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open IC: The thorn may just have a rose (1x1 with Mentis Soliloquy)


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@Mentis Soliloquy

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Collapse had recently moved to the Crystal Empire. Her family had wished her the best of luck in moving out of her hometown, Dodge Junction. She was ready to face the world and settle in somewhere to make a name for herself in a place she can call her own. The Crystal Empire was a place on the map that had always interested her due to it being a place out of time - literally. It had been kept in stasis for nearly a thousand years - so everything she had laid her eyes upon was just as it was a thousand years ago, more or less. The Empire had been seeing a mass influx of tourists and outsiders who sought to move here and bring in new ideas to the Empire. Collapse was one of them.

With her, she brought her technological engineering skills as well as her hopeful smile. But for now, Collapse was winding down in the Crystal Empire's library while reading a few books. It had been a hectic move - a big step in her life. Her tail wagged a little bit as she read up on some of the ancient history of the Empire in the otherwise quiet library. 

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Quill had chosen to travel to the Empire after all that had occurred with its return roughly and by mere coincidence at the same time as that of Collapse for even similar goals. She was seeking information from the tombs, scrolls and books of the libraries of that of the Empire that may be old knowledge lost to time or that of new information that the crystal ponies had simply discored on their own and either had not shared or not had the time to. She thought it might of more tbeen the later due to how the Empire vanished in the first place as she had information of how that had occurred. 

She's found one of the better hotels in the city to take up residence in once she'd had arrived in the city. It'd not been too hard to get a good rate when she'd stated she wished to stay for an extended time and money wasn't really an issue due to her prestigious age and having done all the leg work quite a while ago to make so many investments that she mostly if not entirely funded her life from payouts and interest. 

As fate would have it, Quill was in the same build and section as the sunshine yellow mare who was reading a book in one of the rows of books. She saw her and her eye was drawn to the 'disc' around her middle which was of interest and she was going to simply go and ask about it. She knew many things Quill, this disk was new and she knew most ponies were quite open to direct questions. "Hello, Miss." She stated softly for the correct audio of the library as she walked up to her wanting to gain her attention.

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@Mentis Soliloquy

The rather yellow mare would look to the brown mare and she'd smile at her. It was interesting to see a brown seemingly average looking Unicorn mare in a place full of crystal ponies. This already made Collapse rather curious. Collapse would scoot over to where she was sitting so they could whisper together without interrupting anyone else here. "Oh, hey. Who might you be?" she asked with a calm, friendly tone. 

The large golden disk around her waist was fairly obvious - it had spokes on it like a bicycle wheel but was made out of sturdy construction. It was fairly good looking as well, with golden colored plating. It was unlikely for it to be real gold, however. On the outer edge of the disk were various glyphs of open eyes. "My name is Collapse. It is pleased to meet you." Collapse said, extending a yellow hoof to shake hands with this mare. 

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She wasn't expecting her to be this friendly as to make room for her and scoot over so they could speak and then go about introducing herself before she herself could do too much more than give her a smile and sat down.  Nevertheless she took her hoof in her own and gave it a gentle shake for her, which she had practiced to give off that it was something normal, she had enough power in her single leg to toss this poor mare around like a ragdoll, it should of felt normal to Collapse. "Pleasure to meet you, Collapse." As she took her hoof back so she was back to standing again and gave her a bow. "I am Quill." As she gave her a smile again before she stood back up and then sat back down.

She was still old fashioned in some regards and that was one of them in terms of how she greeted others, it was from an older time when ponies were far more formal but this mare was a product of the time and Quill didn't have any issues with times changing and those who lived in them following along.

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@Mentis Soliloquy

Collapse shook Quill's hoof gently and seemed to enjoy the physical contact. The sunshine yellow mare had a look of happiness and joy in those innocent looking eyes of hers. Collapse was more than eager to meet a new friend, and learn about them. Her name meant the opposite of her appearance and the way she carried herself. Collapse blushed slightly as Quill bowed before her and turned around to face her, with that wide happy smile across her face.

"It is nice to meet you, Quill - what brings you here to the Crystal Empire?" Collapse asked while proceeding to stand face her. Collapse stood in an open, friendly manner. The ring-like device around her waist shook slightly as she stood, it standing out quite prominently against everything else in the room. 

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"I am here to learn." She smiles. "I suppose you could consider me a scholar, as simple as that." As she continued that happy, genuine smile, her bearing was of grace, age and wisdom if that could be summed up in how one stood, she carried herself like the commanded the room and little else was as important as she was perhaps. Though that makes seem quite a vane pony. "But I have all the time in the world to seek such things in books, they're not going anywhere." As she cast a hoof towards the shelves.

"You, however, interest me more." As she lent in a little more. "More so, what is around your midriff, if I may be so bold as to ask about such a device?" She guessed it didn't look like something one would just wear for the fun or looks of it alone.

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@Mentis Soliloquy

Collapse would smile more as Quill spoke to her. "I suppose I am here for the same thing, as well. I am an inventor. I like to fix and construct things - such as what you are curious about here." she spoke as she walked closer and turned to the side to show her the ring closer. "It's a fly ring, or a fly wheel. Both work for me. It allows me to fly - through anti-gravity. Of course I can't really test that out here, as we are inside a building but if you wanted to, I can show you more about it elsewhere." she spoke, and was definitely open to the idea of doing that. 

Collapse found herself very interested in the manner this mare spoke. She seemed pretty knowledgable and wanted to learn. Collapse felt as if they had that in common - and was eager to get to know her better. 

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She listened to the mare as she looked at the item as it was brought closer along with the rest of her for her to look at and it caught her attention as she took in the details. "You've made a device that can give flight to those who are not of the pegasus race?" There were more than pegasus who could fly but it was a common enough term to use when it came to matters of flight within pony circles at least. Her eyes were on the thing like it was a meal she wished to gobble up.

Perhaps one other thing also caught her eye only for a moment due to her not knowing this mare was her throat, only for the shortest of moments her eyes flicked to and then from that back to the item around her she was looking at. The movement was so quick it was quite possible that Collapse would of never have seen it or thought it a trick of her own eyes. "I would be very... interested in seeing how this worked." She almost purred out the last of the words she spoke.

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@Mentis Soliloquy

Collapse didn't notice Quill's strange look towards her throat because she was focused on the conversation at hand here. The curiosity of this mare was something that definitely perked her interest here. "Yes, it was a lot of hard work to get something like this to work. Took a few years to get it right. It's not something that is easy to make or easy to get the materials for, but I'll gladly show you if you want to follow me outside." Collapse said, with a friendly hoof wave as she got up towards the door.

The way this mare was direct with her questions and her tone as she purred in her words was something that made her feel like she was saught after. It was a comforting feeling. Even if she may not fully trust this mare - it made her feel good that someone took an interest in her.

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Quill had an interest in most of the ponies she met, the reasons for the interest were something else entirely, some of them were nothing but some information on legs, and worst were just those she saw as meals. However this mare was nothing so low, she was interested in her mind to make such a thing, something she'd never seen in her entire long life. "By all means, lead the way." She invited her to lead them outside to wherever she sow pleased to show off this thing. She wanted to see how this device helped her fly, she had a thousand questions in her head and wanted to see how it worked.

She too got up and went to follow her out of the library and to see this device in action, pray it wasn't just a bold claim, something she made up and was boasting about. She very much so hoped it was real, to meet a mind so brilent as to invent a flying machine, a personal one at that would be a wonderous occasion for sure. 

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@Mentis Soliloquy

Collapse would happily lead the way out of the library - her tail wagging excitedly as she lead her way outward. The projection of this sunshine yellow mare was a rather happy and innocent exterior, though it was clear that she was more than that due to what she had invented. The mare even had a few happy skips in her step as she lead her way out, more than excited to show her new friend her invention. Collapse would lead the way outside of the library and look to make sure there wasn't that many ponies around before she'd lead the way to behind the library where very few would likely spot them.

When they were there, Collapse would turn around to Quill and giggle a bit. "Well, here we go!" she chirped and her horn flared up with a golden aura. The ring around her waist started to spin slowly and there was a clicking sound as it spun faster. Her golden aura wrapped around the device - and so she effortlessly floated off the ground. Collapse moved towards the back wall of the library as if there was no gravity - then kicked away from the wall, floating back from it as if showing off this was indeed - true antigravity. 

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"How... delightful..." As she watched her take off with that right around her, how it worked was rather interesting, it needed magic to function so was restricted to unicorns and it wasn't means of flight persay but simply a way to turn off gravity, still a marvellous invention. She was very keenly watching how it worked. "How... much power is it taking for you to use that ring?" She asked as she watched her kick off the wall changing her direction of floating essentially. Her questions seemed serious as she was thinking of various uses of such an object but she had a massive smile on her face seeing such an item in use, it was marvellous. 

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@Mentis Soliloquy

"It takes focus for me to determine what direction I want to go. Where I go and how fast I go is based upon my intent in my thoughts, but it does occasionally need a recharge. It's powered by gravite, a rare mineral that has anti-gravitational properties that occasionally has to be recharged with common magic. I linked this device to my mind using a telekinetic spell, so that spell combines with my anti-gravity spell to create this form of movement as you see here." Collapse smiled at her, and moved back a bit to demonstrate before moving up and down a bit, bobbing in the air a bit. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

She listened and watched it was still very interesting for her tosee how it worked and all that went into it's making and usage but with her explaining on how it worked it would be quite clear this would be one of those more unique inventions that couldn't really be expanded on past such a state, at least from what she could tell from the information being given to her. The idea was very impressive however which made her smile. "It is a wonderful invention you must be proud of this thing, I know I would be in your place at least." She stated as she continued to watch the mare float around a bit more and do some thing bobbing. 

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@Mentis Soliloquy

Collapse nodded and turned to Quill with a happy grin. "Yup, I am, usually what I do is fix things, but sometimes I build things and sell them. I travel around and take commissions for machines, and fix things that others need fixing if nobody else is around to get to them. I'm well off, but that's not really the point - I like doing what I do." she said as she kept bobbing about in the air and then landed in front of Quill quietly, the spinning of her fly ring stopping with a mechanical click sound. "But what do you do, though? I wanna hear more about you."

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