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A private RP between love4shadow and I :3




Quiet and tranquil, the Royal Canterlot gardens cast down a shadow onto the earth below with a commanding, yet peaceful presence. High up on the mountainside, a cool breeze swept through the courtyard, and whizzed past the endless statues, bushes and cleanly cut paths. Pony statue after pony statue the wind swept over, until it lost it's force at the base of one particular likeness. A tall, thin creature with a look of bewilderment and shock stood in solid white rock, atop a short pedestal display.


This creature is called a Draconequus. He has the head of a pony, and a body made up of all sorts of things. What do you suppose that represents?


Discord, the spirit and god of disharmony and chaos stood in a completely overtaken stance in his reformed stone prison. Quiet and still, he was now nothing more than statue, once more. The endless chaos he had done had been silenced yet again, this time by a younger generation.


But the magical properties that held him were weaker than last time. It was just too bad that nopony could have guessed it.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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TwilightSparkle, a young, magic inspired unicorn, was trotting down the paths of Canterlot Garden, as she always did once every two weeks, to ponder on the statues situated there. The breeze moving past the garden today was very pleasant, and Twilight let her hair brush past her face every so often, she would wrinkle her nose due to her hair tickling it, but right now she didn't mind at all.


She trotted over to one particularly special statue, and stopped in front of it to look it over. It was the statue of Discord, the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. He facial expression showed a mixture of pride, as she and her 5 friends were the ones who brought down this Draconequees, but she also had disappointment and sadness in her eyes. She couldn't comprehend the fact that a creature would want to literally turn someones world upside down.


She continued trotting along, not looking back at the statue as she didn't want to look at him.

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The smooth marble stone surface of the statue's body seemed firm enough to the naked eye, but on the molecular level, the magical properties of the Elements of Harmony, mixed with Twilight's magical abilities, was deteriorating. It had been ever since the spell of the powerful magic had first hit his body, but even he then hadn't been aware.


All too suddenly, a splitting crack ran up the statue's side, and up it's body. In the warm sunlight, the crack, almost silently, spread farther and farther along the surface, and from inside, the sound of a pleasantly surprised, evil chuckle emerged. Twilight Sparkle, whom had now gone quite a ways away and turned a corner of lined hedges, was now out of earshot and view of the statue. Flakes of stone began to cripple from the form, and patches of the creature emerged into view...


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( Love that song lol )


Twilight trotted over to a shady area, the shade was cast by the large hedge. She sat down and sighed happily as she let herself fall to the ground, so she was now laying on her back. She looked up at the clouds contently, happy that there was nothing around to annoy her or get her worked up. She smiled and closed her eyes, letting the breeze lightly caress her body, she was completely relaxed.

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. Like the walls of a fortress collapsing from assaulting catapults, larger and larger pieces of white stone fell from the creature's form and littered the ground, as well as the pedestal. At last, half of the spirit was exposed, and it was then, that he physically began to move. In a struggle, he shook, tail whipping around behind him in an attempt to dislodge stone through shaking his body. Tension built and built, until the point came, where the rest of the shell shattered to pieces, and chaos breathed a fresh breath of air once more.


"...Ohooohoho, how funny," Discord said to himself quietly, stretching his mismatching legs and arms atop his pedestal, and then cracking his neck with a satisfied look about his face. "The magic was barely comparable to Celestia and Luna, after all. Oh, poor Twilight Sparkle and friends, you still have so far to go."


He stepped down from the stone surface and onto the warm, freshly cut garden grass. He looked about cautiously, and, seeing no one, slithered into the thick bushes that ran almost the entire course of the garden. Concealed, his yellow eyes peered out from the bushes with dotted red pupils, and he silently made his way about the entire area, scanning it for any ponies that could be lurking nearby. But this was the Draconequus's lucky day. There were no field trips this afternoon, nor anyone from Canterlot visiting the garden. From amongst the thick leaves and branches, the flexible spirit chuckled to himself at his bizarre luck.


"It appears I'm completely alone, for once. Oh how I'm so tired of this overgrown garden. Celestia, you really must change the planting arrangements around sometime-" He was saying to himself, before he made a dead stop. Creeping through the brush, the regal spirit cocked an eyebrow, and grinned excitedly, almost goofily, at the sight before him. Out there in the open, only feet from his position, was the very unicorn who had caused him his re-imprisonment. Twilight Sparkle was snoozing within his clutches. Discord shook his head.


"I really can't believe my luck. What a stroke of it I'm getting today. I must have been a good boy, lately~" He mused to himself quietly, maintaining his position, hidden, for now.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilight sighed yet again as she opened her eyes to look at the clouds again. She thought about headign back to the library, as she was actually quite bored, laying there doing nothing. She stretched and rubbed her ear with her hoof" 'Suppose I can stay a little longer. Peace like this is impossible to find in my life" She spoke to herself, putting her hoofs behind her head.

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Excitement rising in him, but knowing full well not to give away his position, the Draconequus quietly snaps his fingers, and like time reversed in a single spot, the pieces of stone all over the ground back at his pedestal flew back up into place, like pieces of a puzzle. After a moment, his statue was whole again, with no cracks whatsoever. This time, it was hollow.


"Uhohohoho...peace certainly does seem hard to come by for you sometimes, huh, Twilight Sparkle?" Discord said allowed, his voice amplifying from all directions, as to hide his position. He smirked as Twilight nearly shot herself up immediately. "Peace is just like harmony, Twilight Sparkle. It can't exist without...chaos."

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilight bolted to a sitting position after first hearing his voice. Her ears went flat against her head when he finished speaking " .. No .. that's impossible!" She exclaimed, getting to her feet and sprinting to where Discords statue was. She skidded to a stop and looked at the statue, still there, standing tall. She narrowed her eyes with confusion, if the statue was still there in one piece, then why was she hearing Discords voice? She then realized it was most likely a prank. PinkiePie or RainbowDash probably got a hold of a voice changer and calibrated it to Discords voice, if only she knew how wrong she was.


She walked around, looking for Pinkie or Rainbow, " We lived years peacefully and harmonically without chaos, proving it's not needed and that it's not wanted" She said allowed. The tone of her voice and expression didn't show fear or worry, she was that convinced that this was a prank.

Edited by love4shadow

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The Draconequus cocked an eyebrow, and after a moment of observing her facial expression, began to catch on to her thoughts. He had to shove his lion paw in his mouth to keep himself from laughing. Oh, this was far. Too. Good.


"But harmony cannot exist without chaos, else the universe will fall apart," Discord said casually. Keeping his eyes pinned on Twilight, whom was walking around and peering around corners, Discord emerged from the bushes like a massive serpent. He gently floated his way to the girl with his wings, and, as soon as his shadow overtook her from behind, he teleported from view. He knew the girl had seen his shadow, but when she turned around, there was nothing but the empty garden. He was going to mess with her.


"Surely such a brilliant little unicorn such as yourself can understand such a concept."


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Twilight noticed the shadow, she quickly turned her whole body around, but saw nothing. He heartbeat started to race as she now realized this was no prank. She backed up until she hit the hedge. She stayed against the hedge, looking around, her body language clearly showed that she was getting freaked out. " Of course. But you're version of chaos and the worlds natural version of chaos are two totally different things" She said, her voice sounded shaky by the end.

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The Master of Chaos and Disharmony blinked to himself and giggled, tilting his head and observing the young unicorn as she trembled against the hedge he was currently in. He poked his head out from the hedge only far enough, so that his face was just behind hers. He parted his lips, and decided that he'd give one more push.


"It's hardly different. I am just concentrated, uncontrollable chaos." He whispered in a mock sinister fashion, grinning from ear to ear and from horn to horn. To up the creepiness, he snapped his fingers again, so that at the very moment he muttered the words 'uncontrollable chaos', his hollow statue crumbled once more to the ground, revealing that it was empty.


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Twilight heard the voice coming from behind her, and again, turned around to find just a normal hedge. Her ears flicked up when she heard the statue crumble, she looked over at it, her eyes narrowed yet again with confusion. She decided to stay in the open now, she looked up at the sky, since that was where he hid a lot when they first met. " Yes, but the chaos you bestow is unnatural, and therefore not a necessity to keep the world functioning"

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"This is true, but...well fine, but honestly, I'm only trying to have fun!" He said, chuckling again and teleporting from his bush. He emerged again, sitting casually on his pedestal, finally in the open along with her, and there, he looked at his hands and examined them as if bored. Legs crossed, he smiled at her and raised his eyebrows. "It may inconvenience you ponies, but I'm not a true villain as say, that ugly bug queen that impersonated your childhood friend was. At the end of the day, I just want some cute little pony friends to troll and play with." He said in a cute voice, feigning the cutest expression he could muster, before Twilight's poker face made him burst out laughing, buckle over, and fall off his pedestal in a series of laughing.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilight raised an eyebrow at his sudden laugh attack, she kept her distances from him, not trusting him at all. " When you say cute little pony friends, it kinda makes you sound like a creepy pervert " she said, giggling slightly, but she went straight back to a serious expression " you wouldn't have stole the elements of harmony the first time you escaped if that was all you wanted. What you really want is control over Equatria once more"

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The draconequus got himself back up after a moment and wiped his eyes. He rolled his eyes at the initial comment, and didn't answer. Honestly, a spirit like himself having any sort of sexual motivation was absurd, and he didn't even honor the purple unicorn's statement with an answer. He did however reposition himself on the stone pedestal and cross his arms at the girl's later words, giving an equally serious expression back at her. His voice, too, was now much more calm and collected.


"Is it really? Maybe I took the elements because I was frightened of being bound in stone forever, once more. You think I didn't know that your deal old Princess Trollestria would have me imprisoned the moment I got out? A misunderstood, shunned and hated individual is forced to protect himself, lest he be subdued forever by those who will never understand how he is." He said, turning away and glancing up towards Canterlot Castle. "It's not like I chose to be the divine spirit of disharmony, you know. It is my very nature. Just how it's in your nature to pursue magic, friends and a normal life for a pony, as a young, striving unicorn."


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Twilight looked down at the grass, she had never thought of it that way, and kinda felt bad for him now. She only really cared about keeping equestria peaceful, but didn't really think about the feelings of Discord. She sat down and looked at Canterlot castle aswell. " I .. never thought of it like that. I just looked at you like another villian that had to be stopped .. " She spoke quietly, she then had a dark thought " If you wanted to protect yourself .. why didn't you hide the elements better and take out Celestia and Luna?"

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Discord's lopsided lips formed into a smile and he cocked an eyebrow. His hoofed foot bobbed up and down over his other leg, and he rested one hand down against the stone, leaning on it. He watched Twilight's now more empathetic and understanding exterior, and sighed.


"I didn't 'take out' Celestia or Luna for two reasons: One, both of them together still rival me in strength, and two, I said it before did I not? I am not the same sort of villain you may have experienced in others. I troll, and I play, and I cause chaos, but I do not specifically harm other ponies. It was never my intention to hurt any of you. Play with your emotions and friendships? Sure, that's my nature. But I never physically tried to harm anypony."


Out of thin air, a large pink cotton candy cloud popped into existence, dripping chocolate rain. Discord gathered a newly formed glass-full of the drink in his hand. He watched Twilight and drank the glass, but not the liquid, as usual.


"As for the elements, I hid them the way I did because I was enjoying the riddle, and playing around with you all. I wasn't fully convinced you could actually imprison me like Celestia and Luna did, so I let my guard down, it's true."

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilight walked over to where the cotton candy cloud was and sat beside where it was raining so that she wouldn't get wet. She stuck her tongue out and caught some of teh chocolate rain in her mouth nefore replying to what he had said," In a way you were right though. I couldn't hold you inside your stone prison for very long. So are you gonna go on another chaos rampage?" she asked, curious to what his plans were so she could tell Celestia later.

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The Draconequus closed one eye and peered into the cup-shaped chocolate milk he was holding, then threw it. Instead of exploding, it vaporized into steam that then floated off into the sky. He looked down at the young pony, still not being able to keep from smiling just slightly at her sitting there, drinking the rain. In a way it reminded him of that bizarre one he liked, Pinkie Pie.


"I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing now, Twilight Sparkle." He said simply. "It is my instinct to troll, and truth be told, if Celestia and you all and your elements weren't around, I'd surely love to go back to ruling Equestria in chaos, but, as it stands, I've been given a very generous early release, and I feel I shouldn't throw that chance away just to become imprisoned for what would probably be far longer, like my first imprisonment."


He stood up from the stone pedestal and crossed his arms. He gazed back towards the castle up above, and then down to the opening of the very garden they stood in. Albeit far, it was within view of him and her. All it took was once pony to waltz in and see him...


"That said, no, I've decided I'll try to get along with all of you for now, and not try and take over. But that said, I do need an outlet. I can't simply 'not troll', it's what I do."


He sighed once more, and looked down at the young pony girl.


"And with that said also, I wonder where I should go exactly. No doubt everyone will freak out the moment they see me. And someone better go talk to your teacher with the trippy mane before someone comes in and see's me loose, next to her prized pupil. I imagine that won't end well!" He then began to chuckle, picturing the look on Celestia's face.


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Twilight shivered at the thought of Celestia knowing about her having a casual conversation with Discord, instead of telling her that he had broken out once more, her ears went down at that thought. " No .. That wouldn't end well for either of us .. " she said, she then looked up at him, not believing what she was about to say " Why not stay in Everfree Forest? Nopony goes in there, and if they do they don't go too far in. " she explained. She kept looking over at the entrance of the garden, paranoid now that someone was gonna see the two of them.


" As for giving you an outlet .. " she started, rethinking what she was going to say " .. I suppose maybe I could come visit you and you could troll me. It'll be a win win for you" she said, looking away

Edited by love4shadow

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Discord cocked an eyebrow, and shook his head. He crossed his arms stubbornly and let himself slither down onto the ground on his side. He then snapped his fingers, and an entire column of hedges grew up in front of them, blocking them from view of the entrance. He looked bordely at Twilight and once more shook his head.


"I'm afraid neither of those will do, my dear. I hate the Everfree Forest, and I trust me, you alone would become far too boring for me to troll after a while. I need some variety."


Suddenly he slithered back up into a standing position, and smirked.


"But how about this. I'll go up and talk to your princess myself, and if I can win her over, then...you let me stay with you. And in return, I will only troll on you, and your five friends granted they are let into the little loop eventually, as well. Agreed?"


He flicked a finger and the young pony floated up to his eye-level. He held out his eagle-clawed hand, deep eyes staring at her. The world seemed to become incredibly still.


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Twilight looked into his orange and yellow eyes. She then looked away from him, worried he might gray her out " It'd be stupid to go to Celestia. You said yourself that her and Luna are stronger than you. One mistake and you could be in a stone prison once more" She said. She glanced over at him to see his reaction to what she had said. She found the way he was looking at her intimidating, and that worried her.

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The Draconequus waved his hand and laughed. "I said both of them combined were a match for my power, not greater than it. Besides, why do you think they sent six little ponies after me the first time? Because they can't use the elements anymore. No elements means no stone. Plus I can always teleport if things get too nasty."


He got stretched himself once more and smirked.


"Just give it a chance Twilight Sparkle, you may be surprised to see that a little chaos in your life isn't necessarily a bad thing."


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Twilight looked him in teh eye once more, as if searching them for what she should say. She said and closed her eyes, then looked down " Fine .. But if she does somehow manage to turn you into stone I will not feel sorry for you in any way" She said, poking his nose with her hoof.

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Discord's naturally goofy face let loose another wild grin, and placing the purple pony on the grass, he stretched out his wings, and poked the girl on the tip of her horn. He teleported in the blink of an eye to the top of the hedge, legs crossed, hands grasping each other in his lap casually.


"No worries my dear unicorn, if there's anybody who can both taunt and persuade Celestia, it's me." He said chuckling. "I will come find you when things are resolved, and give you any messages her highness gives me. Give me the signal to come out of hiding, in case you're in public. Until then,



In another flash, the high being vanished in a flash of white light. At that same moment, the hedges descended and disappeared into the ground, and his broken statue rebuilt itself for a second time on it's own. With that single line, the master of chaos had vanished, along with any hint of his presence. But Twilight knew that things has only just begun. Who knew how the princess would react.


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