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private A Day in Canterlot (1x1 With Glacies Frost)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Glacies Frost


On a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon, when most of her classmates would be hanging out with each other at the mall or the arcade, Orange Sparks, a young pink unicorn mare who had styled her mane and tail like her idol, Vinyl Scratch and had glasses much like Vinyl's was helping her parents at their candy store and malt cafre. Normally, during the week, she didn't mind much, as it gave her an excuse not to do her homework or not to think about the day at school, but on the weekends, she did truly wish she could, maybe just once get out, and maybe have some fun.


She sighs as she leant against a wall, earplugs in her ears, probably listening to Vinyl's latest album, she blew a bubble with some bubblegum that she was chewing on. She was wearing a black t-shirt with a picture of Vinyl on it, and a pair of baggy raver pants along with a pair of knee high black gothic platform boots. Of course, her bra straps were showing over her shoulders as the tshirts was one of those shoulder one.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The sun was bright today. A little too bright, according to one young stallion thought as he opened the gilded pages to his book and tried to read through the intense sunlight. With a deep sigh, he closed his book and scratched his chin.


Well, reading's out until the brightness is a little lower.


He wandered around for a little while, eyes glancing through the crowds to either side. The bookstore was a decent option, but he didn't really want to spend the bits on coffee just to be able to sit in a more shaded place and read.


"Oh well," he said under his breath as he stuck the book into his backpack unceremoniously. As he walked, he noticed that there was a young mare leaning against a nearby wall chewing gum. He thought this was odd, as someone her age should have been hanging out with friends at a time like this.


Likely that she works at one of the establishments here. Sad. Weekends are for free time, not for work... At least, that'd be the case in an ideal world.


He walked by her as he shrugged his pack onto his shoulders and snugged them up. However, he managed to get a glimpse inside of the store she was in front of and noticed that they sold hard caramel candies, one of his personal favorite treats. He smiled a little and walked up to the door to get a better look.


"Wonder if those are as good as the ones I picked up in Appleoosa. The sour apple filling was quite good," he thought aloud.


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@@Glacies Frost


Orange smirks a little at the young stallion who was looking into her parents; store "Best in Canterlot, handmade by my parents, and we do have the ones with the sour apple filling, straight from Appleloosa, one of our branches I believe" she says and smiles as she takes her earphones out and puts her gum in the bin "Name's Orange Sparks but most call me Sherbet" she says as she walks in, looking behind her "If you want, you can come in, it's quiet today" she says as she then puts on her apron and begun to clean up a few dirty malt glasses that were in the sink.


Just then a mare almost of the same fur color as Orange, wearing a nice but not too nice summer dress walks in from the back "Oh a customer" she says softly and walks up to the counter "Hello and welcome to the Candied Hearts Candy Store and Malt Cafe, my name is Candy Hearts, how may I serve you today?" she asks in a rather cheerful manner, but as she sees her daughter washing up dishes, she sighs softly and shakes her head.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Glacies looked up as the mare addressed him. When she motioned for him to follow her inside, he nodded slowly and went in behind her. The lighting in the establishment was pretty good, and he knew he could possibly read there. However, there were people here, and he hadn't had a good chat in awhile. He looked over the candies for a moment and dragged a finger across the counter slowly.


"Um... mind if I get a few of those sour apple candy filled hard caramels? They're my favorite." He looked at the owner of the establishment and smiled. "My name is Glacies Frost, by the way. I'm just in town for work, actually. I was due to make my semi-annual reports at Celestia's School today. Right now I'm more or less just wandering around town before I get my next assignment."


"You all have lived here in Canterlot your whole lives? I'm just curious." 


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@@Glacies Frost


Candy Hearts smiles and nods "Of course dear, these are a fresh batch as well, made by my daughter Orange" she says as she gets out a medium paper bag and scoops up the candies into it "that'll be 3 bits please, and you were at Celestia's School? Orange goes there, she's in her final year actually" she mentions as she hands over the paper bag and smiles at the stallion "And to answer your question, indeed we have lived here our whole lives...well I and Orange have, my husband Chocolate Swirl used to live in Ponyville" she says then notices that Orange had finished doing the dishes and had gone up to her room "I'm guessing you're wondering why my daughter is working instead of hanging out with friends? and why she is the way she is?" she asks, then sighs "You see, she doesn't have any friends to be with, most ponies stay clear of her because of her..."


Chocolate walks up to his wife and hugs her "Our little Sherbet drop has Asperger Syndrome, in other words, it's a form of Autism, and a lot of ponies think she is weird or aloof. The truth is, she just can't socialize very well and often prefers to be alone" he says sighing and then looks at the stallion with a smile "Name's Chocolate Swirl, have I seen you around before?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Glacies could only smile and nod as she commented that they had indeed lived there their whole lives. When the older stallion mentioned that his daughter had Aspergers, his facial expression remained unchanged. He knew what it was like living as a bit of a social pariah. There was nothing wrong with being different, or having social difficulties. 


He then realized that he'd been asked a direct question. He swallowed the candy he'd been given and nodded. 


"I... think so. I know we've never talked before, but I do have occasion to pass this way when I'm in Canterlot," he said simply. He looked upward toward the ceiling with a half smile. "If I'd known about the candy, I'd probably have stopped in sooner."


He looked at them with a small smile and said, "I know how it is to be out and about without friends. Let's just say I'm not exactly a big group kind of pony myself."


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@@Glacies Frost,


 Mr Swirl nods "Quite possibly then, or maybe at another of our stores, we do have a small franchise" he says and then sighs as he hears Glacies' words "The other students are just ignorant of her difficulties, especially with learning, to be honest, it was a miracle that she has gotten this far at school, mostly thanks to her teachers' patience and the help that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia have been given her help all these years" he says and smiles as his wife hugs him.


Candy smiles "We are worried about her social life though, maybe do you think you could maybe at least talk with her? Seeing as you understand what it is like, it may help for her to have you to talk with" she says with a sigh "If not, it is okay, but we jsut want her to have at least one friend"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Glacies nodded as he listened to the story. He had experienced much the same problem in school, though he eventually found his groove. He finished his candy and stood up.


"Well, if she'd like to go out somewhere, it'd be preferable to sitting in her parents' shop talking to a complete stranger." He cocked an eyebrow at the statement. "If she'd like to step out and just hang out with someone, I'd greatly enjoy the company. I'm not due back at the School until tomorrow, anyway."


"Of course," he finished, "That would be up to her. I wouldn't dare force someone to be sociable."


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@@Glacies Frost,


Candy smiles and nods "Well at least you understand,  I'll go talk with her" she says as she walks up the stairs to the house part of the shop and soon after, a somewhat grumpy yet shy Orange comes out with her "She's a little grumpy, but only because she;s a little nervous, try easing into things first" she says as she gives her daughter some pocket money and some of her favorite treats, which seemed to help her to brighten up a little. 


Orange smiles shyly at the stallion "S-so you wanted to go o-out somewhere?" she asks shyly 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Orange Sparks

Glacies smiled at the girl and nodded as she asked her question. He knew how hard it was to make new acquaintances, and could feel her pain, almost excruciatingly. He sighed and stood up. 

"Is there anywhere in particular that you would like to go?" he asked. He didn't have any particular plans, after all, and she might have known of some nice places to visit around town. So long as it wasn't too crowded or loud, he would be more than happy to accompany her.


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@Glacies Frost

Orange blushes as she puts a strawberry drop into her mouth and thinks for a moment, "well there's the park nearby we could go, it's usually pretty quiet, or there's that cafe just opened up recently around the corner" she suggests and begins to fiddle with her necklace, "I uhm..I don't really mind either way, truth is I've never really gone out much before" she says before going to stand next to him.

She waves to her parents as she somewhat nervously walks alongside him "Mama said you did a speech or something at my school? I must've missed it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Orange Sparks

"A cafe you say? I could actually go for a nice cup of coffee," Glacies said. "I like quiet indoor environments. Hopefully it won't be too busy yet. I mean, the work crowd shouldn't be coming through yet..." He started muttering under his breath, lower than could be heard.

"Anyway," he said, finally perking back up as he made his choice. "Would you like to go?"


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@Glacies Frost

Orange fiddles with the drawcord of her jumper before smiling "Sure, it's small enough that it'll be relatively quiet" she says and begins to lead the way, but without realizing it, she sways her hips and swishes her tail a little, was it out of happiness for finally having a friend to spend some time with? perhaps, but it was still unintentional.

After about 5 minutes of walking, they arrive at the cafe and she smiles, she opens the door "S-see, nice and quiet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Digital Blitz

Glacies didn't notice that the other pony was any happier than he was. He stroked his chin at the idea of spending time with another pony outside of work for the first time in quite awhile, but thought little else of it.

He took a look inside the building and smiled slightly.

"Yes, this should do nicely," he said as he held the door open for the lady to make her way through. "After you."


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@Glacies Frost

Orange giggles and walks in, quickly finding them a private window booth and sitting down. She waits for him to walk in and up to their booth before she picks up her menu and looks over it, she also gets out her allowance that her mother had given to her and smiles "Oh goody, I can get at least three glasses of strawberry soda, a pizza, some fries and a burger" she squees happily before looking up and blushes "S-sorry, I d-don't get to go out often, so I often order as much as I can when I do go out"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glacies watched the young woman order the food with a half smile. He tapped his fingers against the table and looked up at the waitress and said, "I'll take a cup of chamomile tea and a small salad, if you'd be so kind."

He looked back at his guest for the day and smiled kindly. 

"No need to worry. I understand. I usually become quite famished myself after working on one of my research projects for the school."


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The waitress smiles "Of courses sir" she says as she takes down the orders and goes to tell the cooks.

Orange smiles at him "Glacies, do you think that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal are nice? I do, they let me study and play in their offices whenever I feel sad or need some alone time" she says with a giggle "I-I get bullied a bit, and though Twilight and her friends stick up for me, it doesn't always help" she says and looks down, "it also doesn't help that mummy and daddy are very protective of me"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Glacies smiled sadly at the young woman as she explained her situation. He knew her feelings all too well. He sighed and tapped his fingers on the table with a slight scowl.

"I feel for your situation. Truly I do. I wasn't bothered much in school, but..." he started, before he stopped himself short. "If you ever want someone to just... talk to, please let me know. I'm usually at the school when I'm not travelling."


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Orange let a small smile cross her face "T-thank you,I've never had a c-coltfriend b-before.." she then blushes and covers her mouth "I-I d-didn't mean i like that, I m-mean..unless, unless..you..you know, you want to..be my c-coltfriend?" she shuffles her feet and hides behind her mane, blushing very deeply it could be seen from a mile away.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 1 month later...

The young stallion was immediately taken aback by the younger girl's question. He ran a hand through his hair and coughed softly as he considered the ramifications of his answer. 

"We really don't know each other all that well, yet. I think it would be a little too soon to go looking into something like that," he said. He placed a single hand on the table in front of him. "How about just... friend for now? If there's something there, I'm sure we'll see it given time. I don't like rushing into things, you understand."


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Orange looked to Glacier, she was a little sad but she understood and smiled as she hug him "A-alright, friends sounds good to me, I suppose I d-did rush into it a little" she says with that cutely adorable giggle of hers.

Just then their food arrives and Orange giggles, slowly nibbling away at her food. She looks at him with a cute little smile


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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