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Ask Sunset Rose


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2 hours ago, Duality said:

Would you rather have a mattress, a pillow, or a blanket as your sole bedding while sleeping on the streets because you're a hobo?

A blanket for me. I can find a soft spot in the grass to get comfortable I'm sure, but I wouldn't have anything to protect me from the wind.


2 hours ago, Duality said:

Thoughts on face-paint?

Not many. It's a thing, I suppose. Normally I sort of see it as a very primitive thing, but then again I wear a lot of mascara and I'm sure you could make an argument that it's face paint as well.


2 hours ago, Duality said:

What is the most organised part of your life?

Probably my sleeping schedule. I'm normally very punctual to everything but bedtime is bedtime for me, I rarely deviate from it. I suppose I'm that way with how I work as well. I've built a very structured routine for myself and it all runs on schedule, but when it doesn't it really throws me off.


2 hours ago, Duality said:

What's the greatest electrical/magical current that has ever passed through any part of your body?

I don't really know if this is an honest answer, but it's the first thing that I thought of. During the summer sun festival when all of us in Canterlot get to be close to Princess Celestia when she raises the sun, as a unicorn you can feel her great magical presence, sure, but when she's actually got ahold of the sun and is moving it through the sky there's this incredibly... I don't know, magic-like sensation that pulses from her through everyone in attendence. It feels like static electricity but at the same time doesn't, I don't know if electricity or magnetic attraction has anything to do with how she controls the sun, but it's what I imagine it feels like when you ask me.


8 minutes ago, Woohoo said:

What do you want for Christmas?

I'm getting what I want for Hearth's Warming, actually! I'm going to go visit my parents in Trottingham for the weekend. It's more snow back home than it is in Canterlot and that always makes it so much better. ^ ^


Just now, Snowflurry said:

Did you eat all the cake? :orly:

Not... yet... > >

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1 hour ago, Sunset Rose said:

then again I wear a lot of mascara and I'm sure you could make an argument that it's face paint as well.

ooooh fashionable hobo

1 hour ago, Sunset Rose said:

I've built a very structured routine for myself and it all runs on schedule, but when it doesn't it really throws me off.

Clearly you need a modular schedule, with which you can change your routine in precise increments to take into account all possible schedule configurations. :proud:




How many kitties have you snuggled in your whole life?

How many doggies have you snuggled in your whole life?

How many bunnies have you snuggled in your whole life?

How many ponies have you snuggled in your whole life?

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9 hours ago, Duality said:

How many kitties have you snuggled in your whole life?

Not many. I've never really been much of a cat pony. Have you ever met the owner of the Carousel Boutique? She's got a cat for a pet, and it's a good example of why I don't like them. Snobby little monsters. :okiedokieloki:


9 hours ago, Duality said:

How many doggies have you snuggled in your whole life?

I couldn't say how many exactly, but any dog that lets me, pretty much. They have such wonderful personalities. I love dogs. :)


9 hours ago, Duality said:

How many bunnies have you snuggled in your whole life?

I'm struggling to remember if I've ever even held one yet. There are wild rabbits in Trottingham, but not nearly as many in Canterlot. Occasionally I'll see them in my gardens and have to shoo them away, but that doesn't leave for a lot of desire to snuggle them when they're eating my peas.There are ponies in Ponyville that have bunnies as pets, but I've never really been close friends with any of them. 


9 hours ago, Duality said:

How many ponies have you snuggled in your whole life?

Oh... one or two. :please:

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12 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Not many. I've never really been much of a cat pony. Have you ever met the owner of the Carousel Boutique? She's got a cat for a pet, and it's a good example of why I don't like them. Snobby little monsters. :okiedokieloki:


but i thought we were friends. . .

12 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I couldn't say how many exactly, but any dog that lets me, pretty much. They have such wonderful personalities. I love dogs. :)


but i thought we were friends. . .




What is the single greatest mustache you have ever seen?

What is the single greatest [insert item here, e.g., coins, stamps, etc.] collection you have ever seen?

What is the single greatest marvel of technology you have ever seen?

What is the single greatest book you have ever seen - and not read?

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1 hour ago, Duality said:

What is the single greatest mustache you have ever seen?

Burnt Oak has my favorite mustache! I like that sort of classic look. I don't know if guys have names for mustache styles but I like that one along with his wiry hair and hat.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What is the single greatest [insert item here, e.g., coins, stamps, etc.] collection you have ever seen?

The older gentleman I work with is an interesting stallion. He owns a modest old classic magical studies book rental shop for students and studies in Canterlot, so you would expect since he owns all of these timeless classics for that to be the answer but no. He has the strangest fascination with fliers... For every event in the city, he has to stash away a flier of it in an album he has in his home. He's shown them to me before and he is very proud of them. It's a strange thing to collect, but it does feel like a very unique history lesson when you realize this gentleman has been to every single major event in Canterlot in his considerably long life with a memento to keep the story of them alive. He's got several dozen albums of them- every page has a flier and a notation of the event to help keep his memory of them sharp. It's impressive to me.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What is the single greatest marvel of technology you have ever seen?

Cloudsdale will forever be a marvel of pegasus ingenuity to me. There are ways of making it up into the city and seeing everything from hot air balloons, but even with magic there will always be that little bit of envy in me for how pegasi can live in such a place. I do sometimes get hit with wanderlust, but even with our best magic and technology the sky and sea are still so far out of reach. And what a place to be out of reach Cloudsdale is!


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What is the single greatest book you have ever seen - and not read?

I used to be a student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and every class I took that she headed, she always kept with her a little diary. It was the same little book locked by a powerful spell in her desk, but I never once saw her write in it. Only keep it visible for the class to see from time to time, presumably without any intention whatsoever. But I've always wondered what was in that little diary. I tried using scrying spells on it while she wasn't looking, I've tried to peek at it while she was teaching and could never see what was inside. I don't know if it was just a secret little game she was playing, (because she did do that from time to time in other ways,) or not, but I never knew, nor dared to ask. In all honesty, she would probably have appreciated a more open curiosity of it if it were indeed something like that. I mean... I'm still curious.

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22 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Burnt Oak has my favorite mustache! I like that sort of classic look. I don't know if guys have names for mustache styles but I like that one along with his wiry hair and hat.

he seems about your age. . .

22 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I used to be a student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and every class I took that she headed, she always kept with her a little diary. It was the same little book locked by a powerful spell in her desk, but I never once saw her write in it. Only keep it visible for the class to see from time to time, presumably without any intention whatsoever. But I've always wondered what was in that little diary. I tried using scrying spells on it while she wasn't looking, I've tried to peek at it while she was teaching and could never see what was inside. I don't know if it was just a secret little game she was playing, (because she did do that from time to time in other ways,) or not, but I never knew, nor dared to ask. In all honesty, she would probably have appreciated a more open curiosity of it if it were indeed something like that. I mean... I'm still curious.

How intriguing.

No wonder you were curious; now I am too. :ooh:




What's the most valuable thing you've ever found just lying around on the ground, permanently lost by its original owner?

How many birthday cards have you received in your life?

What's the most valuable bowl you've ever seen?

How many hats do you own?

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6 minutes ago, Duality said:

he seems about your age. . .

Feel free to apologize now. :unamused:

(Canonically Rosie is actually only a year older than Twilight. Somewhere in her mid-20s.)


7 minutes ago, Duality said:

What's the most valuable thing you've ever found just lying around on the ground, permanently lost by its original owner?

The day Princess Twilight was coronated officially in Canterlot, I was in the crowd alongside my boss. He took away a flier from it along with the memories, but when Princess Twilight took her first few wingbeats over the crowd, she beat loose a downy feather, and I caught it. It's a very special thing to me to have been a classmate and admirer of hers for so long to then see her be crowned a princess. If you would have told me as a child that some day one of my most valued possessions would be one of Twilight's feathers, I'd probably think you were loony.


23 minutes ago, Duality said:

How many birthday cards have you received in your life?

The only traditional birthday cards I get are from classmates. I couldn't tell you how many I've gotten, but I'd say on average...maybe 5. And I started attending Celestia's school at age 5 so we could probably say around 100. My parents and I write to each other regularly and visit biyearly, but that means there's no real need for cards.


23 minutes ago, Duality said:

What's the most valuable bowl you've ever seen?

I don't know the value of them, but the nicest one I've seen is actually in the Trottingham magistrate's office. The political figures in Trottingham are admittedly a very stuffy and  narcissistic lot. The entire office is filled with ornamental things, and one of them is this turquoise and golden-trim bowl in the shape of pegasus wings for very tacky mints on the magistrate's desk.


24 minutes ago, Duality said:

How many hats do you own?

I think I own maybe 3, but I'm not much of a hat person. They're outfit specific for very formal occasions. I will wear a stocking cap and ear muffs in the winter as well. My ears get cold really easily.

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2 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Feel free to apologize now. :unamused:

(Canonically Rosie is actually only a year older than Twilight. Somewhere in her mid-20s.)

Well excuuuuuuse me for assuming that so much wisdom could only come from age and that your beauty is of the timeless sort. :unamused:

2 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I don't know the value of them, but the nicest one I've seen is actually in the Trottingham magistrate's office. The political figures in Trottingham are admittedly a very stuffy and  narcissistic lot. The entire office is filled with ornamental things, and one of them is this turquoise and golden-trim bowl in the shape of pegasus wings for very tacky mints on the magistrate's desk.


2 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I think I own maybe 3, but I'm not much of a hat person. They're outfit specific for very formal occasions. I will wear a stocking cap and ear muffs in the winter as well. My ears get cold really easily.


Also, you should consider wearing hats more often. They look great on you. :D




What's the most exercisey activity you've ever done?

If you could save a single endangered species, which would it be?

How many writing implements do you have within sight right now?

Do you play any instruments? If so, which and why?


Edited by Duality
forgot questions dur
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9 hours ago, Duality said:

What's the most exercisey activity you've ever done?

I'll guess that trotting and galloping don't count.

Moving through the Everfree Forest can sometimes take quite a lot of climbing and jumping, depending on how far you go in. Gorges, rivers and overgrown buttes riddle the entire forest towards the center so it can start to feel like an obstacle course when you're moving through it.


9 hours ago, Duality said:

If you could save a single endangered species, which would it be?

Believe it or not, timberwolves. They're dangerous creatures, but I have a little bit of love for them. Like any predatory creature, ponies have been at odds with timberwolves for as long as we can remember. Ironically, the only safe place for them is in the Everfree Forest since ponies avoid it so much and there is a bounty of food for them there. But their numbers are still extremely low. I can appreciate how intelligent they are and I'd like to see them return to the more wild portions of the south and southwest.


9 hours ago, Duality said:

How many writing implements do you have within sight right now?

Ummmm....4. Two pens, a pencil and a charcoal pencil if that counts.


9 hours ago, Duality said:

Do you play any instruments? If so, which and why?

My mother was a musician when she was younger, and she always pushed me to learn her woodwinds. I learned to play the violin well enough, but I can only play it with my magic. I don't have the same dexterity with my hooves. I did have a very simple wooden flute that I liked to play since it was quiet and fun to use. Both of those have been in the attic for quite a while now...





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2 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

I'll guess that trotting and galloping don't count.

Moving through the Everfree Forest can sometimes take quite a lot of climbing and jumping, depending on how far you go in. Gorges, rivers and overgrown buttes riddle the entire forest towards the center so it can start to feel like an obstacle course when you're moving through it.

sunset ninjaaaaaa :ph34r:

3 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

My mother was a musician when she was younger, and she always pushed me to learn her woodwinds. I learned to play the violin well enough, but I can only play it with my magic. I don't have the same dexterity with my hooves. I did have a very simple wooden flute that I liked to play since it was quiet and fun to use. Both of those have been in the attic for quite a while now...

Those sound like nice cosy memories.

Especially the bit about the wooden flute; it fits your personality to a tee. :fluttershy:




What's the most abject pun you've ever made?

Are you one of those evulz ponies who leaves lights on in rooms after you've finished using them?

Would you rather have anchovies or pineapple on your pizza?

What do you currently have set as your desktop background? (You are typing all this from a laptop of some description, yes? :confused:)

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1 hour ago, Duality said:

What's the most abject pun you've ever made?

I honestly couldn't tell you. Sorry!


1 hour ago, Duality said:

Are you one of those evulz ponies who leaves lights on in rooms after you've finished using them?

I think I may have clarified this earlier, but my home is in the older residential district of Canterlot and I don't have electricity. I do leave the candles lit when I leave rooms sometimes, but never before I go to bed.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

Would you rather have anchovies or pineapple on your pizza?



1 hour ago, Duality said:

What do you currently have set as your desktop background? (You are typing all this from a laptop of some description, yes? :confused:)

(I visit MLPF from one of three desktop computers. This one's wallpaper is a cropped version of this painting by S A Lieske. My other desktop next to me actually has a wallpaper with Rosie in it done by Vitaj here on MLPF. The third is my computer at work, it just has our company logo for a wallpaper.)

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3 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

I honestly couldn't tell you. Sorry!

suuuuuuure you can't

3 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

I think I may have clarified this earlier, but my home is in the older residential district of Canterlot and I don't have electricity. I do leave the candles lit when I leave rooms sometimes, but never before I go to bed.




8 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:






How often do you cut your hair?

How many and what types of plants grow on your property?

What's the most you've ever eaten in a single sitting?

Do you have any allergies?

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37 minutes ago, Duality said:




It's a pain in the butt to put out a candle in my bedroom just to take a bath!


37 minutes ago, Duality said:

How often do you cut your hair?

I usually keep my hair just below shoulder length but since it's naturally wavy I have some leeway with when it gets trimmed. Once a month is my norm. I used to keep it pretty short which meant two trims a month though.


37 minutes ago, Duality said:

How many and what types of plants grow on your property?

Sweet Celestia, we might be here for a while...

In my house towards the front there are about half a dozen golden pothos along the tops of the bookshelves. I normally keep them trimmed so they don't overgrow past the top shelf. Along the windows sills there are mint, lemon verbena, lemongrass, rosemary, ginger and lavender growing in double pots along the big windows. I have two very large pots along the northern face of the front room with cardamom stalks growing in them and the windows in my kitchen have these very healthy English ivies growing over my sink. 

One problem I have with my house is while there's a lot of light downstairs, my bedroom is upstairs in a loft-like area and there's only one small window so I only keep lavender planted upstairs. I wish I had more natural light, but the smell of lavender is fine for the time being.

Outside in the back, I have two clove trees planted along the western corner of the backyard. I don't know what I'll do with the excess once they get really big, but thankfully clove smells wonderful and keeps easily. I have a garden for carrots, peas, tomatoes, yams and potatoes in the back as well. I occasionally will replant new things in the spring but for now, that's what's there. It runs along the southern border and I keep a fence around it.

Along the sides of my home are my rose bushes and one very old white oak growing in the front yard.

I do eat a good portion of everything I grow, and it's very rewarding to grow your meals yourself, but for some of my teas I still have to go out and buy ingredients for them. Cinnamon, peppercorns, apples- basically anything that grows on something I don't have the space to plant. (Or that won't grow in Canterlot's climate.)


37 minutes ago, Duality said:

What's the most you've ever eaten in a single sitting?

The only time I've actually stopped for an extended period through Ponyville on my way to the Everfree Forest I learned that that little town is filled with eateries and they are very generous with their portions. There's a bakery that everyone knows there called Sugarcube Corner. The earth pony tending the counter is... well, everyone knows Pinkie Pie. She's got this supernatural enthusiasm when it comes to sweets and she made me try a sample of just about everything in the shop before I bought a box of muffins out of politeness. I must have looked like a sugar-filled balloon. :scoots:


37 minutes ago, Duality said:

Do you have any allergies?

I swear I'm allergic to ragweed. Every time late summer and early fall rolls around I get awful sneeze fits. It grows all along the treeline of the grove behind my block. But I've tried to just pick a stalk of it and make myself have a reaction to it but nothing happens. I am allergic to something, but I don't know what it is. :confused:

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6 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

In my house towards the front there are about half a dozen golden pothos along the tops of the bookshelves. I normally keep them trimmed so they don't overgrow past the top shelf. Along the windows sills there are mint, lemon verbena, lemongrass, rosemary, ginger and lavender growing in double pots along the big windows. I have two very large pots along the northern face of the front room with cardamom stalks growing in them and the windows in my kitchen have these very healthy English ivies growing over my sink. 

One problem I have with my house is while there's a lot of light downstairs, my bedroom is upstairs in a loft-like area and there's only one small window so I only keep lavender planted upstairs. I wish I had more natural light, but the smell of lavender is fine for the time being.

Outside in the back, I have two clove trees planted along the western corner of the backyard. I don't know what I'll do with the excess once they get really big, but thankfully clove smells wonderful and keeps easily. I have a garden for carrots, peas, tomatoes, yams and potatoes in the back as well. I occasionally will replant new things in the spring but for now, that's what's there. It runs along the southern border and I keep a fence around it.

Along the sides of my home are my rose bushes and one very old white oak growing in the front yard.

I do eat a good portion of everything I grow, and it's very rewarding to grow your meals yourself, but for some of my teas I still have to go out and buy ingredients for them. Cinnamon, peppercorns, apples- basically anything that grows on something I don't have the space to plant. (Or that won't grow in Canterlot's climate.)

teach me your ways senpai

7 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

I swear I'm allergic to ragweed. Every time late summer and early fall rolls around I get awful sneeze fits. It grows all along the treeline of the grove behind my block. But I've tried to just pick a stalk of it and make myself have a reaction to it but nothing happens. I am allergic to something, but I don't know what it is. :confused:

Are you sure it's not the trees themselves or another plant in the vicinity of the grove?




What's the bestest riddle you've ever heard?

What's the most glaringly hilarious grammatical error you've ever seen?

What's the coldest temperature any one part of your body has been subject to?

What's the hottest temperature any one part of your body has been subject to?

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1 hour ago, Duality said:

teach me your ways senpai

You're not boring enough for that, I'm afraid.


16 minutes ago, Duality said:

Are you sure it's not the trees themselves or another plant in the vicinity of the grove?

I'm sure it might be, but ragweed is the only usual suspect growing in the area. I might have a particular allergy, but I like to think I'm not that special.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What's the bestest riddle you've ever heard?

You gave me a pretty good one once.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What's the most glaringly hilarious grammatical error you've ever seen?

The fillies and colts in my neighborhood once held a haunted house for Nightmare Night and invited everypony on the block to come see it. Inside, there was a door that looked like it could have been to a mop closet that had a sign reading 'Please keep this door close at all times'. I had a little image of some smart alleck pony taking the door off of its hinges and bringing it with them and got a chuckle out of it.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What's the coldest temperature any one part of your body has been subject to?

There are hiking tours offered in the city that will lead you to the top of the mountain that Canterlot is situated on. The temperature is brutally low, and the air is incredibly thin at that altitude. I've been up there twice now, but the first time I was not as prepared for the low temperatures. I can't say for certain how cold it was, but I thought I would freeze! Thankfully the tour doesn't last too long. I want to try going on my own some day, but freezing to death isn't a high priority for me right now.


1 hour ago, Duality said:

What's the hottest temperature any one part of your body has been subject to?

I've burned my hooves and forelegs on candles several times. I can't imagine I've ever been in contact with anything hotter than a candle flame before.


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6 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

You're not boring enough for that, I'm afraid.


6 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

You gave me a pretty good one once.


6 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

There are hiking tours offered in the city that will lead you to the top of the mountain that Canterlot is situated on. The temperature is brutally low, and the air is incredibly thin at that altitude. I've been up there twice now, but the first time I was not as prepared for the low temperatures. I can't say for certain how cold it was, but I thought I would freeze! Thankfully the tour doesn't last too long. I want to try going on my own some day, but freezing to death isn't a high priority for me right now.





What do you have on your walls?

What do you have on your floor?

What do your eyebrows taste like?

What's the meal you most enjoy cooking?

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6 hours ago, Duality said:

What do you have on your walls?

Sconces for candles, photos of my family in the hallway, and a tapestry in my bedroom of an evening skyline over Trottingham. 


6 hours ago, Duality said:

What do you have on your floor?

Furniture, potted plants, rugs, me. The usual suspects.


6 hours ago, Duality said:

What do your eyebrows taste like?

You are drunk, Duality. Go home. 


6 hours ago, Duality said:

What's the meal you most enjoy cooking?

When it comes to food, I have really simple tastes. I like hay and oats for most of my meals and they don't require any cooking, but I do really love frying potatoes and onions in sunflower oil for breakfast, it's really good. And, of course, it smells incredible. 

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8 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Sconces for candles, photos of my family in the hallway, and a tapestry in my bedroom of an evening skyline over Trottingham. 

Did you buy the tapestry or did someone make it for you?

8 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

Furniture, potted plants, rugs, me. The usual suspects.


and very suspicious suspects they are too. . .

8 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

You are drunk, Duality. Go home. 



8 hours ago, Sunset Rose said:

When it comes to food, I have really simple tastes. I like hay and oats for most of my meals and they don't require any cooking, but I do really love frying potatoes and onions in sunflower oil for breakfast, it's really good. And, of course, it smells incredible. 

Should I ask? :mustache:




What's your favourite joke?

If you were a penguin, which species would you be?

What does the cup you use most often look like?

Beach or forest?

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52 minutes ago, Duality said:

Did you buy the tapestry or did someone make it for you?

My father sent it to me and I can pretty much guarantee he didn't make it. It's too nice for him to have made.


52 minutes ago, Duality said:



They have a distinct 'Rosie's eyebrows' flavor.


52 minutes ago, Duality said:

What's your favourite joke?

Knock knock


52 minutes ago, Duality said:

If you were a penguin, which species would you be?

I like to think I'd be an emperor penguin. They're pretty!


52 minutes ago, Duality said:

What does the cup you use most often look like?

It's a pale green cast iron 6oz teacup. The color reminds me a lot of oxidized bronze and I love cast iron for tea, it holds the the heat very well.


52 minutes ago, Duality said:

Beach or forest?

This is actually surprisingly difficult! I really love beaches- some friends even snuck in some photos of me having fun and relaxing there, but I still have to say forest. It's just more parallel with my interest, my life and everything I love about both.

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1 hour ago, Sunset Rose said:

They have a distinct 'Rosie's eyebrows' flavor.

Good enough to start your own custom restaurant, do you think?

1 hour ago, Sunset Rose said:

Knock knock

. . . who's there?

1 hour ago, Sunset Rose said:

They're pretty!

Not much of a change for you, then. :P

1 hour ago, Sunset Rose said:

It's a pale green cast iron 6oz teacup. The color reminds me a lot of oxidized bronze and I love cast iron for tea, it holds the the heat very well.

How curious.

When did you come by it?




Would you rather have no body, and just a head, or no head, and just a body, assuming that survival is possible in both cases?

[Which is best Iron Man suit?]

[Which are more essential to you, analogue data storage mediums (writing paper/pens, books, etc.) or digital data storage mediums (computer, phone, CDs, etc.)?]

[Are OOC questions legal around these here parts?]

Paisley or polka-dots?

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44 minutes ago, Duality said:

. . . who's there?



35 minutes ago, Duality said:

How curious.

When did you come by it?

It's got pretty dragonfly designs on it! I picked it up off of a traveling merchant from Vanhoover. (Very similar to one I have in person, but it's not 6oz. I wish it were.) I have a few others, and they're all cast iron, but that one is my favorite. I have a trivet and kettle in a similar design. <3
(I really should get an electric kettle though. It's more convenient.)


37 minutes ago, Duality said:

Would you rather have no body, and just a head, or no head, and just a body, assuming that survival is possible in both cases?

No body and only my head. At least I'd still be able to communicate and use magic. Maybe I'd be able to find a way to get my body back!


37 minutes ago, Duality said:

[Which is best Iron Man suit?]

(The... red and gold one? I don't know much about him, sorry!)


38 minutes ago, Duality said:

[Are OOC questions legal around these here parts?]

(I'd prefer to keep the questions related to Rosie and not myself. I use this thread to help build her character.)


41 minutes ago, Duality said:

Paisley or polka-dots?

Paisley for sure! (If I'm remembering what design that is correctly anyway...) Polka dots are for your grandmare and her embarrassing swimsuit.

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7 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:


but but but

8 minutes ago, Sunset Rose said:

Polka dots are for your grandmare and her embarrassing swimsuit.

*shows to my grandma*

She says no more cookies for you. :okiedokieloki:




What's your favourite mountain?

Where's Wally?

Favourite supervillain (Chrysalis, Tirek, etc.) power?

What's the most singular souvenir you own?

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2 minutes ago, Duality said:

*shows to my grandma*

She says no more cookies for you. :okiedokieloki:

Sorry nan!


3 minutes ago, Duality said:

What's your favourite mountain?

It's probably everyone's favorite mountain, but Mount Everhoof. It's just so tall and awe-inspiring. I really like places like that where ponies haven't been before, or can't go. That wanderlust in me gets stimulated really easily by things like zones with no ponies and remote locations.


5 minutes ago, Duality said:

Where's Wally?

In the center near the binding. (I did actually find Waldo in the last page of the book I had of him. He has only one striped sock, and you even know what to look for! Let's see how long it takes you to fins the real Waldo...)


10 minutes ago, Duality said:

Favourite supervillain (Chrysalis, Tirek, etc.) power?

When it comes to villainy, I really love deception and subterfuge. Shapeshifting, persuasion, poison, playing my enemy against their allies- things of that nature. Nightmare Moon was very much my kind of villain. Not afraid to get her hooves dirty, but more inclined for less direct and more subtle approaches.


12 minutes ago, Duality said:

What's the most singular souvenir you own?

I hate to answer with something I have already answer with before, but it has to be Twilight's feather from her coronation. It is just too symbolic and special.

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