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private Equestrian Tartarus War RP

The Razor Wing

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Jacob looked as Church teleported them all away. Jacob spoke to himself. "Fighting for the wrong side am i, Church. We'll see about that...all in good time." Jacob headed to Slender Mane's room. When he got their he saw that the door was locked. It looked like Slender Mane wanted to be alone. Jacob wrote a report that read:

<Earlier today, the armory was attacked by some old foes. There was Razorwing, Diehard and Church. Church appently survived, he supposedly cast a spell on WW to trick him into thinking he killed Church. The objective of the attack was to retrieve Church's armor and unfortunatly they succeded and managed to escape. They've been hidding for the last two years and decided to reveal themselve's now. On the bright side they've lost the element of surprise, we can assume they will attack us soon. I will begin the assault on Cervidas and return as soon as I can. Jacob>

Jacob found a nearby soldier. "You there, when lord Slender Mane come's out of his room give him this report. And this is for his eyes only." "Yes, sir Jacob." Jacob left the palace and did a sonic boom heading towards the Eternity bridge.



Twilight walked up to Church. "Church what's the plan, When are we going to strike? "

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As Surge and DH walk out of the room....Well lets just say i wish i could see that side of you more often. But we were going to Black Water if everything was done here. Just then a glow comes from down the hall. DH...Whats that? Turning the corner to see Slender Manes Door. What is this?


WW picked up the egg. Oh i know more than just what it is. I know who it belongs to and what its name is. This egg belonged to PDH, and the dragon in it is Bloods Revenge. This is the most ruthless dragon i have ever come across. Also Church i dont think Jacob is going to buy that. Im sure he will tell Abyss when he finds her. I need to get out of here. You guys never saw me, and i never saw you. And hopefully Church me and you wont have to fight again. Flies off. Well im glad that guy is gone. Something about him just does not.......looking at the table. He took the egg!! Its gone! And whats this? A gem with a message in it. Church forgive me for this. I had to bring back something. And it was either you guys or something of use to the Princesses. I know this may end our friendship, but i hope it does not. Please forgive me Church, it was all i could do to save you. Damien walked back it the others and could feel his other apex near by. Well i see that Church is back. And i need the Apex armor. Using his magic to pull the armor off with ease. Now if you dont mind i have work to do.

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Darkheart turns around to see what Surge is pointing at. F-father? What is he doing in Tartarus? I thought he was watching over the overworld? Stay here Surge. I'm going to go and see what is going on. As she approaches his door the glowing gets brighter. She peaks he head inside the door but can't see anything. I-is everything all right father?


Church turns around to see him flying away. Why that thieving bastard. Don't go after him. Out there it would be suicide. I hope this doesn't come back to bite us in the flank. But disregard that. Razor I want you to go to Eternity Bridge and make sure things are secure there. Die Hard. I want you to use your stealth to get out there and size up the Tartarus army for me. Don't get caught. Twilight. I want you and the other elements to make stops at all the major cities and make sure everything is ready for the launch. And Damien. How long until the armour will be finished?

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After a few hours of flying Jacob arrived at THE ETERNITY BRIDGE. When he landed he was greeted by a Tartarus officer. "Hello Jacob, we've been expecting you, we finished repairing the bridge." "Exellent soldier, show me the other troops." The officer was bringing Jacob to the rest of the Tartarus troops. "So tell me officer, do you know why this bridge was destroyed in the first place?" "No, sir i don't believe that i do." "Well no one know's for sure, but i've heard an interesting story regarding it. This bridge is the biggest one in the known world, and it was destroyed in one night. There was one pony who claimed to see what did it. He said that it was the giant mythical creature called the Kraken. Very few people believed him, they said he was crazy." "You don't believe that we'll run into the Kraken. Do you?" The officer seemed a bit worried. " I hope that we do. I think it's very intersting if the Kraken exist's. To be able to destroy this bridge in one night, such a creature's power would be truly magnificent. I would love to be able to control such a beast. But we shouldnt act on rumors and beside's we have to take over Cervidas. We don't have time to hunt mythical creatures,.. Not unless they come to us." Jacob intimidated the officer with his story. Jacob and the officer meet up with the other troops. There were alot less soldiers, than what Jacob was used to, back when he was still general of Tartarus. Jacob let out a sigh. "Alright soldiers, get ready we cross the bridge now."


"Yes Church, we should probably leave now. It was good to see you all again." "Goodbye everyone." Rainbow Dash said "Alright lets not wast anymore time." The elements of Unity flew towards Fillydelphia, because it was the closest city to the everfree forest. Twilight flew a little slower that the others. She still didnt get the hang of it, since she became an alicorn. Rainbow Dash flew behind her and yelled. "Twilight hurry up, dont you remember what i though you in my flying training. Catch up or else after the war, i'll make you work five time's as hard in your training." Twilight remembered RD's hard training sessions. "Yes i remember." She quickly caught up with the others.

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WW made his way back to the Palace he flies to the thrown room and put the box in DH's seat. Sigh...I hope im doing the right thing. As he walks around the palace he sees Luna's tower. He flies to it. He has a sad look on his body. Sigh....Luna....I ....i want to apologize to you.....for earlier. And....i need to show you something........But its only because i can trust you. Can......can you help me? WW had tears in his eyes


Razor and Diehard head out. Ill watch your six and twelve from up top. Thanks man. Lets go. Hey Church can you make us a portal?


Abyss had finished her overview of Ponyvill. Ugh!! this was a waste of time. You pass your inspection. A young foal steps up to Abyss. Princess Abyss are Celestia and Luna still alive? Abyss looks down and picks him up. Well my child i can tell you this. Tia is a very close friend of mine. And i could never kill her. And Luna is a good friend of my Sister DH. So yes my child they are still alive. Now run along little one. The other ponies in town were shocked at what she did. What are you looking at? Get back to work. Thank you Princess Abyss. Your my favorite Princess. Abyss stops in her tracks and pets the young foal. Thank you child. I see a good future ahead of you. Flies off.


Surge looks as DH was sucked in the door as and shuts behind her. DH??? Babe.....are you there??? Where did you go??? Darkheart! No! Come back! Dont leave me here! Banging on the door. Dont leave me here!!!! Dont leave me.....please dont leave......i dont want to be alone.....Surge started to feel the dark love fade away. She left him in a place he had not been in since she changed his heart. Dont leave me in the dark alone....please......come back to me......windscarHe falls to the floor in tears.

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Darkheart stares around the... void room. F-father we are in Tartarus. I saw a strange glow coming from your room in Tartarus and decided to investigate. Is it possible that your two rooms are linked through this void? She hears Surge yelling for her. Hehe, that's probably Surge... But first I want to make sure everything is okay. How do you think this happened? How could two rooms in two different... dimensions be linked?


Luna looks to White Wind. I would like to apologize also. It was not right of me to jump to conclusions... Especially after what you've shown me... But what is that you have to show me now?


Church nods. Will do. He opens one portal to Eternity Bridge for Razorwing and one portal to Ponyville for Die Hard. Sorry Die Hard. Ponyville is the closest I can get you to the army without them noticing my magic. As they step through the portal it is just him and Damien. Now I would like to join you. Surely I can learn something from such an experienced unicorn. What are you going to do to the Apex Armour?

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The Tartarus soldier heard the voices coming from inside Slender Mane's room. He knocked on the door and sayed. "Lord Slender Mane, I have a report for you, it's from Jacob."


Jacob and the troops began crossing the Eternity bridge. It was going to take a while until they crossed the whole bridge.


Twilight and the others arrived at Fillydelphia, it looked alot worse, and barren then it was two years ago. Fluttershy said. "Oohh no this is just awful." Rainbow Dash replied " It is but we need to stay focused." They saw a member of the resistance and approched him. Twilight asked"Is everything ready for the assault?"

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Surge was still outside the door in tears. He thought he had gotten over the death of his wife Windscar. But seeing DH walk through that door flashed him back to the last time he saw his wife. Flash back

Are you sure you want to go in alone? Ill be fine babe. Trust me. I got this. Now, im going to go in and take Jacob out. If im lucky ill find out where Diehard is being held. Ok babe. Kiss before we part. Fine. Quick kiss. I love you Surge. Flies to the door before it closes. I love you too Windscar. As the door closed behind her she sees Jacob and some other pony. Alright Jacob now its just me and you. As she readies her weapon. Well well well. If its not the might Windscar. Iv been waiting for you. Or should i say "we" have been waiting for you. What do you mean "we"? The other pony turns around. No....it cant be......Diehard? Diehard then throws a wing clamp at her, and she falls to the ground. What did you do to my son? This is not your son any more. This is Deathdealer. Captain on the Tartarus army. Hes been leading the attacks on you guys for the last two years.He almost killed Razor but stoped himself from doing so. But now i think hes ready to kill his own kin. Jacob uses a shock spell on the clamps. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Diehard help me. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Please help me. Im your mother. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Surge could hear her scream from the other side of the door. But he could not get in. The door was sealed with magic. Wingscar! Im coming! Ill save you! Oh this is just to great. Not only will your son kill you but your husband cant do anything to save you. Oh this turned out better than i planed. DD....kill her. Jacob walks off. Diehard dont do this.........Im your mother.......Looking down at the beaten pony. I have no mother. As hes about to finish her she screams. SURGE SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Her scream echos through the palace......and then silence.......Surge fell to the floor as her scream rings in his head. The spell on the door falls and it opens. All he sees is his wife's dead body with a sword in it. He runs to her, takes the blade out and holds her. Wind......WS my love.....WS can you hear me? She coughs up some blood and turns to him. Im.....sorry....my love.......i.....i.....could not save our son........but.....they still have him.....Shhhh shhh shhh....dont speak. Save your energy. I an get you some help. Just stay with me. Grabbing his face and looking into his eyes. Im not going to make it my love........please.....take care of Razorwing.......your....all.....hes got....now............................As she dies her hoof falls from Surge's face to the floor. Surge was at a loss for words. Time stood still as her soul left her body. All he did was put her on his back and took her back home. Surge would never be the same again.

Please WS.....come back to me.....dont leave me here alone. Please DH come back.........


As DH got to Ponyvill he saw all the ponies were in a state of shock. What happened here? Oh Diehard you came sust at the right time. Abyss just left. Wow talk about cutting it close. But anyway take me to the Underground. I need to breef yall on our plans.

As Razor gets to the bridge he heads for the clouds. as long as i stay up here i should be good. What would they want with this old thing anyway?


WW sits down next to Luna. You must not tell or show anyone else about this. Not even Celestia. This is really big.


Back in the cave. What im doing to your armor is fixing it. You have been over using its power for something. But also im upgrading it to a new level. Right now this armor is a piece of crap. The Apex was strong but not as strong as this will be. Plus iv been working on a spell that will take care of Slender Mane forever. But we are going to need a lot of light eco.


Zecora heard church talk of the bridge. Church is this true, Slender have fixed the bridge to cross the big blue?

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Church nods. Where are you going to get such an amount of light eco?


Darkheart nods at her father. Hehe... yes things are fine. Surge and I... checked over the palace and everything is in place as it should be. No pony out of place. However I should probably return to Surge. I think he has separation anxiety. Walks back out of the portal. Surge? What are you doing on the ground? What's the matter? Is my Surge hurt in some way?


Luna doesn't know what White Wind is planning but she simply nods. Very well. I won't tell a soul. Now reveal to me what you have brought.

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The rebel soldier told the EOU that everything ready, all that was left was to give the order and they would take back the city. "Good soldier, dont strike just yet. Were going to attack all the city's at once, so that Tartarus wont have time to coordinate a couter-assault. We attack at noon tommorow." The soldier answerd "Yes Ma'am." Rainbow Dash replied "Now if you dont mind, we have to go check on the other cities." The elements headed towards Manehatten next.


Jacob and the other soldiers made it half way across the bridge. Jacob looked back and saw that the soldiers were exausted from the long walk. "Well take a small break now. Then we cross the rest of the bridge."

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Surge looks up and sees Darkheart. he jumps up and hugs and kisses her deeply. *breaks the kiss* I thought i lost you when you walked through that door. I....i thought i lost you.....the same way i lost my wife. I dont ever want to loose you....like i lost her.


WW puts his horn to her horn and shows Luna what he had done that day. As he pulls his horn away. They still live Luna. And you know what i did for Church before, i wont be able to do it again. What should i do Luna? Puts his head in her hooves and chest. I just dont know what to do.


Going to SCC DH and the troop go to a back room that leads to the.....The Underground has not been found out yet. All the guards would never have thought to look here. Good lets keep it that way. Do the com-links to the other cities work yet? Yes they do but we are waiting for them to turn on their coms first.


Razor sat on a cloud over looking Jacob and his army. It looks like hes resting here for the night.


Celestia walked around the palace reminiscing on the old days when she was at power. She goes to the thrown room. This use to be my thrown. Looking down in the thrown.What is this? An egg? Takes the egg back to her room.

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Darkheart smiles. No Surge I was simply talking with my father... You don't have to worry. You would feel if I was ever in any danger. Points at his Seal of Darkness. Remember? You would feel it if I was in any danger. And trust me if I actually was danger, which doesn't happen often, I would tell you within your mind. She kisses Surge on his cheek. Now let's go see New Blackwater shall we?


Church nods. The holy ghost likely wanted silence for this. Church leaves the room and goes to check on the troops. They seemed to be doing fine. Church was bored.


Luna is shocked at the news but for some reason when WW leaned against her it felt... warming. She didn't understand the feeling but she understands the news. Church is alive? This is great news... I thought for sure he would have been picked off long ago. And a dragon egg? What has Church gotten himself into... This was nothing but trouble bringing it here. Hears Abyss walking towards the room. This is bad... Just follow my lead okay?

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The soldiers set up camp on the bridge. Jacob was reviewing his battle plans for the next fight. He walked to the side of the bridge and was staring at the ocean. "I wonder, are you acutually out there, kraken."


After arriving at Manehatten, the EOU found a member of the resistence. Rainbow Dash asked if everything was ready for the attack. He replied "No, its not, Tartarus soldiers found and confiscated the weapons. We dont have anything to fight back with." Twilight replied "Dont worry, we can steal them back but we should contact the others through the com-links first." They turned on the com-link. Twilight spoke "Hello, does anyone read me... Hello?"

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Abyss saw a light coming from Luna's room. She flies in and sees WW pushed up on Luna. So you have been with Luna.Just what is it that you two have been doing? Because Celestia tells me you two are very "friendly" now. Staring down both of them. So tell me WW what are you keeping from me? Or do i have to force it out of both of you?


WW nods at Luna. WW then gravity forces Luna to the ground. How dare you speak against the Tartarus family! You will learn your place slave! I have been merciful to you for too long now. I see that i must deal with you the same way i dealt with your sister.


DH was checking the inventory at Ponyvill when he heard a strange sound. The com's are up! Copy hello do you read? What is you name and rank over?


Razor watched the army as they set up camp. He looks to Jacob as he stares at the water. What are you doing Jacob? What are you looking for? Razor looks off in the distance and sees the water start to rise a bit. What the buck is that? Waves start to sweep over the bridge. The waters sweep some of the troops out to sea,. Some drown some swim back to the bridge.Just the a figure starts to emerge from the water. Jacob just looks at the water rise in front of him. All he does is looks up and smiles

(disregard the humans)






It is done. He walks over to Church and gives him armor. This Apex is stronger than any Apex i ever made. This one uses the power of eco now. All four ecos run through it at all times. Red for power, green to heal, yellow for magic, blue for speed, and when they combine at the horn they create light eco. This is the start of the end of Slender Mane. *coughs very hard* Ahhhh....my time is getting closer. Do you know where we may be able to find some light eco?


As Celestia gets to her room....I know this egg was meant for DH, but i cant let her have this. Maybe i can hatch it and teach it to fight for me. At this time her horn was very short but she could use some magic.

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Darkheart was stunned at these words. D-D-... Did you saw you're giving me the palace? All of Tartarus is ours? Does that make him King Surge? Hm... I do like the sound of Queen Darkheart... That is so generous! Runs up an hugs her father. Thank you so much daddy! Then she blushes. Oh... hehe it's been years since I called you daddy...


Luna winces. Ugh... No! Please not that! It's so... painful... Please stop I will do anything! I will stop speaking out ever again! Just please not that! Luna closes her eyes and pretends to wait for the worst.


Church thinks for a moment. Hmm... What about Cloudsdale? I have spies in the city that report the mass production of light eco for military purposes. We could go there and steal it... If you feel well enough. Put's on the Apex Armour. By Celestia.... this feels amazing... I feel like a new colt! A powerful colt! So what do you say?

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Twiligh heard a response from the com-link."Diehard is that you? It's me Twilight. Fillydelphia is ready for the attack. Right now were at Manehatten. Tartarus found and took the weapons. Repeat, Manehatten isnt ready for the attack."


Jacob stared at the kraken with a smile on his face. "I can't believe it, your real...and your right here. The odds of running into you were slim to none. This is so exciting!!!" The kraken stared at Jacob for a moment, then it let out a loud roar and his giant fist punched Jacob. The kraken destroyed the edge of the bridge sending shards of rock and Jacob into the water. The Tartarus soldiers looked at the kraken in fear. The Tartarus officer ordered the soldiers to kill the kraken. They charged in stabbing it with their spears. The kraken was barely affected, it's tentacles began killing all of the Tartarus troops. Jacob was unconscious and bleeding as he was sinking into the bottom of the ocean... His eyes opened up and he flew out of the water, his wounds began to heal. Jacob looked at the Tartarus soldiers getting massacred. "Order the men to retreat, head to Cervidas. I'll deal with the kraken myself." The officer looked at Jacob strangely. "Are you crazy, the kraken killed most of the troops. We dont have enough soldiers left to take over Cervidas. We should go back to Equestria." One of the kraken's tentacles came down and smashed the side of the bridge heading towards Equestria. "It looks like your either going to retreat to Cervidas or fight the kraken with me.You better decide soon " The kraken let out another loud roar. "Soldiers retreat to Cervidas." As the rest of the soldier's ran, Jacob flew up to the karken's face. "You managed to kill more than half my soldiers in a matter of seconds and injure me critically...Your every bit as strong as the legends say. But mark my words, I WILL TAME YOU."

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SM leans down and nuzzles DH. ANYTHING FOR MY LITTLE DH. AND YES THAT WOULD MAKE SURGE KING OF TARTAUS. THIS IS ALL YOUR NOW. BUT I MUST GO TO CANTERLOT AND TELL YOUR SISTER THE GOOD NEWS. Walks back in his room and warps to Canterlot. The dark void was now gone from his room.


Abyss looks in surprise at WW. Well WW what are you going to do to her? WW does not answer right away. Answer me WW or ill be forced to take matters into my own hooves. Abyss then takes Luna and pins her to the wall. Well then ill just have to break you myself then. As Abyss charges her horn and leans in to Luna's horn WW stops her. No! Mother if she is going to be broken, ill do it my way. Looks at Luna with an evil face she has never seen from him before. The same way i broke Blue Moon. Abyss puts Luna down and smiles at WW. Very well then. You dont mind if i watch then? Abyss sits on Luna's bed. Well...get on with it. WW looks at Luna with a shocked face. He then mouths to Luna. what should we do?


This spy of yours do you have a way of contacting him? Just then on the com-link. Church? Church are you there? Its me Nova. I have so news for you. Its about the eco.


DH was upset by the news. Damn it. With out those weapons we cant launch an all at once attack on all the towns. Ok here's the plan. Have AJ, PP, and Rarity say behind and you and the others move to the next town. Put AJ on so i can tell her the new plan.


Celestia was trying her hardest to use the egg hatching spell. Ahhhhhh....come on Tia...you can do this. The egg starts to crack. Come on....hatch already. The egg breaks open and a baby dragon pops out. Breathing heavily. I did it........i hatched a dragon...and your .....name....shall be as the little dragon curls up by Celestia's stomach. Sun Beam. Tia passes out from the strain of using her magic.

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Darkheart was still stunned at the news. Did you hear the Surge? We are now the King an Queen of Tartarus! And this... She get's sadistic eyes. This is only the beginning. Let's go and address our people shall we?


Luna is at a loss. She didn't expect Abyss to want to watch. She decided there was only one way. She whispers. You have to strike me... Hit me down and beat me... It's the only way to get her off your case.... Come on now I can take it...


Church smiles. That's him right now. What is it Nova? What have you got to report? Make it quick because Damien and I need to come up there. We need you to secure a vat of light eco for us.

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"AppleJack, Diehard wants to talk to you, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were going to Hoofington next." "Good luck girls." Twilight handed Applejack the com-link then RD, FS and Twi flew towards Hoofington.


The kraken and Jacob were locked in an epic battle. The kraken was swinging his tentacles attempting to hit Jacob out of the sky. Jacob was dodging his tentacles and let out a few shots of dark energy, barely doing anything. Jacob was charging at the kraken's face. The kraken opened his mouth. Jacob tryed to stop himself from moving forward, but he had to much momentum. Jacob was inside the kraken's mouth. As it's mouth began to shut, Jacob teleported himself out at the last second. "That was close."

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AJ took the coms from their hoofs. Hey there. Applejack here. Whatdya plan about doing about the lack of weapons here? I know non of these ponies can do any fightin' if they ain't got any armour or weapons. Are you plannin' on sending some? Or do you have a different plan?

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WW looked at Luna and nodded. He picks her up and tosses her across the room. No....im going to have to do something new. BM's punishment will be a cake walk. Yours..putting his hoof to her neck and squeezing her chest with his magic. Am going to kill you from the inside out. Abyss was pleased. Very well WW. Ill let you get to your fun. Im going to go find Tia. Oh and WW....Have fun. Flies off. But WW was still holding Luna there. This....feels strange....but it feels....so right. Looks in her eyes. And you look....so beautiful when your in pain. The fear on your face is.....breathtaking. And i cant get enough of it. He only uses enough to make her cringe. He leans in closer to her face and rubs it with his other hoof. Im feeling....so....strange. But it feels so good.....And it makes me....want you more. Leans in and kisses Luna


Surge was in shock. Im.....a....king? Me.....King Surge. That sounds awesome. And now...Looking deep into DH eyes...You are my true Queen of darkness. Let us go tell the ponies of Black Water. Im sure they will love it.


AJ i want you to go to The Abyss Halls. Its going to get crazy in there, but its the only way to get weapons. The guards let ponies walk through to show respect to the princess. But you girls may need to turn your armor off. Seeing three alicorns may raise the alert even more. But there is a map of the building down there. I cant really help anymore but all i can say.....is i trust you AJ, and i know you can do it. This is going to be thee true turning point in this war. Call me back once you make back to the hide out.


Nova told them what SM had just done. He just changed all the light eco into dark eco. There is not a drop of light eco in all of Equestria. But there still may be a way to make more. Meet at the Dragon Mountain eco mines.


Razor watched as Jacob fought this monster. If it kills him that will be one less pony to fight. But i feel like i should help him.



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Twi, RD and FS made it to Hoofington after a couple hours of flying. Fluttershy walked up too a member of the resistance. "Uuumm, excuse me sir, it everything ready for the assault?"


The kraken swang his tentacles and hit Jacob out of the sky and into the bridge. Jacob was losing a good amount of blood, he got back up. "Damn it, my attacks are doing barely anything. I didnt want to do any permanent damage to you, but it seem's i have no chose if I want to come out of this alive." Jacob pulled out his sword and flew at the kraken. One tentacles swang at Jacob,he dodged. Jacob was making his way to the kraken's face. The kraken tryed to grab Jacob with his hand. "Nice try, but too slow." Just then Jacob did a sonic boom, escaping the kraken's hand and quickly flying toward's the kraken's face. Jacob stabbed his sword in one of the kraken's eyes."No matter how strong your body is, you still have vital weakness's, just like everyone else." The kraken let out a huge cry of pain.

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Church nods and the coms go silent. Well... I didn't expect this. I had no idea Slender Mane was powerful enough to turn light eco into dark eco... but nevertheless we should do as he says. Let's head out for the Dragon Mountain eco mine shall we? He opens a portal to the mine and steps through it.


As Darkheart and Surge walk through the halls of the palace every pony bows to them... and Darkheart loves it. She is basically feeding off of this power. They arrive at the gates of Tartarus and step into Blackwater. Attention peasants of Blackwater. Behold your new rulers, King Surge and Queen Darkheart. Bow before us! And they do so. Every one of them bows and she gets a sadistic smile on her face. Surge... I've... I've never felt such power! It feels amazing! The way they bow to my ever word! I've never felt in such a way! She smiles and evily looks over the crowd.


Luna is struggling at first as White Wind continued to hurt her even though Abyss had left. She attempted to fight back but he was much more powerful than herself. White Wind.... Please stop hurting me... She wipes his face away when he tries to kiss her. Please White Wind... Stop it... From what I understand you have feelings for me... But if you continue to treat me like this than I can't say the same...


AJ got off the coms and looked back towards the other two. All right every pony, Die Hard wants us to steal us some more weapons... from the Abyss Halls... I know it's mighty dangerous but we can do it! For Celestia and Luna! The true princesses! Now Rarity. Is your magic strong enough to make a portal there?

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WW's eyes start to glow and his voice changes. Ahhh dont be that way Luna. I see where my power comes from. I feed off the pain of others. I can feel your pain and fear....making me stronger. His eyes start to flicker and they change back to normal. He falls back and drops Luna to the floor. Oh...my head..Luna are you ok? What happened to you? Did......did i do this....to you? Looking at his hooves. Im......im a monster.....You were right Luna......i am just like them. Punching his hoof in his chest opening a hole. Im just a heartless monster like the rest of them. Walks to the balcony and falls to his knees. Im so sorry Luna.......I sorry for what i am.....im sorry for what iv become.....But i dont think i could live with myself if i were to hurt you again......Whispers low.....I hate myself for everything i am.


As Abyss took off she went to go check on Tia. Landing in her room. Oh Tia my dear how are you do......What....is....that? She said in a shocked and angered voice. Tia wakes up and scrambles to find the words. Its....ummmm.....its ahhhhh.....mmmmmm.....its a....dra.....dar......Takes deep breath......Its a dragon.....Abyss. Abyss was angry with Tia. Tia....sometimes....you really make me mad. But this pet of yours....there is something strange about it. But i will let you keep it....for now.


Surge looked lustfully at DH. Dont let it go to your head. Or you might end up like me. Greedy for power. Putting his hoof to a group of bowing mares. It feels good to be home.


Razor looked on as jacob wounded the beast. He was in aww as they fight. Just then the beast caught jacob and was about to end him. the razor......Jacob look out! flies down to him and uses a red eco blast wave at the monsters hand forcing it to let jacob go. The two lock eyes. Dont take this to heart but as much as i want you dead im not going to let let some monster kill you. If you die it will be by my hoof. Looking at the beast. So how do you plan on killing it?


Rarity had to think on that. Well darling i should be able to with this new found power. But it is my first time doing this. Ok do you guys have a picture of the building. I need to visualize where im going. Points to a picture on the wall. This is where you want me to take you? Why this place looks horrable. I would not step hoof in there.


Nova was already at the mountain. its good to see you two again. Here put these on. That way they think your an overseer. Now fallow me this way and ill tell you what SM did to the eco. As they walk deep into the mine Nova tells them what happened. And after that he just left. So the mixed light light eco is gone. But the pure mineable light eco is down here.

Edited by Razorwing
  • Brohoof 2

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"Yes Ma'am, everything is ready." FS,RD andTwi headed too inspect everything for the attack.


Jacob let out a small growling noise. "I dont understand your way of thinking Razorwing, if I were you i would just let it kill me. No matter how much I hate to admit it, you saved me.Thank you...Killing it? I have no intention of killing it, I want to control it. This creature is rivaling Slender Mane's armor with brute stengh alone. I admire it." Jacob charged at the kraken.

  • Brohoof 2
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