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Make a MLP "episode" with AI!


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Here's how we go! Input a lil prompt on Inferkit, then say what you got! Example:


Twilight Sparkle ran into Rainbow Dash while going to Sweet Apple Acres.



Twilight Sparkle ran into Rainbow Dash while going to Sweet Apple Acres. She was being chased by a zebra named Strider Hose, who was also her friend. Rainbow Dash saved Twilight from a gazelle named Swoosh, who was also her friend. Swoosh informed Twilight that they could only take so many. They decide to leave Swoosh to be food for gazelles. Twilight told Rainbow Dash not to worry, since she's a unicorn and therefore immune to starvation.


  • Brohoof 2
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Input was Trixie poked Fluttershy with her horn and made her cry. (I tidied it up a lil)

Trixie poked Fluttershy. "Please, you have to save Twilight. I don't know what's going on, but she has to get out of there! The building is gonna blow up!"

Fluttershy looked down at the ground. "Twilight, I don't know! Her horn and mare power and magic are the only thing I can think of to get out of this, but it might be in danger too! There might be dangerous guys behind the counter or something!"

Trixie took a look around. She couldn't see a single person, but she did notice some broken glass, and a door was left open. "This is gonna work, it's gonna work!"

Fluttershy slowly nodded, then said. "Listen to her, put on your costume, then go."

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Pinkie Pie laughed at Starlight, who frowned. (input)

"What's wrong?

You're not happy about seeing me?"

Pinkie asked.

"I'm never happy to see you," Starlight said, shaking her head.

"I always end up feeling like we're talking in different languages. 

What's with you?"

"All right, all right," Pinkie Pie said, waving a hoof in defeat.

"It's only a little frustrating.

You have no idea how good it's been to have you back."

"But that's not all I 'm going to have back.

That scoundrel I was talking to the other day isn't exactly a gentleman, is he?"

Pinkie asked, frowning.

"If he doesn't keep his paws off my hooves, I'm gonna take him out." 

"Don't be ridiculous," Pinkie Pie said, waving a hoof.

"Do you think I'd let anything happen to my equipment?

Besides, we have a secret agreement to stay friends."

"You can't promise that."

"There's nothing to promise," Pinkie Pie said, sighing.

"It doesn't mean you'll be best friends forever, or that you'll automatically like him.

But I know you'll always be friends, because you're both determined, intelligent ponies who have each other's backs.

What more could you ask for in a friend?"

Starlight closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, loving the sensation of her wings slowly unfurling, reconnecting her with her power.

Pinkie Pie smiled at her, lifting a hoof and proffering it to help Starlight pull the wings in.

It was then that Starlight noticed the mop of pigtails, like the ones Pinkie Pie always wore, tied back into a tight ponytail.

The fact that they were pink didn't escape Starlight.

In fact, it only made her think about what she'd be doing with them once she had her wings back.

"I've always liked pink," she said, startling Pinkie Pie.

"But I just never thought about having pigtails until right now.

I love them."

"Don't you look so cute?"

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Twilight Sparkle had tea with Rarity, who looked radiant (input). "Rarity," Twilight Sparkle greeted with a nod. Rarity smiled up at her. "Twilight. And are you... enjoying yourself?" "I am..." Twilight Sparkle replied and looked at her friend. "Why?" Twilight Sparkle hadn't expected Rarity to ask, and she was surprised by the question.

Rarity glanced down. "I mean, you looked so... smug before. Now, you look... Well, your eyes aren't glowing, but they aren't too far off."
"They aren't glowing?!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed, surprised.
Rarity nodded and Twilight Sparkle looked at her friend with a grin. "You've been taking the pills!" Rarity exclaimed and Twilight Sparkle fell silent.
"What? No, I haven't! I mean, I tried, but I didn't want to deal with my old friends, and I thought I could get my mind right on my own. But... This stuff works!" Twilight Sparkle's smile was rueful. "Besides, it's fun having a friend again."
Rarity looked down for a second. "And there's still that business with the Princesses."
Twilight Sparkle nodded. "They're still going to do it, aren't they? You said they were coming back any day now?"
Rarity winced. "I'm not sure. I'm beginning to suspect that they might not come back at all. I'm not sure where to find Princess Celestia at the moment. I haven't been able to get through her official contact list since the... Incident, and I think she might've changed the password."
Twilight Sparkle looked at her friend. "Oh. So it's probably a good thing for you that she didn't come, is it?"
Rarity looked down and took a deep breath. "Twilight, there's something I haven't told you. I was involved in the day the Princesses went missing."
"With Princess Luna?"
"I... no. I was with Princess Celestia. I don't know how she found out I was there, but she found out somehow, and then she forced me to play along."
"And what did you do?"
"I pretended to leave as soon as the bells went off." Rarity looked at Twilight Sparkle with a deep frown. "It wasn't the best plan, but at the time, it seemed the only way to keep you from joining them."
Twilight Sparkle looked at her friend. "Did she hurt you, at all?"
"Not in any obvious way."
"Did you talk to her afterwards?"
Rarity nodded. "I went to her and tried to explain. I didn't say much, but... She was very quiet and... She said... I don't know if I should say it." Rarity looked up and back down. "She said I was no longer her friend, that we were both no longer friends."
"No!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "We're friends! And she said that you can't be friends with a traitor!"
"I know that, I know." Rarity looked down again. "It's been a while since I've talked about it, but... She said she was afraid that I would harm you, if I thought you were too close to your sisters."
"I'm not my sisters!"
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33 minutes ago, The Wife of Douma said:


MLP:FiM Canon Discussion is designated for speaking about the canon universe of G4 (specific episodes, theories, etc.)

Your topic has been moved to Forum Games.

Whoops, gotcha! Apologies, still getting used to stuff

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"Trixie helps Fluttershy take care of Angel Bunny."


The two share an instant attraction and become a couple.

On Trixie's birthday, Angel Bunny grows in size and invades her farm.

Fluttershy quickly scoops Angel into a basket, but before Trixie can return, Angel flees and is taken in by the Gentle Barn.

Trixie helps them until he is found by the Gentle Barn's caretakers and retrieved.

Trixie's colors: Trixie's fur is cream in color with small white spots.

Trixie's horns are purple and her eyes are blue with yellow iris.

Trixie has a very sweet, affectionate personality.

Trixie and Fluttershy: Trixie and Fluttershy were the best of friends during Trixie's time at Manehattan's orphanage, but were separated after the loss of their parents.

Trixie was adopted by Pinkie Pie while Fluttershy was adopted by Twilight Sparkle and the two are often seen as the worst of friends.

Trixie originally had a braided mane with two braids at the back and two braids that formed into a curl at the front.

During the fifth season, Trixie's mane was

Unfortunately this was cut short due to reaching the max character limit, but nevertheless there are some very interesting things happening here, it looks like the AI takes inspiration from some fanfics...

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"Starlight Glimmer and Maud Pie talk about rocks."


Maud Pie asks what kind of rocks they are.

Starlight Glimmer decides to tell her.

Then she says, "Their composition is such that if a strong gravitational field were to encompass the area where they are embedded, they would not only be visible to the naked eye, but they would glow too!"

Maud Pie asks, "What is their composition?"

And Starlight Glimmer goes on to explain.

And while she is explaining, she asks Maud Pie what kind of rocky crystals she has seen before.

Maud Pie says, "Hard."

Starlight Glimmer: "Very hard."

Maud Pie: "Very hard?"

Then she asks, "Do you have any hard rocks on Cloud Chief?"

Starlight Glimmer: "That I don't know of."

Maud Pie: "What kind of hard rocks are you going to find on Cloud Chief?"

Starlight Glimmer tells her to be patient and to wait for her to get to know Cloud Chief first.

Maud Pie gets upset and asks if Starlight Glimmer wants her to stay in Cloud Chief instead of going with her to Ponyville.

Starlight Glimmer says that she wants to

Another unfinished one, I really want to know what happens next...

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Gloomy Sonnet was harshly critical of Izzy Moonbow's creation (input).

In a single example, The Gloomy Sonnet writes, "How mean, small-minded, cold, meanly cruel / And dull, insipid and pointless, / Miserable - she is".
Gloomy Sonnet also describes Izzy Moonbow as a "sparkly silly thing" and calls the names of Izzy's two two-dimensional pals a "horrible novelty" and a "lame name".
The poem ends with the word "scatter".
Gloomy Sonnet was seen as being the least effective of the group of poems.
It seems to foreshadow certain events in the Izzy Moonbow series: Izzy's color change, her going into the fourth dimension, and then her eventual success.
Gloomy Sonnet will be available in a set of seven black-and-white $2.99 paperbacks, as well as in a larger 32-page hardcover book as part of the "Poni Gloom" series.
The first part of the set includes Gloomy Sonnet, Daddy Long Legs, George & Ira Hearst's Great Pig Adventure, Two Rainbows & A Short White Man, Princess Bambi, and Three Monkeys.


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Azure Gust and Cinnamon Nutmeg are two ponies who had little in common, but now they are good friends.
Last week: Azure and Cinnamon met for the first time and got along well, but Azure still had some doubts about their friendship.
Cinnamon's first question: Do you have something to hide?
Today's prompt: Cinnamon asks Azure what kind of name that is.
She feels the name Azure makes her sound like she's not good for anything.
Azure's answer: It's not my name.
I just like it.
My parents gave me it.
Cinnamon's reaction: I can see why!
I prefer names like Summer or Summer Pockets.
Do you have one for your friend?
Azure's response: No, but I have one for my aunt, her name is Hecate.
Her latest play is called: "How dare you?" Here is an example:
"A beggar of the lowest, the least, I cannot abide by the insult!
We do not owe you anything.
You have asked for alms, you have asked to be given a chance at life, you have asked to have a chance for salvation!
Why should we refuse you?"
Hecate glared at them, her anger forgotten.
"Because we have no use for you!
And there is no salvation in you, no salvation from your sins and lusts.
We refuse you, you are denied the chance of a better life."
"In the name of the One who created you, and the One who created me, and the One who created you again, I do this to you!
By your own sinful, wicked acts, I do this to you!
I denounce you, I condemn you, I reject you!"
Oh, yes!
For you are fated to have a life of poverty and lowness, and I denounce you."
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Spanner Sparks and Plum Patch were among the first ponies of different species to become firm friends. (input)

Mountain of Mists is also one of the friendliest to those who are naturally alicorns.
This pairing rarely occurs.
Spin-Top and Quicksand were in fact considered great friends.
An alicorn made a surprise appearance in the season four premiere, "Kithstrike."
Although it was not known at the time, she was shown to be in love with Shining Armor's brother, Cadence, but was beaten by Cadence, which also ended in her 'death'.
Stitch is shown to be bonded to Shining Armor in "Scaredy Brawl," since he saves his life when he falls from the sky, but both their friends are not happy about it.
While in Canterlot, Cadence is not the only one who falls in love with Shining Armor's brother, since Fluttershy and Rarity also seem to develop a crush on him.
When Cadence and Shining Armor part ways, Fluttershy becomes close to Shining Armor again, showing her great love for him and being able to feel his emotions.
Shining Armor makes Fluttershy his "companion."
is a secondary character, best known for appearing in the episode "The Other Side of the Coin" and becoming a co-star with Twily and the Neverweres in the episode "Twilight's Eclipse."
She first appears in the Season 4 premiere, when Fluttershy's friendship is put in danger.
The rust, alicorn known as Princess Luna is very sad over Fluttershy's friend, the herd leader Spike, and rescues him from a griffon.
It is revealed that Princess Luna (through her magic) had the griffons teach Spike that he shouldn't care so much about his friends, but it still seems to leave a bitter taste in his mouth.
Princess Luna then presents him to the herd as a gift, but still shows signs of caring.
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Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are not amused. (input)

After the incident the Princesses are in hiding for a time.

Not only do they not want any more young ponies being turned into pegasus or unicorn by a mirror, but they don't want any more to turn into mythical ponies either.

Eventually they come up with a plan to put up signs to warn ponies not to get too curious about mirrors and their reflections.

Zecora is the first to notice the signs, and when she does, she invites Rarity to a tea party to talk about the poster.

She is not very happy to see Rarity in such a state, and immediately takes a dislike to her.

Rarity has another pony, Applejack, come in to make another batch of the apples.

Since Applejack always helps her out and is reliable, Rarity entrusts her with the remaining apples, planning to come back for them later.

In her frustration, she uses her magic to get all the empty barrels in the store into a barrel fire.

Luckily she sees the error of her ways before it can take over the store, and puts out the fire.

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Input: Pinkie Pie tells Fluttershy that she liked her.

“Pinkie Pie, I didn’t know you loved me like that..” said Fluttershy.

“I know..” said Pinkie with a faint blush. “I’ve been really bad about expressing it lately. But you’re different, Fluttershy. You’re so real, and always giving. You’re perfect.”
“Pinkie, I’m so happy you like me. I mean, the more I got to know you, the more I wanted to be your friend.” said Fluttershy, with tears in her eyes.
They then hugged, happy that they both liked each other romantically. Pinkie Pie asked Fluttershy on a date.
Everypony celebrated. Pinkie Pie decided to make a party.
“Twilight! I’m so glad you’re finally here!” said Pinkie, showing her friend her home. “I’ve never had a party this big before.”
“Well, this is a big moment! Me, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack knew for awhile that you and Fluttershy liked each other.” Twilight responded.
“So, where is the party?” asked Twilight.
“Great, thanks Twilight. The festivities began right after the pie is ready!” said Pinkie.
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  • 1 month later...

Bwahaha! The tail of Fizzy, Sunny Starscout (with antlers), Cloud, Rainbow and Rapping

Sunny Starscout petted the teal unicorn's multi-coloured mane. "You are a sweet pony, Fizzy." she said. "You should write a song with some ponies about getting a glow in the dark paint job to make you more unique!"

Fizzy shrugged and flopped her mane. "I don't really know what I'd sing about."
"A song about having a bright colour of hair!" chimed in Rainbow. "No, I don't know. You guys talk a lot more than I do, okay?"
"I can sing a song if you can," said Cloud Flare.
Fizzy rolled her eyes. "Oh sure. Who are you going to ask, punk?"
"I don't need you to sing it for me," said Cloud. "I can do it myself."
"That's so..."
"What? Sorry?"
"Uh, I don't know the word."
"Oh. I'll ask My Little Pony to sing it, that's the best!" said Rainbow.
"Well, I'll see if I can think of something!" Fizzy took her mohawk off and made a goofy face. "Hey, do you guys wanna hear me rap?"
"Go on!" said Rainbow. "You can do it better than me!"
"Uh..." said Cloud. "Why don't you get a partner and sing it together, okay?"
"That's so..." Fizzy trailed off, feeling a little bad. She let out a little sound, which she thought she'd made clear she didn't want to have a partner. "So, how about you guys just give it a go, and if it's awful I'll know I'm not cut out for rap?"
"Sure," said Rainbow.
Fizzy tapped Cloud on the shoulder, and without looking back she said, "Next time it'll be better, you know. We'll work on it together, okay?"
Cloud blinked and glanced back at her. "What?"
"Well," said Fizzy, rubbing her head and making a weird, spitting noise, "everyone always says they hate rap music, but I guess it's okay if you do it with your own style. So we'll get you some rap verses and I'll work on the beat."
"Got it!" said Cloud. "My style is... really... nothing. You guys can write anything you want, right?"
"Okay then!" The unicorn dashed away before anyone could stop her.
Sunny Starscout looked down at Fizzy. "You look very happy, Fizzy."
"Yeah, I really feel like we did something. It's a good feeling. Like when I go on a mission and I know it's the right thing to do."
"Yikes, that was definitely a joke." said Rainbow.
Sunny Starscout stood on her hind legs and waggled her hoof at the shiny, wooden fence. "Well, now I think you should go stand on the other side."
"What?" said Fizzy. "Why? I think we accomplished something, don't you?"
"The fence can't work that way. It'll fall apart. I think we should try the other side."
Fizzy blinked and stood beside Sunny. "Oh. Okay, then."
"Yeah, we did a good thing." said Sunny, scratching the back of her neck. "Fizzy, don't ever be like that again."
Fizzy frowned. "Okay, but I hope Rainbow comes back next time."
Sunny Starscout nodded. "I know. I hope she does too."
"Sunny Starscout," said Cloud, "could you tell me how you ended up with those huge antlers?"
Sunny stared at Cloud for a moment. He looked confused. "Ah, you were asking about the fur on my antlers? I think it's that I'm a pegasus."
Cloud shook his head. "Oh, not that. I was just wondering why those weren't ponies' antlers."
Sunny Starscout shrugged. "Uh... I don't really know."
Rainbow Rose sighed. "Okay, just one more time. What if I did what some other ponies have suggested and make a remix version of the song? You could sing the part about the never ending party and whatnot."
Fizzy shook her head. "That's a dumb idea. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't sing it. And no offense, but I don't think I can do what you did, Cloud."
"Hey, look, Fizzy. I'm a proper rapper. I don't need the song to make me sound better. I just need to rap it for everyone to enjoy it."
Fizzy grinned. "Wow, that is totally cool. Do you think I could learn how to rap like that?"
"Sure, why not?" said Cloud.
Fizzy thought about it. "Okay then."
Rainbow said, "Oh, but wait. We have to record it. And it has to be recorded and everything."
"Like you've never done that before." said Sunny.
Rainbow rolled her eyes. "That's not the point! Like I have some skills at that kind of thing! When I was fourteen, I think, I wrote a song called 'Rainbow Flirt'."
"That's a pretty great song." said Cloud.
"Oh, yeah? And where did you hear that song?" asked Rainbow.
"Well, um... Fizzy actually brought it to practice one time."
Rainbow looked over at Fizzy, who was hiding behind Cloud. "Then why haven't you ever told me about it before?"
"It's not that great." said Cloud.
Fizzy squealed and jumped over Cloud and ran over to Rainbow, giggling. "Oh, my gosh, you sang it to me! You, my sweetie, sang me that song. You, my lover, sung me that song."
"Hey, what'd you say?" asked Cloud.
"Nothing! That's nothing! That's amazing! You've just made my day. I can't believe you."
Rainbow blushed. "I'm glad I could brighten your day. But this conversation isn't over yet."
Fizzy ran back over to Cloud and whispered into his ear. "You two need to go to the shelter. It's packed with superponies and the dog, and if you don't hurry, they'll all notice you. And you know what they say, 'everyone's a flamer at the same time.'"
Rainbow got a concerned look on her face. "Oh, no."
Cloud looked at Fizzy, who was already scurrying away. "What's going on?"
"I thought you might like to be with your friends, you know, when you think they deserve a good time."
Cloud sighed. "But Fizzy, I'm not your friend."
Fizzy grinned. "You should be. And you are, aren't you?"
Cloud thought for a moment. "I guess I am. Okay, why?"
Fizzy's smile fell, and she looked down at the ground. "Oh, no."
"What's wrong?" asked Cloud.
Fizzy nodded and sighed. "I was seeing you, Cloud, as a best friend. But I thought you deserved to be more than a best friend."
Cloud rubbed the back of his head. "But I don't know what a best friend is."
"Well, you are a very nice and considerate friend."
Cloud shrugged. "Okay."
"You're smart. You're funny. You're very nice to my friends. And I like you."
"Yeah, but..."
"And I was in love with you for a long time, and that was the problem. I shouldn't have let my feelings get the best of me. But I never told you, and I was scared that if I did, you would think I wasn't cool anymore, that I wasn't a cool and awesome princess."
"How could I think you weren't awesome?"
"You wouldn't, but..."
Fizzy paused. "I guess I was afraid you would get mad."
"Mad? Well, yeah, I would. But you know me, I can get mad and sad and jealous, and I don't let it control me. I've never been a crybaby, I never had a temper."
"It doesn't have to control you."
Fizzy nodded. "That's what I thought. But I didn't realize that when I said that you're an awesome friend, I was also saying that I was in love with you."
"So... are you in love with me?"
"Yes, I am."
"Well... huh... Okay."
Cloud looked up at the sky. "Does this mean that you're gonna kiss me or something?"
"I'm not gonna kiss you. I'm sorry, I just can't do that."
Cloud was unsure. "I know, I just... I didn't expect it. I mean, I thought it was... You know... a friends thing."
"It was. And you're my best friend, and that's great, but I was in love with you, too."
Cloud was shocked. He had no idea. "Wh... Wait... What... You... In love?"
"Very, very, very in love. I'm so sorry, Cloud. You're my best friend, and I'll always love you, but I can't be with you. I just can't."
Cloud froze. "It's not that. I understand. We can be friends, but... maybe more."
Fizzy stared at Cloud, stunned. "Maybe more? And with me?"
Cloud nodded. "That's what I thought, and I know it's not good. But I'm ready to explore things with you, and if you are, too, that's great. But if you don't, that's fine too."
"Fizzy, I know I'm not gonna make it easy on you, but I'm giving you a chance, and you need to take it."
Fizzy walked over to Cloud and threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. "Thanks, Cloud! You're a great friend, but I really want to be with you, too!"
"No, you don't. You have other friends too, and you'll never find anyone who'll love you the way I do, or as much as I do."
"But I'm a princess, and you're just a regular guy."
Cloud looked down. "I never said I was a princess."
"Yeah, but you act like one!"
Cloud cleared his throat. "Look, Fizzy, I was in love with you for a long time, but it was wrong, and I never told you, and I didn't want you to think I wasn't cool anymore. But, you're a princess, and... well, I've never had feelings for a princess before."
"Yeah, so... you're a princess."
Fizzy shrugged. "Okay, I guess, but it still doesn't change things."
"It shouldn't change things! You mean a lot to me, and I want us to be more than friends!"
Fizzy sighed. "I know, I do. I really do. But... I... I just don't know how to be friends with a guy who I'm in love with. I just can't."
"I understand. That doesn't make me angry."
"It doesn't make me feel better either. I... I thought I was ready, but I'm not. It's just... I was in love with you. I just can't tell you. I hope you won't hold it against me."
Cloud wrapped his arms around Fizzy. "I'll never hold it against you, Fizzy. I want us to be together, and I'll never push you away. We can still be friends, but I think we're a little different. This, whatever it is, between us, is gonna take time. We'll get there together."
Fizzy leaned her head against Cloud's. "You're my best friend, and I'll always love you, but I think I'm going to love you even more if we are together."
Cloud squeezed Fizzy's hand. "I'm so happy for you."
"Me too!"
"And thank you for telling me. I didn't want you to worry. You really are my best friend. I wouldn't be where I am now without you."
Fizzy smiled.


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Twilight Sparkle suddenly noticed the fourth wall for the first time.

A small cobweb had been shot through and a crack had appeared.
Looking around the little girl raised a single hoof to her mouth and loudly spat, “H-hello!”
The cobweb suddenly covered in something small and round. Twilight quickly jumped back, taking care to land on her hooves.
“I-is someone in here?” Twilight nervously asked, stepping back.
The large cobweb slowly retracted itself from the small, round ball of energy.
Twilight was confused.
“It’s a soul catcher,” Rarity said.
“Yes. A soul catcher,” Fluttershy repeated. “But how did it get there?”

The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Well this got weirdly philosophical. Also Discord is apparently a woman now.

Input: “Discord, what have you done?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“Discord, what have you done?” Twilight asked in disbelief.
“You mean you haven’t seen this already?” Discord told her.
Twilight groaned, “Well, I’m still working on ‘maybe I should have come to you sooner’.”
“I know.” Discord put her arm around Twilight. “But it’s here now.”
“Okay. So… How?”
“Right. So, what do you see?”
Twilight glanced at her book, “Right here. What is it?”
“It’s…” Discord thought about it for a moment.
“It’s my hand,” Twilight finished.
“No.” Discord shook her head. “It’s not my hand.”
“Oh. I’m not sure how I’d…” Twilight rubbed her eyes, “...kind of…”
“Right! Right,” Discord nodded. “You are not a construct, so I can only guess your interpretation of reality. That’s why I thought maybe I would try something first before going further.” Discord gestured to Twilight’s room, “Look around. What does it look like?”
“Well… there are no walls in here.”
“You still have that illusion…” Discord pressed a button on the side of her wrist. A bird flew up from the top of her dresser to a shelf above her bed. It hopped over to the bookshelf and looked for a moment at the covered paintings, and then hopped down again and flew off. “You are still not seeing it. This is how I want you to understand things.”
“I see… I mean, yes. I see what you mean,” Twilight said.
“Good.” Discord gestured again. A second bird flew up, and immediately saw the paintings. It hopped to the shelves and looked at the paintings, then hopped back down and flew to the bookshelf and looked at the shelves. “Right. You still don’t see it. You are looking at what you are used to seeing, but that’s not what is real. That’s not what you are seeing. That is only a projection of what you want to see. What is real is what is happening. And right now, what you are seeing is me working,” Discord stepped forward and cupped her hand in front of her eyes, and a section of the wall behind Twilight started to glow.
“This is…” Twilight was still not seeing it. “It’s…”
“I’m changing.”
“Yes.” Twilight looked back at the bird. “It’s still not…”
“It’s not really…”
“It’s still not real.”
“It’s still not real.”
Twilight looked back at the wall. “I don’t know… I don’t know.”
Discord stepped back and looked at her. “So.” She reached out her hand, and a gold frame beside her caught her eye. She set it down, and the wall began to glow brighter.
“This is the one.” She gestured to Twilight, who continued to stare at the wall.
“What is it?” Twilight asked.
Discord smiled and motioned to the wall. “It is the symbol of the present. A diamond.”
“Oh,” Twilight said, shoving the book away.

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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Input: Twilight Sparkle frees the Legion of Doom from stone.

But before she returns to Ponyville, the kids return to town to get a clue from Spike. This episode is just a preview of the next story arc of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that takes place in

Their final encounter with her is with the spellbound Starlight Glimmer.

The climax of the trilogy is at the Vending Machine, where the Legion fires her weapon of great destructive power, a mantic

Edited by Theautisticrebel


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