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A recipe for adventure

Strong Hooves

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This is a private rp for me and KinkyRice


Ooc: http://mlpforums.com/topic/21801-recipe-for-adventure/#entry492537




It was the beginning of another beautiful day in Equestria, the sun shone bright, the birds were chirping, and everypony went about doing all they had to do. Mail was being delivered as usual in the city of Canterlot, one letter in particular by Princess Celestial herself for a pony named Kinky Rice.


Meanwhile, a Pegasus not far from the city of Canterlot woke up to the shining sun. He stretched out his wings and stood on the cloud that served as his bed. Blinking a few times, he gave a small yawn and stepped off the cloud, free falling a bit before opening his wings and gliding toward Canterlot. <new day, new adventures for ol' Cloud Chaser> he thought to himself. If there was one thing he loved, it was adventure. He loved traveling, seeing new sights and roughing it in the wild. A lot of the work he found around Equestria provided such adventure, and the money he earned went straight to his father to stay at the Ponyville retirement home. He sighed a bit, missing his father, but eventually smiled again as he swooped toward Canterlot.


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Rice had been up since dawn, she'd been packing her things for travel and also checking her ingredients list multiple times. She often had it together when it came to cooking for the royal guard, and Princess, but this occaision was different. She had never traveled any farther than Ponyville itself, that being the place of her birth, she didn't want to stray too far away from her family. She rang up her parents once more. Telling them she loved them, sighing at their dotting words of affection. She finally agreed with herself, and decided that she was ready. Then placed her saddle bags on and mosied on out towards the foyer where she would meet the Princess, discuss the plan of travel and get instructions on what she was supposed to do. Today was also the day she'd meet the colt escorting her. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she thought about the endless possiblities. 'Oh I do hope he's a rich, and handsome gentlecolt.... someone nice and distinguished enought to take home to mom and pop' She thought happily getting lost in her imagination as usual. She giggled some, not remembering her surroundings as she stood there in a dazed and confused way.



C: Anypony want to be my friend?


Twilight is best pony >U>

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As Cloud continued flying, he found the meeting point where princess Celestia was waiting. He swooped down, doing a small loop before landing on all fours, "Hello Princess" he said happily as he bowed.

The princess smiled her gentle smile and nodded in greeting, "Hello Cloud Chaser. I hear you are best when it comes to extensive travel and staying in remote areas, I'm sure you will escort miss Rice safely."


Cloud nodded, "I will your highness!" he said. He then proceeded to open his old and tattered, but ever so reliable saddlebag to check his supplies, map, water canteens, binoculars, sleeping bags, a two pony tent, food rations, and his ever trusty wing blades, in case things turned hostile. <all set> he thought as he closed his bag. As he waited, he took to the skies, swooping an diving and doing small tricks, not leaving the meeting point as he did. He then noticed a dazed looking mare, staring aimlessly around. Curious, he landed and trotted up to her, "Uhh miss? You ok?" he asked her

Edited by Strong Hooves


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She squealed beign startled by the colt. "Yes, I'm fine, I am just waiting for my escort right now, run along, nothing to see here" She said trying to shoo him off. She definately didn't want to be seen with such a pony when her humble escort, -whom she thought to be a rich and handsom gentle colt- arrived to take her on their journey. She eyeed this pony's clothing and scoffed silently, as she backed up a bit. She felt as if she would get dirty if she were even remotely close enough for him to breath on her.



C: Anypony want to be my friend?


Twilight is best pony >U>

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Cloud raised an eyebrow at the way she replied, <escort? Dear Celestia, it's HER?!> he thought to himself. "Well that attitude doesn't make a good first impression to your escort miss. Trust me." he said as he gave her a stern look.

  • Brohoof 1


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Her eyes widend. 'What does he mean?' She thought stepping back shocked now. Suddenly her face fell. "Wait, do you mean to tell me that your the escort. She gritted her teeth after her words were spoken. Suddenly not having any desire to go on this quest again. She sighed, not liking how this was turning out already. 'Great, what ever happened to my distinguished gentlecolt thats supposed to come and sweep me off my feet and whisk me away, showering me with diamonds.' She thought with regret. She then cleared her throat and upturned her nose once more. "Hmph, as if i nee to take advice from the likes of you. I'm going on ahead to board the train. Be a good colt and carry my things."



C: Anypony want to be my friend?


Twilight is best pony >U>

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Cloud couldn't help but to roll his eyes once again. He should've known better than to think she'd be better than the uptight, snobby mares that inhabit Canterlot. "Whatever 'ma'am'" he replied sarcastically. He walked to her bags, realizing she didn't really know much about 'packing lightly'. He gave an agitated sigh and lifted the bags onto his back, carrying them with relative ease. They boarded the train and were taken to their sleeper car where they would be staying until they reached the Equestrian shoreline. The sleeper car held a couple beds, as well as a couch near the car window and a table in the center, a nice perk when you travel with the royal cook, you get to travel first class. Cloud trotted toward the table and pulled the map out of his saddlebag, as well as a mapping compass that he always kept with him and began checking their route they would be taking on this journey. "Youre headed quite some distance Miss Rice. What exactly are you looking for that would take you so far from home? You don't seem the type to travel for the fun of it" he said, at least trying to make decent conversation with her.

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Once boarded, Rice made herself over towards their assigned coach. She immediately examined herself in the mirror, making sure she looked in tip top shape, just in case some dashing young fellow wandered by perchance. She smiled to herself, then as Cloud entered her face fell a bit. She wondered why on earth Princess Celestia would pair her up with such a man, when she knew that Rice was looking for suitors. She thought back to the conversation with the Princess. "Alright then, just make sure the colt you pair me up with is a strong, handsome fellow with manners and will take me across the world" The Princess ran her hoof through Rice's mane lovingly as she smiled at her fairly vain cook. "Haha, Don't worry Kinky Rice, I will!" Rice sighed shaking her head as she stepped outside now walking over towards the window seats, nose still upturned in the most rudest of ways. 'She had promised she would, this isn't exactly what I had in mind though..' She thought with an internal sigh. She really wanted this trip to be over and it had just barely begun. She heard his voice then, looking up from the window in which she stared at sadly she leered down at him. "That's for me to know and for you to find out" She said in a witty tone. She didn't want to go starting a conversation with the colt just because. "But if you must know some information, we're going through this godforsaken mission because I need to gather some rare ingredients to prepare a special meal." She ended with a slight "hmph" and lost interest in looking his way, as she returned to the window.



C: Anypony want to be my friend?


Twilight is best pony >U>

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