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Twilight sighed and looked down at teh grass again. She wasn't really sure if this was real or a nightmare, or if he really was going to go speak with Celestia or run off. She decided to go on with her normal day while he was with Celestia, it wasn't like time would go faster if she just sat here and waited for him.


Twilight decided to head out, back to her library. She walked pretty slowly, since she wanted some more time to think over everything that just occured. What would it be like having Discord living with her? Having him troll her 24/7? She didn't really want to think about it, yet teh questions kept appearing in her head. She looked down as she walked, since the path she was taking home was usually deserted, she figured she didn't have to worry about bumping into anyone.

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High up in the clouds overhead, amidst the blue sky and white clouds, a vivid dash of colors pierced like an arrow through the air. That Dash was named Rainbow Dash, and she smirked confidently as she tore through the open sky, circled clouds and made them spin, and punctured through others. Chuckling at her speed and enjoying the thrill of the wind in her mane, Rainbow bounced onto a large puffy cloud and used it as a stopping point, and, after bouncing a few times from her momentum, rolled around, laughing.


She may have been a bit too preoccupied to notice Twilight silently walking beneath her, but she sure wasn't easy to miss to the unicorn.


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Twilight continued to walk, staring at the ground. She thought she heard something above her, but ignored it for now .. until she heard it again and louder. She stopped walking and looked up at the sky. She could see the tail of RainbowDash hanging off a cloud. She smiled " Maybe Rainbow can help make sense of teh situation" Twilight told herself. She took a deep breath before yelling up at her " HEY, RAINBOWDASH!!" She then stood there quietly waiting to see if she had heard her.

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After a moment, the tail vanished further onto the cloud, and then, a bright blue face with purple eyes and a bright smile peered down at the purple unicorn.


"Hey Twilight, what are you doing around here?" The pegasus asked, zipping down from the cloud and landing next to her friend. "You don't usually come to Canterlot unless it's something to do with the Princess, right? What's up?"


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" Well .. " She started, but then had second guessed what she wanted to say. Making plans behind teh princess' back would be wrong and disrespectful. And since her and Discord are currently making plans, her plans could conflict with the princess' " I .. just wanted to go for a walk in Canterlot garden .. " Twilight told her, faking a smile to make what she said sound convincing.

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Rainbow took the bait and nodded, glancing back up at the said gardens. She chuckled and nudged the purple unicorn in the side. "How's our friend dopey Discord doing? Still stoned? Hahaha!"


She laughed to herself, but then hopped ahead of the girl and trotted along, urging her to follow.


"Well, how about we hang out for a little bit then? You seem to be done visiting now."


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Twilight chuckled nervously"Yep, still stoned and full of bird poop" she lied, trotting along beside her. She didn't really want to hang out, originally she just wanted Ranbow's opinion on teh situation but that clearly isn't going to happen" Sure, I finished visiting a while ago now" she smiled.


" So what have you been up to?" She asked. She kept glancing back to Canterlot castle to see if she could see any hint of fighting, but they were too far away to tell. She looked back ahead of her and looked down slightly, worried for Celestia, and strangly, Discord too.

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"Man you shoulda seen me!" Rainbow began to boast, jumping around Twilight excitedly and making gestures with her hooves. She beamed up at the sky, completely oblivious to Twilight's nervous gaze at Canterlot Castle. "I was settin' records that the Wonderbolts would be amazed at, haha!"


Off in the distance, there was the very faint sound of an explosion, followed by the same ear-numbing silence that had followed before. Rainbow had missed it through her talking, but Twilight's ears had perked. The cyan pegasus danced on ahead for a short while, before coming to a stop and glancing back.


"Uhhh...what are staring at, Twi?"

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilight was looking back at canterlot castle after the faint exsplosion. Her urge to run back to the castle was overwhelming, she didnt hear rainbow ask her anything because so many thoughts of what was going on at the castle flooded her mind.


Twilight took one step towards the castle, than turned around and bolted the other way. She was afraid, of what was going on at the castle, of what she got herself into.

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Rainbow blinked and cocked one eyebrow, her face full of confusion. She stretched her right hoof out after the fleeing girl, and shouted 'Wait, Twilight, what's wrong!? Was it something I said!?" But it was too late, she was out of reach now. Rainbow looked back at the castle and squinted her eyes...she thought she could make out smoke but...maybe it was just her imagination. She flapped her wings and floated into the air, turning back and noticing that Twilight had completely disappeared.


Just...what was going on? The pegasus shrugged and flew off for now, in the direction of the castle. She wanted to check out that smoke she thought she saw...


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Twilight ran into her library and slammed the door behind her, panting slightly from running so far in such a short time. Spike looked down at her when she ran in, he was on teh ladder putting books away " Hey Twilight. Did you just run all the way home?" He asked, slideing down teh ladder to the ground. Twilight sat down to catch her breath " Yeah.. Spike, I think I made a mistake .. " she said, Spike walked over to her " What do you mean?" he asked. She looked at him and was going to tell him, but didn't expect what happened next.

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*Cracks fingers, cause shit is about to go down*




"Twilight Sparkle!"


The very words seemed to shake the entire tree library. Many books all across Twilight's shelves vibrated, more and more violently as moments passed. That voice. That voice, though she had always pictured it being livid with her, Twilight had never actually heard it in person. That voice was Princess Celestia, and before the young purple unicorn could run upstairs and hide under he pillow and covers, two immortal beings appeared in the center of the room in a flash of light. On the left was a furious looking Celestia, hooves board-straight, eyes full of an incredible amount of various emotions, and a mouth that was on the brink of revealing gritted teeth. The alicorn's gaze drifted to her right, to the second immortal. A tall Draconequus, standing and casually cracking the claws on his eagle-clawed hand. He seemed indifferent to the rage Celestia was outputting.


"Twilight Sparkle...I...I don't even know where to begin." Celestia began. He voice was no longer shouting, but she was still displaying a rampant flurry of emotions, as well as uncertainty. "Standing in your tree house with my arch-rival next to me, after having battled and talked with him about the discussion he had had with my prized student was not the kind of day I was expecting."


The room had become dead-silent. Spike had gone slack-jaw, and though hadn't passed out, was as silent and still as Discord's statue.


"Oh come now Celestia, don't be mad at your student," Discord said benignly, floating in the air next to the royal alicorn and giving small, mischievous smile. "We all know how much she works, lives to please you, her divine teacher."


Celestia glared at the spirit of chaos with daggers in her eyes, wanting to say something, but turned back to Twilight, took a deep sigh and closed her eyes for a moment.


"Forgive my outburst, my young student. I was simply put into a panic, seeing Discord out of his prison so suddenly. Now, please sit down. The three of us are going to discuss what happened, and what exactly it is that was said. He only gave a brief synopsis and mentioned you and him had discussed quite a bit, but that is all."


Celestia sat down, and then shot daggers at Discord until he grinned goofily in response and laid down on his side, head in his hand. The princess's horn then displayed a bright flash of magic, and Twilight's door locked, and all the shades in her windows closed in unison.


"Now please, I'd love to hear your detailed synopsis of what happened." She said a bit more calmly.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilights ears went down at the sudden outburst by Celestia. For once she was kinda scared of her. As Celestia calmed down, so did Twilight. She sat down across from the two, gathering her thoughts so she could explain everything that had happened. Spike had recovered from his frozen state and hid behind Twilight.


" Well .. " She started. She explained teh entire thing. What she was doing in the garden, what Discord did before they met face to face. Pretty much the entire conversation they had. Spike had fallen asleep against her a quarter of the way through there retold conversation. Twilight levitated a blanket onto Spike while she explained how she felt when he had levitated her to his eye level, and how she actually felt a little playful around him by this point, and that she had poked his nose and he poked her horn.


" ... And I havn't seen him since, until now" She ended. She was unsure on how Celestia would react to her synopsis, and was a little scared that she might snap again.

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Celestia sure was an excellent multi-tasker, Discord had noticed. While listening to the young ponies' story the entire way through in depth, she managed to also smile at the cute sight of her taking care of her assistant baby dragon so caringly. Whilst the story was being retold, the Draconequus remained still, taking his time in yawning as he read over the titles of all the books in Twilight's library. At last though, Twilight finished, and Discord looked over at the princess as she was about to speak.


"...I never imagined a day would come where I would actually be reasoning with you." She said darkly, closing her eyes and obviously referring to the aged spirit. "The fact is I don't trust you at all, still. You represent chaos, and I can't help but think you'll turn your back on any agreement, no matter how it may benefit you."


Discord just smirked at her with a knowing expression, and cocked an eyebrow goofily while she talked. He was obviously trying to get her to laugh, or at least smile. But it wasn't working. Yet, anyway.


"However," Celestia continued, turning back to Twilight. "As you've never actually tried to reason with me before, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time. And...assuming it is alright with Twilight, you may stay here for the time being. Granted you don't pester her too much."


"Oh Celestia, you're too kind." Discord drolled, still smirking uncannily. He enjoyed teasing her way too much, even when she ignored him. But the alicorn got up again, and made another thoughtful sigh.


"With that said, my sister and I, as well as several of Canterlot's royal guards, and of course, Twilight and her friend Spike are to watch you carefully. Anything out of the ordinary, and I have little doubt that they will report it to me in concern. Severe enough, and we'll have to break this deal."


Discord rolled over and then rose up to his feet, stretching and pretending to ignore her. He then winked, slithered over around Twilight and the young purple dragon like a coiled serpent, and gently patted the unicorn on the head.


"Oooooh, that sounds lovely. I'm sure we'll have a grand old time sleeping over!" He chuckled, leaving his eagle-clawed hand on the girl's head. Celestia glanced at Twilight.


"Are you alright, Twilight? Do you have any concerns?"


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Twilight listened closely to what Celestia had to say, and made sure that she would remember for future references. When discord came over and patted her head, her ears went down from instinct, and stayed down. She smiled at Discord, then at Celestia " No, I'm fine. Curious has to how I'll hide him from everypony " She said, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, as if he was a young mischievous pony, which in a way he acted like one anyway.


Spike had woken up just as Discord came over to Twilight. He didn't like that Discord was so close to him, he screamed and ran away from teh two, back against the book shelf practically hyperventilating. Twilight giggled " And how Spike's gonna act with him around" she added. Spike narrowed his eyes" Hey, i'll be fine! He's just big and ... chaotic and .. uh .. I'll be upstairs" he said as he ran upstairs, twilight chuckled again.

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Celestia seemed content with her students' reaction, and nodded. Her large wings came out and ruffled a bit, and she picked one hoof up, looking at Discord, who lay there in a semi-circle position, the same, harmless goofy face about him. Celestia was almost shocked at how calm Twilight was around him already...but...maybe she herself was just being paranoid.


"Well then, I'll leave things be as they are, I'm sure you two can come up with a plan on letting the others know, or not letting them know at all. Either myself, Luna or your brother Shining Armor will come to check up on you from time to time." She said, smiling at the gleam that appeared in the young pony's eyes at the mention of her brother coming to visit. "After all, with Chrysalis gone for the time being, he has far less work to do in defensive measures. Expect us a couple times a day or so, my young student."


The shades and door all unlocked and opened, and the divine princess turned and walked to the door, opening it and whispering a few things to two guards positioned outside. It seemed the coast was clear.


"As for you Discord," She continued. "Even if Twilight does decide to try and get her five friends to accept you, I do not want you revealing yourself to any other pony. The shock would cause an outright panic. For the time being...you remain in here, or in a perfect disguise outside the building."


Discord's eyes were half-closed, and with his free hand he simply gave the alicorn a feeble thumbs up. She nodded, and walked out the door, which closed promptly behind her.


There was another silence. For a minute or so, Twilight remained sitting there amidst the coils of the serpentine chaos lord, while he tapped his fingers against the floorboards almost impatiently, gazing around. After a few moments, he chuckled to himself, and silently circled up wards to his feet. He put a finger to his lips, the same kind of sly look on his face that Rainbow or pinkie got when they were plotting a prank on some unsuspecting pony.


"Shhhhh...let's go try and get your little dragon friend accustomed to having chaos in his home, shall we?" He whispered mischievously, floating up to Twilight's bedroom, keeping close to the ceiling and out of Spike's sight.


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" Bye Princess!" Twilight said as she left. She then sighed and looked around as well during the silence after she left. What was going to happen next? It seemed Discord had already figured out what was going to happen next, as he whispered his plan to her. She watched him float up to teh ceiling. Twilight was't sure if she was suppose to go upstairs or not, so she stayed put, and figured Discord would tell her if she was suppose to go upstairs.


Spike was sitting in his bed, looking down at an old dragon book Twilight had bought for him. He never really finished reading it, he'd get through maybe 3 pages before getting bored or being interrupted. Is tail swished slowly as he read, pushing his blankets around. He was wondering why it had gotten so quiet all of a sudden, but he kept thinking to himself Don't look up, Spike. You'll regret it. Just keep reading, Spike.

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Slowly, like some gigantic centipede might, Discord lowered himself down from ceiling, upside-down. He had a wide grin on his face, the thrill of the scare rising up in him. He silently waved his paw, and Twilight was then gently lifted off the ground, and brought rising upwards. Just out of Spike's view, Discord was obviously doing it so she had a better view.


Finally, the stage was set. But this would require perfect timing of course, Discord thought.


Lowering his large red tail down, it snaked it's way underneath Spike's blanket. While the god of chaos lowered his large, goofy face inches over Spike's head, which was facing the other way, the tail began to wiggle along the dragon's tummy from underneath, tickling him. It was then, only after a few moments, that the dragon flipped himself over in an attempt to escape, just as Discord predicted. Inches away from Spike's face was the spirit's huge, grinning face.



Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Twilight watched as he set everything up, curious as to what he had planned. Spike started to giggle as the blanket tickled him, he then burst out laughing and fell onto his back giggling " Stop it!" he giggled, he then opened his eyes to see Discord. He gasped, then screamed, running down the stairs and hiding underneath Twilight desk. Twilight couldn't help but chuckle, but kinda felt bad for Spike. He was just a baby, so he got spooked pretty easily " It's ok Spike, it was just Discord saying hello" she said, he came out from under teh desk " Last time I checked, a creepy grinning face inches from your face saying 'boo' isn't hello" Spike replied.


Twilight sighed, " Oh spike .. "

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Discord innocently rolled onto his front and rested his head in his hand, cocking an eyebrow and watching Spike comically run off underneath the unicorn's desk. Oho, now he had some ammunition for sure. And some of which he never actually bothered with before, as he didn't usually get that physical with the ponies he trolled.


"Ticklish, hmmm?" The Draconequus asked, his one large and one smaller pupil locked on the fleed Spike. "Interesting. I'll have to note that. Tickling has been scientifically proven by ponies to improve the relationship with others, you know."


Oh great, now he was reciting facts. He turned his head upside-down from his perch and blinked at the young purple unicorn.


"Wonder about your purple pony friend, too. May just have to try that out sometime, as well~" He foreshadowed, bobbing his eyebrows up and down and chuckling.


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Spike giggled at what Discord had last said " Yes, she is soo ticklish!" Spike said, Twilight glared at him" Spike!" she growled, he went back under the desk " I'll just .. stay here" he said as he crawled back under teh desk. Twilight rolled her eyes " You two can play around all you want, I'll be downstairs studying. Don't. Break. Anything" She said, the last part being more directed to Discord. She then trotted downstairs. Spike slightly came out from under the desk" What?! You're leaving me up here with him?!" Spike said, looking up at him. He grabbed he quill from the desk, holding it like a sword, as if it'd protect him, and went back under teh desk, glaring at Dicord" Don't get any ideas, I have a weapon!" he threatened.


Twilight brought a book down to her studying desk and stopped in front it, opening it up" I knew this may have been a bad idea.But you're strong Twilight! If he tries anything, I can at least stall him .. I hope .. Ugh, I need to stop worrying! Ok, lets see .. " she looked down at the book to see what she had grabbed" Ah, the life cycle of plants" she smiled, reading through it, compleatly dropping her guard.

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Discord glanced at Spike and put a finger on his own lip, blinking and snickering at how the tiny dragon was holding a quill against the god and spirit of disharmony as weapon. But it was amusing. He poked the quill and watched how helplessly Spike tried to swing at his large eagle-clawed hand. He continued effortlessly jabbing at him for a few moments, before his crafty eye turned towards the now busy unicorn girl. Getting another sneer, he moved his head and neck down underneath the desk next to the baby dragon in a flash of a second.


"Hmmm. So, she's ticklish too, you say? Might I be so inclined to ask where?" The chaotic being asked, a scheme welding up in his mind. His large feathered red tail flicked in anticipation. His voice was low enough so that it didn't carry over to Twilight's half of the room, let alone down the stairs at all.


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Spike moved so he wasn't really close to Discord. He spoke at about the same volume as Discord" Um .. stomach, back of her hind legs, not her front, her hooves for sure, and behind her left ear, not her right though " Spike told him, wanting him to do something to her as well. Spike raised an eyebrow" So, what're you gonna do?" he asked, using teh feathered part of the quill to tickle at him out of boredom and not liking him so close.

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"Hmmmm..." The chaotic Draconequus took in the rapid fire info he was given, and tapped his claw against the floorboards. All the while, his eyes stalked his new young purple unicorn roommate, as she fussed about in her studying. He then chuckled and quickly grabbed the feather the dragon had begun to assault him with, and stuck it on the top of the table, poking him.


"Exactly what you're thinking I'm going to do, little dragon. Now just sit and tight, grab a front seat, and don't give my presence away...a Draconequus needs his stealth, like a cheetah to a gazelle~"


When sneaking, the journey from one side of the room was a long process. Discord moved from his spot under the desk by Spike, to behind Twilight's bed, and, like a large python, slithered down the steps using his claws to drag him across the floor. Being as quick as an arrow, his entire body moved in the blink of an eye, whenever Twilight moved her head. The tension in the air of the library house could be cut with a knife, when chaos found itself only feet from the unsuspecting pony.


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Spike watched Discord do what he does best. He started to wonder how Twilight would react. Would she kick him? Or just fall to the ground laughing? Maybe give him an evil stare? No, that wouldn't bother him at all, probably would make it more funny to him. Spike thought. Twilight didn't hear Discord at all, she was to into her book anyways. She did hear the floorboards squeak a bit but she figured it was just spike probably looking for a new hiding place.

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