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Undermined Miners [Private RP]


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Plumes of smoke wafted over the Equestrian landscape. It was nothing of a new occurrence, for as the pollution choked away the sun all the ponies hailed it as a necessary sacrifice. Anything to fuel their industrial juggernaut, in hopes of usurping their rival nations with sheer mechanical might. Forests shrunk, wildlife were expunged, only to have vast industrial complexes erected in their stead. Each one churned out luxuries and weapons of all sorts, providing ponies of all castes a chance to work. Yet, the fuel for those blazing furnaces and gargantuan machines started to dwindle. The all-consuming industrial complex was beginning to starve itself to death. It was only in the face of this great crisis that Princess Celestia proclaimed a mild state of emergency, shifting their ministry resources into the Equestrian Mining Companies. For they, in essence, held the last hope in finding the precious coal, iron, and oil needed for their survival.

It was out upon the bleak plains of the wilds of Equestria where one of these operations had been stationed. Rising out of the bleak environment was a large complex, gleaming metallic silos and a sizable processing facility. All ringed about it were massive pits in the earth, all littered with a plethora of trucks and smoking drilling cranes. All were silent now, as the break of dawn had yet to take effect. Even so, the energy in the air was palpable...at least to some. At a hunkered down cottage wedged against the complex a single light glimmered out from the loft.

Sour eyes glared out at the worker's longhouse, a lengthily wooden structure on the outskirts of the property. Limestone Pie, eldest of the Pie sisters, stood half-dressed in her dusty foreman's uniform with a scowl. Her arms were crossed, gray mane concealing half of her cross face as she scowled. "I don't trust any of them to run that thing. I can do it all by myself."

"No. You can't," a dry voice spoke from behind her. It was Maud, dressed in her usual frock and looking complacent as ever. She was significantly taller than Limestone, and she looked down at her with the same constant stare. "The manual states that the drill runs on a minimum efficiency with a crew of six." 

"You read the manual?" Limestone glanced at her, almost genuinely surprised. 

"Yes," she responded in her same curt tone, looking unshaken. 

Sighing out in exasperation, Limestone quickly begins buttoning up her vest. Wrapping a lime green scarf around her neck with an almost theatrical flourish. "Fine. Whatever. I'm going to round up the fresh meat, show them what for. Just go ring the bell," she instructed with a roll of her eyes, tugging on her belt before trudging out of the house with Maud in tow.

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Lance was already having second thoughts. Mining in his mind had always been hitting rocks with pickaxes, until somepony shouted 'GOLD!' and the entire mine would swarm the vein until there was nothing left. This, so far, wasn't that whatsoever. He hadn't even seen a pickaxe yet. Only drills and trucks. He had been awake for a while now, lying in bed, too nervous and excited to sleep. He just hoped there weren't heights. Or bats, for that matter. He feared both more than anything else, and usually froze when he encountered one of the two. 

That would be a humiliating first day, wouldn't it? Be known as the newbie who's afraid of bats AND heights. 

This place looked bleak, just like the rest of Equestria. He had gotten used to the theme. To be honest, Lance didn't like the entire mining scheme in the first place. But he was getting paid for this, and he was certain that Princess Celestia would do something if there was a real threat. At least, that's what he told himself whenever he had doubts about the state of the enviroment.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Lunar Symphony was up and about already, awake. Had she even slept that night? Her sleep schedule had always been a strange one; when she had no means to tell if it was night or it was day, the thestral had the unfortunate tendency to sleep only when she felt tired, at any given time when it was convenient for her. Even if she had tried to sleep, that mix of nerves and excitement was enough to keep anyone lying awake, so it was probably all the same.

She didn't see. She felt the changes that shaped this land over the years. She could sense the landscape she was familiar with, formed to suit industrial purposes. She could hear the grinding of industrial machines - not right now, but most times as they churned away at the land. She could smell the pollution in the air.

So many changes. She felt a little bit sad about all of it. But she was here now, finally with a job after struggling for so long, employers turning up their muzzles at her; simply because she was blind, and the handicap would be a supposed hindrance despite the fact that she could get around on her own perfectly fine. At the very least, she would be excited to get a paycheck. When were they going to start?

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Bridge, who was as close to a forestallion as could be was sitting on the edge of his bed, he didn't quite like the thought of the big machines, so many things could go wrong with them, and like some of his co-workers, he had preferred the old fashioned way, with pick axe, sweat, blood and tears. Sure, things could go wrong the old fashioned way as well, but he preferred to see what he was doing.

He sighs as he looks around the longhouse and started to play his fiddle, he sighed as he was missing his home back in the Emerald Isles, but his father had told him he should go explore, find his true self rather than be stuck in the mines. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Lance's ears perked up at the sound of the fiddle.

Is that some kind of weird morning bell or something?

He tried to break free from his cell of a bed. He always had trouble with this, being forced to leave his comfortable, warm bed in dreamland, where he had all he could have ever have wanted, to go outside in the either freezing cold or scorching hot outside world and work, whether it be his old job (which he found to be backbreaking) or this one (which he assumed would be backbreaking). He was about halfway through his struggle when he slowly realised that the fiddle was coming from inside the building. Lance paused, wondering if he should be sad that he didn't realise this earlier or be curious from who was playing the instrument. He went with the latter and continued his uphill battle with the sheets. Usually this frustrated him, but a reason to procrastinate today was enough to make him tolerate it. While he was excited for the day to begin, he had a creeping suspicion that he wouldn't feel the same when the day had ended.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Bridge sighed, he missed the days he would just lay in the emerald green grass of his homeland and just stare up at the sky, or he'd perhaps go into town to play his fiddle and earn some bits to have a pint or two. He then stands up and with his back against the wall, the stallion looked around and chuckled as he saw ponies scrambling to get out of bed, get ready for the day, some eager to start the day's work, some not so eager.

Chuckling once more, he decides to see if he can get some of the more...late rises to get out of bed "Come on ladies!" he shouts "We're miners for Celestia's sake! Not models! Up and at 'em!" he shouts once more then smirks as he decides maybe some music would get them up, so he starts to tap his hoof as he plays the fiddle and sings:



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Over the din within the lodging house, a sharp bell clanged in the distance. It was a harsh sound, radiating from the Pie Homestead itself, almost has the herald of their overseer's arrival for announcements before the next workday. Through the sparse windows, the gray haze of the early morning light highlighted the cascades of dust that wafted through the heavy air. Ponies of all genders and physiques began to rise from their ridged cots, stretching their fatigued sinews before dawning their drab mining uniforms. One unfortunate stallion sat huntched over a minuscule cast iron stove, trying to fry several eggs on a dented skillet. The whisps of flame seemed barely have to produce anything from the whitish gunk that lay stagnate in the pan, leaving a strange odor hanging in the air.

There too was the tinge of excitement among them, despite the monotonous process. Yesterday they'd all been witness to the delivery of their new gargantuan mining rig, a leviathan of engineering touting a drill massive enough to pierce the bowels of the earth itself. Rumors circulated about who's be the ones selected to assist on the test run that day, and between the whispers and petty jabs there didn't seem to be anyone who would be conclusively chosen. Nevertheless, the opportunity to operate a machine of that size, the first of its kind, would be a feat indeed. Just as the fiddle had begun and workers began to hum familiar songs loud footsteps were heard approaching the precipice.

The gait was unmistakable, Limestone Pie had arrived. Before anyone could really prepare themselves the mare swung open the door. Dressed in her typical overseer's outfit topped with flashy scarf. Her brow was furrowed, a devious grin flashing across her face as she stood in the doorframe for a mere moment. "Were behind already! Get up, slackers! Breakfast will be shortened today," she shouted, harsh voice echoing through the hall in a domineering way. Maud stood directly behind her, remaining as stoic as ever, decked in her usual frock as a clipboard was clutched in her hands. 

"You forgot this," the stated flatly, handing it over to her elder sister. Limestone grunted as she took it' eyes carefully scanning whatever may have been on that  slip of paper. 

"Oh yeah. Listen up!" She called, gesturing for everyone in attendance to tune in, "Three of you will be brought on the 'Starswirl'. This is an important job, and none of you have experience with this equipment. So I picked the three who I'm sure can't even screw it up too badly. I'll call your names, I won't do so twice!" She cleared her throat, eyes flicked about to make sure she had all sets of eyes focused directly on her visage. 

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Bridge's fiddle screeched to a halt as the matron walked into the longhouse, and with a glance to the two sisters, Limestone, the matron of the mine, who was quite obviously the more attractive one, Bridge mutters "Now that ain't no way to treat yer workers" he grumbles as he packs away his fiddle and places the case under his bed before shouldering his saddle-bags and walking to the front of the crowd. He stood there and smirked a little as he listened in.

"the Starswirl eh? interesting name for that beast of a machine" As far as he knew, he was the only who was almost on equal footing with the sisters, giving his background of having a father who owned the Emerald Isles emerald mines and who had worked the most in them. With his arms crossed, he closed his eyes, honestly he could care less whether he was chosen or not, but he did hope that if he was, that he'd at least be given a good position of the three, such as team leader. 

Lifting his head up to listen more closely to the sisters, he mutters once more "Really ought to loosen up" he says rolling his shoulders, cracking his neck and back, with which the cracking was loud enough to echo throughout the entirety of the longhouse. As he sees everyone turning to look at him, he chuckles and rubs the back of his neck "Eh sorry 'bout that"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Sounds, so many sounds. It was a lot for Lunar to process, when sound was all but her entire world with lack of sight. Sensitive ears picked up every noise, twitched at the sound of the bell ringing out. The harsher noise had the thestral stiffening if only for a few moments, loud enough to startle her. Well, at least that shook off whatever sleepiness or tiredness she might have felt for failing to sleep that night. She turned her head towards the general direction of the source, dulled ruby eyes wide and alert for once.

One ear swiveled towards another sound that came not long after, far more soothing to delicate hearing: a fiddle, sweet melodies coaxed out by whomever was playing it. Music was something Lunar appreciated wholeheartedly, if only partly because it was some sort of beauty she could enjoy without sight. But it didn't last long, for the steps that soon approached were indeed unmistakable. A strong, confident stride; it was most certainly a leader, and the logical assumption followed that this was the one in charge of this operation.

Positioned at a window near the door, the thestral had only moments to sidle out of the way before the door swung wide open, two sets of footfalls entering the longhouse. The voice that called out was loud, authoritative. She knew exactly how to take charge, though perhaps had a habit of pushing her workers around. That much Lunar could gather at least on first impressions. A few soft chirps sounded from the back of her throat, and she turned her head again to fix her eyes on the matron. Her gaze was unfocused, but she somehow seemed to have a pretty good idea of where the matron's eyes generally were.

The 'Starswirl,' huh? Well, Lunar certainly didn't have any experience with machinery. She wasn't sure how much help she'd be, unless her echolocation abilities could be put to use. That was a possibility, she supposed. With a brief, irritated glance cast towards the one who decided popping their joints at this moment was a good idea - ugh, that was another noise she didn't like - she shook her head and turned back towards the sisters. She was intent on finding out who would be chosen, if only for mere curiosity's sake.

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Lance quickly threw himself out of bed and stood up, trying to look like he knew what he was doing. He didn't know the song, so he half-hummed, half-ignored it.

The Starswirl? I thought this was a mining facility, not a theme park.

He decided not to question the name further. Lance wanted to make a good first impression on his first day, and what better way to do that than work on an important job?

His eyes landed on Limestone, and a chill went through his spine.

She reminds me of the villain from Oliver Twist, except ten times worse and female. Note to self; Don't say that out loud.

Even so, he kept his eyes locked on Limestone, a serious expression on his face (At least, the best serious expression he could make after having nearly no sleep).

Edited by genessee
(...after just waking up) to (...after having nearly no sleep).

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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