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"Why are you thanking me? Your the one who has done all this, saved my beloved, saved me, and almost killed yourself doing both" Then Luna said " Yes, thanks Ryan!"


OCC:I was talking to miamorepinkieluna

sig by Cloud Chaser


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"No thank you for being beside me this whole time you two both know how much I miss my family and you both help me fell better like my family would" As he said this he pulled out the picture again


OOC:She's Zarley not luna

The pony turns to Zarley again "some pony was murdered in the hospital"

Edited by GreenWind
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OCC nvm I see that you weren't being Luna , my bad


"Well, I'm flattered" Said Luna

"Well I guess your welcome, but for everything you've done for me, were even." Said Lightning smiling

sig by Cloud Chaser


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Ryan smiled "The Docter said I should be up in a day or two but I need bed rest you to go to a hotel and get comfortable" he said winking at Lighting "If you catch my drift" he said chuckling

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Zarely heard about a murder in an hosptal. "Ok, clue." she thought. "And what's you name? Well, everyponies name?" she asked. "Sorry, My name's Zarely. Nice to meet you."

Edited by MiAmorePinkieLuna


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Back in his dreams Ryan was with Willa this time they were at the pumpkin patch they hade loved as kids Willa was looking for a good pumpkin "to short to tall perfect" she stopped at a round plump pumpkin "This one can fit Ty in it" she joked "let's get this back home" Ryan told her as they both lifted the pumpkin

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" I'm Lightning chaser" said lightning

" I'm Princess Luna" said Luna

" I'm Jack Hillingston" Said the doctor pony(Jack)

"And thats Ryan" Said lightning , pointing at Ryan, asleep

Edited by F-22brony

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"I dont know, The only thing I know about zarley is thier name" Lightning replied

OCC: sorry I don't know if Zarley is a guy or girl

Edited by F-22brony

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"If Zarely interrupts I'm gonna kill someone" Thought Luna.

Talking to Lightning and Ryan " Who is this person? I don't trust her.."

Lightning replied" You have to give her a chance..."

Edited by F-22brony

sig by Cloud Chaser


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