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private Blood on fire rp (mentes, fleari, cwhip)


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/163577-blood-on-fire-dark-rp-ooc-1x1-beween-flairera-dragondanser-and-cwhip9/

@@Flearia Dragondanser,

Cresent looked over his bags for manity and the fire bottle he acquired from zeccora to breath fire again. Not common for most bat ponys but it wont be his first time, he rubbed his neck with his hoof remembering the painful after effects. His son was born in the fire place with him breathing magical fire helped by the poction and his wifes guidance he chuckled.


It was the proudest day in his life as he breathed fire onto the egg. "Dracul, have everything packed?" he asked picking up his bags and setting them into the pull cart. Awating his sons response

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Getting into sight was a small dragon who when standing on his backlegs as was his usual posture reached up to the chin of his father. He had light pink scales covering his body as well as short red hair on his head and long tail, splitting into white ends. On the side of his head was two rounded dark gray horns, covering his ear bases and curled downwards to his neck. "Yes Dad." He called out giving his backpack to his dad to put it onto the cart.


Getting out from the treehouse was another dragon, purple scales and long turquise hair. being on all four she would be a quarter shorter then Cresent. tough standing on her backlegs she would be taller then him. She was carrying a bundle of sheets wrapped around what looked like a small egg! "Are you really sure about this Love?" She said with a worried sound. Trying to strained her voice to not sound as worried as she was.

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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, "come now love, its another family trip to Manity another good site to see the boats,  darklight aaand" cresent said helping his son with the bags and the bags with the wife "our newsit member of the family will see Italy and join us" the bat pony say gingerly helping his wife with the egg.


"And I know your aunt has a present for you as well dracul" he say ruffing his sons hair helping him in the cart.

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"I know I know." The bigger dragon said as her husband helped her woth the bags and carfully placed the egg down safly.

Dracul smiled big to his dad ruffling his hair. "Yaay! We get to meet Aunty Night Light!" He cheered on, running around helping with what he could as they where soon ready to leave.

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Once everything was ready cresent couldn't help but chuckle at his sons miss prounounced name of his aunt, "dark light jr" he corrected not scolding like more as a friendly reminder.


He nodded at the ponys hired to pull and climbed on the cart, seeing his wife's concerned look still he draped a wing over her "hey" he said putting his hoof under her chin.


"things will be fine, Manity has the best security any one would ask for" he said "and nothing harms my family"

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A goofy grin appeared on the over excited smaller dragon. "Whoops. Aunty Dark Light." He said jumping on the cart ready to go!

A sigh escaped the bigger dragon. "I know... your right... I shouldn't worry... but I can't help it." She raised her head and kissed her husband. "It'll be alright."

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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"that's my girl" Cresent said after the kiss glad his wife was relaxing now, looking out the window of the closed carige showed them passing and making their way out of the everfree forrest. He felt the carriage gain speed as they went he didn't think much of it as they were on a slight time table to get things under way.


He was glad the driver and pullers weren't to scared of the forreset or the prospect of getting out of it. Cresent decided a good way to pass the time "so dracul, did we ever tell you how you were born?"

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The same instance as Cresent mentioned how he was born. Dracul's ears sloped down. "Is this about the bugs and the weeds..." it was clear in his face that he didn't like where the conversatiin was going. Heck! He was only eight years old!

The big dragon smiled and had a hard time not to giggle at her son's comment. Bugs and weeds? What are kids calling it thease days?

"No my little prince, it isn't the bee's and flower talk." She hold the egg up a bit so Dracul could get a better look at it. "It is more about how small dragons hatch from the egg's, like how your little sibling will do."

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, Cresent blinked at his son "bugs and weeds, bees and flowers, " the bat pony shook his head at the confusion. "honestly I never herd it called those growing up" he said.


"don't worry you'll keep your lunch drac," the batpony joked then pulled out from one of the bags a potion bottle. The bottle had an amber like liquid in it. 


"now can you guess what this is?" the bat pony said  

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There was a visible relieve as Dracul's parents dismissed that the talk wasn't about bee's and flowers! He tough got currious to the mentions about his little sibling hatching and looked to the amber bottle with a confused look.


"Umm. that's not honey... it's to clear... What is it Dad?"

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, "this Jr Is Vulcan stoma or fire mouth in Manitiean, and old elixcure that helped me breath fire onto your egg. Because you have dragon  blood and were in an egg you needed one small little warm push to enter this world. That push was me breathing fire onto your egg. Still had plenty left, talking was hard that week for a bit though" he said massaging his neck


"someday you will when you have kids but don't worry about that for a while" the batpony said handing the potion to his son

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The big dragon rolled her eyes to her husband's explenation. "What your Dad is trying to say is that for a dragon egg to hatch. The father dragon need to pour some of his magic into the egg to make it hatch. And as we dragons have a lot of magic in our fires we breath fire onto the eggs to make them hatch. And as your father can't put out any magic by himself. We got this Fire Mouth potion to help with that bit."

Dracul nodded and looked excited to the egg. "Can we do it now!? Can we hatch it now pleeeeease!"

"Not now Dracul. Your little sibling isn't ready yet, tough I think it wont be to long now. a couple of days."

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, It was then the carriage the three were ridding in began to quicken its pace more, Cresent chuckled at his sons enthusiastic response "I don't think the driver would like us burning the carriage" he said. Noticing the change in pace the batpony prepped himself nodding at his wife.  


"dracul id recommend finding something to hold onto" he said nodding at the window of the closed in carriage as the ground began to angel to a point both cresent and his wife would know as "angel of attack". The bat pony nodded to the window as it showed the view of the tree tops showing as the carriage rose from the ground.  


Cresent knowing his son hadn't had any flying lessons so he prepped for catching his son in case he didn't have a stable hold on the chair he was sitting in. The bags and luggage was secure along with the egg thankfully, but what cresent didn't know was how his son would take flying. 


The batpony was about to find out....  

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As the carriage lifted from the ground, Dracul used his tail to hold onto the chair while he himself had his snout pressed up against the side door, looking over the landscape around them getting smaller and smaller as they rose into the sky. "Wooow this is cool!" He screamd. Fashinated by the whole experience, having his hair fly in the wind.

Already nervous about things to come. Walleria snatched Dracul with one claw and placed him back on the seat hard. Getting an "Aww Mom... I want to se the view..." from the smaller dragon.

"You will have plenty of time to do that later! Now sitt still!" Walleria said with a firm tone!

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, Cresent was surprised more by his wife's response then his sons but only relaxed in his seat more feeling the carriage going higher. As the carriage leveled out eventually the setting sun over the tree tops of the everfree Forrest, cresent winced a bit at the sunlight as it entered the cabin.


Him being a vampomny still had to beware the sun but not in the melting sense. He sneezed and coughed a bit as the sun beams entered the cabin, making him snuggle himself more in the corner of the carriage. enough to still see the magnificent view of the amber sky over looking the green tops of the Forrest.


As it leveled out he put a hoof on is wife's shoulder "its fine now love other wise he'd missed the view" Cresent then nodded at the window for his son to see.

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Walleria sighed. "Yea. we've leveled out so there isn't to much force. Just... Be carefull!"


The instance he heard his mom say it was ok, even tough his dad had said it before. Dracul didn't waste a single second untill he was at the side again taking in the view.

  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, Cresent put his wing hooks around his wife's back mussels massaging them to try to relax her more, "been a while sense we've been to Manity. Remember anything from it dracul?" he asked


while his son would have his 2nd visit to Manity the first time he was in Manity the dragon was just a baby being carried around and learning to walk, cresent was curious what his son remembered.

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Dracul shook his head to his dad's question. "I don't think so... I do remember it being up in the air... But... Is Manity on a mountain Dad?"


Having her husband massage her for a bit calm Walleria the bit she needed. "Thanks love." She said kissing his cheek. "I hope it'll just be a week at Manity and nothing more."

  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, Cresent smiled glad his wife was calming down, hearing his sons question his ears perked up "well Manity dose have a mountain range near by it in the north of the border but not all of manity is on a mountain. There is a castle up there we took you too when you were a wee lil dragon to meet my side of the family" he smiled


"they have moved their castel sense then but yes manity dose have mountain range on it" he answered


Hearing his wife's concerns cresent did think carefully his next line. While his wife knew of the ritual his son didn't and there was no telling how the said ritual would go for his son....


"everything will work out trust me love" he kissed her cheek

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Dracul tilted his head and looked back at his dad from the view of the window. "They moved it? How do you move a castle Dad?" He asked more excited to the news about a moving castle!


"It is a floating castle Dracul. So hunters won't find it as easily." Walleria said smiling to her son. "Isn't that so Cresent?"


Their discussion would go untill they started to se the entry point of where Manity currently was settled at.

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, "It is love" cresent said as Manity was coming over the horizon in view of the window "as my side of the family are vamps a mobil flying castle helps keep the hunters off us. And in times of war sometimes the castle is use as a Mobil fort to help with the battle field" The bat pony said


As Manity came over the horizon Jr would be  abel to see the upcoming port of Manity jut out like an expecting hug with boats in the harbor and more carriages. As they got closer he would see more batponys and oddly enough gryphons as well among the populace of dock workers some of the gryphons in an armor that had crimson red and a gold stripe on it as well. In what looked like an row of gryphons guarding a walkway they were approaching soon. Each griffion had a halberd in their right claw while they all stood at attention waiting for orders  


"The royal guard of the court" cresent introduced "the best security anyone could ask for" he smiled

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The ears on Dracul's head was pointing up high from excitement! "Wow Dad! That's so cool! A moving castle!" His attention soon got towards the wiev of Manity coming in below them together with the bat ponys and Griffons standing guard. "Look there Mom, Dad- They look tough!" Dracul said pointing to the upcoming line of crimson and gold armor.


A light chuckle escaped Walleria seeing her sons reaction. "Well they might look tough Dracul. But even when I was a teen they proved unable to stop me in my persuit of your Dad."


Out of nowhere there was a heavy shake from the egg that Walleria was holding! Making her almost drop it from the sudden shaking! "Ow!" She grunted, gripping it tight. "Love!! I think it is ready to hatch already!" There was  a painfull worry in the dragoness voice. "We need to get there soon!"


"It's hatching! It's hatching!" Dracul screamd of joy! Jumping up and down in the carriage!

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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, Seeing the egg shaking cresent recognized the shakes "now?! here?!" he said surprised reaching for the blood drink as the carriage came to a stop and the door was opened to see a pony that looked older then cresent maybe by a year. She had a purple and white mane that also matched cresents. It almost seemed like a female version of him. She had a welcoming smile and with the royal crown on and her mane and tail combed very royal like. She was hard to ignore.....unless one was about to deliver a baby!


Her welcome smile turned into a questioning look then seeing cresent chug the bottle down her eyes grew wide. "get away from the carriage!" she barked at the guards recognizing the way cresent was getting. Wally would recognize it as the same pose he took in his sons birth befoe he gave the birth fire....

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Seeing her husband getting ready for breathing fire from his potion. Walleria put down the bundle with the egg in it on the ground while most of the guards followed the royal pony's order. A quick glance to her from Walleria and she got the smallest of smile while preparing for what was about to happen. "Go stay with Aunt Dark Light, ok sweety?" She said in a rushed manner. While Dracul backed away closer to his Aunt. awaiting to se his new sibling shortly!


The fire coming from Cresent's mouth poured down the egg as it once again quickly started to move! Getting several cracks in it as the fire stoped.


As the blankets now where a pile of ash there was now pieces of eggshell scatered across it and a little gray mussle pointed out! covered in a light blue and pink mane. tough there seemd to be something strange. the little gray mussle was acompanied by two pair of small pony ears and two big ones poping up just behind it in a mass of more light blue and pink mane.


A small cry escaped the newborn and it stretched out two small bat like wings, making it tumble out of the egg, revealing a bat pony like body on the ash below.  As it did. it revealed another gray mussle poking out of the egg. also covered in a light blue and pink . quickly tumbling out revealing a dragon like body with a small tail and instead of scales, Furr covered it's body.


"Twins?" Walleria said with a supprised look to the two newborn in the ash. quickly moving up and picking the two of them up. cuddling them close.








  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@@Flearia Dragondanser, As the royal looking mare beckoned Jr to come by her as she watched amazed at the spectacle before her. Seeing both small creatures pop out of the egg like so, one a bat, one a dragon, she carefully approached wally once she detected it was safe. She looked at the new borns "luna's mane, their precious" darklight said. Giddy at the news she almost forgot about her cousin cresent, till she herd his ragged gasping.


One of the guards approached the 5 of them "um your highness, what should we do with your cousin?"


"how is he" she asked looking at the gryphon


"well mam" he gestured to the other gryphon helping him out of the carriage "we told him it was twins and he passed out"


Darklight blinked, why did this all have to happen so fast? "well get him to the infirmary and along with the new royal twins chop chop now"


The gryphon saluted and him and the other one went to work. She smiled hugging wally carful about the twin youngsters "so good to see you again wally along with my favorite nephew" she then gave a big hug to JR as well.


"come on lets have your new sisters get some rest along with your old man" she winked at him then nodded at the gryphons to escort them to the castle. They were led into a another carriage this one bigger and more fancy then the first one. Once inside they began to move down the docks and streets of manity.


"don't worry, I'm glad the media wasn't their otherwise it be murder to get to dinner after that" she joked "so did you know they would be twins. Cresent passed out so how he finds out is your call" she smiled


"or we could make it fun" she gave a playful smile winking at jr "any ideas drac?"

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