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private Starlight to Moonlight

Starlight Glimmer

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Starlight to Moonlight

(1x1 with @Starforce)

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Starlight Glimmer and Moonlight (formerly known as “Magnolia”) Sparkle originally set out on a quest to obtain Ascension. Ascension promised them Alicornhood as well as the possibility to reach their fullest potentials. However, the more they learned about this prospect, the unicorns realized there were dark, underlying intentions hidden beneath the glorifying dreams.

Starlight and Moonlight decided that Ascension was not a path they wished to go down any further. Starlight did not need to be a “Princess of Equality” and Moonlight did not need claim superiority over her family. What the mares needed was to look past their ideals and make their own destinies by working to improve themselves.

There new goal is to travel Equestria to see the world for themselves and to hopefully make an impact along the way. They also hope that, with time, they can strengthen their friendship and look past the animosity they used to have.


Starlight Glimmer pondered her journey whilst on the train. She thought about what led her to Ascension and what had allowed her to persist for so long. She thought about how much she changed over the span of a few days: she went from a delusional, Cutie Mark-hating dictator to an authentic pony almost worth talking to. She also thought about Moonlight and how that mare just a few days ago had picked a fight with her at every opportunity.

Moonlight and I were determined to ascend and reach possibly the highest potential we could! Now, we have tossed all that aside. Ascension may have led us to danger if we had continued to follow it blindly. I believe that has been our biggest flaw all this time. It just took something bigger and more powerful than ourselves to realize. she thought as she stared out the window at all the passing buildings. Like the buildings, ideals she used to possess swiftly drifted from her mind and were replaced with questioning, reasoning, and possibility. It was not perfect, as she was still prone to falling back into her delusions from time-to-time, but it was a start.

She turned and faced Moonlight who was also silent at the moment. She wondered if she was having similar thoughts. Knowing this mare well by now, she was probably way ahead of Starlight and was already thinking about what they would do once they got off the train. That, or she was thinking abour garlic sandwiches. Starlight hoped it was the former.

“What are you currently thinking about, Moonlight?” she asked her friend quietly.

Edited by ExplosionMare
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Starlight leaned forward to listen to Moonlight. She gave her a small, sympathetic frown as she too understood the weight of having a lot on one’s mind. She had also changed dramatically over the past few days. Starlight was consumed by grandeur delusions of perfect happiness and harmony. It was only now, through somepony who used to be her arch-nemesis, that she slowly began to realize how wrong it was to strip the identities of those around her.

“We have been through…a lot, these past few days. I feel incredibly different than who I used to be. Sometimes it scares me, but I just have to remember that this type of change is a good thing. You have changed a lot as well. You used to be so cold and distant, but now you’re showing a more calm, thought-provoking side of yourself,” Starlight replied, leaning back in her seat to meet Moonlight’s eye level.

She tried to think of more to say but she was just content sitting here and seeing Moonlight smile. It was so nice to see her like this, rather than the scornful fighter she used to be. Starlight relaxed for a moment, allowing her eyes to glaze over and her hind hooves to slowly dangle off her seat.

Starlight quirked a brow when Moonlight mentioned a piece of her family history. She couldn’t believe Moonlight was related to Twilight Sparkle, the Twilight Sparkle! Starlight remained a bit skeptic for now, as she would need further proof to make sure this wasn’t one of Moonlight’s stories or something. She nodded with interest then offered a small condolence as Moonlight shuddered.

“It’s quite alright, you do not have to give me the full story now. As much as I would like to hear it and, heh, perhaps relate it to your Cutie Mark origin somehow, I will let you share that story in your own time. It is as you wish.” she told Moonlight.

Starlight was met with silence for a while so she decided to give Moonlight her space. She didn’t want to say anything offending while she was in a forlorn state. When she finally spoke, Starlight’s heart rate rose slightly. She clutched her chest instinctively, worried her powers had somehow come back. Thankfully, her heart was only indicating urgency and she was able to bring her heart rate down if she needed to.

“Yes, that cult is far too dangerous to leave be. I do not wish to see another pony go through what we did, or worse, go through with Ascension. We must find a way to shut it down and protect that land from being intruded upon by unsuspecting visitors. I suggest once we leave the train, we find a way to contact some guards.” she responded with a quieter, more serious tone.

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Starlight felt a calm since of amity around Moonlight, a stark contrast to the tension and fear she felt around her days before. It was so nice to not only feel as if Moonlight was a friend, but somepony she could trust. Starlight could be her true self around Moonlight and she hoped Moonlight felt the same. For the time being, she did appear to be amiable.

“You are right, Moonlight, my villagers would appreciate how far I have come. Although they may feel lost after living in the Equalist lifestyle for so long, I believe that they will find true happiness once they get to live the lives they choose. I forced them into my ‘perfect world’ for so long so it is only fair that the villagers get to go find their perfect worlds,” Starlight began.

“You did antagonize me but I antagonized you as well. Not only did I completely disagree with your ideals but I was afraid that you would overpower me. I thought if I could convert you, then you would be of no threat and you could become ‘safe’, in my eyes. I do regret my actions towards you but at least this way, we both realized how grandiose our thinking was. We both thought we could get everything we wanted through dangerous powers.”

Starlight fidgeted in her seat, but she was not nervous. She merely felt silly for her actions and was glad she had some sense in her now. She sat back and listened to Moonlight for a moment, taking her words in. She mentioned bits and pieces, all of which peaked Starlight’s fascination.

“Magenta Star…I do not recall hearing a similar name nor would I have guessed that was your name at one time. That is a pretty name, I will say that. However, Moonlight Sparkle is more fitting.” she commented. She wanted to ask why Moonlight made so many name changes but she supposed that would all come at a later time.

“I have never been to Canterlot before. Only Sire’s Hollow, Ponyville, and my village. From what I recall, I do not remember any villagers who previously lived there. I will have to take your word about the ‘stuck up’ ponies, as I do not know enough to confirm this as truth. I do however, strongly believe that there are many friendly ponies there just like there are friendly ponies in the village and everywhere else.” she recollected. Her expression became curious as she wondered what it was like in Canterlot. What did Moonlight mean by ‘elitist’? Did most ponies there clamor for attention? Did they constantly compete with one another just to ensure they stayed at the top?

Starlight listened with fascination as Moonlight recounted a time where she was out in a beautiful field. It was there that she discovered magnolias and felt completely euphoric. The old Starlight would chastise her for feeling free other than in an equalized setting, but the new Starlight felt pride, joy, and peace over the situation. She could see the freedom in Moonlight’s eyes and it filled her with wonder.

“Your Cutie Mark is much more valuable than I thought. I hate thinking that I used to want to strip your very being away from you. I was too focused on my own Cutie Mark to realize how much you needed yours. While yours was a symbol of freedom, mine was just the opposite. Mine, at least as a filly, was a constant reminder of the day my best friend left me. Without him, I felt trapped. I could read and learn all I wanted about magic, but it would take me many years to fully master anything. I had all this knowledge, but without my friend, I had no reason to have it. It wasn’t until I founded the village that my knowledge finally had a purpose.” Starlight recounted. She looked down with pitying eyes. She felt a mix of sadness, contempt, and abandonment that had been buried for years.

As soon as she looked back up again, the train had stopped. Starlight left her seat slowly and made foal steps on the isle, carefully not to bump into anyone. Once they were finally off, Starlight followed Moonlight out. Judging by her more serious look, she had something important to discuss. Starlight dipped her head and perked her ear up, attempting to be as active of a listener as possible.

“I also believe that Limbo and Silver’s deeds can be dealt with in a proper and secretive manner,” Starlight whispered back. “We need to give them over to the proper authorities but first, we need to present all our evidence. On the outside, they appear to be normal, rule-abiding citizens. The evidence may be shocking for the authorities at first, but as long as we prove what we know is true, then there will be no issue.”

The train station was quite overcrowded, full of bustling ponies. Many were crowded within mere inches of each other or they were darting from place to place in a zipp, almost as if they could speed up time. Starlight liked a crowd but she was not used to one this big. It made her worry about losing Moonlight but thankfully, she was right by her the entire time.

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Starlight was taken aback by the sudden display of emotion on Moonlight’s face. She had never seen the mare cry before, let alone display any other emotion besides rage. Not a moment too soon did Starlight’s eyes begin to water. She held back tears for Moonlight’s sake, not wanting to upset the mare any further. It was a strange experience for Starlight as well, as she was also accustomed to hiding emotions—via a mask of overemphasized contentment.

Starlight sniffed and forced herself to stay together. Moonlight had abruptly stopped as she did this, nearly causing Starlight to lose her balance. It became harder to hold back her own tears as Moonlight’s continued to spill out, especially after learning they were for her.

“That means…a great deal to me. No pony e-ever understood what I felt, s-so I became i-isolated until I found my own way to make friends. Of course, that was a very, very b-bad way to make friends, f-forcing them to surrender their identities.” Starlight responded shakily. As Moonlight began to tremble, so did Starlight. Regret and guilt still hung heavy on her shoulders, but it did not weigh on her much as long as Moonlight was here, offering to give her a second chance.

Starlight looked up slowly when she realized Moonlight was giving her the one thing she always wanted. A friend, but not just a friend—somepony who would listen to her, unafraid, and have the willingness to accept her for who she really was. Now tears were escaping Starlight’s eyes, as she found it way too difficult now to hold them in. A few shaky breaths later, she was able to translate her feelings into words.

“T-that’s what I’ve a-always wanted to hear, Moonl-light. I always w-wanted a friend j-just like this. Moonlight, I will s-stay by your side, too. You have c-changed so much and s-shown me who you really are. Y-you have also changed me and I will forever b-be grateful for that. Hehe, I n-never would have thought s-somepony so different c-could ever be my friend, but h-here she is! She has t-turned out to be the b-best friend I ever had!” Starlight said joyfully through her overflowing tears.

Shakily, she accepted Moonlight’s hug and nuzzled her back carefully. She had not had contact like this in years, so having it now was amazing but also a little strange. She hoped she was doing everything right. Starlight had a feeling, though, that she was. She sighed calmly as she felt Moonlight’s warm and comforting embrace. She wrapped her own hooves around the mare in the same manner to return the gesture.

“I believe setting everypony free is the right thing to do,” Starlight agreed, her tears having stopped. “Knowing everything I know now, I would never force you to give up your Cutie Mark. I am friends with the real you and only the real you. It is time I make friends with the real villagers as well, or at least make amends.”

Starlight paused when Moonlight began to cry again as she remembered she had no home. Starlight pulled back to look Moonlight in the eyes.

“You are welcome to stay in my village. No Equality and no stealing of Cutie Marks. It will be a safe place for you and I, as well as anypony else. You can live in my guest room. If you desire your own cottage at some point, I would be happy to make the arrangements for you.” Starlight said seriously.

Starlight’s breathing calmed and she was able to truly observe her friend. Moonlight was very broken but she still had so much willpower to fight for herself just like she always had. Starlight could see it in her fiery magenta eyes. They reminded Starlight of a sunrise—the sun slowly emerging from the shadows, pushing them away to reveal its powerful and brilliant light. Moonlight’s eyes captured that perfect moment just before the sun touched the sky. It was something she wished she never tried to suppress, as it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw.

“Although it was long ago, the pains of the past still hurt. I hope with you, however, I will learn to leave them behind. I spent so much of my present trying to fix the past, and it still remains broken.” Starlight replied.

She looked off into the distance, reminded of her fixation to Equality. She let one bad friendship become her whole life, rather than taking the opportunity to start over and make new, better friends. Starlight would no longer allow something so trivial to defeat her, especially after she just gained the most important friendship in her entire life.

Starlight suddenly flinched at an unexpected touch. She hid her Cutie Mark with her tail, guarding it reflexively. Although she knew Moonlight was not trying to hurt her, she was still rather sensitive about her mark. She was reminded for a moment of the times when Moonlight swiped at her mark in a hasty attempt to remove the makeup over it. She wished not to relive those memories.

“I always assumed my talent had to do with magic but I refused to believe it since magic is what took my friend away. I hated my Cutie Mark, which is why I went through so many efforts to remove it. I could never remove it no matter how hard I tired, but removing the marks of others satisfied this need in some way,” Starlight answered. “I spent so long forgetting about my mark that I never had time to discover my true talent. Perhaps I can find it now. I also hope that we can find a greater purpose in yours as well. You know who you are, but you do not know your fullest potential. Together, we will find new meaning.”

Starlight’s brows rose as she remembered the current, much more pressing task. She put everything they just spoke of on the back burner and refocused her attention on what was currently important.

“You’re right, we have much more important business to attend to at the moment. We need to locate the authorities as soon as possible.” she responded with a very serious tone.

The mares made their way towards the guard station. Starlight planned various ways in which she could address the manner. She had to be clear and concise but she also had to make sure she didn’t leave our important details. This is the first time in a long time where she was not the higher up, so speaking to the guards was a bit nerve-wracking. Hopefully, she would be able to say all she needed to.

Entering the city was quite overwhelming. It was a stark contrast to the village or Ponyville. The surrounding area was huge and pristine, shining with what the beauty of a million bits can offer. Unique smells wafted through the air, the most notable ones being of indiscernible foods. Various ponies trotted through the streets, the majority of them being unicorns like Starlight and Moonlight. At least in this way, they could fit in.

Just mere paces away was the guard station. Moonlight was determined and ready for anything. Starlight was ill-prepared, succumbing to her own nerves, but she would remain strong for the sake of those they were trying to save. Taking a deep breath, she said,

“Yes, I’m ready.”

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  • 2 weeks later...


Although Starlight’s nerves were beginning to build up like electrical currents, she was nowhere close to full-panic mode due to the immense amount of serenity that surrounded Moonlight. She seemed very prepared and focused and Starlight wanted to emulate that. Starlight evened her breathing and fixed her posture, standing next to Moonlight with a proud determination. She glanced at Moonlight quickly and noticed that her eyes were still quite watery. Starlight’s were as well, although she didn’t realize until she blinked slowly to check.

As the mares trotted towards the station, Starlight observed that this walk was like no other she experienced before. She could not predict when her hooves would meet the pebbles on the ground nor could she know when a gust of wind would suddenly play with her mane. The unfamiliarity filled her with a sense of playfulness but also apprehension. Although she was learning to embrace change and unpredictability, the unknown frightened her still. She tried to maintain a brave face, however, and not let her insecurities get to her like they once did.

Starlight noticed that Moonlight was fixated on the sky. She looked up to see if there was a pegasus or bird that was capturing her attention. She found nothing, so she squinted her eyes to make sure she wasn’t missing anything. She found nothing again so she looked at Moonlight in bewilderment. Upon Moonlight’s explanation, Starlight understood the situation better, but she was still a bit confused.

“How exactly do you see your reflection in the sky? Did you perform an advanced spell that allows your light waves to appear alongside the light waves in the sky?” she asked. She smiled inwardly, proud that she was able to sound smart around somepony. As an Equalist, she was always forced to hide her knowledge unless it pertained to Equality.

Starlight listened in fascination as Moonlight explained that she finally found her true purpose in life. Starlight pondered her own purpose, reflecting on how much it has changed. She was not aware of her full purpose just yet but she did still yearn for companionship, above all else.

“Freedom is something I never quite knew the meaning of. I always assumed it had to do with control over your situation. I thought that the more I could control others, the more free I could feel. I see now that that often comes at the expense of other ponies’ freedoms,” Starlight responded. She wore a forlorn and contemplative expression as she drew her words out slowly. Although she tried not to show much emotion, it was still hard to get past the guilt for her past transgressions. “The way you describe freedom, it is more about giving yourself the right to be exactly who you are. That is what I want to do now, as well as grant that freedom to my friends. I am not quite sure where life is going to take me, but I know that I still want friends. True friends. I want friends that will accept me for me and I want to show ponies that I can be much better than who I was. I will not so easily fall into delusions.”

Starlight beamed at Moonlight. She could see the jovial, almost excited expression upon her face. It was hard not to feel excited with her. As the two pressed on, Starlight noticed that her jaw didn’t grow tired when she bore a large grin. She felt her chin curiously, hardly remembering the last time she smiled that big without the discomfort.

There were quite a few things to ponder, but Starlight filed those thoughts away for later. As much as she would love to pour into them, now was not the time. As the sliding doors silently greeted the unicorns, Starlight lightly stepped inside in order to match the volume of the room. Once she was in, she picked up a faint bookstore smell. It was quite refreshing. The books in her village were quite musty from age, so she nearly forgot what a scent like this was like. Starlight also noticed that the station was soundproof except for the clop clop clop of her and Moonlight’s hooves. She could almost hear her own breathing as well, and wondered why everything had to be this quiet.

Starlight scanned the walls as she came upon a series of portraits. Each guard in the portraits looked the same, yet all of their expressions were different. Starlight reasoned that they wore different expressions in order to differentiate from one another. This puzzled Starlight because although sameness was not promoted in Ponyville, she was sure that workforce unity was. She wondered why in a place this serious why some guards were allowed to look slightly unprofessional.

I hope that everypony here takes their job seriously. I know standing out is supposed to be a good thing, but that doesn’t excuse poor group behavior. Oh, perhaps I am reading to much into this…still, I want our issue to be handled seriously. I don’t want any guards to act as goofy as they do in their pictures. she worried.

Starlight looked forward and noticed a green mare with black framed glasses standing behind the desk. Her demeanor was warm and charismatic, instantly putting Starlight at ease. Starlight let go of her trivial worries for the time being and stepped forward to greet the unicorn.

“Good afternoon. I am Starlight Glimmer.” she introduced, although Moonlight had introduced her earlier in order to speed things up. Still, Starlight liked using her full name as a proper gesture, so she was glad she reintroduced herself. She thought of saying more but it seemed that Moonlight had everything handled. She let her speak for the time being and fought off her leadership instincts in order not to disrupt the conversation.

“We really appreciate your help, Chartreuse Juniper. The sooner we can resolve this issue, the better.” she responded as the receptionist led them towards the meeting room. Starlight’s steps were light and airy, as if she were walking on clouds. Although she was dealing with a serious matter, she couldn’t help but feel joyful and relieved that a polite pony was here to help them out. At least there was one familiarity in this situation.

The ponies inside the room were formally dressed, which immediately set off alarms in Starlight’s head. Her immediate reaction was to assume they were dressed like that to look better than everypony. She fought this delusion and kept telling herself that they were only authority figures, not competitive show-offs.

Relax, Starlight, these ponies are only here to help. They aren’t trying to make you feel worse about yourself, they’re just doing their jobs.

Starlight sat down and focused on relaxing herself, only to jump slightly when she was tasked with explaining the dilemma she was here for. She got a bit nervous and didn’t say anything at first in fear of messing up. She didn’t want anypony to notice any flaws or worse, gather incorrect information. However, she realized what was more important is that ponies don’t fall into the same trap she did and nearly risk their lives doing so. She had to make sure nopony fell for Ascension ever again.

“Not too long ago, Moonlight and I travelled deep into the Everfree Forest to seek ‘Ascension’. We dreamt of becoming Alicorns and two ponies known as Silver Tongue and Limbo Dreams promised to guide us on our journey. What we almost didn’t realize is how dangerous they and Ascension really was. We were faced with many trials that put our lives at risk and the more we pursued Ascension, the more we began to realize it might all be a lie. Those two are still out there and we don’t want anypony falling into the same trap as we did. They need to be shut down as soon as possible so nopony can ever find them.” Starlight told the guards. She remained serious and stoic throughout her speech.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Starlight hoped she conveyed all of the information in a clear and concise way. She was worried about leaving something out or accidentally giving out false information. As delusional as her thinking was those few days ago, it was hard to know if everything she was saying was truthful. She glanced briefly at Moonlight, who wore a calm and content expression. That was all Starlight needed to know she was doing the right thing. She turned back to the guards to wait for further instruction.

Starlight’s postured stiffened slightly when Rose Bridge asked her and Moonlight to provide answers to a brief survey. Starlight readied herself to be completely focused while also giving her brain the chance to recollect everything that happened over the past few days. Every single detail was crucial here. Thankfully, it was a habit for Starlight to observe the little things—how else would she have been able to keep tabs on her ‘friends’?

The first question was directed at Moonlight, so Starlight listened carefully for anything she could add. Starlight did recall receiving her personal TONE letter and had not previously questioned where it came from. There was no postal service in her village. It could have been delivered through somepony on the one-way train, but Starlight would have known if somepony new had arrived. This information may not be as relevant as other matters, but it did warrant some investigation.

“When I received my invitation from The Order of New Equestria, it was sent directly to me even though my hometown has no official postal service. That can only mean that it was sent via magic. I still have my invitation with me and I believe there is still a bit of magic left on it, so it could possibly be used to track Limbo Dreams’ and Silver Tongue’s location. If not that, at the very least it could provide research about their magic.” Starlight stated, eyes firmly but non-threateningly locked on the guard’s. She knew where her invitation was but she would not take it out until it was required of her.

Starlight was slightly taken aback when Rose Bridge did not immediately take in the provided information. She supposed it was fair since a pony in his position was not taught to take things at face value, but this did not help to ease Starlight’s nerves. She was still incredibly worried about the results of this exchange, which is why she was grateful that Moonlight did most of the talking. Not only did she remember a lot of specific details, she was conscious during the entirety of their journey, unlike Starlight.

“The content of those books are what made us realize Ascension had a much darker purpose for us,” Starlight clarified once Moonlight was finished speaking. “It was going to lift us higher, only to swiftly bring us crashing down. Ascension was only meant to fulfill ideologies for a moment before serving the ponies behind the promise. The process of Alicornhood filled our deceived heads with false promises. We held onto them to boost our selfish motives and felt stronger when we received our special powers. It wasn’t until we realized our powers could hurt others that we realized that Ascension was not in our best interest.”

The silence that followed after filled Starlight with both calmness and apprehension at the same time. She let her eyes briefly wonder, as they became tired from remaining still for so long. When one of the mares spoke up, Starlight startled and immediately refocused. She was offended along with Moonlight at that mare’s unpleasant tone. Thankfully, Moonlight handled the situation quite well. Starlight relaxed some, glad that Moonlight did not get testy like she had in days prior.

Eyes narrowing in thought, Starlight pondered Rose Bridge’s next question. Though the books had managed to unsettle Moonlight and Starlight enough to ditch their previous plans, they were not the only suspicious factor involved. There had been many other instances where morality and civility were compromised.

“The books did guide us to breaking free from our delusions, but they weren’t the only clue that things were not as they seemed. The most prominent situation that comes to mind is the duel Silver and Moonlight had. The duel had nothing to do with Ascension, it was the result of a trivial disagreement over skill and intellect. The way Silver handled the duel was very risky. It like seemed more than a test of strength, he wanted to truly defeat Moonlight. He also did not give Moonlight a fair chance since she lost by stepping a mere fraction out of the ring. Limbo Dreams was quite the opposite. She was charming and very supportive of us. However, that may have very well been a tactic to keep us on the desired path.” Starlight explained, her face riddled concern as she mentioned the duel.

Moonlight’s response was quite powerful, as it had managed to shock all of the guards. Starlight was slightly embarrassed that her past mistakes were brought up but since they had to come clean, it was better to admit all this now rather than avoid the discussion and face the consequences later. Once the guard was able to comprehend all of what was said, he finally began to take things as seriously as the two mares wanted. Starlight was not particularly thrilled that her and Moonlight would be watched over during this whole investigation, but at least they weren’t being locked up or given some other sort of capitol punishment.

“Having the guards go to the banquet was a really smart idea,” Starlight complimented Moonlight. “They will be able to get an easy entrance to Silver and Limbo’s location. Not only that, but Silver and Limbo will most likely be off their guard around that time. I just hope they do not suspect anything since we have already left.”

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  • 2 weeks later...


Starlight waited patiently for Rose Bridge to analyze the information given. She understood that for a pony who had not experienced the Ascension process themselves, it would take a while to fully understood what it was supposed to entail. Hopefully, the invitations would be insightful enough to provide proof for Starlight and Moonlight’s recollections of the past few days.

“I appreciate you directing us to somepony with more experience. I hope to have a discussion with him regarding the important matter at hoof since Moonlight and I are currently the most informed. However, I understand if he needs to start his work right away first.” Starlight replied thoughtfully.

Despite Starlight’s kind gesture to stay out of the way if need be, she couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed that her and Moonlight were not invited to attend the meetings. She certainly hoped the guards would know what they’re doing from here.

“I just hope the guards remember to speak to us if they need anything. I would hate for them to fail due to something as simple as a lack of information.” Starlight whispered to Moonlight, a hint of concern in her voice.

The two guards that were assigned to take the mares into custody were commanded to step forward. Starlight gave both Barrier Shield and Prominence a warm, friendly smile. The smile was not completely appropriate since it was clear the guards weren’t here to be sociable, but Starlight wanted to assure them at least that she was not a threat. She hoped they viewed Moonlight the same. After they introduced themselves, Starlight stepped forward to give her own introduction.

“Greetings, I am Starlight Glimmer. It is most fascinating that the two of you originally pursued other careers and hobbies before dedicating your lives to protect Equestria. Moonlight and I have similar pasts. We once sought after completely different goals, but once we realized we could serve a greater cause, we abandoned our previous lives in favor of doing what we thought was right.” Starlight introduced, followed by a lengthy statement. She was probably eating up the guards’ time by doing this, but it was hard not to explain herself to others. Besides, if they were willing to share their destinies, Starlight only felt obligated to share her own.

Starlight puzzled at Prominence’s unusual ability to understand Moonlight without inquiring anything about her. This made Starlight uneasy but rather curious at the same time. Wondering if Prominence knew anything about her, she asked,

“Do you know who I am, or perhaps where I am from?”

She would accept any response that came her way. Meanwhile, she refocused on her upcoming departure. The guards had a method of contact ready for use, so they were prepared to leave as soon as her and Moonlight were ready. Starlight quietly made her way out, looking back at Moonlight to make sure she was following. She dipped her ears in Moonlight’s direction once she started to make a request.

“A-absolutely, we can go there.” Starlight replied quietly. She told herself not to pry any further to avoid upsetting Moonlight.

If she wants to revisit her orphanage, then perhaps I should visit Sire’s Hollow sometime. It has been years since I’ve seen my dad… Starlight thought to herself. Her breathing hitched upon her last thought.

If the guards weren’t here right now, Starlight wouldn’t feel the need to hold her breath.

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  • 1 month later...


Starlight felt strange walking on the streets at night like this, especially with the guards at her side. She wondered, briefly, if anypony out here would assume that her and Moonlight were criminals being escorted to the dungeon. She quickly banished the thought upon realizing that not many ponies were out and about this late. As they trotted along, she listened carefully to the guards as they answered her questions.

Starlight let out a soft “hm” at what Barrier Shield had to say. She wasn’t expecting such a simple response. She hadn’t considered that money would have been a motivator since money hadn’t been a major concern to her for a long time. Usually when ponies spoke of their destinies, it had to do with finding themselves or achieving greatness. To hear of a much more basic reasoning behind finding oneself was intriguing.

“I cannot deny that simplicity is a value most ponies do not take the time to appreciate. It is also one I never would have suspected a pony to cherish outside the village. I had assumed you had gone off to pursue your biggest dreams for something such as fame or destiny. Forgive me for my misguided assumption.” she replied, frowning both in thought and in embarrassment.

A sudden jolt of panic shot up Starlight, sending tingly shockwaves through her vains. How much exactly did Prominence know about her? Did she know about the Cutie Marks? The lies? The brainwashing? It suddenly became increasingly difficult to remain composed. What made it even more difficult is that Prominence could sense Starlight’s uneasiness, even if she looked fine on the outside. She avoided further conversation with this mare for the time being. Hopefully Prominence was right and that Starlight would be set on the correct path very soon. Starlight didn’t want to think about what Prominence would say if Starlight somehow deviated from that path.

Once Starlight was able to calm down a bit, she listened to Barrier Shield then gave him a sympathetic smile. She wondered what he would have felt had he come to her village during the times he felt he had to prove himself. He would have appreciated the relief of not having to be more than he needed to be, but at the same time, he would have felt dissatisfied not being able to explore his potential. Much like everypony else in the village, he would have lost so much of himself that he would have felt more out of place in the village than in his hometown. A twinge of guilt arose in Starlight for all the ponies she caused this immense confusion to.

Become something more than I am currently Starlight thought, reiterating Prominence’s words. These words were still quite dangerous to her. Was it worth climbing to the top, knowing ponies could be stepped on in the process, or would Starlight be able to help ponies climb along with her? She still wasn’t sure.

Starlight frowned at Moonlight in concern, noticing she was shaking. She stepped forward a bit in case the mare needed comfort. If not, she was here to support her no matter what. Starlight certainly knew what it felt like to hide her true self for too long.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Starlight took a moment to glance up at the night sky. She hadn’t gotten the chance to admire it in quite a while. In her village, everypony was instructed to stay indoors as soon as the sun made way for the moon. Nighttime was viewed as a threat, especially to one’s vision. Noticing every twinkle in the navy and violet sky, Starlight felt as if the sky was anything but that.

She was slightly concerned when Barrier Shield turned away from her. Had she done something to offend him? Unfortunately, now was not the time to investigate the matter. She turned away from him as well so he wouldn’t feel as if he were being watched. Starlight was sure that she had stared ponies down for too long previously and she didn’t want to repeat the mistake, especially given that she was still on watch.

Starlight did her best to match Moonlight’s protective stance, not wanting to appear too vulnerable either. A lot of en emotions were still cycling through her but if she didn’t control them, she would be prone to a magical outburst. She didn’t have a place to safely laser something or a dark spell to pour her emotions into, so she had to ignore any negative feelings, especially since she felt for Moonlight who was currently struggling with her own issues.

“Hehehe!” Starlight involuntarily laughed. “What makes you think we’re stiff? We’re just standing here, being normal ponies, following orders!” Her voice raised slightly as all her nerves began to seep through her words.

Keep quiet! she begged herself, immediately clearing her throat afterwards to calm down. She put a hoof to her mouth to shield the blush she felt coming on.

If not for the circumstances she was still under, Starlight would have given Prominence a mean glare. Prominence’s words weren’t falling on deaf ears, Starlight knew exactly what she was talking about. If she really didn’t want to appear a fool to this prophetic mare, she had to refrain from sudden outbursts. As to how she would go about that, she wasn’t sure. All she knew is she couldn’t risk embarrassing herself again, especially not in front of Moonlight.

Starlight frowned at what Prominence had to say next.

“Wouldn’t exposing your emotions lead to losing control over them? I know for one thing that I can’t express myself too much, unless I’m casting a very complex spell. If I have too much emotional energy inside of me going unused, my magic could go everywhere!” she commented.

She looked to Moonlight who was already to call it in evening. As much as Starlight wanted to get this quest over with, she was also tired. A lot had happened in just a few days and she still needed to process it all.

“I say we call it a night, too. Leave this next task for another day.” she replied. She hoped everypony else was in agreement.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Starlight was beside herself. Where had her composure gone? When she led her village, she was always in control of her emotions and could even illicit specific emotions out of others. Sometimes she really regretted letting herself be vulnerable, especially since Moonlight knew what was going on.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Let us continue our task.” she said to everypony in an attempt to diffuse the situation.

After a long stretch of silence, the group finally started to move. Starlight kept a straight face throughout, determined not to break again. She simply couldn’t afford that right now, not when she was being counted on.

This place looks rather nice. Starlight thought. Canterlot architecture is quite fascinating, especially when it is recent. I wonder if buildings like this can be made anywhere else, or if parts of the building can only be made by magic. I will have to find out sometime.

Starlight looked at Prominence quizzically. What could she have done that would have caused so much embarrassment? Thinking back to all the comments the mare made previously about her and Moonlight, perhaps it was best she didn’t know.

“I’ll…take your word for it.” Starlight responded.

The exchange between Prominence and Moonlight made Starlight think. Had the embarrassment had something to do with getting too deep into other ponies’ personal lives? She imagined so. Starlight wanted to think about how terrible that was, but she then remembered how much she pushed her villagers and “friends” into sharing their lives with her. She knew everything about her friends while they knew nothing about her. Perhaps that was what Prominence’s situation was like.

Starlight took a peak at the casino as the group trotted inside the hotel. She had never seen such a loud, colorful room before. She wondered what ponies did in there. Maybe one day when she isn’t trying to save the world, she’ll go inside and investigate what all of the fun is about.

She felt a mixture of obligation, dread, and determination as she ascended the elevator with Moonlight and the guards. As the marker on the dial tilted farther and farther right, Starlight could feel her heart quicken in anticipation. She worried for a moment that it would beat out of control again before realizing that that pain was long behind her. She looked at Moonlight for a moment, wondering how she was doing. She was probably a lot less nervous, Starlight had to guess.

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Starlight smiled back at Moonlight slightly. Any tensions, fears, and worries she had before dissipated. Now that she felt a since of calamity, she too was beginning to grow fatigued. The day had been long and arduous and Starlight couldn’t wait to close her eyes for the night.

The hotel area, once Starlight had a chance to view it, was quite long with lavish decor lining the hallway. It was nothing short of beautiful, at least in a pony’s eyes who had seen nothing but wooden cottages her whole life. The gold lining on the columns seemed to sparkle while the lush, dark purple carpet pooled into an endless evening sky scape if one looked hard enough.

Starlight was also rather transfixed on the lobby area as well. The accommodations available were beyond anything she ever knew of. Not only were the basics provided, but a high level of comfort was promoted as well. Starlight was really curious as to what sorts of interesting foods the area would have, but she knew sneaking off would cost her dearly. It simply wasn’t worth the risk right now.

Looking to Prominence as everypony arrived at the rooms, she noticed how much calmer and less provoking her demeanor was. She gave the mare a kind smile in return before she departed.

Wait…what if she’s just being nice to interrogate me later without me noticing? she worried. Although she had told herself to work on her trust issues with others, it was hard to be trusting around someone who gave her a mysterious vibe. Then again, she trusts Moonlight completely, a pony who she used to trust the least out of everypony. Maybe she was overthinking this time.

Before Starlight entered the room herself, she asked the guards,

“So, what happens after we find Limbo Dreams and Silver Tongue? Are we free to go after that or is there…more we should do from there?”

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  • 1 month later...


Starlight Glimmer simply nodded and headed off to bed, following Moonlight. She slowly turned her head towards the pure white mare as she began expressing some minor grievances. Starlight was right with her there as she was also ready for this adventure to be over with already.

"I agree. I'm not looking forward to this 'adventure' much, either. I feel so uneasy having the guards watch over me all the time, too. It feels like if I make one wrong choice, accidental or not, they could throw me in the dungeon!" she replied. She rose an octave after that last sentence so she cleared her throat to bring her voice down to a normal volume.

At the mention of 'a more pressing matter', Starlight was a bit puzzled. She at first thought Moonlight was talking about the mission once again but judging by her tone and look, she meant something completely different.

After explaining what it was, exactly, Starlight was taken aback.

"You want me to go back to my village? After all I had done? It's bad enough that I brainwashed and abandoned my village but to go back and face everypony after that?" I..." Starlight stammered. She paused for a long time afterwards, considering her options.

The villagers probably hate me by now. If I were to go back, they could threaten me or worse! I can't bear seeing my villagers turn on me! Wait...what if they already have? They could have selected a new leader already and created a whole new set of rules. If that's the case, then they're just fine without me, right?

No, no, they're not. I'm the only pony who has the magic to remove their Cutie Marks. Without that, the villagers are trapped in Sameness, new leader or not.  Unless I fix this, they'll miss out on the chance to be their true selves. I have to go back, no matter the consequences. I have no other choice.

With an elongated sigh, Starlight said,

"You're right, Moonlight. Going back to the village would prove how much I've really changed. To be honest, I'm quite scared to go back, but I know I have to restore the Cutie Marks to the village. It would be unfair to deny the villagers the chance to be their true selves. Hopefully...they can also accept the true me as well."

Starlight looked at Moonlight's flank in disbelief after registering what was behind all the makeup. She had ridiculed Starlight for hiding her true mark yet she had no troubles hiding her own! How had Starlight not seen this?

"Oh, I can't believe you had a fake Cutie Mark too this whole time! You gave me such a hard time about mine and yet here you are, doing the exact same thing! H-how long have you been hiding this for? How am I just now seeing this? Why would you hide your mark when the other one is practically the same?" she blurted with a mix of rage and confusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Starlight wondered what she would do once she arrived at the village. She wasn't sure what she could say to convince everypony that she was changed. More importantly, she wasn't sure how she would free the Cutie Marks. All she knew how to do was lock them up. Hopefully, one of the villagers would have an idea if she couldn't come up with anything. No matter how much she pondered any of this, though, she knew she couldn't really predict what would happen now that she has been away for quite a while.

Starlight dipped her head down ever so slightly as Moonlight called her out. Her former grandiose demeanor was nothing to be proud of, that was for sure.

"I did manage to over-present myself and I'm not proud of it. However...you did the opposite and you hid yourself from everypony. Not sharing anything about yourself is just as bad as oversharing. I felt put off by you because I couldn't reach you no matter how hard I tried. It was incredibly hard to put any trust in a pony who wouldn't open up even a little bit." she replied.

Starlight sighed softly along with Moonlight. Despite how much her and Moonlight and her have grown over such a short period of time, past mistakes were still hard to talk about. It was difficult to think about how cold Moonlight used to be and even harder to think how fake Starlight herself was. She shook her head slightly to try and banish these thoughts.

If only there was a way to stop thinking about our mistakes completely. Without corrupting any pony's minds, of course. Starlight thought, half-jokingly. She looked back up and realized Moonlight was deep in thought. She wondered what she was thinking about there.

Starlight nodded to what Moonlight had to say and responded,

"Fair enough. If you forgive my reaction, I'll forgive your demanding tone. I understand that going to the village is something I must do, but I will be very unlikely to do it if I am pressed to do so. And you're right, we need to make the most out of our current opportunity. That's why we're choosing to stop the leaders of the Ascension. If we do that, we can save so many other ponies from falling into the same trap."

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Starlight frowned at Moonlight in concern. What was with the harsh look? She backed up a bit, suddenly feeling uneasy. Starlight didn't think she was asking for much when she told Moonlight to go a little easy on her. She should've remembered, though, that Moonlight didn't take anything lightly.

"You may feel that way," Starlight replied to Moonlight's reasoning slowly, still cautious not to upset the unicorn. "but can't trust anypony or properly understand them if they hide things from me. Besides, the truth always manages to seep out, like how you discovered what my real Cutie Mark looked like.

I understand what you're saying about tactics, believe me, I have experience with those, but the truth can be just as much of a weapon. If you confide in somepony, they start to build trust in you and at that point, you practically have full power over that pony if they go against you. Yes, your weaknesses may be exposed, but so would their's. I realize I'm probably not the best pony to talk about all this, but when I used to believe Equality was the truth, I thought just like this."

Starlight backed up again as Moonlight stepped closer. She also mentally prepared a spell just in case Moonlight got a little bit too close.

"Heh, you say I get a choice yet you're going to just do what you want, anyways? That doesn't seem fair, now does it?" Starlight said lightly, suddenly feeling nervous. She hoped her more casual demeanor would defuse the situation, but clearly she was wrong. She also hoped Moonlight was kidding about forcing her to go to the village, but that wasn't the case either. Taking in a long, deep breath, Starlight cleared her head and replied,

"Look, I'll g-go to the village, alright? I'll do it, but you have to understand this won't be easy! I have to convince the whole village that I'm not the same equalist-driven mare I once was. They may have lost their trust in me now, so I don't know if they'll believe me. Still, I suppose this has to be done."

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  • 3 weeks later...


Starlight gulped silently and looked down. She didn't like the way Moonlight was confronting her, even if she was speaking the truth. It was just that the more her past was brought up, the guiltier she felt.

"I-I know you're right. I feel so guilty right now already, I can hardly stand it anymore. I suppose you have a point, attempting to make up for what I did is better than doing nothing and remaining guilty. Well, I guess a part of me will always feel bad, but if I am able to make things better in the village, I can at least feel good about that." Starlight responded with a slightly shaky voice.

Her heartbeat began to increase and she felt the world slowly shrinking in on her. She hated the feeling of being singled out; always had. She also hated that Moonlight seemed to enjoy this, judging by her snarky facial expression.

Starlight turned and took a moment to breathe before her emotions, or worse yet, her magic, could spiral out of control. When she was calm enough, she turned towards Moonlight and tried to be very understanding as she listened. She nodded her head slowly, internalizing that Moonlight only wanted to help and do what was right.

If I'm ever going to make it through this, I have to keep my emotions in check. Starlight told herself. If it took her this long to handle one confrontation, imagine how she would react if the entire village confronted her! She needed to bring out the leadership instincts she once had, only without using a facade or manipulation tactics.

"Okay, I understand. I will make up for all I did and set things right. Like you said, it won't be easy, but it has to be done anyways." Starlight replied. She refrained from displaying any more feelings of nervousness because she did not want to drag the conversation out further than it needed to go.

She also had to refrain from rolling her eyes at Moonlight's haughty smirk. Starlight looked away in an attempt to ignore it and carefully laid down in the bed herself. It felt incredibly weird to only have one bed around, but it was either try to make space for herself or sleep on the floor. When she was able to fit in without being too close to the edge, she turned and distanced herself as much as she could. She may be close with Moonlight, but not that close!

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  • 1 month later...


Starlight was now beginning to feel cramped since Moonlight was stretching and nearly taking over the whole bed. She squirmed and tried to wiggle towards her own side of the bed to make more room for herself. There wasn't much of a way to do that without falling over, though, so she relented and let Moonlight take the space, along with that smug grin of hers.

"I would hope that the situation is dealt with by then as well. The longer Limbo Dreams and Silver Tongue are out there looking for 'Ascension', the more dangerous they become.

A reward, you say? What sort of reward would the guards be granting us? We sought after a 'reward' before and you know where that almost led us. To be honest, the only reward that could be satisfactory to me is for the guards to leave us be after this, and ensure that we don't have to be involved in something like this again." Starlight said with resignation.

Starlight wondered what sort of 'award' Moonlight was thinking of anyhow. Money? Starlight didn't need to be rich, not when she had magic. Fame? That just meant more ponies could find out about what she did in her village. She was sure Moonlight had many more possibilities in her mind, but they didn't matter to Starlight. Nothing material really mattered right now that her whole life was destroyed. Even if it was for the better, it still left the unicorn feeling lost.

Where do I go from here? What sort of purpose do I have now? Starlight pondered as her heavy eyelids drooped.

"New manestyles?" Starlight asked, gently tugging at the ends of her mane. "You may have to help me find a new look. Preferably, something that doesn't completely change my current style. I like my long, striped mane."

She chuckled inwardly at that, remembering all the terrible styles that her villagers had to wear. It took a long time for the town barber to cut hair properly without hurting somepony, ever since his stylist Cutie Mark was stripped away. Starlight was so afraid of his scissors then that she opted to keep her mane the way it was. She argued it looked just like everypony else's, since it followed the general rule of having double bangs. Nopony questioned her, although she wasn't sure anymore if that was because she was so convincing or if the villagers were too afraid to question her at all.

Starlight mumbled a "goodnight" back and swiftly fell asleep. She was so tired that she didn't bother trying to maneuver around Moonlight anymore.

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Starlight trembled as her and Moonlight exited the train. She watched with longing as it chugged backwards into the cave, wishing she was anywhere else right now. However, she didn't admit that to Moonlight, as that would be a sign of weakness.

Trudging forward, Starlight was eventually able to catch a glimpse of her old "friends". The first thing she noticed is that their grins weren't as toothy as they used to be. They were smaller and more genuine. The villagers were also much more colorful and some even had a bounce in their step. They seemed...rather content without her.

Starlight's heart rate rose, fearing that she would cause distress if she set hoof into the village square. If it wasn't for Moonlight's presence, she would teleport far away from here immediately. Turning to the white unicorn, she noticed that the mare was rather calm. Granted, she wasn't the one who needed to make a mass apology, but regardless, Starlight did her best to match her stance.

Breathe in, breathe out. There you go, Starlight. Nothing to worry about. These ponies are...were...your friends. she thought.

Okay, that thought didn't help much, but Starlight was at least trembling less now. She urged herself to move forward and prepared herself for any anger, sadness, or even feelings of vengeance that may come her way.

"Starlight Glimmer, is that you?" a raspy female voice called. A mare with curly purple hair and a hot pink coat approached after tucking away a small notepad behind her ear. When she was eye-to-eye, she stood there a moment, unmoving. Starlight gulped, fearing the mare would attack her with a spell or something.

"Starlight! We missed you! How have you been?" The mare beamed with the cutest smile on her face. Upon her loud squeal, a few heads turned. More ponies reacted similarly to the mare, then gathered round until a semi circle of sorts was formed. Starlight was surrounded, but she couldn't tell if it was in a threatening manner or not. Regardless, she felt an introduction was warrented.

"H-hi, Sugar Belle. I'm...doing better. I'm not here for just a regular visit, I'm actually here to say something important. What I did to everypony back when I was the leader was i-inexcusable. I forced you to give up who you r-really are, in exchange for my comfort and happiness. I was so desperate for a friend that I forced all of you to m-match my friendship n-narrative. I definitely don't expect it, b-but I hope you all can forgive me." she spoke, trembling some more.

She waited in agonizing silence as the crowd murmured amongst themselves. She glanced over at Moonlight, wondering if she thought the little speech sufficed.

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Moonlight didn't say anything, but her look didn't suggest disapproval. Starlight took in a deep breath, shaking slightly as she was still nervous. Sugar Belle noticeably tensed at this and put on one of those cheesy, toothy grins, hoping it would help. Starlight shook her head, which only made Sugar Belle smile wider somehow. With a sharp exhale, Starlight said,

"You don't need to do that, Sugar Belle. None of you need to wear those fake smiles anymore."

The villagers gasped and whispered among themselves in confusion. Starlight continued.

"I need to...I need to tell you all something. I left in search of something that would make our village better and our friendships stronger. I sought out a way to spread 'true' friendship across Equestria with ease. I later found out that...what I was searching for was a lie. No greater power could help me, nor should it.

You see, E-Equality is...is a lie. It's always been a lie."

The villagers chattered anxiously amongst themselves, trying to piece together Starlight's message. Confusion was in the eyes of some, and others, relief? One thing was for sure, Starlight had a lot of explaining to do.

"How could it be a lie? Starlight, you said any other type of friendship was a lie! Does...does that mean we're not really friends?" Sugar Belle asked, tearing up a little.

"What 'greater power' are you talking about? No power is stronger than friendship, right? That's all we need." a dark blue pegasus commented.

"If Equality is a lie, then...does that mean we get our Cutie Marks back?" a light blue unicorn squeaked.

"If it is really a lie, why did you lie to us, Starlight Glimmer?" a white earth pony asked softly.

Starlight looked back and forth at the villagers, mainly the ones with questions. She felt a sinking feeling inside, knowing she had kept her friends in the dark for so long. She knew already that the truth would devastate them and she may lose a few friends in the process. If she wasn't here with Moonlight, who was encouraging her to do what's right, Starlight would have teleported away by now. Standing tall, despite the crushing weight of guilt she felt, she trotted forward and turned to her side.

"Look at this," she instructed, pointing to her Cutie Mark. "This was always here. My Equal sign was a fake I made using makeup. I couldn't remove my Cutie Mark because it would prevent me from using the Staff of Sameness. The Staff...is just a piece of wood. It has no power. I'm the one who used the spell to remove Cutie Marks. I wanted friends so badly, but I didn't want differences to fight over. I used that staff to force everypony to hide their true selves, and become what I wanted so I couldn't feel lonely anymore. After a lot of thinking, and some help from my new friend here, Moonlight, I realize how wrong it is to take away the differences that make you all special. I...I hope one day you can forgive me. Perhaps it would at least make things easier if I...returned your Cutie Marks."

The villagers looked on in disbelief and fear. They weren't sure what to think. Starlight understood why they felt this way. Their whole worldview had just been shattered in the span of a few minutes. She knew it would take a long time to process the fact that their previous lifestyle was a lie. She also knew that they had a right to be mad at her, especially after she revealed her true Cutie Mark. Closing her eyes, she braced herself for whatever impact may come.

"She told you this?" the blue pegasus asked. Starlight opened her eyes briefly and nodded.

Gentle hoof steps approached. First one set of hooves, then two, then a few, then more than Starlight could count. She shook slightly as she heard them come closer. When they stopped, she opened her eyes and noticed that the villagers weren't surrounded her. They were surrounding Moonlight!

"W-wait, what are you doing?" she cried.

"Moonlight, what have you told Starlight?" Sugar Belle asked, donning the fake smile, perhaps as a defense mechanism. The other villagers followed suite and donned their own large, uncertain smiles.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The villagers stared on at Moonlight in confusion, unsure how to process the given information. What was this power quest the strange unicorn was referring to? Why would Starlight Glimmer, the founder of Our Town and preacher of Equality, choose to go on such a selfish mission?

"I apologize, but I do not quite understand. You are telling me that you and Starlight Glimmer went on a mission to become Alicorns, together? That just isn't possible! Besides, Starlight doesn't need power when she has friends like us." Sugar Belle replied with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"It's true, Sugar Belle. I really did go on a mission, thinking I would 'ascend'. I thought that by becoming an Alicorn, I would become a 'Princess of Equality' and prove that even the most powerful of ponies would give up everything for Equality. Now that I'm distanced from that adventure, I realize that this wasn't about Equality or you all, this was about me obtaining as much power as possible. It was about me indotrinating all of Equestria so I could live in my perfect world. For that I'm deeply sorry."   Starlight spoke up.

Sugar Belle looked like she was trying to hide the hurt she felt. Starlight looked at her with pity, causing Sugar Belle to look away. She was about to say something comforting, but then the blue pegasus from earlier spoke up.

"Starlight, are you both speaking the truth? Did you both go out of your own will, risking your lives for something so dangerous? If you did...how did you remove your mark, so that you could do so?" she asked in a calculated tone.

"Yes, Night Glider, I promise you that this is all true. I really did go on this mission, and I did so without Moonlight forcing me into it. As for how I got my Cutie Mark, I...never removed it in the first place. Um, if I did, uh, I could have never removed any of your Cutie Marks. T-the staff is fake! I-I-It's just a piece of wood!" Starlight stammered. Now it was Night Glider's turn to feel hurt, only instead of cowardly hiding her emotions, she simply stared on in shock. In truth, it made Starlight feel no better either way.

Whilst those two mares were trying to wrap their heads around the situation, everypony else was murmuring amongst themselves. Starlight could only faintly make out what they were saying, and all she could take from it is that everypony was scared, hurt, and confused--just like Sugar Belle and Night Glider. Starlight wanted to once again try to say something comforting but she wasn't given the chance since Moonlight spoke up once more, and all were silent.

"W-what are we going to do by ourselves? While Starlight was gone, we didn't know what to do! For a while, we just waited. When she didn't return for a long time, we all got so worried! She was the one who planned our days, kept everypony on their best behavior, and made sure we were all happy and safe.

The scariest thing about this was, there was so much room for thinking! Ponies started talking--talking about our lives, tradition, friendship, CUTIE MARKS! It was all so interesting but now you're here so, so...p-please don't lock any of us up...we're so sorry..." the blue unicorn from earlier replied.

"Oh, Party Favor, you have nothing to apologize for. Again, I'm very sorry for leaving and not even bothering to check in with everypony. Then again, it was probably for the best. You got to experience life without me in it, to corrupt your thinking. I'm so sorry for tricking you into thinking that free will is bad. You should be allowed to think however you please and truly be yourself. I'm not going to lock any of you up. If I did, I might as well lock myself up for going against the teachings of Equality, too. You deserve to live your own lives, free from anything that will hold you down." Starlight spoke.

The white earth pony from before stepped forward, offering his own thoughts.

"Starlight, to be honest...I missed my independence." The villagers looked at him in stunned silence. However, that didn't stop them from listening to what he had to say. "I thought I would like having somepony take charge and allow me to relax when it came to making decisions, but I wasn't relaxed about it at all. I was always worried that if I didn't do exactly what you wanted, you would stop asking me to do things for you or punish me. Now that I think about it, I would rather make my own decisions every now and then, so I don't always have to feel that way."

Starlight was as stunned as the villagers in that moment. Even though she wasn't supposed to have favorites, she always considered Double Diamond her secret second-in-command. She thought he liked fetching her things or carrying out little tasks every now and then. She thought he would have found that rewarding to always help a friend out. She hadn't thought of the negative ramifications, especially since she never offered help in return.

The villagers then pondered about what Moonlight said about staying or going. Starlight would certainly be sad to see some ponies go, but she wasn't going to stop them if they chose to leave. She knew some of them would rather live anywhere else, given the chance. However, it seemed that nopony had an opinion about it at the moment, since the decision would be awfully big to make. Besides, everypony still needed their Cutie Marks.

"W-welcome, Moonlight Sparkle." Sugar Belle said politely as Moonlight finally introduced herself.

Starlight was hesitant at first, but it didn't take long for her to gather the strength and the courage to tell everypony,

"Follow me, everypony! It's time I set you all free."

She didn't admit it aloud but she quite liked Moonlight's proposed philosophy for the village. Perhaps friendship could be formed without magic or a grand ideal. Perhaps it could just happen naturally, if given the chance. There would of course be risks involved but the rewards were far more gratifying than if the village were to continue living in ignorance. With a confident hoof forward, Starlight led the villagers and Moonlight towards the Cutie Mark Vault.

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