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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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As Boss sat within the forcefield he took a drop of the bone healer and it instantly healed his broken ankle. He was about to go and help Shade with her wounds when he feels another violent fit coming on. This one worst than the last. He steps down and holds his head. Guys... I... I have a terrible headache... He then stands up and looks around at his "friends". He thinks to himself. They aren't here to help me... What was I thinking? It's time these games come to end. My style. He turns his attention to Shade, who seemed to be the weakest of them at the moment. He walks up to her and stomps on her horn, cracking it. Time to end this Shade.

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Shade felt her horn crack. "AUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!" She shouted. She attempted to magic blast Boss, but she couldn't use magic anymore. "Boss, this is another one of your violent fits, isn't it?" She asked Boss. She lept behind him, giving a kick in the flank. She dashed to the top of the mountain, then flew as high as she could.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss turns away from Shade. He yells at her. I'll deal with you later coward. He then walks towards Die Hard (Deathdealer) as he is fighting another xenomorph. Boss grabs the tail of it and snaps it clean off. Acid splashes on his hoof but this violent fit is so intense he is almost completely pain tolerant. He then snaps the neck of the xenomorph and uses the detached tail to stab Die Hard (Deathdealer) in the leg. He then moves in for the kill and is inches away from stabbing him in the face.

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Medley, who had flew back when she heard Shade's scream, pulled Boss back. She tugged at his mane hard, so he wouldn't kill Death Dealer.

"If you're so big and tough, try and catch the speediest flier in District 2!" She jeered, trying to distract him so that Shade and Death Dealer could get patched up.

She let go of his mane and zipped away.

Edited by Snowdrop



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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"Um, you left." Quillusion yelled as she kept running. She was going to be need help and soon, or she was most likely going to die. She had no way of escape, except to run to the mountain where the other ponies must be hiding. She knew that was her only chance of survival and that was all she did, kept running towards it.

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Shade was still in extreme pain. Every flap of her wings was like 1,000,000 needles being forced inside of her every second. "Somepony, anypony, please help!" She yelled. Finally, she couldn't fly anymore. Her wings literally locked up. She fell to the ground like a bullet.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Deathdealer looks at the tail blade in his leg and pulls it out. Looking at Boss....Is this the road you what to go down again big boy? Your not the only one with two sides to him. If you want to fight me then do it with honor. Fight me like a true stallion. Stabbing an xenomorph with the tail blade. I dint care about your little anger fits. A true warrior knows how to control his inner demons and use them as he wishes. But you are letting your demons control you. And you know what that means Boss? IT MEANS YOUR WEAK!!!

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(OOC: When boss in is his rage state he is strong. When people call him weak he gets incredibly angry beyond normal. Put them together and he goes Incredible Hulk style on you.)


Boss had turned around and was about to chase down Medley when he heard what Deathdealer had said. He slowly turns around and looks at Deathdealer with an incredible rage. YOU CALL ME WEAK? YOU WANT STRENGTH? TASTE THIS THEN! He simply stomps the ground and cracks it. From the cracks he kicks a boulder and hurls it at Deathdealer's stomach. DD dodges it as he turns around to face Boss again, Boss id all ready two feet away from him. Boss yells in anger. I HOPE YOU DON'T NEED TO EAT! As he yells that he smashes his hoof right into DD's jaw, breaking it. Boss turns around to go and confront Shade while she was down. Good bye Shade. You were a worthy competitor. As he lifts his hoof to break Shade's skull, he gets another intense headache. He screams and hold his head again. AAARRRHHHGGG! MAKE IT STOP!... With that he falls to the ground, unconscious.

Edited by Like A Boss
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Shade slowly awoke, noting a throbbing pain in her wings. She sat up, slowly, and saw Boss unconscious next to her. "On no... What should I do? If I revive him, he still may be in his Rage mode!" She said. But her personality got the better of her: She revived him, hoping he wasn't angry.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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DD stumbles as he takes a hoof to the jaw. He sees Boss fall to the ground. He stumbles over to him. (broken jaw font) You......th..ink.....a...bro....ken...jawl....is goi...n....to....sop....me. Trying to put his jaw back in place. Ahhhhhh!!! Buck that hurts. Looking at Boss's passed out body. I should kill you right now and end it all. He said with his hoof blades on each side of Boss's neck. But i fight with honor, and can not kill a colt while he is down. Shade revives Boss. I hope you know what your doing.

Edited by Razorwing

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Boss opens one eye and looks around. Everything was blury but then his vision clears. He can see Shade with a broken horn and DD with a broken jaw. Only Boss doesn't remember doing any of it. W-what happened? Shit... Did I do this? You guys shouldn't have revived me... I'm more of a danger than a help... I hope I didn't cause anyone too much harm... You guys should leave me here... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ended up... killing one of you...


Celestia was thinking hard about this. She looked down to Twilight and looked directly into her eyes. My dear Twilight... Why do you feel for these ponies? You have an amazing job, an amazing home, and an amazing life yet you continue to contradict me, even after everything I've given you. Tell me Twilight. Why do you care about the tributes? She looks over to Luna. I know you feel the same way my sister. Would you mind sharing as well?

Edited by Like A Boss
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"No Boss. You're our friend, and if we left you, WE couldn't be able to live with ourselves." She said sympathetically. "Once we get out of here and overthrow Celestia, we will find a way to get you help for these behaviors. But before that, we must escape." Shade knew that she couldn't use magic anymore, but there had to be another way.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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DD looks at Shade after what she said. Speak for yourself. Iv been waiting to kill this guy for a while now. Sigh...But im not going to let my personal feelings get in the way of things. Lets just get out of here. The xenomorph hoard started to die down, and DD started to change back to his old self. Thank you my brothers.....for all your help. Now lets go before more of those things come back.


Twilight sees how Tia was trying to turn it on her. Why do i care about these ponies you ask? I care because they are ponies just like us! They had lives before this, just like us! And if somepony striped you of your rank and power, and put you down there to die you would feel the same way. But then again....im forgetting.....your an "all mighty alicorn" and you cant die. You cant feel pain. So now that i really see who im talking to. I see that your Nothing like us. Pointing to herself.

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Shade was relieved the Xenomorphs were dying down. But she knew it wouldn't last long. She applied some bone-mending medicine to her horn, and it was quickly repaired. "I love this medicide..." Shade said. "Ok guys, we have to find out how to get out of here! If we were to get out, we would needs somepony in the Capitol to help us..." She sat down and started to think.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss is grateful that Shade is being so kind and Die Hard being... tolerant but he can't do it. I'm sorry my friends but I have to leave you. I can't risk going berserk like that again. Die Hard why don't you drink some of that bone healer. As he turns around he says one final thing. Good luck. We likely won't meet again. With that he runs into the darkness and they lose sight of him.


Twilight had tweaked a nerve and Celestia's mouth twitches. I'll give you one chance to apologize Twilight. I really don't want to have to arrest you. You have been like a daughter to me. I have given you everything yet still you insult and disrespect me... Please apologize before I am forced to do something I will regret.

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"NO BOSS!" Shade yells out. But it was too late. Shade tried running off towards where he ran, but Diehard stopped her and shook his head. Her ears drooped down in sadness. "But Boss... I... I... I wanted us to be together one we were out of here..." she said sadly. She fell on her knees, eyes getting teary.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion was soon at the mountain and started to run up it. She wasn't going fast, but at least she was going. It was probably not a good idea to join the other tributes earlier but she had to now. She took a drop of her potion when she was close to them and sneaked up behind them, listening to there conversation. She watched the one leave and the other break down, and wondered what had happened.

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Shade's ears perked up. She had heard a hoof hit the ground. She used her instincts that her father passed onto her to find Quillusion. "You know, Quills, it's not nice to hide!" Shade said, giving her a brohoof. "It's always nice to have anpother pony in our cause."

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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The potion were off and Quillusion returned the brohoof. "Well it was either join you or be killed and eaten by them monsters, and well I personally value my life. But how did you know I was here?" She asked, finally glad that there were more ponies around, maybe now she wouldn't be so lonely.

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"It's sort of a ninja's instinct." Shade told Quillusion. "So anyways, did you ditch the suit? Because Celestia set off that damn EMP and left us all defenseless... But anyways, we are safe for now." Shade gave her half a sandwich she had made from the non-poisonous berries in the forest. "So, do you have any ideas on how to get out?" She asked.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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DH looks at the sadness on shades face. He is doing this for his own good. Its just like i said, he must get control of his inner demons in order to fight right. We will see him again, but he wont be the Boss we know. He will have changed by then. And he will be stronger than he ever thought he could be. Come on Shade we need to get moving.


Twi knew she was in big trouble. If she did bend to Tia's will she would be thrown in jail or banished. She had to do something quick. But Princess dont you see how animistic these games are? How can you sit here and watch this? With tears in her eyes. Why Prencess? Why would you start these games?

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"I ditched that thing long ago." She said, taking a bite of the sandwich. "And as for getting out of here, some time ago, someone shot a laser from the mountain. That kind of power might have blasted some form of hole in the forcefield. At least from the studies and things I have seen I am almost sure it should have." She said.

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Shade's ears perked up. "Wait... I fired the laser from my suit! And if Celestia hasn't noticed yet! We have a chance to escape!" Shade said. "We have to get to where the laser went to, then we can escape and go after Celestia!" Shade began to run in the direction she had fired the laser.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Celestia sighs. Fine then. If you must be so arrogant as to ignore my question than so be it... Guards! Arrest Twilight here... Make sure her cell is nice and... comfortable... As the guards drag Twilight down to her cell, Celestia follows them. When Twilight is in her cell Celestia confronts her. What have you got to say Twilight?


As Boss wanders through the darkness he is quietly yelling at himself inside for being so stupid as to allow himself to be around other ponies with his... condition. He comes upon a large tree and sits below it. He think to himself. What have I done... I nearly killed two ponies... I have to be alone... for their sake. Unless... Unless I find a way to control myself and my violent fits. That's it! I will learn to control my violent fits! (Cue Eye of the Tiger song.)

(You have to listen to this while reading the rest of the post. It's mandatory)

Boss does everything in his power to make himself angry like hurting himself and putting himself down or even brining on painful memories and tries to control his rage. Slowly but surely he is making progress.

Edited by Like A Boss
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Twilight looks up a Celestia. Do you really want to know? Do you even care? But if you really want to know fine then. The Princess that taught me everything i know would not do something like this. The Celestia i know would not watch such a blood sport as this. My Celestia would not be putting me in jail for speaking my mind. And "My Celestia" you are not! Who are you, you imposter!?


DH was meditating again. In doing this it gives his body time to heal. In thought. I am strong. I am power. I am energy. I am that is around me. I am strong like the trees. I am solid like the rocks.I am that is around me. I am free like the wind. I am lucid like like the water. I consume like the fire. I am whole like the earth. I am that is around. I am an Earth Pony. I am son of the Earth. I am that is around me. I am all the Earth. She speaks through me and give me strength. She feeds me when i hunger. She gives me water when i thirst. She is my home when im homeless. Mother Earth give me strength. Make my tribe strong. Let my brothers strength run through me. I am the Earth Pony, and i am one with the Earth and all that is in her. He then feels the wind and natural order of nature change around him. There is a new brother among us Mother. Keep his will strong. Make his mind and heart open. Let him feel you in him mother. Help Boss concur his demons. Show him the power of Mother Earth. Looking out over the forest he sees a tree fall over. Be safe Boss. Take over your demons and make them work for you.

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