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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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Twilight finaly arrived at Canterlot." Princess Celestia we lost the Dream Valley. We have retreated to Fillydelphia."


Rainbow Dash said " If there's anyone who can convince him to help in are fight it would be Fluttershy, im going to go to ponyville." Rainbow Dash flew towards ponyville. (Does anyone what to roleplay as Fluttershy. im willing to do it if no one else wants to.)


"As you wish princess." Jacob walked out of the tent with Lighting. He could see that Abyss wasnt completly alright. "Lighting, in the princess's current state we are at a disadvantage. She's not putting all her focus on the war. It's up to you as her student to be there for her... Im going to go do some research, somethings been bothering me."

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Darkheart looks at DD with cold eyes and attempts to read his facial expressions. He seemed to be confident in himself However nervous for something. Very well. Bring me to this orb. If i recall Abyss put it there for some reason and believes I don't know it's there. Something crafted by our father. The orb of despair. There are three in total. Abyss got her hands on one. Before our father disappeared he had one, and the third is lost. It could be a potential weapon for Equestria so perhaps I will send you to find it after we find my gem. Alright bring me to the sight.


Church stared at the gem. Do you think it's a good idea to be carrying it on you? I bet she knows you have it and I would rather not tangle with one of the Princesses of Darkness. And what is so special about a dragon egg? Just then they hear a battle horn. The Tartarus have spotted us! My questions will have to wait. Sarge see if you can distract them. I need time to charge my magic. I was just in a... predicament in the ever free forest and my magic still needs to be recharged. It's a long story.

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Celestia and Luna were shocked to hear this news. This is not good. This is not good at all. Sister calm down. We will find a way out of this. Oh my dear Luna iv been feeling this darkness in my heart. It makes me....uneasy.Tia dont let this war get in your heart. The pony folk need you to be strong for them. Your right Luna. Twilight Sparkle. I want you to gather your friends and the elements. We need to be ready for anything. Shining Armor. Set your troops up on the out skirts of Ponyvill. And we are going to need a bigger shield. Ill gather our strongest unicorns Tia. We will be ready. Oh and Twilight does Spike still live in Dragon Mountain? We may need him too.


(Does anyone what to roleplay as Fluttershy. im willing to do it if no one else wants to.)

You can play Fluttershy if you want. I will be giving everyone one of the main six to play. Be sure to check the ooc.


After Jacob and Lighting left the tent Abyss has a "moment". This is not me. I dont have feelings. She thought to herself as a tear ran down her face. Why did you make me kill you WW? You were my only child. I birthed you into this world from my own darkness. Why do i feel this way? She was trying to figure out why she was feeling these things. Then it hit her. This is not me.....its WW's feelings. This is what he was feeling before i killed him. She takes her gem and looks into it. I will not be my sister. She then transfers what she took out of WW and put it in her gem. As she did this she went back to her cold emotionless self. Ahhhhhhh. Yea thats better. Lighting walks in to check on Abyss. My Lady? Are you feeling ok? As lighting looked at the princess she could see her dark aura emitting from her. Oh my dear Lighting. Hahahahaha. I feel better than ok. Things are about to get dark in this war. Tell the troops to be ready to move out in the morning.


DD takes Darkheart to the orb. Well here it is my lady. So what do we do now?


Surge heard the horn go off. Oh dont fear Church. I have something for them. Pulls out a map of Filly. I had Twi set some magic traps all over this city. They will only go off when the tratarus forces step on it. This is going to be fun.

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"Yes, Spike still lives there I visited him on a regular basis before the war started. I will go to ponyvill and get my friends then we will go to dragon mountain." Twilight then headed towards ponyvill.


Rainbow Dash arrived at ponyvill and found a soldier. "Go to Canterlot and tell princess Luna and Celestia that we lost Manehatten."

As the soldier left she said "Now to find my friends." As Rainbow Dash was searching she heard Twilight "Rainbow Dash, it's good to see that your safe. Princess Celestia wants us to use the elements of Harmony."

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Church sits down for a moment to charge his magic and watches the barrage of traps go off. Wow. Twilight set all of these? She must be a powerful unicorn such as myself. I'll have to chat with her some time but now to watch the show. First a lightning trap goes off, transforming 3 Tartarus into ash. A fire trap then goes off, burning 4 Tartarus up. Alright that took care of them but what about the city? The Tartarus are gone but the city is still in ruins. Even my magic can't repair all this. More than that all the citizens have fled. I'm getting of track here. Sarge... there is something I have to tell you... about your son.


Darkheart examines the orb. I sense magic coming from this orb and it is powerful. It could be Church inside of it or more likely it's just the orb itself. It's immensely powerful. No matter. I'll take your word for it it but if I catch word that anyone has seen Church alive don't bother showing your face back at camp because I'll rip it off myself. Now we must venture to Manehatten. A pony there by the name of Sarge has a very precious amulet of mine and I am not please at all. He will die for what he has done to Blood Lust and for taking my amulet. Come now. What are you waiting for?

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Surge was stunned for a second when church said son. Sigh. I take it you ran into Diehard my oldest son. Razor told me he is still alive but....hes not the same colt i raised. So what did you find out? As more traps go off in the city.


DD let out a sigh. Well im just thing about having my face ripped off. But my Lady dont you want to take the orb with you? I mean if you want to that is. He was remembering what it did to church and thought it would do the same to her. Plus with church in it you may be able to take his power.


As razor made it to dragon mountain. Aww man. I hope this dragon is not like all the others. Razor walks in the cave and sees all the gold and gem. Wow this kid has a lot of treasure. Just them razor can feel hot breath on the back of his neck. Oh buck........Spspspspspiiiiiike.....? As he looks back on the giant purple and green dragon. HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME AND WHAT DO YOU WANT! DID YOU COME HERE FOR MY GEMS? CAUSE I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO EAT YOU LITTLE PONY. As spike picked up razor and showed his teeth. Well its nice to know you would kill the guy who's trying to save you. Just then a very ladyish voice came from the background. Who's there spikey wikey? Do we have a visitor? YES MISS RAIRTY. HE SAYS HES TRYING TO HELP US. Rairty can i get a little help here. As she walks from the back of the cave. Oh Razor my dear its been to long. Put the nice gentlemen down spike. YES MY SWEET. As spike puts razor down razor looks up at spike. You got pretty big scene the last time i say you. Razor my dear its been to long. How can i help you Razor?


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Hello,i am Slick Skies,i want to join the fight for Equestria. I love my home in Ponyville and i would do anything to protect it!! I also have my VSSP living in the land and i want to fight along side with her. I was always left out but i cant be left out this! I must fight!

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Celestia and Luna looked at the young pony. You are a very brave young colt. Yes your bravery is great and your heart is strong.

But you must know that love on the battle field can be dangerous. Do not let your emotions cloud your thoughts. And do not let your heart stand in your way.

We release to fight of Equestia.Now go and Light the darkness.

We release to fight of Equestia.Now go and Light the darkness

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I will light this bottemless darkness and set Equestia free from it,at any cost your highness. For Equestia! Just call me into action when the time is right and i will give it my hardest. I will set Equestia free with all the help i can get.

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Twilight ran into her house with Rainbow Dash to get the elements of harmony. After they got the elements they decided to go to Fluttershy's house. "Fluttershy we need your help in the war." Fluttershy quickly responded "No, I already told you I dont want to fight anypony. War is bad. " Twilight sighed "Rainbow Dash go find the others, i'll convince Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said "Well meet up at dragon mountain." She then flew towards the apple farm to get AppleJack. " Fluttershy we're losing this war. If nothing is done all of Equestria is going to be covered in darkness. We need to use the elements of harmony, and we can't do that without you. I woulnt ask for your help if we didnt need it. " Twilight handed Fluttershy her element of harmony. Fluttershy looked into Twilight's eyes and sayed "Ok i'll help." "Good now we should head towards Dragon mountain."


Rainbow Dash made it to the apple farm and found AppleJack. "Tatarus is winning the war, AppleJack we're going to use the elements of harmony." She handed AppleJack her element.


Back at the Tatarus camp, Jacob was reading about the mane 6. Even if princess Abyss said that she made a way to counter the elements of harmony Jacob still felt uncomfortable. He was reading about their personality's to try and find an explotible weakness.

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Applejack looks at Rainbow Dash then back at her farm. Rainbow you know I can't just leave the farm. It's Zapapple season and I need to be here at all times. But I suppose if those Tartarus win the war there will be no more farm... Alright I'll do it for Equestria. And for ma family. Her and Rainbow Dash race off towards the mountains.


Church looks at Sarge with serious eyes. I wouldn't consider it good news but I wouldn't say it's bad news either. For one he is still with the Tartarus and his heart seems cold but he seemed to have still shown emotion. I don't think that the real Die hard is gone. He let me live... And I saw his memories. He still loves you. And Razorwing too. I believe we may still have a potential ally.


Darkheart looks at the orb and silently knows what DD is trying to do after he saw Church. She decides to play with him. Alright that's a good idea. Who knows the power within? She grabs the orb without any problems. She sees DD's confused face and can't help but laugh. Ha! Mortal fool. You don't actually know what this orb does do you? It feeds off the most miserable and bleak parts of your soul, then exploits them to cause the holder harm. However as you and I both know I have no soul... How do you think Abyss placed it here? Her and I both were born of darkness without souls. Now then! We must visit fillydelphia in search of my gem. Let's not waste any time!

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What may i do to support the war? May i gather supplies,weapons.or food? Or can i get my old Royal Guard armour and sword? I can do anything and put my best effort into it,just any of you give the order and il get on it right away.

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Celestia and Luna looked at young Slick Skies. My little pony with heart full of fight. I want you to fly to Fillydellphia and find General Surge and Captain Church. Yes we are sure they could use some help. Take this unit of troops with you for back up.


DD felt a bit drepish after that stunt. But he could not let Darkheart know. Ahhhhhh. Yes i forgot you had no soul my Lady. But its nice that you now have this new found power. Shall we move on. It thought. Well went to buck. I still have to find a way to keep her finding out that Church is still alive. Or else my hide will be the price to pay. What should i do?


Back at the Manehattan Tartarus base Abyss is getting ready to make her move. Jacob! Lighting! Come to me! We need to talk.


Surge was taking in everything Church was saying. Thats what i thought. I know me boy is still in there somewhere. We just need to pull him out. The traps in the city stop going off. Well this can mean one of two things. They are all dead or they got smart. I really hope its the first one.

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Jacob walked to Abyss. "What do you want to talk about princess?"


As Fluttershy and Twilight made there way to dragon mountain. Fluttershy spoke " Rarity and Pinky Pie are already at dragon mountain to visit spike. But Twilight how bad is the war? " " it's quite awfull, I saw ponies die in front of me, but Fluttershy we need to focus all are efforts on winning or else chaos and disorder will fall on Equestria." They were approching the mountain.

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Church sees the first wave of Tartarus approaching. Well Surge looks like it was the second one. But I'll take this one. You may be skilled with combat but I'm not to shabby at magic. I've picked up my fair share of knowledge in my travels. I see about 20 of them. Hold on to something. With that Church's horn begins to glow. Then all at once the earth where the Tartarus are standing opens up and they are dropped inside. Ugh... That was tiring. I picked that one up from an old unicorn in Manehatten. But that pretty much wore me out. Could you take the second wave?


Darkheart and DD arive at fillydelphia and see Church and Surge fighting off some Tartarus. She decides to sit and judge them out of sight so she can observe their fighting styles and pinpoint weaknesses. Maybe you should take some notes DD... You might learn something. She observes as Church opens up the gorge in the middle of the city. That was impressive for a mortal. Lets see what the earth pony can do. Darkheart doesn't realize that the unicorn she is watching is Church. She can hear DD let out a sigh of relief. What was that sigh for?


As AJ and RD approach the mountain they bump right into Twilight and Fluttershy. Well hey girls! It's been a while since I've seen you twilight. What with the war going on and all. So what's the plan now?

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Surge nods at church. Now let me show you what i can do. Jumps out he window down to the ground making a crater where he landed. Now lets get it on! Pulls two hoof blades out and charges into the troops. As he kills them off one by one he sees Darkheart in the distance with Diehard. He calls to him. Diehard! My son! What are you doing?!


DD saw his dad jump out of a window and how he started killing off their troops. He could only look in aw as his dad fought. I remember when he taught me how to do that. He hopped Darkheart did not hear him. Then he heard his dad call out to him. Dad? Im right here dad! As Darkheart gave him an evil look he knew he was about to get it.


As Jacob and Lighting enter the tent they can see and feel the aura coming off of Abyss. It is time we move to the next place. I am more than ready to finish off Equestria and show them what true power is. Get the troops ready. We leave out and sunrise.


As Razor caught up with Rairty he could hear something swimming around in the piles of gold. Did guys hear that? Hear what darling? Is something the matter? I dont know. I just keep hearing something moving around. Oh its probably nothing dear. Now tell me more about this Abyss's Heart and Darkheart's Soul gems darling. Just then something started to rise out of the gold behind Razor. As he looked back at what it was it pulled him under the gold. Oh yea.....I forgot she was here. As Razor fought to get away from what had him he could feel it pulling him up and out of the gold. Razor!!! Your back!!! As Pinkie jumped out of the gold with Razor in her arms. Its so good to see you again. So how are things going? Are you here to stay this time? Are you moving to Ponyvill with us? HHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!OOOOOOO! I know what we should do . We should have a welcome back to Ponyvill party for Razor! Its going to be so great! Razor had forgotten how much Pinkie could talk. He put his hoof over her mouth as she still continued to talk. Sure Pinkie. We can do all that in due time. But for now im here because Tartarus armies are on there way here.

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Jacob noticed the change in Abyss. " Yes princess." Jacob walked out of the tent and yelled. "Solidiers get your sorry ass's up... This day is going to mark the great Tartarus victory over the Equestrians."


Twilight said to AppleJack " Well first we'll meet up with Razorwing, Pinky Pie, Rarity and Spike then we'll go over the battle plan." After walking up the mountain, they met up with the others. Rainbow dash asked " So whats the battle plan, I wanna show Tatarus what im made of."

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Darkheart notices that Surge still has her gem around his neck and... and her dragon egg. Quicker than anyone could react she strikes down DD and puts her magic to his throat. Alright mortal. Surge is it? I have trade for you. You give me my gem... and my dragon egg. In return you can have your son alive. She sees Church about to make a move and uses her more powerful magic to keep inside of a soundproof forcefield so he couldn't talk to Surge or get out. Your choice Surge. You could have your family back... Think about it. We wouldn't want little Die Hard here to get hurt now would we? Just give me the gem and... my egg.


Church felt helpless. He stares at Surge and can only hope he makes the right decision. Surge... I know it's hard but war takes sacrifice... I lost my wife to war. If she gets that gem back or is able to raise a new dragon who knows what she can do? Oh who am I kidding? You can't hear me. Please make the right choice... Equestria depends on it...


AJ is the first to enter the huge cave and is taken back. Oh my! Spike? Is that you? It's me! Applejack! You've gotten huge since last I saw you. I bet you would be great at bucking apples! She sees the rest of them look at her. Okay, okay I know. We're here for the war...

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As Razor sees the others walk in the cave. Somepony help me!!! As he tried to get out of Pinkie's grasp. She wont let me go. Oh if thats all you wanted why didnt you just say so? As she lets him go. Ok ladies. Tartarus should be on the move by now. So they should be here within the next few hours. And as of now we are the last front before they reach Ponyvill. So we have to give it all we got.


Surge stared down Darkheart as she pinned DD. He puts his blades away. Well now it seems you have me in bind. DD looks to his father. Dont do it dad.....Shes just going to kill me anyway....Just take the stuff and run.....I can handle myself. Darkheart started to push down on DD neck so he could not speak. So Darkheart you want this gem and egg back? Well then lets make an even trade. Because i know what you really want.

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Jacob said "Soldiers were moving out now. Also take the equestrian prisonners with us It's time we put them to good use." He walked to princess Abyss. "The soldiers are ready princess, I also set up plan to help against the elements of harmony. Were goin to use are prisonners to trade for one of them. If they refuse the offer well simply kill the prisonners in front of them. Im going to wage psychological warfare on them. Their not use to war there just weak minded mares. Have you found the last element of chaos, princess?"


Back at the dragon mountain, they were preparing for the attack. They were ready to use the elements of harmony.

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Abyss walks over to Jacob. Oh thats great to hear. I love the way you think. But they may not be needed. Still bring them tho. But as for the Elements Chaos i know who they are. And i know where i may have gone wrong.

You Jacob are the Element of Deception

Lighting the Element of Strife

Deathdealer the Element of Despair

Darkheart the Element of Rage

And I the Element of Darkness

But the last one did not hit me until it was to late. The last and now our missing element. The Element of Sacrifice.

Opens a portal to Tartarus and pulls out White Wind's body. My child was the last element. I dont see how i missed it all this time.

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Darkheart stares down Surge some more. What have you got in mind? I feel as if I'm being generous. You should be on your knees thanking me that I haven't killed you yet. Now what could you want more than your precious son? And what do you mean what I want? All I want is my gem and my egg. The longer that Surge talks the more she presses down on DD's throat.


Church could see the aura beginning to emit from Darkheart and at the same time the gem that Surge is holding begins to emit the same aura. He just hoped Surge knew what he was doing.

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Looking deep into Darkhearts eyes. A life for a life. Darkheart at Surge with a raised eyebrow. You give me my son and you can have me, the gem, and the egg. Dad......what....are....you.........doing? Shes...just ...going....to....kill you too. No she wont. Because i know everything about the Equestrian forces. I know where their bases are. Where they plan to move next. And all of their weaknesses. Im a better weapon than you would have ever been Diehard.

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Darkheart is shocked at Surge but doesn't show it. She holds her cold face. Yes... Yes you will be. Fine then but don't play fool with me. Just as you know about all of the Equestrian forces, Die hard here know about our forces. However... Fine. She lets go of DD however knocks him unconscious. She throws him into the forcefield with Church and then she looks at Surge. Now for you. She knew Surge intended to escape and had planned for this. Before tossing DD over she binds Surge in a spell that renders immobile. She then opens a portal to Tartarus. Ha! I bet you thought you could outsmart me. You will never escape the hell you call Tartarus, and I call home. With that she grabs Surge's unmoving body and they both leave into the portal.


As soon as their portal closes, the forcefield around Church disappears. Damn it. Damn it Surge! You may have just doomed Equestria... But we have gotten a potentially useful ally. He looks at Die Hard's unconscious body and puts him on his shoulders. I have to alert Celestia and Luna about this. We must send a rescue party into Tartarus at once. And I'm not sure but I think I may have some information they might find useful. When Church enters the Equestrian camp he can see Celestia and Luna already waiting for him.

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Celestia and Luna see Church run into the war room. What has happened? Where is Surge? And who is that on your back? That does not look like any of our troops. As Church droops DD at their hooves. Who is this? And what has happened to him?


After being blinded and taken to Tartarus. Well now that we both got what we want ill keep my half of the deal as well. Takes off the bag with the egg and gives her the gem. So now what are you going to do? Try and break me as well? Kill me slowly? Or are you going to turn me into a slave like you did my son?

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