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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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'Perhaps highly trained is perhaps a bit too much for me to be called that, training while being imprisoned is not easy after all.' he thought.

He then drew his blade and started cleaning it.

'I know for a fact that this blade can do far more then just attack.. but what did father actually intend with it? I don't even know what these runes do, they only activate at given moments.' he thouught.

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After speaking with the ponies Maple was disheartened no one seemed to want to go with them That was until her second-in-command Moonshadow offered to go with them "3 of us now but I don't think that'll work. It's all we have so it's what we have to work with." Maple and Moonshadow look at each other and both said "Under the guidance of the moon."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded. "Well, at least now have a slight chance of getting more success, i suggest we head out as fast as we can, any idea how we can get to the edge of the everfree forest the fastest way?" he asked.

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"Well the fastest route would be flight..." She looked at the two. "But... I'm the only one who has that option." She considered the other routes. Train was too unpredictable but quicker than walking if it was there. Portals... She didn't like the thought of. There was an army of pegasi here... "Yea We'll fly. I'll go get a chariots set up for you two. I'll return shortly."

Moonshadow Smiled "Chariots huh? Haha. I feel like royalty already. What about you?" He asked Jack

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I kinda guess i do to, but then again, i have never seen any form of royalty before i came here except for perhaps parts of my family." Jack said

"I am perhaps just a bit worried what we are going to face out there, if we are lucky, they will have sloppy partrols, but if we are unlucky, they have these scouting machines wich are able to spot us from a considerable range." Jack said, using a diffren't method of explaing the *drones*.


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Moonshadow looked at Jack. "We won't get close to everfree in the chariot well head down probably to Fluttershy's cottage which is near the edge of the forest and go from there." He walked over to a balcony to get a good overview of everything. Ponyville Appleloosa, and other towns where visible  "Our lands... They've suffered through a lot. This will be probably nothing like equestria's ever faced before."


Maple was chatting with 2 pegasi who agreed to pull the chariot while she was preparing it, She didn't want them to just sit in silence. "So you two ever do this before if not it's easy enough. Just pull it like you could anything else."


Woody had stepped away from all the armies he need to go grab the elements of harmony and bring those to ponyville. "We'll need to pull out all the stops for this one." He had told Celestia.

Celestia knew he was right and went with him to retrieve them. "Make sure that you mother and her friends receive these. Also Tell maple we have been making progress with chrysalis for us to help so they may be allies soon." Celestia opened the vault and picked up the box containing the elements and handed it to the dragonequus. "This feels a bit weird." She giggled

Woody nodded. "Yea." He said "I'll make sure that maple knows and that these get delivered." He saluted and exited the room.


  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded. "I can't lie to you, things for your planet are going to change considerably, not only in terms of war, but also perhaps everything thrives with life, i have seen how they invaded planets before. But i think what their most valueable in this planet is the species that live here. I mean, a planet full of species that have never been heard from anyone who did not come from here? Our enemy are beyond desperate with trying to turn your species into a stage for their conversion process, able to create new strains to compensate for the ones that are dying out." Jack said.

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Moonshadow growled "Well let's not let them then." He went to grab his large spear and his armor. "You best get ready to go. Captain Maple should have the chariot soon." The armory it's self was almost completely empty save him and a few other ponies. Will equestria be able to survive this one? He thought to himself out of a bit of desperation.


Woody had waled to the chariot Maple was preparing. When he walked over it was ready to go so where the 2 pegasi. "Hey sister! I need to tell you something."

Maple walked over after finishing a few final preparations. She saw that he had an awkward expression of trying to hide a smile "That can wait, somethings up with you. What's the matter brother? Something on your mind?"

Woody flinched there was something he was worried about this whole war but mostly that virus. "Just a bit worried about what could happen if I got that virus. Especially given my capabilites."

Maple shook her head and laughed. "Don't worry you have to sing for your magic. The virus... It turns you into a Savage and Savages don't sing. I don't think you'll get infected anyways so don't worry."

Woody let out a breath of air he had been holding in. "You always know what to say. Oh! And you're going to everfree right? Celestia said that you needed to ask if Chrysalis has changed her mind about helping us."

The Bad-Changelings had been brought up a few times now and everytime Maple heard this Idea she cringed She hated it but the will to protect equestria need more ponies... even if they wheren't ponies. "Alright fine. We'll stop but the hive." She then escorted the chariot outside.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack walked towards them boarded one of the chariots.

"We should go asap, it is dangerous to let them have their for so long." Jack with worry.


Somewhere in the badlands, a 2 legged cat creature was sneaking around. She was rather tall and had lots of machinery equipped to her torso, she wore a small rebreather over her mouth and had weird devices equipped on her arms. But what stood out the most was her resemblance to Jack, a very very similar resemblance.

But eventually she stopped sneaking, she instead started the patrolling changelings one by one, almost as if trying to draw attention from the entire hive.

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Maple and Woody both where just going to fly to ponyville. They'd done it plenty of times and another time wouldn't bother them too much. Moonshadow got on the chariot and maple gave the order for the two pegasi to head to ponyville. "Shining! Your in charge of the night guard for now. Bye!" She said as she few off. After flying for about 3 minutes, Maple noticed the box that Woody had "Man too bad we can't just use those things. I mean not that I need it but it'd just be cool."

Woody smiled awkwardly again. "That's kind of an off comment for you. You feeling alright."

Maple laughed. "Sorry Guess I should keep my thoughts up here." She pointed to her head. "Lets get those to the bearers. I'll meet you guys near my home. See ya." The siblings sped up and went much faster than the chariot.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack had been silent for the entire trip, having trouble hiding his fears for what was to come.


The assassin was taking her sweet time murdering the changelings who dared to attack her.

A pile of bodies lay next to her as she seemed to enjoy slaughtering her enemies without a lot of effort.

"And to think that these *changelings* turned out to be shape-shifting bugs on hooves... What a joke." The assassin said with a bored expression.

She then saw a changeling trying to crawl away for its dear life, the assassin casually walked up to it grabbing its throat and holding him to her eye level.

"Tell me my dear bug, where could I find the one called Chrysalis? I have an appointment and it would be rude for me to get late." She said in a sadistic voice.

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It took the chariot another 30 minutes of silent ride before they landed near Fluttershy's cottage. Maple was already there waiting to greet them. "You two ready to go?" She ashed and her voice was full of enthusiasm to go, but she wasn't sure about this herself She worried that sacrifices would have to be made but she was ready to make it.


The changeling paniced. "In the center of the hive it's not too far in that direction. He pointed north. Please let me Live." He pleaded

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked at Maple with a bit of a confused look.

"I am ready, but how can you be so hyped about this? What we are going to do is not going to be a-.... o well... forget i said anything. Lets go." Jack said in a grim tone.

Jack started walking towards the forest.


The assassin laughed at the changeling's pleas. "Live? You will be begging for death once i am experimenting on you! My my, my first victim already starts to beg for its life, this is just to precious." the assassin said with a smirk as she threw the changeling straight at a rock, knocking it unconscious.

"And now it is time to pay the bug queen a little visit, tough i had expected a bit more resistance then these meatshields." She joked.

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Maple had waled a bit ahead of the other 2. She was heading towards the Changeling castle. Since they had to head there anyways. When she saw the dead changelings she flinched. "This doesn't look good. Guys! Come here it think We've got a problem on our hooves." She pulled out her bow and readied it. Taking a defensive position in case the killer was still there.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack came running behind her, his knife drawn.

He looked around until he saw someone that made his heart almost stop from fear.

"Nn--n-n-n-n-n--n-nnoo....." Jack stuttered as he had become totally pale, he was so afraid that he even dropped the knife had been holding.

The assassin suddenly saw someone very familiar to her

'Well, il be damned.' she thought with a grin.

She sneaked behind the trio before casually revealing herself.

"It has been a long time *Son*. You know how rude it is to leave your own dear mother waiting for so long." She said in a sadistic tone. Her eyes showing an evil glance of malicious intent.

"STAY AWAY!!!!" Jack tried to scream out, but his words died in his throat.

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Maple when, the new comer spoke aimed her bow at the new comer. "Not another step!" She shouted, watching her bowstring carefully waiting for it's color to change. "Just who are you and why are you here."

Moonshadow had also drawn his weapon and was holding it as if he was ready to strike in case they moved.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The assassin looked at the group with a hint of enjoyment in her eyes.

"So you decided to hide behind a bunch of primitives? How amusing." She said, she then eyed Maple.

"I am here to fulfil a bargain, but it is not every you stumble upon a planet full of not yet discovered aliens... I wonder, how fast will your fragile bones bend? That is perhaps something I would genuinely be interested in~." She said with an unnerving tone.

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Maple didn't move. She had faced worse. Her bowstring started to glow red but she didn't release the arrow. "Make one move and I'll end you." She said intimidatingly. "While the changelings you fought where weak you're facing the strongest archer the royal guard has to offer. It's in your best interest that you explain this bargain." Maple felt mercy inside her but given the intention of this new comer She wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

Moonshadow was sweating he was scared by what the newcomer had just said. He started to shake a little bit. If this is our foe that we have trained for I don't think I can win... He thought.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I merely came here to acquire information, perhaps even strike a deal or two. But perhaps my bigger reason is that someone paid me a tremendous amount in order to get a certain someone home." She said.

"But for YOUR sake, i hope that title of yours is not an joke because it would be quite unfortunate if I end up fighting someone too weak."

She then grew a large smirk under her rebreather.

"But then again, i could kill all 3 of you with deadly precision. Tell me, how much do you value the lives of your friends?" She asked in a sinister tone.

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Maple had heard her question She remebered when chrysalis had asked her that and growled at the person she was aiming at. "Don't bother me with that question I know what happens if I answer it. I'm not sparring you for now... Don't make me regret it..." She lowered her bow and eyed this woman suspisously "We seem to be heading the same way... If you want you can travel with us or you can just... Nevermind Just get out of here."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The assassin started laughing.

"Regret? You are going to regret so many things  when the weeks have passed darling." she said in a smug tone

"We need to get out of here!!!!" Jack begged to Maple, almost dragging her with him as he started to freak out.

"You are going to leave so suddenly? A family reunion would be a lot more preferable..."  She said with a grin as she held up to fingers aiming at Jack

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Maple after he grabbed her and started to drag her spun around. She was angry she hated those kinds, The ones that feel like they can just do whatever they wanted because they where curious. She ran with him Moonshadow following closely behind. After Maple had left earshot. She sighed. "I hate people like that. They think they can just do whatever they want. I should have just killed her." She growled at herself. "I'm a guard. If I see a threat I take care of it but this time I just felt merciful..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Maple! Listen to me! That person could have wiped all 3 of us out with much effort, I know her!!" Jack said in a full-scale panic.

"We need to head back to Canterlot as fast as we can, we cannot stay here with her roaming around!!" Jack almost screamed, he was in a panic moment that twilight used to have during her *lessen zero* breakdown.

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"I don't doubt that. She wiped out most of a changeling squad with no visible damage, but me I'd take a bit more than a few changelings. Even so Jack we Have a job to do so snap out of it we can't fail you need to remember my race is counting on us." She continued towards the changeling hive. "Perhaps not letting woody come was a bad idea..." She quietly said to herself.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I might as well say goodbye to my life." he said to himself in an emotionless tone.

The assassin just should there casually waiting for them to come back.

"So, have you finally decided to forfeit your retreat plan? But then again, I am not sure if you are worth my time, you just don't look like much of a threat against me really." she taunted


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