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private Everfree Fugitive


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Lily rolled her eyes. Just because she was pregnant everyone thought she needed special care. She smiled. "Look, if we go now, Linus and Carrick will know we've gone. We can't risk leaving a note saying where we are going. Carrick will be able to track us. We have to go or our little friends will surely get us. "

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"How will he track is?" Blaze asked. "If we're flying there'll be no hoof prints for him to follow. Unless you suggest an arrow pointing one way or leaving a clue. But that could bring the brotherhood straight to us." he said. He tossed Lily a harness and started working on his own


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"This IS Carrick we are talking about." She chuckled. She tugged the itchy rope harness to make it tighter. She felt something move inside. It was like a small swish. She didn't think much of it. It wasn't that big. She stared into the distance not looking for anything, just looking.

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Blaze finished working on his harness and put it on. "Still, while he may be a great detective and all, he still has his limits." Blaze said as he readjusted the harness. He knew it was going to make him sore later, but it was all he had at the moment. "You ready, Lily?" he asked, looking towards her. "Hey. Lily, are you okay?"


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"What?" Lily broke her stare. "Sorry got distracted. Lets go. " she stretched her wings. "Everyone in! All aboard to air Pegasus." She giggled. Once again there was a swish. It was like the baby was trying to tell her something. Like something was wrong. Or was going to.

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"Ok, we'll start levitating when they start lifing" Starbolt said to Rook. "No worries. it should be easy...How far away is Baltimare again?"


"It's not a hop, skip, and a jump away, if that's what you're thinking." Rook teased. "Ok guys, we're ready when you are."


"Lily... again are you sure about this?" Starbolt asked just to be sure


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"Yes, I'm certain. I'll be fine." She smiled. If there was any other way to keep safe, she would do it. Now, the only way was this. She was a strong flyer but still... She dismissed those thoughts and decided to get on with it. "Now or never, guys. We better get moving." She smiled

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They took off and with the help of Rook and Starbolt's magic, they were able to fly above the trees. "Do we even know how to get to Baltimare?" Blaze asked. They sagged a little bit as Blaze saw a tiny white light fly across his face. They stopped sagging and his eyes followed the path of light. "Oh. Well then. I guess we go that way?" he said as he pointed to his left.

They followed the light for a few hours before stopping along the outskirts of Baltimare. "You really think we'll be good here?" Blaze asked. He still had a n uneasy feeling about leaving Linus and Carrick to the Brotherhood. He hoped that there was some pony who could help them in Baltimare.


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"I have a good Idea for a hideout, but you're probably not going to like it." Starbolt said.


"What do you mean...?" Rook asked.





The four of them stood in front of what seemed to be a typical suburban home. Starbolt used her magic to use the door knocker. A stallion opened the door and smiled.


"Starry! It's so good to see you again!" He said happily.


"It's good to see you to Dad!" Starbolt hugged him.


"What brings you here to Baltimare? And who are your friends?" He asked as a mare, presumably Starbolt's mom, peeked through the doorway.


"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Rook." She put her hoof around him and gave him a light kiss.


"Uh... hi?" Rook said.


"Rook and I are engaged..."


"Yeah... wait, what?"


"...and I wanted him to meet you guys." Starbolt finished with a smile.


"Oh of course! Why dont you come in, it's freezing tonight!" Starbolt's mom said. As they walked in, Starbolt's dad gave Rook a look over, while her mom gave him a hug.


"And you two are?" Starbolt's dad asked Blaze and Lily. Blaze just gave a blank stare.


"Oh, we're just good friends. He's supposed to be the best colt, and I'm the bride's mare." Lily said as they walked into the house.


"Yeah, that..." Blaze said.



((OOC this should be fun...))


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I kind of wish we were told that they were her parents BEFORE we came by. Blaze thought to himself. At least then I wouldn't act like an idiot. 


He walked through the house, and he had to admit, it was a nice place. They could lay low here for awhile, as long as her parents didn't ask too many questions. He pulled Rook to the side as Starbolt walked ahead with her parents. "How long do you think we'll be staying here? I would like to find Linus and Carrick before the brotherhood finishes them." Blaze said.


(OOC: That was too funny XD)

Edited by SongBrony


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"I think we're going to be here for a little while. Hopefully, they wont kick you out for your bomb making...." Rook whispered to Blaze.


"Rook, honey?" Starbolt said in the parlor, "Come meet my parents!"


"C'mon," Blaze said laughing, "...You're gonna get married" 


"Shut up" Rook said, rolling his eyes. He walked into the room and sat next to Starbolt, who gave him a hug and a kiss. I'm enjoying this... Rook thought as he kissed Starbolt back.


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"So, Rook, why don't you tell them how you two met?" Blaze said with a smile. Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with Rook now. he thought as he took a seat next to Lily in the living room and took her hoof. He looked to Rook expectantly who returned it with a glare. Blaze just chuckled.


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"Oh, yes, deary, do tell the story!" Starbolt's mom beamed. 


"Oh, uh, I'm not sure if that's -" Rook tried to say, but Starbolt cut him off.


"Oh, it's a great story! See, Rook was with the police and -"


"With the Police eh? So you're some sort of criminal?" Starbolt's dad said in a accusatory tone to Rook. 


"Ugh, Dad, Stop it." Starbolt rolled her eyes.


"I'm a police consultant. I help the authorities out on cases that they.... need help on" Rook said.


"Oh, so you're not even a police officer?" 


Starbolt facehoofed, "Dad...."



((OOC: Blaze should help Rook out a bit, or maybe make it worse :/ :P))


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((OOC: You should know me Anony))


"Which case was it again, Rook? Was it the one that involved the rabbits rampaging through Ponyville, or the mystery of the missing tea from the market?" Blaze inquired further. Lily chuckled a bit and looked to Rook for an answer. Let's see how much fun I can actually have now. Blaze thought with a smile.

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"Or was it the death of a squirrel? I hear that case was nuts!" Lily nearly burst out in laughter. She looked at blaze. She whispered to him "are you having as much fun as I am with this?" And giggled slightly. She felt another swish in her stomach but ignored it.

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"Haha, Very funny guys." Rook pretended to laugh, "I was working with the police on a missing pony case. I heard that Starbolt was really good with tracking, so I asked if she could help." 


"Rook was also nice enough to take me out to coffee," Starbolt beamed, "You just can't find somepony as chivalrous as Rook"


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They kept going on and on about the case, but while Blaze enjoyed messing with Rook, he had a very bad feeling about Linus and Carrick. He hoped that they were all right.


((OOC: Now might be a good time for Linus to get a good post in. Maybe explain the kidnapping and how he and Carrick (maybe) escaped))


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''This bucking sucks.'' Linus said while shrugging. He spent a day in a body bag, an hour being harshly attacked, and then has been having so called 'Paradise' in a small cage with Carrick. ''You've been pretty silent lately, Sherlock.'' Linus said while looking at Carrick, who was laying down on the ground. ''He's probably sleeping..'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. Linus then started to remember what had happened. ''God, not more flashbacks!'' Linus screamed.


Linus woke up painfully. ''Ugh.. Carrick?'' Linus said while not managing to get up. He looked at Carrick and noticed he was out cold. ''What the hell?'' Linus asked himself while noticing Carrick's state. ''Where in Equestria are we?'' Linus asked. Then he noticed three dark hooded figures from a distance. ''Oh crap, No.. It can't be... OH GOD NO!'' Linus panicked while sweating. ''The Brotherhood!'' Linus thought out loud. He tried to get up and drag Carrick, but he was too injured from the explosion. ''Lay a hoof on me and I'll cram a knife into all of your ey- Wait.. Dammit.'' Linus said while realizing that he had lost his knife in the explosion. As they approached Linus and Carrick. One of them came near Linus. ''I'm screwed.'' Linus said while one of the Brotherhood soldiers approached him and crammed a hoof into his face. Everything went dark.


''Well, that was one damn flashback!'' Linus said. ''Now, I can either wait for them to break me out, or I can break out myself with Carrick.'' Linus said. ''I'm going to think for a few hours.'' Linus said while dropping on the solid floor of the cage and hurting his head. He then fell asleep.


(OOC: Gawd. I haven't written that much in a while. :L )

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Months passed as Blaze and the others stayed in Baltimare. They were able to get a small house for them all. Rook and Starbolt's 'wedding' was put on hold. They made up some reason for the wedding to wait, but Blaze wasn't there when they explained it. He just went along with it. Lily was starting to show in her pregnancy, and Blaze was preparing for it. He had a room set up, but on the side, was trying to figure out what to do about Linus and Carrick. He hadn't heard from either of them. Which could only mean that they were still in the hooves with the Brotherhood. Surprisingly, he missed them. He had only known them for a short period of time, but they were still friends.


"How are you feeling, Lily?" Blaze asked as he brought her something to drink. They had just finished painting the room. They had disputed the color but had finally agreed on Lily's choice.


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(OOC I sense a sit com. And Imma color my text again. It was so fun when I did)


Due to their situation, Blaze and Lily couldn't work. After about a month, Rook found a job a private investigation agency. Starbolt worked as a teacher in a magic school for Unicorns. Starbolt got a lot of time to help out Lily in her maternity, but Rook wasn't home all that often. 


"Dinner is served" Rook said as he levitated the food into the dining room. "Amandine Airelles Alfresco." Rook said proudly. He put the dish on the table and sat down. "Bon Appetite"


"It's great that you could cook today," Starbolt said smiling, "Especially since you've been working a lot lately."


"Yeah, thanks. I've been working a lot on this case...." Rook said.


"Seriously, if you didn't cook for us.... it was Blaze's turn..." Lily winced. "He may be a nice guy, but a cook he ain't... unless it's a bomb."


"I'm sorry the hay casserole exploded! I didn't know vinegar and baking soda would.... do that...." Blaze said with his face full of food."

  • Brohoof 1


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"I've never been a great cook! Hay, all I used to eat when I was alone was oatmeal!." Blaze said as he swallowed his food. He took another large bite hungrily. He had already finished half of his meal and he wasn't even close to being full. "Are seconds going to be allowed?" he asked sloppily. 


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lily facehoofed. blaze was certainly not the most elegant pony out there, but she loved him. she giggled slightly. lily had gotten over morning sickness by now and was glad to be able to eat, but some foods still made her want to barf. she ate slowly, savouring every morsel of edible-non-blaze-cooked-food and smiled. suddenly, there was a kick. "ow!" she looked at blaze. "he kicked!" 

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''Okay, oh yeah! All I have to do is what those guys did in that one show where they did that one thing!'' Linus said while a light bulb went over his head. He stared at it for a moment, then shattered it. ''Here goes nothing!'' Linus said while taking a deep breath. He noticed a guard walking by and made his move. ''Guard! I'm not feeling so well! Can you get me a bucket?'' Linus said in a fake ill tone. The Guard looked at Linus and scoffed. ''Fine. But only this once, scumbag.'' The Guard said while walking to a nearby supplies closet. After a few minutes of bangs and crashes, The Guard came back with a wooden bucket and walked in front of the cage. But before The Guard could react, Linus grabbed the guard's head and smashed it in between the metal bars of the cage. The Guard went out cold. ''Perfect. Now all I have to do is use magic to steal the keys, steal his clothing, and I'm good!'' Linus said while smirking with delight. He then looked over at Carrick. ''Now, what should I do with the sleeping Sherlock?'' Linus asked himself while cocking an eyebrow. He carefully hovered the keys over to the cage and unlocked it. ''Freedom!'' Linus whispered with glee. He quickly snatched The Brotherhood Guard's cloak and went back in the cage and started to drag Carrick across the floor, acting as if he is dragging him to sudden death. ''Now, how do you get out of here? It's like a damn maze..'' Linus said while realizing how far he was from the exit of the prison.


(OOC: Won't be posting very much after this. I'm back to school on Monday. :( )

(OOC UPDATE 1/4/2013: Hello? Anyone still here?)

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Blaze put a hoof on Lily's stomach, and sure enough felt him give a hard kick. "Looks like he's going to be a hoof full." Blaze said. He gave Lily a quick kiss and went back to his meal. He took one last bite out of his Alfresco and stood up for seconds. "Rook? You did make more right? I would hate to have to make some more hay casserole!" he said.


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After a few hours of screaming and cussing, Linus had finally made it out of the maze/hell house/prison. ''I'm pooped.'' Linus said while wiping the sweat off his brow after walking through the exit of the prison. ''Well, now that I'm free, I better devise a hunt for the others.'' Linus said. ''First, I'll go to every house I see, then I'll ask them about a pony named Blaze. Then, if I'm lucky, I'll manage to find Blaze.''

Linus said. ''Or I could just have a really unoriginal adventure to find them.'' Linus said while raising an eyebrow. ''I think I'll go with the first one.'' Linus said. And with that, he set off with a Lazy Carrick and a Brotherhood Cloak.

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