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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Jack was silent for a moment.

"Alright, I am not leaving you guys, but I would like to make one thing clear when I do go in combat, I don't want any complaints or excuses when I choose the people I prefer to work together with and the ones who I don't work as well with, Ember is right because I let these problems go on for long enough." Jack said.

"I am made for fighting and I should no longer let that factor be undermined. Now I am going to do some training, intensive training. I will see you all in 5 hours when we will gather for the attack at the City gates." Jack said.

"I won't leave you Luna, but i do feel betrayed with the entire revelation, i really hope you will leave up to your word." Jack said to Luna, now with a bit more sadness.

He did not know whether to feel sad, happy, angry, or scared about this entire situation, he had mixed feelings, but the only thing he could show was seriousness and straightforward emotion, it was how he could only feel now.

'Evelyn, are you there?  I need you to take me somewhere.' He thought to her.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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'I think I could leave the meeting for long enough... Seeing as Luna did.' Evelyn thought back to him 'Isn't Ember over there? Can you train with her? Or were you thinking something else entirely?'

Festus looked at him when he said intensive training "If you want I can help you with that... I mean I was doing something similar just before. I could easily help out. Plus we still need to try that thing I mentioned before." Festus said with a smile.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'I am thinking about both, give me one moment to talk it through with them.' Jack thought to Evelyn.

"You are right Festus, we still need to try that thing out, how about you and Ember join me? By intensive training, i mean the type of training i always used to when i was younger, go into a part of No man's land, use the infected as target practice, the thrill of battle helps me train faster then usual practice training, we only have a few hours, and normal training won't cut it for me." Jack asked him.

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Festus smiled "Oh! That does sound awesome! Ember?"

Ember smiled too "Alright, I'll go..."

"Yea!" Festus again grabbed Jack by the arm and started to drag him off. He realized that in this case that what he was doing was rather rude. "Oh. Hehe sorry." He said letting go of his arm. Ember had started to follow when Festus had dragged Jack into another room.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack couldn't help but smile at Festus his enthusiasm.

"We will have to head out of the city and to someplace further away in the desert called Grimnar's edge, should be a big ghost town, which we will have plenty of work for our training," Jack noted.

'Evelyn, we are heading towards a place called Grimnar's edge, it is a big ghost town a bit further into the desert, could you take me there? The others will be following us right behind.' Jack thought to her.

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Evelyn stood up at the tactics meeting subtly and walked out without too many noticing her leave 'Alright I'm coming give me a bit.' Evelyn wasn't sure which way it was so she figured she go get her map from her room


Festus looked at Jack "You're gonna get weapons right? I mean... It would probably be better to actually have some gear and such..."

Ember chucked "He's got his magic! He'll be fine!"

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Magic is pretty strong and all... But I have decided to take it a step further."  Jack as he drew knife and inspected the metal.

"If there is one that I have been taught, it is that I could turn from a novice into a killing machine if I can tap into full instincts and let them control me, it is one heck of an advantage since then anticipating my enemy's movements happens almost subconsciously that state. I guess that is an advantage that all Raukan, Terrans and Eldritch seem to possess that trait by default, but then I guess the question is how stable for someone it is, not everyone can learn to control it, but would rather lose control and let their instincts become the dominant part of the body for a period of time." Jack explained.

"This knife and my body is all i will need for this." Jack said with confidence as he was waiting for Evelyn for to arrive.

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Ember raised a brow. "YOu sure kid? Instincts are prtty dangerous things... If we dragons did that we'd kill everyone and take all their stuff. But I guess it's different for you 'cat-people' Right?" Ember had just said 'Cat-People' So casually because she didn't see a problem with it, She was lumping all 3 races into one group like calling Her and Evelyn dragons she meant no offense but it could be taken that way. "Can't wait to see!"

Festus had a odd look "Well, Jack is that good for you? Will you be super reckless? Because it soudns like you could get really hurt or even killed like that..." He realized he sounded like the others "I mean it'll help but... I don't want it to help once."

Edited by Maple Bat
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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, you are right when it comes to the instincts Ember, our instincts would be similar to dragons when it comes to the feral instincts, but there is something even deeper about it. Not only would I have to learn and tap into that state, I would have to manipulate my brain and regain but a very small portion of control from myself in that very state, so I could technically still maintain my real self but still have those benefits of this state." Jack said with a smile.

"Suffice to say, it is very dangerous, but without taking such risk I will never reach my full potential, getting strong is one thing, but being able to overcome the limits of my own body will make it even better in the end." Jack noted.

"In fact... My mentor could show you guess an example of how it looks like once we arrive there, he was the one who suggested me to learn this in the first place."

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Ember's smile brightened lighting up the room, She now was really excited and not the kind of battle rush kind of excited she was hyped "YEA, Show us what you can really do!" Ember picks him and starts to carry him outside "Now you've got me fired up! I wanna see this


Festus flew alongside the running "Well... You want us to trust you more so I'll let you do this Jack... But That won't stop me from trying to help should you get into danger." Festus said with a smile, "You're ok with that right? Me just wanting to help?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"That is alright with me Festus, Friends always help each other after all." Jack said with a smile to him.

He couldn't help but smile at Embers enthusiasm.

"You will see something really good, he won't fail in meeting up your expectations, that I can assure you! We do have to wait for Evelyn to meet up with us, she should be here any moment." Jack said with as smile.

He looked up at the sky, hoping to spot her.

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"She can meet us there." Ember stated, not stopping her flight "I really gotta see this! Seriously though you don't need Evelyn for this but she'll arrive knowing her. You... did tell here where we're going didn't you?"

Festus started to fall behind, Actually he just kinda fell he couldn't fly as well as ember and eventually he had to land since the wings were only half grown in. "Wait! You're leaving... Me..." alas it was too late, Ember was moving much too fast. He sighed and started to run to keep up.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I did tell her the location, but she didn't seem to recognize the name, although she should be able to sense my life energy with her powers, that she should be able to find us. But just in case to keep her update." Jack said to Ember.

'Evelyn, giving you a heads up, apparently Ember is already carrying me towards our destination, she seemed very hyped, my question is, do you still want to come? If you are then you should be able to follow my life energy, just like I can feel yours, then you should be able to find us.' Jack thought to her.

"Festus is having a little bit of trouble with keeping up with us." Jack noted.



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'Alright, I'll meet up with you 3 in a while' Evelyn thought back as she finally left the actual building she was in and took flight heading to the spot on her map that seemed like it would be where they were 'I'm heading that way.'


Ember didn't really listen, she heard but didn't say anything response until a bit after, "Festus can handle himself if there's trouble. I'm just trying to get us there quickly!" She landed for a second and set Jack down "Though perhaps waiting on him is the best option. He is pretty scareable."

It took Festus a few minutes to meet the other two "Thanks for... Not leaving me behind." He said to Ember, He was exhausted from running as fast as flying. "I have to run over all these dunes and it's not very fun..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I can imagine, I remember when we had to walk our way through this desert and suffice to say it was not that great..." Jack said, "But if I were to get stuck in the desert for some reason, I would be capable of surviving about 8 weeks without food or water, but that is excluding all the sickness, diseases and just overall being." Jack said.

He looked a bit around until he saw some sort of tiny scorpion crawling trough the dunes, this however din't seem to be infected or from an actual strain.

Jack wasted no time and blasted the animal with his magic, and then picked up the roasted and burned scorpion by its tail.

"Atleast there is some food source in the desert, even if its not that good." Jack said with a laugh.


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Ember chuckled too "You know if you were hungry we could've eaten before leaving." She went from a chuckle to full laughter "Though frying a scorpion's not exactly why we came out here right?"

"Right... How much farther do we have until we get there? I think I'll need a breather if it's too far..." Festus said as he sat down.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"That depends, it perhaps would if we would want to escape another one's of Celestia's cake rampages, entire shops boozed clean." Jack joked in which he couldn't hold his laughter.

After a few seconds of just laughing like crazy, he calmed down a bit.

"I don't think it should be more then 30 minutes travelling by now if you want to rest for a moment, i don't have a problem with it," Jack said, his face is a bit red from all that laughing.


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Festus laid on the sand. "Sorry... Worn out now... Keeping up with ember, flying at full speed, Is hard on foot..." Festus had a realization "Jack... We could've got the stuff we needed to help my wings grow in from town..." He started laughing

Ember started laughing too "If Celestia Trained as much as she ate cake then even Valtrek wouldn't be a problem!" She joked.

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You got that one right!" Jack said with a laugh to Embers joke.

He then sat down for a moment.

"You are right Festus, at first I thought there was no longer any need since for your wings were already capable of flight by the time but it went past my knowing that it would benefit if your wings would grow faster from that process regardless. I guess I should learn more about a dragon's body structure in general, at first I could only speculate it from Vernomian body structures." Jack admitted.

"Just tell us when you are rested up enough and we can continue our travel." Jack as he was inspecting his roasted scorpion.


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"Well... They're only about a fourth the way in Jack... I'd like them fully in so I can keep up with ember." He laughed on the ground and sat up "I can fly now so who am I to complain though." His wings hadn't changed much since they grew quickly that once. "My wings... they're odd aren't they?"

Ember knelt next to Festus "C'mon... they'll grow in fully soon enough, Maybe when you most need them Festus... Trust me." She smiled "For now you'll be ok without them"

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I was thinking, do you still want that grow thing that I had been talking about earlier? I am not sure when i can gather the supplies that i need in order for you to help your wings grow faster." Jack asked him.

Jack suddenly got an idea, he drew his knife out of the sudden.

"Festus, could you heat up my knife with your fire breath?" Jack asked him, wich sounded a bit weird for asking that so out of the sudden.


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"Y... Yea sure... But Ember's breath is hotter-" Festus was interrupted

"He asked you,  we listen to him now remember... or at least for a little while..." Ember said "We do have our own worries."

Festus sighed "Ok... Ok..." He took the knife from jack and heated it to the point it was glowing red hot. Is that good or more heat?" Festus said handing it back. 

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack smiled.

"Thank you, now I can get to work," Jack said, he enveloped his left hand in magic, and then suddenly did something rather bizarre.

He grabbed the heated part with his hand, a burning sound was coming when he was gripping the hot metal.

He used 3 fingers from his left hand to then put a good amount of pressure on the hot metal, including the force from the magic, which caused some of the metal got small dents in it from the left side.

Jack let his left hand go and then smashed the dented side of the knife straight on a very hard rock.

While the rock got a small crack in it, the knife itself now had 3 very sharp points on the left side of the metal, which almost made it look like a tiny saw with a very sharp edge on top.


"Man, that actually did hurt, but the end result is what matters." Jack said as he was blowing at his hand from the very hot touch that it had exposed.


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"Oh my gosh!" Festus said running over to jack after he finished... whatever he was doing to his knife. Festus quickly grabbed his hand and examined it seeing parts were it had been severly burned "It did more than hurt jack... It really burned you..." He stated "No fur is gonna grow back in those places... Why the HAY did you do that!"

Ember set her claw onto of Festus' head "Kid had a reason... he shouldn't have to explain that... Am I curious why you wanted to do that to your weapon."

Edited by Maple Bat
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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked at his hand with a bit of confusion.

"It.. really burned? I was hoping my magic would stand the heat, guess that spell didn't really work that way it seems.." Jack said with a bit of shock.

"For some reason, i don't really seem to feel the burn in my left hand, it just feels absent." Jack said.

He then looked at his knife.

"But well, i wanted to create these 3 sharp points at the left side of my knife, that way slashing will become a whole lot deadlier, i presumed this method would be the best since i didn't have any tools with me." Jack stated.

"I grew up in the most dangerous places after all, i have learned to use things that i can have at my disposal." he said.

'Still, i wonder why i din't feel it, was the burn so bad that it went past my feeling? I guess i will never know.' Jack tought

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