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Out of no we're chaos feet were covered in blood "Helllllllo" was heard in a insane laugh zero appered his blood teeth in a jagged smile "Oh crap!" Ryan yelled

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He laughed again "I don't know you started playing with me" "My god" Ryan said he ran a zero he shot a blast of chaos energy at him it sizzled and didn't come back "What?!" he sounded alramed

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"Chaos the attacks we need to do are chaos attacks he can't procces them in his blood" zero looked scared "Its not comeing back!" Ryan shoot a chaos blast hitting his hand "Ahhhh!" he let out a blood chilling scream

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The spear hit zeros other arm he had no arms now he let out another scream "Ok Malichor do you have an chaos energy attacks?" he said as he made a giant black orb it looked as if it had stars in it

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*OOC: Sorry. My fault for the pause, even if I did kinda have a reason (on which I do not wish to elaborate).*


“Not a single one,” Malchoir says.


“I think I have an evil energy attack, maybe, but no chaos,” Nimbus says.




*OOC: Malchoir might know Chaos Breaker, though not personally. He works for the Interdimensional Protection Agency. Because of their similar goals, it is possible that the IPA might know of or even have worked with Chaos Breaker.*

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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“I don’t know how to use it, though,” Nimbus says.

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[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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