment. He never really talked about such personal matters with someone he'd just recently met. Besides, he did feel some weird, tickling feeling when speaking to her.


"...And, uh..." He managed to speak up. "What about you?... Do you have a special somepony? I mean, you must, right?"

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Felicity giggles but shakes her head "Afraid not, most stallions these days want a young mare who can bare foals" she says somewhat sadly "Not to mention a mare who was born a mare, not one who was.." she flicks her ears a little "Truth be told, I'm not biologically a mare, well I am now, but I wasn't until I had an operation..or a few operations actually. I was born a colt, but never felt right about it...if that makes sense" she says then shakes her head once more "But in short, no, I don't have a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day" she says as the reach the cafeteria. She smiles and looks around "Pretty nice set up here, you even have a few game consoles and even some old arcade games, some I haven't seen in years, like MK Ultra"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Suddenly, Shooting Star halts in his tracks, lagging slightly behind Felicity. Once again, he wasn't exactly sure about what he'd just heard. It all happened too fast for him to be able to gather the amount of information presented just then. Countless questions zoomed by his mind, as he stood by the living room's entrance, frozen in place. 


"...Oh... I--uh... Y--... Mm... But... I didn't-- I mean... D--..." His mouth moved, but he was unable to form actual words. He needed to say something. Anything. He thought to himself: he was being incredibly rude. In reality, he understood what Felicity told him, and he genuinely had nothing against any of it. Only, it took him by surprise, thus, making him unable to respond like a normal, civilized pony would. Should he apologize, should he simply nod, should he ask questions, should he play dumb. He was utterly lost.




At that time, like an angel being sent from the heavens, a loud, sharp voice could be heard coming from downstairs:


"SHOOTY!! I've been looking for you everywhere! Where in the world have you been??" Vivian approached the two, panting heavily, out of breath.


The pegasus mare had been the most recent addition to the HDI nuthouse before Felicity, having joined only a day before The Life And Death Of Star Swirl The Bearded's premiered. She had a vivid purple-colored coat, along with a pink'ish mane and tail. Her long mane was kept in a braid that ran down her back, giving her a formal, professional air. Perhaps the pair of prescription glasses in front of her bright pink eyes only contributed in giving her that somewhat generic assistant look - which actually was the case. She mostly worked under Coal Dust's direct command, acting as his secretary. The only issue was, her panicky, agitated personality didn't necessarily blend well with being responsible for the company's important paperwork.


"Listen! You two!... Hi, you must be Felicity Sycamore. My name is Vivian, it's a pleasure to be working with you. But ANYWAY!! Listen! Mr. Dust has summoned every cast member to the auditorium right NOW!! It's important, and if we run late Mr. Dust will eat us raw, and he already told me to call the tailor shop down the street, but they just won't answer the phone anymore! I only called like, five times today!... Maybe six, or seven, AT MAX!! So now I don't know what to do and I might be fired and-- and-- and--"


"Vivian, breathe." Star suggested. Truth to be told, he had calmed down considerably after seeing the pegasus assistant so unnecessarily anxious.

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Felicity giggles at how flustered Star was getting, but then she sees the mare running up to them. She places a hoof on Vivian's shoulder and smiles "Oh those guys are always so unreliable, that is why I have always relied on Rarity for costumes in the past. Her quality is much better too, plus it helps being friends with her." she says as she gets out her phone and smiles, as she dials Rarity's number.


About two minutes later, Rarity answers "Rarity's Boutique, Rarity speaking" she says through the receiver


"Ah Rarity, it's Felicity, listen, I have a huge favor to ask of you, it would seem the tailors that my new troupe, the Highgarden's Drama Institution are being unreliable and the poor mare in charge of getting things sorted is panicking..what? Yes, yes, that HDI, put her on? Okay darling" she says then smiles at Vivian "She's all yours Vivi"


Rarity giggles "Hello? am I speaking to miss Vivian? Listen, cancel whatever you've got with those tailors, I've had nothing but trouble from them. I'll personally see to any and all costumes you need. Payment? What, no, no, no. I love your productions, let's just say that this first lot is a gift from me to the troupe, it also helps Felicity is working with you now" she giggles "Well, I'll give you the details of my nearest boutique so you can give them the plans to send over to me."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Yes... Yes... Well, I--... Yes, sure, absolutely... B-But what about the--... Alright... Right... Listen, I--... Mhm..." Vivian speaks with Felicity's contact through the phone, spending a few minutes sorting everything out. Maybe now that the panicky mare was able to get a hold of a reliable, well-known fashion designer, things could potentially go smoother on her side. Meanwhile, Star looked over at Felicity, and slowly trotted closer to her.


"Hey, uhm... I just wanted to say... I-I'm sorry about how I reacted just now, okay? I mean... I absolutely, one hundred percent respect your decisions, and I think you're an amaz--" "GOOD HEAVENS!! Are you serious??" Vivian exclaims through the communicator, interrupting the colt's apology. He simply looks back at Fel and shrugs. Perhaps their talk could wait a little longer.


"Understood... Yes, I'll tell him right away. No, no, thank you! Heheheh... Bye-bye!" Vivian hangs up the call, handing the device back to its owner. "Phew... That went way better than I expected. Seems like we'll be able to work with none other than Rarity herself. Hey, no wonder she's the Element of Generosity! Mr. Dust is going to be pleased to hear about this... Well, thanks for saving my life, Felicity. Who would've guessed you were such close friends with Rarity!" She smiles gleefully. "...Anyway, what was I saying?... Oh, right! Mr. Dust told me to gather everypony in the auditorium right away for a meeting!"


Star sighs. "You make that sound like it's so urgent... It's probably nothing. We're barely even through day one." He concludes as he slowly makes her way back downstairs. "So much for wanting to relax... Anyway, no need to rush."

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Felicity smiles "Oh Rarity's a dear friend of mine, going back to before..well when I was in the smaller troupe back home in Ponyville" she says and sways her tail a little as she walks off side by side with Shooting, she giggles "Well at least I've made one pony's day, now tell me Shooting Star, what was it you were trying to say to me before Vivian freaked out on us?" she asks with a giggle and nuzzles him gently, she then blushes "Oh my.. uhm Shooting I..." she blushes more and hides behind her mane. "So yeah what was it you were trying to say and what do you think Dusty wants with us? If he's in a hurry for a meeting, it;s got to be..important, right?" she asks and looks down to the floor as they continued to walk.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Star blushes vividly, looking away. "Oh... Yeah, about that... Uhm... I actually forgot what I was going to say!... J-Just... That I'm sorry, was all." He laughs awkwardly and scratches his mane. For all one knew, maybe he would muster the courage to exchange such sentimental compliments eventually. Evidently, Felicity had an easier time doing so. Still, Star wasn't really the best at taking hints. Only time would enable him to become more comfortable, more secure around her.


"I don't really know what he wants this time... But as I told Vivian, it shouldn't be anything important. Maybe he just wants an update on how everypony's doing with their tasks so far. Oh, and also..." He chuckles. "Just as a heads up: If you ever call him Dusty, I think he might actually get mad. Maybe he'll let you off the hook since you're new, but he really does hate nicknames... It took a fair while for him to allow us to call him only Dust instead of his full name. Or without a Mister before it... He's a tough nut to crack." The colt sighed as they approached the auditorium once again. Upon opening the set of doors, sure enough, Coal Dust stood on top of the stage at the very end of the room: the usual rigorous, rough-looking expression on his face.




"All of ya, get up 'ere and sit down. Form a circle, will ya?" He signals for the cast to come up on the empty stage, where the supposed meeting was to be held. Pale Daisy was already there, and Vivian soon, hastily followed suit.

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Felicity nods and smiles with a giggle "Very well, and there's nothing to forgive really, you reacted better than a lot of ponies would" she says as she climbs up onto the stage and sits down "Well, I'll keep that in mind, just so used to the close knit communities of the smaller troupes" she says  as she looks up at Dust Coal then back all around herself. She smiles, this was the same sort of exercise her old troupe used to do, especially for meetings, so she simply just sat and waited for what Dust wanted to tell them. 


As she waited, she quickly checked her phone and smiled, it would seem that Rarity had received the patterns and had immediately begun work on them. She leans over to whisper to Vivian "She got the patterns and is working on them right now" she whispers with a soft giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As all of the cast members sat down on the wooden stage's floor, the manager soon allowed himself to rest as well, completing the circle. For a few seconds, he looked at each one of the ponies with a blank expression: it would take a lot of time spent together in order to be able to crack what exactly Coal Dust was thinking. But from his appearance alone, he really wasn't one for getting along.


" 'aight then mateys, I wanna begin by addressing the elephant in the room. As some of ye might have noticed, our crew lost a few components ever since last play. Beats me if they found better jobs, or if they were just sick n' tired of Pale Daisy's complainin' all the bloody time." He jokes. Star and Vivian laugh joyfully. It was quite a rare occasion for the mood to be lightened like that when it came to the earth stallion's meetings. "But anywho, that's exactly why we got ourselves some useful backup this season. Felicity Sycamore over 'ere will be joinin' the HDI today." He points a hoof at her. "If Star-boy didn't slack off like he usually does, he already showed Miss Sycamore around the buildin' and introduced her to you bunch." He jokes again. Pale Daisy and Vivian chuckle. "Now with that out of the way, let's discuss what matters. Daisy." He calls out. "Story time. Go a'ead."


Pale Daisy gets back up on her hooves, levitating a small notebook in front of her. She reads:


"It's about when the entire world is infected by a disease that makes ponies dumber. It begins with a single, beige-colored colt, and it soon spreads throughout the nation, dropping the population's IQ by the millions. I picked Shooting Star to play that colt." She finished. Coal Dust crosses his arms. "I hate it." He comments. Pale Daisy clicks her tongue. "Of course you do. You don't know true art... Anyway, here's the real script." She turns a page on the notebook and clears her throat.


"We're in Lyon, in the country of Prance, a couple of hundreds of years ago. As the nation undergoes a process of classical art renaissance, different ways of expression oneself, forms of entertainments, and art as a whole are emerging in a rapid rhythm. Amidst that transformation, a small circus troupe attempts to amaze the small city's citizens with some of the best performances anypony had ever seen. Alongside magicians, acrobats, daredevils, beast tamers and jugglers alike, there exists one lonely clown named Abel Pierrot. Tales tell of that pony as one of the loneliest, saddest clowns to ever come up on stage, bringing his troupe to consider abandoning him for the sake of their success as a proper fun, carnival attraction. Down to his last chance of redeeming himself, during one of their private performances in front of Lyon's Royal family, Abel meets with a beautiful damsel known as Noelle: none other than the king's daughter. There, unfolds an exquisite love story that would potentially save the poor clown's career - and life. This piece is called Pierrot the Fool." She closes the notebook. "...That's about the premise I was able to come up with in the nonexistent deadline you gave us, old man." She scoffs.


Coal Dusts sits silent; pensive, with his eyes closed. He hmm's for a while, before turning to face the troupe members. "...Well lads, whaddya say? Do we greenlight Pierrot the Fool?"

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Felicity smiles and waves to everypony in the circle and then listens to the story, smiling, it sounded brilliant and then looks to Star, she had a good feeling that Star would be chosen for the role of Pierre, but who would be chosen for the role of the princess? Would it be here? Would it be her chance to actually get to know him better, maybe even, have him ask her out on a date. She kept her hooves crossed for that to happen, how-ever from her past experiences, she knew she'd most likely have to audition for the part, After going aye for the script, she then sees her que to stand up and introduce herself. "Good afternoon everypony, as mr Dust said, my name is Felicity Sycamore, and I just moved here from Ponyville. I've been in a few smaller troupes, but never a troupe this big and well known before, so I am looking very forward to being a member of this troupe and having lots of fun performing with all of you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Right, right... It's great to have ya with us, Miss Sycamore. We could use all the help we can." Coal Dust nods.


"Fel really is amazing!" Star adds. "I have no doubt that she'll get along just fine. Besides, she can also sing! How cool is that?"


"At least you already have some prior knowledge in performing, Felicity Sycamore. That's helpful, I guess." Pale Daisy sighs. "If only you weren't such a blockhead like everypony else... I had hope."


"Daisy! That was very rude!" Vivian scolds her troupe mate, before turning to face Felicity. "D-Don't let her get to you, sweetheart. She's just... Uhm... She's got an unique way to express love, is all." The pegasus mare smiles warmly. Daisy brings a hoof to her mouth and mimics the act of throwing up. "Say, Felicity... Since you're from Ponyville... Do you already have a place to stay here in Canterlot? Because if you don't, I'm sure we can provide a room for you somewhere."

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Felicity chuckles and shakes her head "Oh it's quite alright miss Vivian, she reminds me a lot of Rarity when she's in a bad mood or that into her work, she kind of shoves everyone else away" she says but then blushes a bit at Star's comments about her and tries to shake it off "Well uh..honestly, I'm staying at the hotel right now, b-but a room would be wonderful, as the hotel is quite pricey" she says and sits back down, She then twirls a hoof in her mane a little, hoping to get Star's attention. She then closes her eyes "


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Right! Lodging! Oh bucket, I knew I was forgetting som'thing." Coal Dust scratches his head. "Well lads, the deal is... We can't actually 'ave Miss Sycamore join us as an official member o' the cast 'til she's got a fixed location to reside in since she's not from the capital. It's the Royal's regulation stuff, it's out of my control, so it's gotta be. And a hotel room won't do, since as the Missy herself put it, it's expensive." He looks around the room. "So... Any suggestions?"


"Well, she could stay here at the institution for the while. We don't have a bed, but we do have the old, shabby couch upstairs... She could sleep there if she doesn't mind all the fungus and the back pain in the morning." Pale Daisy suggests, shrugging.


"Out of the question, Daisy. That's no way to treat new friends!" Vivian scolds the young unicorn once more. She then brings a hoof to her chin. "Hmm... I would totally invite you to stay at my place, Felicity, but uhm... unfortunately, my grandparents are over for the month. They wanted to spend some time away from Cloudsdale because the high altitude is beginning to act up on them... You know how elderly ponies can be." She giggles sheepishly.


Suddenly, after a few minutes of silence, Shooting Star raises his head and says absentmindedly: "...She could stay at my house." To which Dust, Vivian and Daisy all simultaneously turned to face him. Immediately, the colt blushed brightly and became desperate. "...W-What I mean is! I-I just mean that... Uhm... M-My parents are currently out of town running some errands in Manehattan. Which means, we've got a vacant bedroom in our house!... I-Isn't that what Fel needed? Like... a place to stay?..." Vivian and Daisy both send shady looks towards Star. Dust scratches his beard, pensive.


"Yes, that could work... We would be able to register her as an official HDI member if she had an actual residence in Canterlot, even if temporary." With that, the boss stood back up on his hooves. "Then it's settled, aye? That's about all I had to speak with ya bunch. I'll bring Daisy's script to the Princesses so they can approve o' it, and we'll begin working on the play tomorrow morning. Don't be late, o' else your flank is mine... Dismissed." He then slowly made his way out of the auditorium.




 Star bashfully approaches Felicity. "So... Uhm... If it's okay with you... You could stay at my place for a while... B-But of course you don't have to! If you don't want to, it's absolutely fine! I mean, we can find another way around this issue and I'm sure we'll be able to find another way if you don't want to stay there!"

Edited by Driz
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Felicity smiles, and then giggles, she truly found it cute when Shooting tripped over his words like that. So to demonstrate her thanks, she gives him a quick kiss on the nose then nuzzles him gently "It's really cute how you trip over your words around me like that. I'd be delighted to stay at your house, mr Star" she says with another giggle and picks up her bag "Is that it for today or do we have anything else to do before we go and pick up my stuff at the hotel?" she asks, fluttering her eyelashes at the younger pony with a bright smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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