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Create your perfect season of MLP


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This is a fun game that I just thought of. Pick your favorite episodes to create your perfect season of MLP:FiM!

There are a few rules:

  • You have to include exactly 26 episodes.
  • The episode number of each episode has to remain the same. For example, "Slice of Life" is episode 9 of season 5. So if you include it in your perfect season, it has to be episode 9. Similarly, "Fall Weather Friends" has to be episode 13, "Viva Las Pegasus" has to be episode 20, etc.
  • Two-part season premieres and finales have to go together. So if you include one part of it, you have to include the second part. And it goes without saying that premieres have to remain premieres, and finales have to remain finales (unless you include "Magical Mystery Cure", which is episode 13 of season 3)

With that out of the way, here is my perfect season of MLP:

  1. The Return of Harmony, Part 1 (season 2)
  2. The Return of Harmony, Part 2 (season 2)
  3. Too Many Pinkie Pies (season 3)
  4. Applebuck Season (season 1)
  5. The Point of No Return (season 9)
  6. Appleoosa's Most Wanted (season 5)
  7. Bats! (season 4)
  8. Rarity Takes Manehattan (season 4)
  9. Slice of Life (season 5)
  10. A Royal Problem (season 7)
  11. Flutter Brutter (season 6)
  12. Amending Fences (season 5)
  13. The Perfect Pear (season 7)
  14. Filli Vanilli (season 4)
  15. Rarity Investigates! (season 5)
  16. Sonic Rainboom (season 1)
  17. Stare Master (season 1)
  18. Crusaders of the Lost Mark (season 5)
  19. Road to Friendship (season 8)
  20. Viva Las Pegasus (season 6)
  21. Every Little Thing She Does (season 6)
  22. Hurricane Fluttershy (season 2)
  23. Sounds of Silence (season 8)
  24. The Mane Attraction (season 5)
  25. A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1 (season 2)
  26. A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2 (season 2)


  • Brohoof 2


Signature by @Mellow Mane

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Nice idea, here's my take:

  1. the beginning of the end part 1 (s9)
  2. the beginning of the end part 2 (s9)
  3. lesson zero (s2)
  4. luna eclipsed (s2)
  5. Flight to the finish (s4)
  6. No second prances (s6)
  7. parental glideance (s7)
  8. Rarity Takes Manehattan (s4)
  9. Birdle gossip (s1)
  10. A royal problem (s7)
  11. Flutter Brutter (s6)
  12. Amending Fences (s5)
  13. The Perfect Pear (s7)
  14. Fame and misfortune (s7)
  15. Rarity investigates (s5)
  16. Sonic rainboom (s1)
  17. Brother hooves social (s5)
  18. Crusaders of the Lost Mark (s5) 
  19. For whom sweetie belle toils (s4)
  20. The washouts (s8)
  21. Every Little Thing She Does (s6)
  22. Once upon a zeppelin(s7)
  23. Secrets and pies (s7)
  24. Top bolt (s6)
  25. A Canterlot Wedding part 1 (s2)
  26. A Canterlot Wedding part 2 (s2)

I might change it, after all opinions change sometimes and season 9 is still going.


  • Brohoof 1
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  1. The Cutie Map part 1 - s5
  2. The Cutie Map part 2 - s5
  3. Too Many Pinkie Pies - s3
  4. Daring Don't - s4
  5. Tanks for the Memories - s5
  6. No Second Prances - s6
  7. Wonderbolts Academy - s3 (that was a touch choice)
  8. A Hearth's Warming Tail - s6 (another close one. I picked this one mostly because of the songs)
  9. The Saddle Row Review - s6
  10. Rainbow Falls - s4
  11. Winter Wrap Up - s1
  12. Games Ponies Play - s3
  13. The Perfect Pear - s7
  14. The Last Roundup - s2
  15. Rarity Investigates! - s5
  16. Read It and Weep - s2 (Sonic Rainboom is a close second)
  17. The End in Friend - s8
  18. Daring Done? - s7
  19. Road to Friendship - s8
  20. The Washouts - s8
  21. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 - s4
  22. Trade Ya! - s4
  23. Secrets and Pies - s7
  24. Top bolt - s6
  25. The Cutie Re-Mark part 1 - s5
  26. The Cutie Re-Mark part 2 - s5

That's mine (just realized there are a lot from seasons 4, 5, and 6). Pretty much anything with Rainbow as the main character is my favorite.

  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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1. The cutie map part 1 s5

2. The cutie map part 2 s5

3. The maud couple s8 

4. Rock solid friendship s7 

5. The sister hooves social  s2

6. No second prances s6

7.  Horse play s8

8. A hearths warming tale s6

9. Slice of life s5

10. A royal problem s7

11. Flutter brutter s6

12. Amending fences s5

13. The mean 6  s8 

 14. Fame and misfortune s7

15. Rarity investigates s5

16. The times there are a changeling s6

17. To change a changeling s7

18. Crusaders of the lost marks s5

19.  Road to friendship s8

20. A health of information   s7

21. Every little thing she does s6

22.  Hurricane Fluttershy s2

23. Sound of silence s8

24. Uncommon Bond s7

25. To where and back again part 1 s6

26. To Where and back again part 2 s6

Edited by Fluttertastic 16
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1. Friendship is Magic pt.1 (S1)

2. Friendship is Magic pt.2 (S1)

These two are the easiest part to choose, and I really don't had a choice because they are the cornerstones for the rest of the show. It introduces all the main characters and the environment.


3. Lesson Zero (S2)

It was a really hard one to pick between Lesson Zero and Too Many Pinkie Pies because they are two of the greatest episodes, and they are both a deep exploration of a main character. But I had to choose Lesson Zero only because there is no other episodes exposed Twilight's weakness that well. This episode made Twilight human.


4. Luna Eclipsed (S2)

This is undeniably best of all 4th episodes. This is the reason why people like Luna. It was so good that it made the word 'relatable' overused. It's about a former villain adjusting to society, and it's handled properly to fit the tone of the show. Twilight is an interesting and a unique character in this episode, and she was used properly.


5. Griffon the Brush Off (S1)

I had to choose between Griffon the Brush Off, Gauntlet of Fire, Sisterhooves Social. But I had to choose Griffon the Brush Off because it had the charming tone, it had a good story, it had good character depictions, and it had a good lesson. Gauntlet of Fire was a more self contained neat story, but Griffon the Brush Off has such a good depiction of friendship. The writers understands childhood and friendship. This is one of the episodes I think of when I hear the word My Little Pony.


6. Forever Filly (S7)

This is a great way to show progress in the show. And it is a real conflict. Straightforward, but not awkward. If it was Applejack, it could have been disastrous.


7. May the Best Pet Win (S2)

I had to choose between Drahonshy and May the Best Pet Win, but I didn't choose Dragonshy just because it is similar to Hurricane Fluttershy, and that is a better one. May the Best Pet Win has a satisfying and a right ending.


8. Look Before You Sleep (S1)

I had to choose between The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone and Look Before You Sleep, but even the first one has a good sense of humor and great directing, Look Before You Sleep makes me smile and leaves me with a very positive feeling. This is more of the reason why I watch the show. It's a good example of how to play with different characters and taking advantage of having such diverse characters in the show.


9. Slice of Life (S5)

I had to choose between Slice of Life and The Saddle Row Review, but I chose Slice of Life because it has a unique perspective of the show. And it was the one of the last few fanservices with actual affection of Ponyville and the residents. This episode oozes with the genuine love of the show. It was a fanservice for the sake of fanservicing, but it delivers well what it promises. The reason I like A Dog and Pony Show is because I was surprised how much the show can simply care only about fun. This episode has the same reason.


10. Secret of My Excess (S2)

I had to choose between Secret of My Excess, Swarm of the Century and Keep Calm and Flutter On. I like all of them for different reasons, but Secret of My Excess has to be the one. Simply it's a good understanding of the show's characters relationship. And it actually had a high-stake and it felt threatening. Spike was like a punching bag of the show, and it felt satisfying and terrifying at the same time to see all his metaphorically repressed anger, desire and lust explode.


11. Winter Wrap Up (S1)

This episode is also about Ponyville. And we get to know about ponykind as well. It's a neat episode with a neat structure. I actually don't care that much about the song though.


12. Discordant Harmony (S7)

I had to choose between Amending Fences and Discordant Harmony. I chose Discordant Harmony because it was about two of the main character's unique relationship. We all get to know how much they care about each others. A good depiction of relationship is never vague or superficial. Now we know Discord could die for her.


13. Fall Weather Friends (S1)

I had to choose between Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Magical Mystery Cure, Fall Weather Friends, Simple Ways. I liked Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? because it had a good pacing and making things interesting while not messing everything up that much. It was the best season finale we got that actually never was a finale. Magical Mystery Cure has a similar reason. It's a condensed mishmash of a larger story never meant to be a single episode, but it delivers something big, but not efficient. Fall Weather Friends and Simple Ways are picked for similar reasons. Simple Ways was just ridiculous and funny to see such different ponies imitate each other. But I chose Fall Weather Friends because it is simply about two similar but different ponies racing and competing. I miss these kind of episodes.


14. Suited for Success (S1)

I didn't have that much 14th episodes to choose form. This was the most decent episode for me. It's also a very real situation when it comes to a designer-client relationship. I could have picked Filli Vanilli, but it was just another Fluttershy overcoming her fear episode, and it's a weaker one of that kind.


15. Twilight Time (S4)

Had to choose between Feeling Pinkie Keen, Twilight Time, 28 Pranks Later. Twilight Time was one of very few episodes that made me feel like Twilight is actually a princess. And it also was so real how the CMC's acted in this episode.


16. Sonic Rainboom (S1)

This is the episode that made me love the show. The ending was so satisfying, nothing compares to this day. And it also brought wonders to ponies, that ponies are the ones who can pull off amazing things.


17. Hearts and Hooves Day (S2)

I had to choose between Hearts and Hooves Day and Brotherhooves Social. I chose Hearts and Hooves Day because it has a good sense of humor. CMC's are troublesome, but it isn't annoying as other episodes, and they are actually cute in this episode. Brotherhooves Social's ending dialogue in the sunset was so impactful, but Hearts and Hooves Day is a more consistent episode. It was a hard choice but Brotherhooves Social itself is a later season episode in essence (it's not just happened to be a later episode, this kind of episodes could have never been made in early seasons), Hearts and Hooves Day stands out for it's early season's charm. I'm a sucker for early episodes.


18. A Friend in Deed (S2)

This episode made me a fan of the show. It's a perfect depiction of Pinkie Pie, and it is also a glimpse of someone pursuing the absolute good. It's what good is about ponies, what good is about Equestria, what good is about MLP. It's the show's essence. My favorite MLP episode of all time. It also shows the mental landscape of Ponyville. Ponies should bounce around the rooftop just for fun more often.


19. A Dog and a Pony Show (S1)

I had to choose between A Dog and a Pony Show and For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. A Dog and a Pony Show was the episode surprised me because the show was actually more about fun than I thought they were. It's a pure slapstick comedy and action show, which I subconsciously feared that this show wasn't able or willing to make. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils is a good example of being on a ride. We get to see in Sweetie Belle's perspective, and we get to experience the extreme situation by watching the conclusion of where all things leads to. We also get to see what Luna is truly about. I like both episodes, but if I have to choose what to watch one more time, I would pick A Dog and a Pony Show.


20. Green Isn't Your Color (S1)

It's about two friend's friendship and overcoming conflicts. And it's well done. So well done that we don't even realize it's good.


21. Scare Master (S5)

It's another Fluttershy overcoming her fear episode, but it's well and cleverly done. It's also good to explore nightmare night in a detailed way.


22. Hurricane Fluttershy (S2)

This is probably the best of Fluttershy overcoming her fear episodes. We get to emotionally invested in her situation so much, and the payoff is also satisfying. Also a good depiction of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship. Rainbow Dash's built-in characteristics are viewed as a very positive thing in this episode, and that's rare.


23. Inspiration Manifestation (S4)

Inspiration Manifestation, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, Where the Apple Lies. Inspiration Manifestation is one of the best MLP episodes of all time. It's a good story, interesting and real conflicts, great description of character's emotion, and the steaks were very high. I haven't quite frightened before watching MLP when Rarity slowly lost her mind. It's written based on good understandings of characters relationships and it's fundamental flaws as well. The Cutie Mark Chronicle is a unique episode and a reinvention and re-introduction of characters we know. Where the Apple Lies is a unique reinvestigation of a familiar character, and it's a very self-contained story without a sign of restrains that fan-servicing past stories usually have. It has kind of a fable quality to it. I had to pick Inspiration Manifestation because it was just so good. The Cutie Mark Chronicles has almost an essential origin story and has a charm to it, but I just like the first one so much. And I like more present stories than past stories, generally speaking.


24. Top Bolt (S6)

The Mane Attraction and Top Bolt. The Mane Attraction is a very enjoyable episode and has one of the most praised songs of the show. I really liked it, but it has a quite bland story if we break it down. And I usually don't prefer voice recorder / video recorder revelation stories unless it's brilliantly used. Top Bolt is the episode where the Wonderbolts felt fresh and interesting again since for a long time. It's also about a unique relationship which can also be a very actual conflict. Rainbow Dash and Twilight's contrast was funny too.


25. A Canterlot Wedding pt.1

26. A Canterlot Wedding pt.2

I had to choose between Party of One and A Canterlot Wedding. I usually don't think season premieres and finales are the best part of the show. And Party of One is such an iconic episode, and that's for a reason. It has the exact charm and vibe that I like about early episodes. But then, there is only one thing to choose from when it's about the next episode, and The Best Night Ever is quite underwhelming, not because it's not epic, but just for the quality of it. And A Canterlot Wedding started it all - the parade of epic two-parters. That means the first one to do it was that good. This season 2 finale has a satisfying ending that leaves a good lingering imagery. That's a good way to end a season. But I'll be damned for not choosing Party of One.

Edited by Sepul-Coloratura
  • Brohoof 1


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