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private Revolution

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Cloud Dreamer paused. What if they were changelings? It could be simple enough with teleportation and....

He stood up and put his guitar away. If they were changelings, he needed to start examining terrain he examined the wall, everything. He punched a weak spot. It hurt his hand, but it made a hole. He could take advantage of a hole. He enlarged it, and then tried to find the others.

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The Doctor smiled at Doodle, and stopped working for a second.

"Sure, why not."

He then turned to the TARDIS again and started working on it.


He was soon reached by Augon, who had thanked Peeps and excused himself.

He sat down next to him, silent for a few seconds.

"Thank you."

He said, with his raspy voice.

The Doc chuckled.

"A changeling commander? Saying thank you? Unbelieavable!"

The changeling looked at him, confused.

"We do say thank you. And please. We're very educated, you know."

The Doctor stopped what he was doing.

"It was sarcasm, Augon. Don't you worry none, I'm sure she'll feel what you feel soon enough."

He looked at him with wide eyes.

"How-- How did you..."

He chuckled.

"I'm the Doctor."

He walked away, leaving the Changeling dumbfounded.

The Doctor stepped into the elevator. He had missed his friends, and wanted to catch up to them. Partly because he missed them, partly becuase they were fun ponies, moslty because he felt guilty of not saving Equestria before this whole affair happened.

But he couldn't tell them why not. It was... too much.

He warped to Ivy's room, and jumed startled, covering his eyes.

"Oh, Sweet Celestia, clean this room up PLEASE!!"

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Peeps watched Agoun retreat and approached the curious wish granting elevator. She moved her face closer and farther away and back again as if trying to see the textures of the elevator's exterior from every possible vantage point she could manage. She pressed the button and jumped backward, startled, when the doors swung open. "Um, hello TARDIS... may I please have my own room?"

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Draw looked about the familiar setting. He wasn't much of a reader (though he would grab books he thought interesting from time to time), but he had found this was one of his best places to draw. He sat down at the table that was on one side of the room, pulled out his pad and pencil, and was about to start sketching, when suddenly...


"What the hay is that?" Draw said. Either he was going insane, or he was hearing classical music. "Of all things..." he sighed and put his things back in his saddle bags. He stepped into the elevator. "I like Twi's library, but being a library, there's no sound system." The elevator's door shut and he began to think of his own custom room. "I hope this works."


The doors opened and Draw stepped into what would be his room in the TARDIS. There were the usual bedroom furniture: bed, nightstand, and dresser. There was a wide window, under which a drawing table sat. What was probably most bizarre was the large sound system hooked up to a CD player. Draw walked over to the player and beside it saw several disk cases. "Yessss." he excitedly hissed. He sorted through the disk cases with his magic, picking one titled 'OMNIPONY'. Opening it and putting the disc in, he powered on the CD player, pumped up the volume, and cranked the bass to 11.






"YEAH!!!" shouted a head-banging Draw. The dubstep drowned out all signs of classical music. While most ponies think better with classical, it only puts Draw to sleep. He needed something invigorating, something that reverberated through his head and stimulated his senses. Sitting down at the drawing table, he pulled out his stuff again and started to draw.

Edited by Draw Toonz



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Prince played in his royal suit of a room. He started rearranging things to his liking and hovered around it still using his tailcopter to do so. "Almost no energy!" he said as he flew around, "Wub Wub! Amy!" he called then his tail stopped rotating, his smile faded and he slid on the floor landing on his bum. His whole body seemed to get darker and his ussually perky hair was now down and darker aswell. "oh......" remembering his pets back from Canterlot brought some great memories he had of his mother giving them to him as a colt.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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"I have no idea what happened to either Wub Wub or Amy....." prince looked at Ivy with worrisome eyes "What could've happened to them?! They were my best friends since I was a colt..." he looked down trying to imagine where they could be so he could find some hope to find them again.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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The Doctor still stood at Ivy's door step, realizing she wasn't there and that he couldn't move without uncovering his eyes.

He gave a headbutts to the TARDIS, and the metallic echo resonated in Ivy's head.

"Oh, wow. It actually worked with a half time lord. I wonder if-- wait, no, I'm getting distracted. Clean your room! This is disgraceful!! I'm trapped here!!!!"

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Ivy put here hooves on here head and winched "will them" She said smiling. Then hear the doctor "I think i should clean my room..." she smiled sheepishly. She then kissed him on top of his forhead and mumbled out the door. She got to her room and open the door "oh my..." she said. She cleaned it and smiled at the doctor "Done.. Did you have to make the tardis ring!"

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The doctor slowly lifted his hoof from his eyes.

He sighed.

"Well, I can't stop you if you want to have..."

He looked at the room, the image of it would haunt his nightmares.

"...fun, but I'd like it I'd you cleaned it up afterwards."

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

He then grinned, his eyes opening in realisation.

"You're half time lord! It's been ages since I've been able to do Time Lord stuff!"

He jumped around in ecstasy.

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Ivy blushed

"sorry! your advagers don't give me time to clean up!"

she looked at the floor. She then looked at the doctor confused.

"I don't know what that really means."

She pulled a face and then smiled at how happy the doctor looked.

"I guess i'll find out!"

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Peeps looked into the open doors and waited for some sort of auditory que that the TARDIS had heard her request. When none came she cautiously set a hoof into the elevator and cleared her throat "Could you take me to my room please TARDIS?" Immediately the door swished closed and the elevator opened to room that looked surpisingly like the one she had back at home in her old cottage in Ponyville: the bed was in the same place, her desk was in the corner, and the room contained the same old cushion by a window that would usually show a view of Ponyville but now showed the vacuum of space. Only the TARDIS had taken some liberties and made some improvements like she had placed an old-fashioned chemist's/alchemist's table in one corner and the walls were made of bristle board and the room was well stocked with green, yellow, and red yarn, so that Peeps could easily make logic webs at will. Peeps went to the corner and carefully examined her new table and equipment. As she examined how fine the chemist's table was Peeps's breath caught in her throat. "Oh TARDIS, it's beautiful."

Edited by Morning Amnesia

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Pencil was sitting in what appeared to be his room, it was almost an exact replica of the alleyway he used to live in. Why he'd still want to sleep to live on the streets, no pony knew, but he seemed slightly more at ease nevertheless. he was still taking in earlier's conversation with the Doctor. Trust was a hard thing for him to do, to anyone, and to start immediately was just out of the question.mHe didn't want to let the Doctor down however; despite the fact that he pushed him away all those years ago, he still idealized him and would never hurt him in anyway. That includes what he thinks of him.


Pencil then pulled out his dairy and pen again, and wrote another entry:


"Pencil J. Doodle's log, entry #1"


"First things first, i'm numbering my entries now; I've completely lost track of the date

"Secondly... where do i begin? The major thing is that I've been asked to pretty much change my persona; be more trusting. How? I'm probably the most skeptical pony anyone could meet. After a life like mine you start to suspect even the cleanest of people to be against you. I don't know if it's a gift or a curse, but it won't be easily changed."

"It turns out the Doctor has a changeling on his side; i think his name's 'Augon'? He's going to be hard to trust for obvious reasons, but this is the perfect chance to try my latest spell out. All i need is a sample of Augon's DNA, and i should be able to perfect shape shifting in ponies. Which in this situation, is a must have"

"I MUST have that DNA at all costs"


"Pencil out"



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The Doctor smiled at Ivy.

"Oh, you will."

He stepped into the elevator, and warped to Peeps' room, startling her.

"So, miss Peeps."

He said, picking up a small statue on the table, murmuring a date and putting it back down.

"How'd you do it?"

He sniled at her confused expression.

"You can't fool me, Peeps. You saw those changelings a mile away, yet you took the poster anyways, knowing they'd take you to the breeding centre and KNOWING I'd be there to save you, simply because you knew I was watching you."

He circled around her, and stopped to look deep into her eyes.

"Entire civilisations spent thousands of years looking for me, most of them failing. You got ME to find YOU by eating some paper. The question is: how?"

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"I might know, Doctor." Cloud Dreamer stepped out of TARDIS. He had entered after he saw a red pony enter and the machine reappeared. The Doctor had entered, and, not seeing him, had teleported him here. "There are two possible solutions: 1) She was simply taking a gamble with barely any chance at all, and she won, or 2) she has a strong energy signal, strong enough to redirect TARDIS to her location. Which I'm not sure even a Time Lord can do." He glanced at the red pony. "Sooo... either she is an alicorn in disguise, a changeling general, a very lucky gambler, or one of the most powerful time lords in the known across the multiverse and dimensions." He retreated to a corner and took out his guitar, and started strumming a soft, but heavy, song...

Edited by No.1
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The Doctor blinked at Cloud Dreamer.

"I don't think that's possible. The only living Time Lord left is me, if we don't count Ivy, who's a halfling."

He stared at the red mare.

"No, this was planned. She didn't need to redirect the TARDIS, she knew it would be there."

He smiled.

"She's the mare who found the Doctor."

(Epic DW music)

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Ivy went back to the main room on TARDIS. Still rubbing her head, "Also long as he don't wake me up like that!" she mumbled. She sat back at the seat of the TARDIS. She looked over at Cloud and The Doctor talking "yeah.... And i don't even know what it means to be a half time lord" she giggled. She smiled "Hey doctor... If you put me and River together... you wont be the last time lord left!"

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Peeps was taken aback. "Sir, I think you're over-estimating my abilities. I had no idea I'd find you. You of all people should know you can't fully understand something until you gain a wideness of perspective on it, with paper that includes munching on it a bit,I'm certain you've done the same."


Peeps turned her back to the gathering crowd and approached her chemist's table. "I simply have a gift of intuition. You lead the revolution. You need all you can get. It's risky to gather people so I assume you have some way of watching those who might be interested. That's what lead me to the posters. I examined them trying to find some way to find you, but there was no information, only a message of hope and a picture."


Peeps strolled back toward the crowd gave a smirk and carefully plucked a single hair from the Doctor's head. With that she returned to her table and set up a flask on a burner. She poured some strange liquid into it and began stirring the hair she had taken from the doctor into the flask as well. "This lead me to believe that you must be monitoring the posters somehow. All I had to do was show some unmistakeable interest in them. I began to explore the poster as anyone employing proper elements of deduction would."


"When I was then accosted by Changelings I just began to love as hard as I could. I was hoping to provoke a spontaneous shapeshift in at least one of them to disorient the crowd so I could make an escape of sorts, but that backfired and there you were. Excellent." Peeps watched as a single drop of the mixture seemed to make it's way through the apparatus and come out the other side. She sniffed it. She stuck her hoof in to feel the slippery mixture and she licked a hoof. "Hmmmmm, interesting... You and I are not so different as I thought Doctor."

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The Doctor stated at Ivy for a second, but quickly dismissed the thought.

"Nah, it doesn't work like that... Although... Nah, not possible."

It was obvious he was still considering the idea, until Peeps pulled out his hair and brought him back to reality.


He shouted.

He listened to Peeps talk, and smiled.

"Improvisation is a great weapon."

He carefully observed her experiment, pointing out a flaw every now and then.

"My dear, I don't just pick anypony for the revolution. You're all here for a reason."

He stood next to her, grabbing some flasks and mixing some substances.

"An immortal time traveler, who had all the time in the work to work out a plan that has to happen over a few hours."

The various liquids mixed, creating all sorts of effects.

"This plan required the very best, ponies who would easily be able to carry out every single part of my mechanism."

He added together the final two substances, creating a light effect that looked strikingly like him.

"I have influenced many things in this universe, Peeps. And most of them weren't by accident."

He turned around, his shadow made of light copying his every movement.

"There's a reason the universe fears me."

The light disappeared, and he walked into the elevator.

"Now come on. It's time to start the revolution."

And he was gone.

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Prince had saw the doctor disappear. "Wow." he was astonished and dumbfounded on where he had gone. "Why am I here then?" he asked himself. He stretched his wings out and waited instruction. "What's he doing?....."

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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The doctor summoned them to the meeting room.

He had spread out multiple sheets on the table, depicting Equestria and various blueprints of mysterious facilities.

"Right, listen up. The changelings have spread out their most important facilities all over Equestria. To make sure this works, we'll have to work fast, not giving them a chance to react."

Agoun stepped up.

"Though the Doctor's little... Gimmick at the breeding station destroyed one objective, it was the most fragile and unimportant one. It also neglected us the element of surprise, alerting the enemy. That's why we're heading here."

He pointed a Manehattan on the map.

"There's a radio tower there wich cover all of the non-Canterlot area."

The doctor nodded.

"Unfortunately, the radio broadcaster was built secretly within one of the towers. That's where you come in."

He pointed at Ivy and Peeps.

"We need somepony who can find things with a minimum amount of clues, and that can find it quickly. Ivy will help you greatly, as Time Lords are more sensitive to radio waves. Once you found the place, Augon will help you get inside and disable it."

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