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Ponies MBTI type?

Disky Bolt

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This comes up from time to time. We could do with a revisit (given we have a bunch of new neurotic main ponies to look at, at least one girl-shaped most of the time) but all the mane 6 seem to have their little quirks. 

Here are some analyses from a fair while back:

pinkie, dashie, rarity, AJ, and Flutters

And Silver Quill has done a few videos... ok, a LOT of videos..

and a bunch of MBTI mappings:



  • Brohoof 1

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32 minutes ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

I'm just going to say it. I have no idea what MBTI  or E/INTJ means.

It's the Myers-Briggs thing. The idea is that you can classify personality types with a simple four letter code (so, pretty course strokes there)

First letter - are people {I}ntroverted or {E}xtroverted (the idea that you are either a stay-at-home type like Twilight/Fluttershy, or loud and brash like Dashie or Pinkie) Second letter - do people take everything on face value, based on {S}ensory input, or do they prefer to make an i{N}tuitive step based on the "big picture"

Third letter - do people like to ponder and {T}hink their way though a decision, or do they prefer to go with their 'gut' based on their {F}eelings?

Fourth (and final) letter - are you more likely to {J}udge what you see based on what you already believe to be true, or adjust what you beleve to be true based on what you {P}erceive.

While everyone really is on a spectrum there (nobody is either extreme, but will tend to be somewhere left or right of center) each extreme type is then associated with an architype - an example to let you visualize that personality type.

So INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging), Twilight in the list above, is related to the "mastermind" architype, while ESFP (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) listed as being Shining Armour above, is associated with the "entertainer" architype




Edited by Cypherhoof
square brackets get converted to markup. go figure...

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