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planning The Winter's Cold Grasp

Dusk Nightshroud

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Lately I have been missing longer-termed adventure RPs again and not really finding ponies to Play them with, I just decided to make my own, if anypony would be interested.
The General idea of the RP would be sort of a PnP-Light. Meaning that I would like certain strengths and weaknesses from your characters, but no specific numbers. For example a unicorn warrior could very well be enduring and strong, but being good with Magic on top of that... where's the drawback again?
Though not all characters have to be fighters, of course.
And I think it goes without saying that there would be no Mary/Gary Sues characters.

Warning: If you don't like Dragons this Setting might not be to your liking!

Now for the Setting: The adventure would Play on a big continent, roughly devided into four parts. The cold, harsh mountains in the North, a seemingly endless forest in the east, marshes, rivers and lakes in the south and a wide, cruel desert in the west. In the middle of the continent is a big freshwater lake, called the 'Dragon's Nest' where supposedly all the Dragons that live on this continent came from originally. The four oldest made it their Task to Keep the Balance and watch over their respective part of the world, preventing bigger wars between their subjects as well as being forced to fight with each other. The dragon's nest in itself is a vortex of wild and primal energy. You won't get zapped when you go there, but Magic items might malfunction, spells might have unpredictable side effects and you can practically feel the power around you.

And this is where the West Comes into Play. In the big, regalcity of Sah-Sah'Rahbesh, in their tongue City of Cities, vulpine and feline looking ponies have, for a while now, began to harness the Dragon nest's Magic, fueling their Golems, machines and spells, having an easy life, selling scrolls, potions and Equipment to practically anypony who is in Need of such. With this Kind of Expertise Comes wealth, wealth that fuels the Eastern Elder Dragon's greed. In the whole desert there's barely any other City or village, as all Sah-Sah'Rahbeshians are considered higher folk and life in a nice and comfortable life since their birth. The City's King, Zi-Ahr is the 'beloved, benevolent' King of the desert-folk, but nearly every other Pony could see that he's nothing but the marrionette of the Dragon Elder. Or that's what everypony would say to you if you'd ask them. The rest of the continent doesn't have a nice view on them anyway.

The West is especially hated by the few ponies and mostly deer in the eastern Forest, their Elder Dragon not kindly looking at how his brother uses their ancestral power and birthplace. Thus some mostly younger and wilder deer and does are launching Guerilla-like attacks on the Caravans of the East fueling their magical resources every now and then. In General the Tension between the East and West is something everypony's Aware of, but nopony really dares to intervene or be the first to go all out. Though not all of the forest are those savage warriors. There are also shamanistic and druidic individuals, wanting to life in peace with the forest and the world. In the south there are even a few that occasionally trade the merchants and fisherponies from the south, as they only rarely eat fish and the fisherponies only every so often get their hooves on berries and fruits.

On the south end of the continent there's hardly a place where there's no dock, jetty or fish trap on the shore, their entire community living off the bounties of the seas. Fish, pearls, salt, Skin and everything else they can get out of the water. This bounty has been granted by their Dragon Elder, though in draconic years he's barely an elder, being by a good bit the youngest of the four oldest, imperial Dragons. Not as selfish as the west or as stoic as the east he tries to help his subjects actively but tries to not make their lives easy by any means, after all ponies have to know how to fend for them selves. Because of this friendly nature there's the sea-Serpent-celebration where the ponies offer something to their imperial Dragon, not out of fear or Submission, but out of respect and thanks.

Lastly there's the North, composed almost entirely out of harsh mountains, snow and ice. The oldest of the Dragons Held a cruel claw over this part of the world, his idea of a perfect world a place where only his subjects can survive at all. Mothers always told their children that there are only Monsters, Windigos, Griffons and the like living in the North, waiting for overly curious travelers to enter and be left to freeze after attacking them. Not much is known about the North as nopony really saw a reason to venture there anyway and no trade was coming from the North. The only Thing that left it was the occasional starving or frenzied beast, stumbling into the forest to the east or burning in the desert to the west after crossing the lifeless Tundra that was the northwestern miles of ice and sand. Another reason why nopony wanted to go to the North was that the rumor started it was cursed, as noone saw their Elder Dragon for a decade.

So, this would be the Exposition that would be common knowledge for everypony in this world. the adventure would start somewhere in the South to southeast. I'm very open to character concepts and backstories. meaning: If you want to be a windigo from the North, you might to have a good reason, but if it is one, you might as well Play as one, just be sure to Keep in mind that you'll stick out in places.

If ponies are interested post your question, characters or concerns and requests here.
I planned this to be an open RPG with a semi-set playerbase, meaning that you could come and go whenever you want, though I would very much like it if you would stay for a while, as it takes time to integrate People in stories properly.

I'm looking Forward to seeing your characters and Posts. Hope to have a nice time and a thrilling adventure with some nice Players!

Avatar by the lovely Aschenstern!

I wish you all a nice day, everypony! /)

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