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Ponyville Host Club


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The begining of a Long story, my editer told me to post my story here for mass reveiw and critiquing. I look forward to everypony's opinon.





The sun was high in the cloudless, blue sky of Ponyville. The grass was lush and green. The lake next to Ponyville Park had a cooling breeze coming off of it. It was a welcoming feeling for the fillies playing at the park. The park was a dream to the fillies; there were swings, slides, teeter-totters and even spring animals. The tiny rocks that littered the area sowed about the grass as the families watch their offspring play. All except one, a grey mare with a blonde mane was sitting on a bench. This mare in particular was rapidly searching the want ads.



: Earlier that morning, Ponyville Post-Office:


A heavy set, balding stallion was rubbing the bridge of his nose as he tried to find reason in what he was reading. In his hoof was yet another complaint report.

“So Derpy let me get this straight, you lost track of your mail satchel? Why?”


Derpy couldn’t make eye contact; this had been her fourth offense this week. “Because I went to feed some ducks and it fell in the water Mr. Flowers.”


“So now roughly eighteen percent of Ponyville didn’t get there mail, again.” Mr. Flowers said with a long groan.


“I’m sorry Mr. Flowers, the ducks looked really hungry, I just wanted to feed them some oats…” Derpy finally looked at Mr. Flowers. He only returned a contemplated stare.


Mr. Flowers swung around in his chair as he put his hooves together, Looking at a map of Ponyville. The map had many differently colored pins with yarn interconnecting several of them.


Derpy did not like were this was going.


Mr. Flowers gave a long sigh. “I’m sorry Derpy but I have to let you go.”


“But, Mr. Flowers please I will do better I swear. I have little Dinky, how can I support her without this job.”


“I know Derpy, but you are already over the limit for complaints. If I don’t, I will be fired for not doing my job. I’m Sorry Derpy I have to let you go.”


Derpy returned her gaze back to the wooden floor. “I understand Mr. Flowers.”


“Don’t be so down Derpy, you will find another job. “


“I hope so…” Derpy said. Quietly as she walked out the office door, the employees shifted their gaze away from the young mare. They all knew it would happen eventually, it was just a matter of when.


Derpy walked around Ponyville for a few hours, she had no specific destination in mind.


“Watch out!” Derpy snapped back to reality just in time to dodge a cream colored stallion face planting into a mud puddle. The grocery he carried in the bag he was carrying covered a small radius on the ground around them.


“Are you ok?” Derpy asked as her offered a hoof to help the stallion up.


The stallion accepted the hoof and got up from the puddle, mud covered his face. He proceeded to take a small cloth from his coat and took a minute to wipe off his face and horn.


“Thank you for your assistance Miss…?”


“You can call me Derpy…”She said with a sigh, her tone was a clear indicator on how her mood was.


“Well thank you again for your help. My name is Tidy Tails, you can call me Tails. OH. MY. GOSH!” Tails looked Derpy in the eyes his face only inches from hers. “You have an interesting set of golden eyes, oh I bet the stallions just fall ALL OVER YOU!” Derpy took a step back; she was never used to taking compliments let alone about her eyes.


“My, my, my” Tails said. He was now examining Derpy. “The things I could do to your mane, *SIGH*, Well look at the time, it’s almost three and I must be off. It was nice meeting you Miss Derpy.”


The stallion was off before she could even say goodbye to her interesting new acquaintance. Reality set in and she realized she had to pick up Dinky from school. How do I tell her I lost my job? She shook her head. I will just find another quickly. She nodded to herself and took off in the direction of the school.



: Ponyville School:


“Miss Cheerilee, Silver spoon said called me du…du…du…DUMB!” Dinky whined, as she took shelter behind her.


“Silver Spoon! What do you have to say for yourself?” Cheerilee said, as she started to comfort Dinky.


“She ate my muffin!” Silver Spoon yelled back, thinking her claim was totally feasible.


“Now Spoon, you know Dinky didn’t mean anything by it.” Cheerilee commented.


“Did too!” Spoon whined.


“Did not!” Dinky said defensively.


The bell them sounded signaling the end of the day, too much of Cheerilee’s delight. The foals started to pack their things into their saddlebags; each trying to rush out the door like the school was on fire. Dinky however waited behind Cheerilee until Silver Spoon left the room before running to her desk to gather her things. I can’t believe she called me dumb. I really didn’t mean to. She thought to herself as she finished putting in the papers and utensils into her bag for tonight’s homework.


Dinky made her way out school doors to the ever welcoming sight of her mother waiting for her.


“Mom!” Little Dinky shouted as she made her way to her mother’s side.


Derpy put on the best smile she could for her little filly.


“Dinky, how was school?” The little filly’s tail dropped instantly.


“I don’t wanna talk about it.” She then kicked a rock that skipped across the pavement.


Derpy put a warm hoof around her shoulder. “Do you want to go to the park?”


Dinky’s ears shot up at the sound of the word ‘park’, she looked back at her mother nodding her head vigorously.



: Ponyville Park Present Time:


Derpy glanced over the rim of the Equestria Daily to scan the area for her filly. Dinky was playing with a spotted colt around her age on the teeter-totter. Derpy couldn’t help but smile as she saw Dinky’s face light up when she rose into the air. Then Derpy’s gaze fell back down on the newspaper before her, giving inward sighs as she grudgingly scanned the page:


Wanted Apple Bucker- Sweet Apple Acres Please apply in person.’ No, I can’t do that, I’m not strong enough.


Wanted Part- Time Animal Care taker- Please Contact Fluttershy.’ Derpy shook her head again. I need a full time job.


Wanted Nanny Part-time- Please Contact Mr. or Mrs. Cake.’ Derpy Sighed as she was the words ‘Part-time’ again.


Wanted Full-Time Evening Host Ponyville Host Club. Come prepared for Interview.Host? I used to work as a waitress… there can’t be that much of a difference. I am sure Mrs. Cake would give me a good reference. A smile came on Derpy’s face when she started to remember her days working at Sugarcube Corner. “So many muffins…” She said nearly in a daze, only to be shaken out of it when a little filly started to cuddle against her lap.


“Whatcha’ doing mom?” Dinky said as she leaned in trying to read the paper.


“Nothing Dinky.” Derpy said, quickly folding the paper and putting it under her wing.


Dinky filled her cheeks full of air and squinted at her mother. “You never tell me anything.”


Derpy started to pet Dinky’s mane, much to her delight as she rested her head on her lap. “Let’s go home, ok Dinky?” Derpy stated.


“Mom can we have oatmeal for dinner?” Dinky asked, it was her favorite meal and if Derpy didn’t control what she ate, she was sure that is all Dinky would ever eat.


“Not tonight, I was planning on making Mac & Cheese.” Dinky scrunched her face, she detested Mac & cheese. “But if a certain filly finishes her food there might be an oatmeal muffin for desert.”


Derpy said the magic two words and Dinky was already pulling at her mother’s hoof to go home.



: 6:00 A.M. Derpy’s House:


“I off to school mom!” the little filly shouted across the house. Derpy was washing dishes, cleaning off the oatmeal they had for breakfast.


“Do your best today Dinky.” She said, knowing full well she could try her best even if she didn’t say anything.


After the morning chores were completed. Derpy showered and got ready for work. Until she touched the door knob and realized she didn’t have a job anymore. What am I going to do about a job…? She thought. Her memory traced back to the newspaper article from yesterday. She opened the newspaper back up to the help wanted section. Ponyville Host Club…well it can’t be worse than dishwashing. Derpy cringed at the memory of her first job she ever had.


Derpy took a notepad out and wrote down the address of the shop. Then she stared blankly at the note. This is clear across Ponyville, she sighed and grudgingly left out the front door.



: Downtown Ponyville:


“4508, 4510, and 4512 here it is.” Derpy mumbled to herself, as she finally looked at the building. It was surprisingly more regal than the image of a small café that she had in her mind. The outside was painted eggshell white and the bi-paneled mahogany doors. On the left door however was a small plaque with the three letters ‘PHC’.


Derpy pushed hard against the door but it wouldn’t budge. She put both hooves on the door and pushed again to no avail.


“Miss?” A grey stallion spoke, his voice was soft and caring.


This caught Derpy completely off-guard as her hooves slipped and head-butted the iron-wood door.


“Are you alright?” The stallion spoke. He made his way over putting his head close to hers. He spent a few seconds examining the small bump that was now forming on her forehead. “Dear Miss, please come inside and let’s tend to it.”


Without any effort the stallion pulled the door open.


Of course it’s a pull door. Derpy thought to herself.


The stallion leads Derpy to a red velvet couch. “You sit here; I will go get you something to put on that.” He gave her a wink, and then trotted off.


Derpy took a minute to examine the place. It was a lot smaller than she had imagined, the velvet couch she was sitting on was connected to several others spanning the room, some had tables, and some did not. There was a wooden bar with ebony marble top; behind it was a treasure trove of juices, teas and ciders. There were doors that lead off to the right, but Derpy couldn’t see inside from her position.


“I got the med-kit.” The grey earth pony said, as he came down the stairs at the end of the bar. “You should know though, we don’t open until the evenings. If you want service you should have come then.” He said as he was applying some cold ointment on her small bump.


The door to shop opened and a black pegasus pony with dark red mane walked in. He immediately glanced over at the two, and blinked.


“Blue Moon do I really need to remind you of the rule for inviting mares here during off hours? You know we don’t provide pillow service.” The black stallion said. His voice was a little deeper and more pronounced.


Moon blushed a little bit, sending a cold glare back at his co-worker. “It’s not like that Black Star, she was at the door trying to get in. Then she bumped her head.”


“Is this true?” the pegasus asked as Derpy nodded in agreement, she was still trying to figure out what ‘pillow service’ meant.


“I do apologize, but I must ask what brings you here at such an odd hour? We don’t open until the evenings.” Black Star said.


“I am here to apply for the host position.” Derpy said in earnest. The Two stallions didn’t say anything and glanced at each other.


“I’m sorry my little kitten, I didn’t catch that. What was it that you just said?” Moon said as he pretended to clean out his left ear.


“I am here to apply for the host position. This is the Ponyville host club right?” Derpy looked back at the two stallions in front of her.


“It is Miss?” said Black Star, quizzically as he raised an eye brow.


“Derpy Hooves.” she stated


“Yes well Miss. Hooves I am sorry to say that…” Black star stopped mid-sentence and put a hoof to his chin. After what looked to be him contemplating something he put his hoof down and smiled.


“Yes, well you see mother does all the interviews, you will have to wait here.”


“Black Star that is not really the point you know mother wont—“ Blue moon was cut off when a familiar voice boomed though the shop.


“Morning boys! What are you doing here so early?” Tidy Tails said as he walked into the shop levitating a bag of what looked like to Derpy to be mane products.


“Oh, morning mother it seems you arrived just in time, we have an applicant.”


“Oooooooo, where is he?” Tails eyes scanned the room only to see Derpy.

SHE is right here mother.” Black Star pointed his hoof over to Derpy. Then quickly walked over to Tails and whispered into his ear.


“I see you do have a point. She could fill that spot perfectly, hmmm yes.” Tails said as he stomped one hoof to the floor.


“Well alright then, Derpy follow me, we will conduct an interview.” Tidy Said with a wide grin. “Boys pick up the usual stuff for mommy, I will be a little busy.”


“As you wish mother.” Black Star said and gave a half stead bow. Derpy and Tails left the room and went upstairs.


“How in Celestia’s good name did you get mother to give her an interview.”


“I'll tell you on the way, only if you hold the bags.”


“I had to hold them last time.” Moon whined.


“Oh, so you don’t wanna know?”


“Fine, but it better be good.”



: Tidy Tails Office:


Derpy followed Tails up the stairs, there were four doors that were all closed. Tails walked into the door that was the farthest to the left.


“Come on in Derpy, have a seat.” Derpy walked in the room to find a giant vanity mirror with a hair dressing chair. Derpy took the only seat in the room, as Tails laid against the dresser below the vanity mirror.


“So Derpy, do you have any experience at being a host?” Tidy said as he eyed over the new applicant.


“Well I used to work over at Sugarcube Corner. I worked there for seven months.”


“The bakery in town? I do like their rainbow cupcakes. Why did you leave that place?”


Derpy was silent for a while before she answered. “I was fired for eating a muffin order. It wasn’t my fault though, I didn’t know they were for somepony else. Normally they let me eat all the muffins I want…”


Tails chuckled a little bit. “You must love muffins, you would get along well with Dark Star. He doesn’t look like it but he is a muffin fiend. How are your customer service skills?”


“I have great customer service skills, ponies used to say they would come to Sugarcube Corner just to see me.” Tails ears perked up at the sound of this.


“Really that is good to know, customer loyalty is big here at the club. So what made you want to become a host?


“Well I have a little filly—“


“Wait your married, which will not do at all.”


“No… he is deceased.”


“Oh that’s ok then, I don’t what jealous stallion breaking down my doors.” He rolled his eyes with a chipper smile. “Celestia knows we already have enough mares that do that.” He started too chuckled at his own joke.


Why would it be better that he be deceased? she thought.


“So Derpy we work evening shifts here, will there be a problem with your filly?”


“No, she is very self-sufficient. Although she doesn’t know I am job hunting right now… ” Derpy’s voice got lighter as she started to trail off in thought.


“You're just so precious Derpy, I want you to start tonight.” Tails turned around and picked up a comb and a can of hair spray.


“Wait, I’m hired?Just like that?”


“Well we are understaffed tonight, but it is a slow night so you can get into the swing of things being a host. On a lighter note though… now I can get a reason to style that lovely mane of yours.” Tails walked over slowly to Derpy in the chair.


“I am going to make you look FABULOUS!”

  • Brohoof 1
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