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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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Shade was completely still. Looking at Luna's lifeless body, she felt something break inside of her. Her heart had been broken again. "NO!!! LUNA!!!": She ran over, casting as many healing spells as she could. But it was too late. "No... Luna!" she watched the light emerge from her horn, flying up to the moon. She saw people die before, in those terrible games. But this... was unforgivable.


Lightlash was shocked beyond imagining. He just saw one of the Royal Duo die. Shade wouldn't stop casting healing spells. He wondered how a god of chaos can be so cruel... What had happened? Last time he came around, there was drinkable glass, and chocolate milk could be used as an explosive. But this time... For the first time in his life, Lightlash burst into tears.


Inside Shade's body, Darkflash smiled. He quickly exited the body, his dark aura flying towards the maximum security room that Celestia locked Discord's jar in.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quilluison watched evreything from the other side of the room. "Seems as if she is dead now, I am sorry for your loss Celestia." She said, walking out of the castle. With smile one her face she realized Discord was still alive. She started to look for the room which held the jar, hoping to unleash it's power. She had gone crazy, the games and the death of the ponies had sent her into a dark madness, from which she had no escape.

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Darkflash was flying towards the maximum security room, when he saw Quills walking towards it, too. "Oh no you don't..." He said, creating a giant wall of darkness around her. He flew even faster to the room, knowing it wouldn't hold her for long. He finally reached the entrance to the room...


Shade noticed something, through all of her sadness. She didn't hear Darkflash anymore in her head. "Where did he go?" Shade said, her voice still breaking.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Celestia breaks down into tears as her sister passes. She lays her head on Luna's body and closes her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to feel the comfort of her sister. That usual warmth and compassion she would receive... But there was none... Celestia let out more soft sobs and lifted her head, tears still running down her cheeks. She slowly kisses Luna's forehead and closes her eyes. She smiles through her intense pain. Luna was at peace, and so was Celestia. Luna had forgiven her and Celestia... Celestia couldn't have asked for anything else. She was feeling peaceful, even through all her pain of Luna's passing. She felt like she could simply lie down and sleep, her mind in an eternal state of peace. No pony else mattered at the moment except for Luna and herself. She lay back and close her eyes, dreaming of Luna, imagining her, mourning for her. Tears continue to roll down her face as she thinks. Her peace had been owed to Luna. Although the thought of Luna not being here tortured Celestia intensely, there was a certain... happiness. The happiness that Luna had forgiven her. Through her long life, she had received many gifts. One of which had been the sun itself, but none matched to the gift that Luna had given her. Forgiveness and love, and she would always be remembered for that. Celestia wanted to simply daze off into her mind. To live there and dream of happiness forever. To be with Luna forever... Celestia's mind let's go a little. She simply lay there and smile, eyes closed, peaceful look on her face. The tributes around her begin to worry. Celestia had just been lying there for ten minutes. She was still breathing and her physical posture was still apparent... but something felt out of place. Celestia wasn't there mentally. Mentally she was with Luna. Her consciousness was not one with her body at the moment.


Boss was teary eyed after seeing the display. Tears trickled from his eyes and it was painful. The emotions yes... but the pain that every time he had to take a breath, it hurt him. His insides felt like they were on fire even though they had been healed. He slowly limps over to Shade, Die Hard, and Lightlash, his abdomen in extreme pain. I... I think that something is wrong with Celestia... As for Darkflash... I have a bad feeling. And where is Quillusion? Die Hard and Lightlash, I want you two to go and look for Darkflash and Quillusion. Shade and I will stay here and try to figure out why Celestia hasn't awoken yet. As for you elements I want you to... to begin to organize the funeral... It will be remembered for the rest of time. With that he turns back to Shade and Celestia.

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
  • Brohoof 1
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Lightlash saluted to Boss, still dizzy from the shock of the recent death. He ran outside, and he was greeted with Quillusion stuck in a wall of darkness. "Quills? What the fuck are you doing out here? Did you see a mist of darkness fly by? Wher-" Lightlash stopped, realizing why she was out here. "Quills, nice try. You aren't getting Discord's power, and neither is Darkflash. I want you to tell me where he went, and you won't be imprisoned.


Shade checked Celestia's vitals, tried using electricity to wake her up, and even held her upside down for 10 minutes. "Equestria to Celestia? Do you copy?" She shook her rapidly, trying to wake her up. She even played Justin Beavpony's song "Filly" for 10 minutes straight Shade was wearing earplugs, of course. She facehoofed, realizing she couldn't wake her up. "Wanna try, Boss?"

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Twilight runs over to Shade. Leave the princess be! Dont touch her! She is in another world now. She will be back...But she will never be the same. We will start making plans.

Ill make sure everypony in Cloudsdale knows. Ill wave my other flyers tell the other towns.*flies off*

Ill put something nice together for her to wear for the last time. Ill get started right away. But....it ill not be easy

Ill get the word out to Ponyvill. This aint gona be easy. The town may fall apart when they hear the news.

I....ill go help Dash.....Its all i can think of*Flies off*

PP was still looking at the moon. No one ever knew but she loved the "sun of the night" as see called it. Her main had fallen straight.

And ill start working on the set up. It will be.....my saddest party ever....Im trying to keep things happy....But right now....Its just so hard to smile. All of this death and chaos is just to much....Its hard for me to laugh......*sigh* Well ill get to work then. Maybe.....Ill find something to smile about.

Twilight was still at Celestia's side.

Oh Celestia....I feel your pain*flashes back on her brothers death* I just wish none of this ever happened. None of this should have happened. *Starts to cry* This is not how things should end. Why.....why couldn't we save her.....why couldn't i save my brother? What shall we do now? *looks at the moon* sigh.....With Luna gone the moon has no ruler. Celestia will have to do it again. *nuzzles Celestia* Im so sorry Princess.


As DH gets down Darkflash and Quillusion in a fight in front of Discords door. He is here. I feel his darkness....and another darkness. The beast is here. I can consume both of them and wont need you anymore. Shut up. We have to stop them. Hey Grimdark....remember me? Your not getting back there. And me and you have a score to settle. What the hell are you doing? Getting rid of the problem. Come on Darkflash...You owe me. *pulls out hoof blades.*

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Darkflash turned to Death Dealer, who was pulling out his hoof blades. "Oh... Very unwise of a decision." Darkflash suspended both Lightlash and Quills in a dark barrier overhead. "Shade was a temporary host. While in her subconsciousness, I was able to hone my skills, becoming better than ever before. And for the last time, my name is DARKFLASH, LORD OF THE DEMONS!" Just then, he transformed into a creepy form.

(OOC: The form: Posted Image)


"I'm afraid this will be our last battle, DD. And DH, terribly sorry, but since you share a body, seems like you'll be out of commission, too." Darkflash snapped his fingers, producing a powerful dark sword. (above)

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion smiled as she flew upwards. "Oh this is fun." She said, spinning in circles up in the air. She then hit whatever with her horn and it exploded outward, spilling her onto the floor. "Oh I think I broke it, my bad." She said with a giggle. She reached backward and grabbed the knife she had gotten during the games. "So Discord is in there right." She said, pointing at the dorr.

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Demon lord Darkflash turned backwards, seeing Quillusion pointing towards the door. "Oh, thanks, my dear. That reminds me!" He quickly created an impenetrable lock on the building Discord was in. He then raised his sword to Quills. "YOU SHALL NOT INTERRUPT OUR BATTLE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Oh so you don't want my help, what am I suppose to do then, sit here and smile, because that's going to get boring." She said, sitting down and smiling anyways. For a few minutes she sat there, but then got back up. "Please release that lock so I can go let Discord out and have some fun?" She asked, then walked over to the door.

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Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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She continued to laugh. "Oh gosh." she started laughing every few breaths. "This it so much, you think your powerful enough to become the master of Equestria. I doubt it, you act like you can stand up to Discord, but you can't, you are weak compared to him." She then smiled and tapped the lock on the door. "Open, open, door. I want to see the master of chaos himself please."

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Something snapped inside of Darkflash. "Why... Won't... You... Get... AWAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!" A large dark tornado, more powerful than a sonic rainboom, swirled around him at alarming speeds. When it finally dissipated, leaving behind mountains of debris, Darkflash unleashed his true form.

Posted Image

"I WARNED YOU, QUILLUSION!" Snapping his fingers, large daggers of dark energy flung themselves towards Quills.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Celestia doesn't move. As Twilight speaks to her, Celestia simply lay there with a peaceful look on her face. Inside her head she continues to be with Luna. A mixture of memory and imagination, fuelled by love and sadness. She wanted to stay in that state of mind... forever... to simply dream of Luna... is to be at eternal peace. But one thing still nagged at the back of her mind. Responsibility. There was still work to be done. Celestia cannot simply give up on her ponies... she wouldn't. They need her. With a sudden jolt Celestia's eyes open and she startles Twilight. She stares around the room and slowly arises. Subconsciously she had heard what Twilight was saying and it was coming to her. She leans over and nuzzles her student lovingly, a tear running down her cheek. It falls and lands on Twilight's nose. I... I know Twilight... And I wish the same thing... My... My sister suffered the same fate as your brother but all we can do now is keep our morals up and look to the future. You have to continue Twilight. For him. And I will do the same for Luna. Celestia wipes the tears from Twilight's eyes and then from her own. She then embraces Twilight warmly. As she lets go she smiles at her favourite student lovingly. They walk out of the throne room and head for the vault so Celestia could check up on the vase.


Boss was stunned. He felt like he had just seen Celestia rise from the dead. He watches as they talk and smiles, then winces in pain. Even smiling stretched his abdomen enough to cause pain. As they walk off a tear drops from his eye at the beautiful site, and after follows more pain from his body. When the exit the room he turns back to Shade. He scratches the ground nervously. So... I guess it's just you and me.

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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Shade blushed, clearly in an awkward situation. "Well... Is it time for all of this horror to end?" She slowly smiled. "So... Is there anything you want to ask?"

(OOC: Don't worry, this roleplay is staying clean

Posted Image)

She walked over to him, giving him a quick kiss. But then she heard the whirlwind outside.


Lightlash looked down at the horror below. Darkflash had gone completely power-mad. It was all over.

Edited by ~Muffin of Chaos~
  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion smiled as most of the daggers missed. A few did hit her, one in her leg, another grazing her side, and yet another hitting her in the chest, right below her heart. "Hey look, I got hit." She said with a giggle. "You might want to improve your aim however." She said, pulling the one out of her chest and throwing at him.

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Darkflash smiled, the dagger merely hitting him, bouncing off him as if he were made of titanium. "Wrong choice."


(OOC: I demand the epic battle theme!)



He charged forward, knocking her back with a single punch. He quickly made more daggers, throwing them at her. "DON'T YOU SEE? YOU CAN'T WIN!" He began to laugh crazily. He quickly threw another punch, followed by several kicks.

Edited by ~Muffin of Chaos~

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion smiled flying backwords. "Oh look you think I am weak." She said, picking up another dagger and dodging a few of the kicks but getting hit once and flying back hitting a wall. She sat up. "You know, you must really hate me, trying to fight me like this." She said. Her horn started to glow, and ten of the daggers picked up, and combined into one much bigger sword. "Shall we fight then." She said, swinging it at him.

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Darkflash sighed. "You never learn, do you?" He grabbed the giant sword with his middle and index finger. he chuckled quietly, taking the sword from the magic's grasp. "Now, lets continue, shall we?" He quickly kicked her, stunning her, then swung at her with the sword, along with some more daggers.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???" Shade said, looking at the battle taking place.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quilluison started to laugh, time seemed to slow down. The madness had consumed her, and she was no longer a pony. She was no longer even herself. The sword swung right at her neck, cutting though it. As it cut though, she started to laugh, an evil laugh, an psycho laugh.

(OOC: This is the laugh.



Her head bounced off, hitting the floor upwards. Her body fell down. On her face was a grin, a very big grin.

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Darkflash smiled. He walked over to the dead Quillusion, conjuring a cup. He dipped the cup in the blood, gulping it down, the pure rose red blood trickling down his face, his eyes in a crazy state.

(OOC: See? DH Isn't the only gross one!)

He began to laugh, a crazy, deranged laugh. He tore off the lock, walking into the jar room.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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A pony was sitting in the corner of the room. The pony was black, with a white mane, with red stripes running though it. She was holding a book, the book was bound in black leather, and some language was written on it other than that of the ponies. The tile of the book was The Dark Magic, and the words glowed a soft red. Shadow Stalker did not notice another pony enter, as she just kept on reading.

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DL!!! Did you forget about me? Now with Quill dead he had no one in his way. And with DL power drained a little bit he could....That jar is mine!!! Jumps on DL's back and stabs him in the back with his blade. Me and you are not finished here. Dude what are you doing? Taking my power back. Take this Grim Dark! Pulling the blade out and putting a grande in the open wound. Boom bitch. Blows arm off. It wont kill him. But it should weaken him....i think.

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(OOC: Technically, in this form, he isn't a pony, but whatever.)

He felt his arm being blown off. Ah well. He flung a plethora of daggers at DD, hitting him half the time. He picked up his arm with his other one, reattaching it. It started from the bone up, disgusting. He continued on.


Walking inside, he saw a jar glowing red... Or was it purple? It was glowing purple, but then what was the red glow? he turned towards the corner of the room, seeing another pony. "Hey! Who are you? What are you doing in here?" He readied his dark power, waiting for a response.

Edited by ~Muffin of Chaos~

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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The pony did not look up from her book for a few minutes. She then looked up, her eyes were also red. "Oh sorry, but don't you think it is a little rude not to knock first, and also rather rude to interrupt a pony while she is reading?" She asked. "And I could ask the same of you, but rather I shall go ahead and answer. My name is Shadow Stalker, and I was in here reading a book until you so rudely interrupted me."

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