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Makaryo: Why I Like G5 (Important Watch)

Misty Shadow

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Makaryo, the G5 fandom's most well-known contributor, has finally decided to weigh in on why he likes G5.

If you're wondering why "Important Watch" is in this topic's title, it's because this video was also a call from him for fans of different MLP generations to stop the fighting. Fans are receiving death threats just for liking G5 and that is absolutely not acceptable, especially for a fandom for a series about the value of friendship. :Angry-zip:

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Good message from Makaryo. They always have entertaining videos.

I remember when G5 came out, there were people online getting into heated debates or spammed just for liking some parts of G5. I think it's unacceptable that people are giving death threats just for liking the series. It's insane. This is a series about friendship and even if you disagree with someone's opinions, you should still show some respect for their opinion regardless if you like it or not.

I recall when I had my old  account here over a year ago, I said that I really liked Applejack and there were a few people here who were calling her " country trash", "background pony", and several other expletive things that I cannot type here. It really sucked to see that as I don't know anyone else IRL to share my enjoyment of the series and was hoping to meet others online to share that feeling. Thankfully those people don't seem to be here anymore, but I was shocked that there existed some people within the fandom like that despite the show's wholesome values.

I have met people who have told me that they personally like G5 better than G4, but they did not go off into rants or anything like that. We were all respectful of each other's opinions and shared our different opinions on the series with no issues. I particularly enjoy several parts of G5 despite how Hasbro has been mapping out the entire series (though that's a separate issue), but I am always surprised to see some older fans go off on large rants on why G5 is the worst thing in existence and gate keep the franchise in general stating that "G4 was the best series and only series that matters". That is the complete opposite of the show's message. Those people need to learn that opinions are subjective, but respect for others should always be objective. It is something that we as a fandom should always be striving for.

MLP is for everyone and we should be able to enjoy whatever parts of the franchise we want in peace. 

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I was never fully satisfied with G5, but it's more ponies than there were before so I cannot be too unhappy with it. I've watched all of it. It's at least worth a watch and people should give it a chance before making up their opinions on it. I've made the mistake of judging something before giving it a chance many times, and it's something that is not worth doing when it comes to ponies. Give it a chance, the worst thing that will happen is you won't like it and will move on from it. Death threats and being violent over differing opinions about a show about friendship is just unacceptable. 

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Personally I wasn't a huge fan of G5. But that's probably because a lot of things just didn't make much sense to me, and it just upset me that the pony races split apart after all the work Twilight Sparkle and everypony else did to make the previous world so united. I am happy they got back together. The show is actually pretty nice and I can see why people like it. Can't understand how people get death threats about it, goodness people need to be more supportive this whole series is about friendship...

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