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private The Chambers (The Living Prison)


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(OOC: sorry if i made my post to long)


"Wait, you were taken from your loved ones, as in kidnapped, you werent sent here...I dont know how to tell you this...but were in a prison, the prisonners rioted, the prisonners now control the prison." Jacob though about what she just wrote and tryed to piece the timeline of events based off of what he knew. (Wow the princess kidnapped her subjects to experiment on. What a bitch, that's cruel even by prison standards... So everything probably went down like this. The princess kidnapped her subjets to experiment on but when people were complainning about the disaperances. The princess was forced to come up with a better solution. Witch is when this prison was built. She then experimented on prisonners sentenced to life in prison. No one would care if criminals went missing. And then came the day of the riot, i can assume that during all the choas, some stupid prisonner happened to come upon the AI's mental anchor, what ever that is, and decided to smash it; causing the AI to go crazy and lock everyone in, including convicts and guards alike... The scientests probably took all their research notes and portable experiments out of the prison during the riot. It would also explain why the armory was mostly empty... That's why they never sent anyone to take the prison back from the criminals because they got their research notes, so they just left us here to die... So that mean the prison's whole purpose is for reaseach, their testing weapons, and trying to make a new race of pony kind... I wonder just how right i am, i could also be completly wrong.) Jacob looked at Power Fly. "Turn around and close your eyes for a second." When Power Fly closed her eyes, Jacob headed for the vent that he hid all the armory's remaining inventory. He took out the broken plasma shield. "Ok you can look now...Listen to me carefully, im planning on escaping this prison, I want you to escape with me. I need to leave for now, it's to dangerous from you come with me, if you get into trouble you can't scream for help, not to mention your presence would endanger me too. Right now, this is probably the safest spot in the whole prison, there's absolutly no sign of skags, it looks like im the first pony to come here since the riot. No one knows where this room is, except me and you." Jacob handed her the broken plasma shield. "I might take a long time to come back so you can play with this if you get bored... So what do you say, do you wanna escape with me?"


*Funny thing, you're not too far off. Hell, I'd say you were just about right... minus a few details.*

She nods. Very well mannered. She immediately sets to fiddling with the plasma shield (Which is just a panel that, when activated, protects the user from all non-electrical harm), it's good to see she knows how to stay busy.

You head back into the tunnels, with a few items in tow. Not a bad haul for a random discovery.

What do you do?

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Jacob walked back towards the yard. He was thinking a little. (To think that the princess is directly involved, it looks like things are starting to get more dangerous for me, I need to be more careful from here on out. On the bright side im making alot of new allies) Jacob made his way back into the yard, he could finally start some trading. He walked up to what looked like a weapons dealer. "Hey, im looking to trade. I wanna new gun. Do you think you have what i need?"

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Jacob walked back towards the yard. He was thinking a little. (To think that the princess is directly involved, it looks like things are starting to get more dangerous for me, I need to be more careful from here on out. On the bright side im making alot of new allies) Jacob made his way back into the yard, he could finally start some trading. He walked up to what looked like a weapons dealer. "Hey, im looking to trade. I wanna new gun. Do you think you have what i need?"


"I have what I have, and just simply 'a new gun' isn't enough." He growls, he has a deep scar on his face.

Seems like he means business, guess you HAVE to be mroe specific. Then it suddenly hits you, didn't the Hell's Hooves ask you to do something... You feel like you should take care of that soon.

What do you do?

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Jacob knew that most convicts would always take a big gun over a small one but Jacob wanted to get a pistol or a magnum, he liked smaller but powerful guns because he could conseal them easily and still be dangerous."Ok, well im looking for a small gun with ammo (assassin's level). Im willing to trade a hunting rifle with ammo(military) , handgun with no ammo (civillian), and a c-4 trigger. "

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(OOC: didnt Jacob already shut off the water thing ps i think they should just add him in the gang now. I mean he's been been trying to join a gang since page 1 and were already on page 18. And lastly i kinda wanted Jacob to go meet up with Red and Church after this, i think it would be funner since Church was looking for him earlier. And then Jacob shows up wearing the scarcrow mask looking for Red. But im willing to do what you want me to do)


Jacob knew that most convicts would always take a big gun over a small one but Jacob wanted to get a pistol or a magnum, he liked smaller but powerful guns because he could conseal them easily and still be dangerous."Ok, well im looking for a small gun with ammo (assassin's level). Im willing to trade a hunting rifle with ammo(military) , handgun with no ammo (civillian), and a c-4 trigger. "


(OOC: I was just saying: You should probably check in with the gang about it, now that you're done.)

"Nope, can't say I've got anything like that; I'm only a small time dealer." He answers. "If you want the good stuff, you'll be needing some serious connections."

You sigh, not exactly the most helpful thing in the world. If you had some of these 'serious connections' then you'd be a force to be reckoned with.

What do you do?

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(Sorry if im posting alot, im done for now, i'll let the others post a bit)


Jacob decided that he would check up with the Hell's Hooves after he was done trading. "Uumm...ok sorry to waste your time." Jacob looked around the yard, he knew Red could get things. He looked for Red but there was no sign of him, he never did talk to Red before, but he keeped seeing him around the yard. Jacob heard rumors about Red. "Hey man, have you seen were Red went, i can't find him?"

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(Sorry if im posting alot, im done for now, i'll let the others post a bit)


Jacob decided that he would check up with the Hell's Hooves after he was done trading. "Uumm...ok sorry to waste your time." Jacob looked around the yard, he knew Red could get things. He looked for Red but there was no sign of him, he never did talk to Red before, but he keeped seeing him around the yard. Jacob heard rumors about Red. "Hey man, have you seen were Red went, i can't find him?"


He shrugs. "Not a clue, he has a way of disappearing at times."

Well, what a bother that is. Where could he have gone? It's not like someone of his stature could just up and disappear without anyone kicking up an investigation. Maybe he's on a business meeting...

Well, you need to see the Hell's Hooves anyways, so I guess this little project can wait.

What do you do?

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Church thinks for a moment. Although he feels like he can trust Red, he has come to learn that you can't trust anyone in this prison. Trusting someone is like a one way trip to the morgue He simply turns to Red. "First tell me who Icarus is, what this is, and what it does."

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Church thinks for a moment. Although he feels like he can trust Red, he has come to learn that you can't trust anyone in this prison. Trusting someone is like a one way trip to the morgue He simply turns to Red. "First tell me who Icarus is, what this is, and what it does."


*Red noticed your distrust

"Well, let's start with Icarus." He gives you a stern glare. "Icarus, as legend says, was a Pegasus. The only one to ever escape the Prison, so they say. The legends change with every telling, but they all have a single truth: He/she escaped. In one of the more popular legends, that goop you have there was involved. It has no real name, but it's capable of doing an amazing thing: Defeat the AI. How? I don't know, that detail always gets warped with the telling."

(If you notice with all the "Lore" stories, a lot of details are left out. Why? You'll see.)

Wow, that's... wow.

What do you do?

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Church nods his head. Although he didn't feel like Red was lying, he didn't feel like he was giving him the whole truth either. He is still pondering if he should tell Red who he got it from... Church didn't know if he could trust him. "Say Red... before I tell you who this is from, I need to make sure I can trust you. Do something to prove I can trust you."

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*You decided to stay

"Fine, but if we lose anybody, it's on both of your heads." Crimson is furious.

The horde approaches, and you all take a position. You begin to fire into the crowd, and they all let off terrible screams.

You're doing well, when suddenly two Skags launch onto to Crimson and Ironsides.

"Oh god, get it off!"

"Shit, hep!"

The scream, Deadeye is distracted with the Skags, you'll have to save them; you only have time for one.

What do you do?


Rich kicked the skag off of Ironsides and shot it in the head. He turned, blasted the at doorway a couple more times before turning to try and help Crimson. After he'd shot the skarg of his body, Rich could see he was dead."


"Crimson Red is DOWN. We take this chance, move!" Before he turned to retreat, he remembered to take the pistol laying next to the corpse.

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Church nods his head. Although he didn't feel like Red was lying, he didn't feel like he was giving him the whole truth either. He is still pondering if he should tell Red who he got it from... Church didn't know if he could trust him. "Say Red... before I tell you who this is from, I need to make sure I can trust you. Do something to prove I can trust you."


*Red will remember your distrust

"You're not dead, for starters. If you don't want my help, I can happily oblige and leave you and your goop alone." His voice is pretty intense, he's obviously not screwing around anymore.

Seems like there's no other options, if you really want his help.

What do you do?


Rich kicked the skag off of Ironsides and shot it in the head. He turned, blasted the at doorway a couple more times before turning to try and help Crimson. After he'd shot the skarg of his body, Rich could see he was dead."


"Crimson Red is DOWN. We take this chance, move!" Before he turned to retreat, he remembered to take the pistol laying next to the corpse.


*You let Crimson Red die

Everyone runs as fast as they could, away from the Skags devouring Crimson Red, away from the horrors they had left behind.


Once you all feel safe in the Tunnels, everyone is dead silent. Ironsides doesn't dare look at your face, and Deadeye looks shattered. Crimson Red is dead, and it was your fault.

What do you do?

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Church straightens. His voice turning more monotone. "Listen Red. You and I both know that trusting some one is the first mistake one can make inside the prison. It's common sense however you make a point. If you really wanted this for yourself or wanted to kill me, I assume you would have seen to it all ready. I apologize for any... hostility you may have received from my distrust. Now to business. Have you... Have you ever heard of the Warden?"

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Church straightens. His voice turning more monotone. "Listen Red. You and I both know that trusting some one is the first mistake one can make inside the prison. It's common sense however you make a point. If you really wanted this for yourself or wanted to kill me, I assume you would have seen to it all ready. I apologize for any... hostility you may have received from my distrust. Now to business. Have you... Have you ever heard of the Warden?"


He remains deathly silent.

You can't read him at all, whether he does or doesn't know is a complete mystery; it seems more like he's wanting you to continue with your statement.

You feel a cold sweat coming on from just talking about this, but it's the only way.

What do you do?

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*You let Crimson Red die

Everyone runs as fast as they could, away from the Skags devouring Crimson Red, away from the horrors they had left behind.


Once you all feel safe in the Tunnels, everyone is dead silent. Ironsides doesn't dare look at your face, and Deadeye looks shattered. Crimson Red is dead, and it was your fault.

What do you do?


Rich took the headpiece off his radiation suit and stood, watching out for anypony that might come along and make this bad day worse. After a while Rich had to break the silence.


"We can't stay here, if those Skags don't find us, something else might." Rich decided that one they got back to the yard, he'd go straight to his cell. He was in no mood to deal with Red about his cut of the Artium right now.

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Rich took the headpiece off his radiation suit and stood, watching out for anypony that might come along and make this bad day worse. After a while Rich had to break the silence.


"We can't stay here, if those Skags don't find us, something else might." Rich decided that one they got back to the yard, he'd go straight to his cell. He was in no mood to deal with Red about his cut of the Artium right now.


Nobody says anything, but they silently nod.

You all make your way back to the yard, thankfully nothing else bothers you on your way. Once back, you go back to your cell and take a well-deserved rest.


That night, you have a dream where you are once again with The Warden.

"Good evening, Mister Rich, it seems you've had a very interesting day today." He chuckles. "Nevertheless, I do have something for you today."

He pulls out the same silver tray and places it in front of you; on it are is a blue pill and a red pill. You feel like this is a really shitty joke on something...

"I thought you'd prefer something that you'd... recognize."

What do you do?

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Church could feel droplets of sweat running down his face. He didn't know what Red was doing but he assumed he was to continue. "Over the past few days I've been having strange... dreams. In these dreams I would appear in a room, accompanied by a pony by the name of The Warden. He would speak to me, give me advice, give me items, and one thing in particular caught my attention. He gave me what he called his blessing. Maybe you have a better idea of what's going on than me. As for this container it was at the docking bay like you said it would be. There was a note attached to it that said to take it you and you would give me further information. I believe this container is from the pony who calls himself the Warden... That pretty much covers everything." He stared back at Red, waiting for a response.

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Jacob decided to meet up with the Hell's Hooves since he couldnt find Red. He walked into the Hell's Hooves territory, walked up to a group of gang members. "Im done, the water valve's been shut off. Everyone will now depend on your gang. So what do you say am i a member?"

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Church could feel droplets of sweat running down his face. He didn't know what Red was doing but he assumed he was to continue. "Over the past few days I've been having strange... dreams. In these dreams I would appear in a room, accompanied by a pony by the name of The Warden. He would speak to me, give me advice, give me items, and one thing in particular caught my attention. He gave me what he called his blessing. Maybe you have a better idea of what's going on than me. As for this container it was at the docking bay like you said it would be. There was a note attached to it that said to take it you and you would give me further information. I believe this container is from the pony who calls himself the Warden... That pretty much covers everything." He stared back at Red, waiting for a response.


He remains silent for a moment, as if he's trying to process this information. "Hm... interesting." You can't tell if he think you're crazy, of if he believes you. "All I know is that I'm no scientist, I'd suggest taking it to someone with the equipment and intelligence to identify that stuff."

Well, so much for being 'helpful'. Was The Warden lying to you?

(You will need to get a chemistry set before you can identify this material.)

What do you do?


Jacob decided to meet up with the Hell's Hooves since he couldnt find Red. He walked into the Hell's Hooves territory, walked up to a group of gang members. "Im done, the water valve's been shut off. Everyone will now depend on your gang. So what do you say am i a member?"


They look at each other, and once again they shove a bag over your head. You go through the usual motions, being dragged alone, and eventually you find yourself in that dark room. That bag really smells.

"So... you finally took care of it, have you? You want to think you're in the gang, do you? Well, I'd say you've proven yourself enough." His gravely voice really hurts the ears. "You'll find your stuff in your cell; any questions?"

(If you don't have anything to say, then just type you're black bagged and you're back in your cell.)

What do you do?

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Nobody says anything, but they silently nod.

You all make your way back to the yard, thankfully nothing else bothers you on your way. Once back, you go back to your cell and take a well-deserved rest.


That night, you have a dream where you are once again with The Warden.

"Good evening, Mister Rich, it seems you've had a very interesting day today." He chuckles. "Nevertheless, I do have something for you today."

He pulls out the same silver tray and places it in front of you; on it are is a blue pill and a red pill. You feel like this is a really shitty joke on something...

"I thought you'd prefer something that you'd... recognize."

What do you do?


"Oh yes, because I'm well known for recognizing random tablets." Rich looked around the room, everything seemed the same. "Hey! You never answered my question, do you have a spare one of those cigars?" Rich sat and looked at the dream medication. "So I assume you're going to explain, not really a choice when all I have to go on is what colour I think is prettier."

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Church sighs. Although it wasn't particularly helpful information, he still learned something. That's always a reward. He isn't done talking to Red yet though. If Church was going to figure this out he needed a chemistry set, and Red just happens to be a trader within the prison. "Say Red... You don't have any chemistry sets in stock do you?"

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"Oh yes, because I'm well known for recognizing random tablets." Rich looked around the room, everything seemed the same. "Hey! You never answered my question, do you have a spare one of those cigars?" Rich sat and looked at the dream medication. "So I assume you're going to explain, not really a choice when all I have to go on is what colour I think is prettier."


(It was a Matrix reference...)

He chuckles. "I don't have any other cigars, even if I did I wouldn't give you any. The red pill when help you feel better, the blue pill will help you be... sharper."

He taps the cigar. "So, what is it going to be?"

If by sharper he means 'clearer in head', this is going to be a tough decision.

What do you do?


Church sighs. Although it wasn't particularly helpful information, he still learned something. That's always a reward. He isn't done talking to Red yet though. If Church was going to figure this out he needed a chemistry set, and Red just happens to be a trader within the prison. "Say Red... You don't have any chemistry sets in stock do you?"


He thinks for a moment. "I think I might have one, it'll cost you though."

When you ask how much, he answers: "It's going to have to be pretty worth-while, chemistry sets offer all kinds of drug profiting."

Well that's good to know, if all else fails the drug business might not be so bad.

(Sorry I was so late to doing this. I picked up Borderlands 2 yesterday and it's been like a bad habit...)

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Jacob didnt have anything left to say. He was black bagged yet again and found himself back in his cell. He saw his equipment in his room where he was told it would be. Jacob went to bed and yet again though about all he accomplished before going to bed. (So im finally a member of the Hell's Hooves, im going to work my way up to being the leader, i also meet Power Fly, she can be very useful. She's apparently a new race of pony kind. I also found out the real perpose of the prison. I also got a good amount of equipment. And Trinity's working on breaking me out of prison.)

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(It was a Matrix reference...)

He chuckles. "I don't have any other cigars, even if I did I wouldn't give you any. The red pill when help you feel better, the blue pill will help you be... sharper."

He taps the cigar. "So, what is it going to be?"

If by sharper he means 'clearer in head', this is going to be a tough decision.

What do you do?


( I got the reference)


"I guess both isn't an option." He picked up the blue pill, then tried the to pick up the other, but it seemed stuck to the tray's surface, "Well, I guess being sharper sounds better in the long run than feeling better." Rich placed the blue pill in his mouth. "Got any water?" He looked around the room, a drinks cabinet wouldn't be out of place, "Or something stronger."

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Jacob didnt have anything left to say. He was black bagged yet again and found himself back in his cell. He saw his equipment in his room where he was told it would be. Jacob went to bed and yet again though about all he accomplished before going to bed. (So im finally a member of the Hell's Hooves, im going to work my way up to being the leader, i also meet Power Fly, she can be very useful. She's apparently a new race of pony kind. I also found out the real perpose of the prison. I also got a good amount of equipment. And Trinity's working on breaking me out of prison.)


(You found A reason the Prison was built. And it's not the whole story yet.)

That night, you find yourself back in the same red room. Across from you, the Warden sits while puffing a cigar.

"Hello, Mister Jacob, I've seen you've made a decent amount of progress." He puffs out smoke and pulls a tray in front of you, this time it has a toy version of you and a toy version of Power Fly. "You seem particularly attached to your new companion, I am wondering which you believe is more important."

Seems like an odd question, clearly it's-

What do you do?


( I got the reference)


"I guess both isn't an option." He picked up the blue pill, then tried the to pick up the other, but it seemed stuck to the tray's surface, "Well, I guess being sharper sounds better in the long run than feeling better." Rich placed the blue pill in his mouth. "Got any water?" He looked around the room, a drinks cabinet wouldn't be out of place, "Or something stronger."


Before he gives you anything, the pills desolves in your mouth. The world goes fuzzy, and you black out.


You are now back in your cell, you even have an oddly bitter taste in your mouth. When you look around, the whole world seems clearer to you, like you're now just seeing all of the details.

(In other words, you'll notice things easier.)

What do you do?

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