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private Soul Eater


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This time his eyes turned form hassle to green "You? Of corse the new punk as to pick on every one even hitting them" the fire disapered "I'm done I don't care sure what ever you win want a medal or a small parade" there was sarcasm in his voice

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Let's go of my wavelength, and noes bleeds. "Can I have that back? It kinda..." points to my nose "does that when I use it too accuratly and loose a chunk." (OOC. See? I got flaws. Once I use a move like that or a lot of Black Lightning, I slowly die) "and ill die in a few days if I don't got it back. Kinda a curse my family has. The Yukisaki clan."


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth throw it at him "Ok now go away" he say down "This kid is insane hope Shizu dosnt ask about this" he again feel into a deep sleep as he slept the same nightmare appered this time he was running and running as if it would never stop

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Looks around for breech, wanting to tell him we need to get some food, and get home for the night. "This place gets eerie quiet when its dark out. O.o" walks around all of death city, looking around for breech, when I see a cat with an adorible witch type hat on it




Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Keshamaru gulped. He couldnt fight without Sula he was terrible hand to hand. Suddenyl he heard a voice from the side street. "You are making a big mistake..." Sula said smiling. Keshamaru was alight with happiness to see his partner. "Keshamaru you ready for this?" She asked. Keshamaru held out his hand and Sula transformed into her longbow mode. "When did you get here?" He asked her. To witch she replied. "Same time the fire department arrived at the house... Turns out there is a limit to how much electricity you can use without starting an electrical fire who knew?" Keshamaru gaped but then smiled. "Sula I have never been happier to see you. Lets show these guys!" He yelled as he readied her. "Seth I would be honored if you would be my dog for a while. You see I need a close range distraction and your not to bad at hand to hand." He said to Seth jokingly. He was secretly hoping Seth would agree but he didnt say that.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth looked at him his wounds still fresh "I'll fight as long as we make it so that kid can't stand for weeks" he readyed his fist "So you go long I go close" he whispered so Tobi wouldnt hear "If I can put run his attacks he'll get tired and then you deliver the final blow"

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Keshamaru grinned but received a shock from Sula. "NO! No explosive arrows!!" She said. Keshamaru frowned and readied a normal broadtip arrow instead. He nodded at Seth and gave the signal. "Seth... Are you sure no offense but you still dont have a weapon..." Sula said from inside weapon mode. Keshamaru had also considered that maybe Seth wasnt up to this.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"I'll be fine when I was fighting him these weird green flames come out of me I think is my soul wavelength" he was suprised to see he could use his soul wavelength like this "Ok also he uses something like lightning but he makes it soild and uses it as a wepon"

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"Its like the same thing you did with the flames except he could control it. Their like extensions of you wavelength same as how stein can use it to attack your nervous system. Keshamaru cant do it considering he stays at far range." Sula said in a lecture tone. Keshamaru rolled his eyes. "Come on Seth we better go find that guy... He seems quick and strong but I noticed flaws in his battle strategy." Keshamaru said looking out across the buildings. "Im going to see if I can locate his soul..." Keshamaru closed his eyes and concentrated hard. It was no use he simply couldnt tell souls apart yet but there was something... Most souls were blue indicating a human soul but there was one not far from where they were... His eyes snapped open. "Seth im not sure but... I think theres a... A kishin egg soul nearby. Its fast and moving away. Come on!!" He yelled as he sprinted across the city. He wasnt entirely sure if it was a kishin but it certainly didnt look like regular souls...

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth was confused "Kishin?" he hadn't heard this before but he after the two "What's this Kishin thing?" he was sure he had heard this name before but he couldn't put his finger on it "Wait what about Shizu?"

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"Awww! Cute wittle kitteh!" He picks it up and then the cat turns into blair, and he gets crushed by the unexpected "weight"

"What...The....F-"he opens his eyes then falls unconsious from the surprise if blaire and her "looks" (OOC: If ya know what I mean. ( . Y . )


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Keshamaru shook his head. "Shes fine we have to go. A kishin is a powerful demon of sorts. Last year the kids stopped one but it almost killed them all and it came close to killing lord death himself. This a kishin egg a human soul that has left the path of humanity and is on the road to becoming a kishin. Needless to say if we kill it Sula will eat that soul and we get closer to the deathscythe mark. And if you come... I'll buy you a pizza!" He said happily still running down the street. He was ecstatic to finally get to fight a tough opponent like a Kishin egg. Sula was quivering she was so happy. Without Seth it might be more difficult considering Dr. Stein was dogsitting. This Kishin would be a tough opponent and that made everything so much better!

((This will get the story mode moving. Since we may both be fighting we can both control the Kishin egg.))

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth just gave a nod "Ok and make it a large cheese" he joked back "Ok so what will this thing look like a human or some monster thing" all the sudden a figure appered "Huh?" it was pretty large and it was growling

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"Does that answer your question..." Keshamaru said looking at the large beast. He plucked an explosive arrow and aimed at the creatures chest. He let it fly and the arrow hit its mark colliding with the hard hide of the beast. "What!? It didnt even phase him!?" Keshamaru said alarmed. "Seth we have to lure it away from the people!" He said. He let another few arrows fly trying to get the beasts attention. "Man... we may need a bit of help..." Keshamaru said loking at the large monster.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Blair, still smashing me, I hear a loud explosionl. "GET OFF OF ME. PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!"

Blaire:Fine. Noone will play with me though!


Blaire finally gets up, then runs to the site of the explosion, and sees Seth and Keshamaru fighting a Kishin egg.

"What the f :(k is that?!"

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth nodded "Ok ill lure it to that sewer" he ponited to an open man hole he then charged at it kicking it to get its attion even though his attacks did nothing the Kishin looked down at him and charged Seth dodged and jumped in the man hole the Kishin on his tail as he lande the Kishin grabbe his neck and slammed him agenst the wall

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Follows behind seth, and my hand sparks. "I dont know what it is, but if it survived an explosive, then it needs to die" He formed a sword out of lightning. The sword wasnt anything greatm but it was better than nothing. He jumped into the manhole with Seth, hoping seth didnt think I was trying to fight him.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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"Seth no!" Sula yelled Keshamaru lept into the sewer and took a chance. Selecting a poison tipped arrow that was potent enough to give an elephant nausea he aimed it at the beasts soft underbelly. "This thing is bigger than an elephant..." He though as he fired the arrow. Luckily it went in unfortunately the poison wasnt powerful enough to give the beast a bad stomach it only made him stagger and drop Seth. "Hes weak underneath!! Use your wavelength!!" Keshamaru yelled as he pulled a smoke grenade arrow out fron his quiver he was about to fire when the monster knocked him aside. He scrambled about his arrows were all over the place but he needed to get the smoke tip into the monsters face if he wanted to buy Seth time... Edited by SolarWind

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Slams his hand into it, and he shoves hissoul wavelength into it, and mixes it up with black lightning, and wraps up a quick Soul chain around his legs to trip him, and then puts my hand on him and takes back the bit of my soul, so I dont die, and then electricutes it, but after it pulls itself back together, and then it smacks me into a ladder. "AGH!"


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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"Idiot... What are you doing here?!" Keshamaru said as he finally found Sula and his smoke arrow. He let it fly and it hit the moster in the eye causing smoke to fill the sewer. "Seth now before he rages out!!" Keshamaru yelled to Seth hoping he would hear and not hoping this other kid would get himself crushed. That would seriously put a damper on his day.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth now with a bloody nosie punch te Kishin "Wait there's no flames?!" the monster smacked him into the wall again this time he lay there against the wall his eyes dull and life lest he tought to himself "What happend my body I cant move it"

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Keshamaru shook he had to try and resonate with Sula before the moster regained its sight. "Alright...." He said shakily.

Then he manned up and said. "Come on sula!" She agreed and the two of them shouted in unison. "Lets go soul resonanace!" Sulas bow glowed and transformed into a large white crossbow that was twice as big as the long bow. Atrinoxs arrows grew longer to each one about four feet in length. "Man I hope this works..." Keshamaru said as he loaded a special arrown into the string and pulled back.

"Alright try this!! Typhoon tip!!" He shouted as he released the trigger sending the silver arrow flying. At first it looked regular until it spun and spun becoming a long beam of light with a tornado drill like tip. It sliced into the Kishin egg cutting him clean in half and making his body dissintergrate leaving behind a red orb floating in mid air. Keshamaru breathed heavily and said. "We... We did it..." He toppled over onto the sewer floor face down while Sula lept up to retreive the soul they had won. "Err im not eating this..." She said instead she slid it into Atrinox who was still a quiver and said. "Wow... I feel stronger just a bit but still..." Keshamaru sighed his soul had gone under alot of strain and Sulas had too. "Man... Im exhausted..." He said as he looked up at his partner. "Hey... Seth... Lets go grab Shizu and Kekoshi... I think its time we went to grab that pizza huh?" He said jokingly before he laid back down on the concrete worn out. Sula went around helping people up and seeing to the wounds. "Man that was intense..." She mumbled after she propped up Seth.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth seemed uncouncious but his eyes were open but he wasn't saying anything just some mummbles about who knows he was lost in thought his body limp the Kishin had taken more out of him the he thought

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He woke up, still in the sewer, climbs out and sees Seth and Keshemaru sitting, laying down, and relaxing after the figh. He said nothing as he walked away, angry and depressed, then found a wall, and punched it and he was so angry that his fist went right through it.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Sula shrugged and climbed out of the sewer to find a doctor. On the topside a large crownd had gathered around the sewer and looked to be eagerly awaiting the outcome of the battle. "Umm... We won?" She said shyly and the crowd erupted into cheers congratulating the young weapons/meisters on there job well done. Sula signaled a few doctors and within minutes all three guys were back up on earth and receiving medical attention. Nothing was seriously injured and Sula was glad to hear that.


However Keshamaru wasnt in his best condition. The doctors were worried he had put to much strain on his soul. Sula explained how it was their first in battle resonance and how Keshmaru was already tired from the day of school and fighting. The doctors shook their heads and took Keshamaru back to the DWMA. "Im sorry I truly am... You can visit him but he will have to stay in hospital for a day maybe more..." One of the doctors said. Keshamaru was unconcious and Sula was a bit worried. She decided to go look for the other kid in the fight and ask him what had happend. She found him punching a wall in an alleyway. "Hey... What are you doing out here you should be happy we beat that thing." She said to the boy trying to get his attention.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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