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private The Horror

Miss Light Diamond

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Bio was about to complain about being on guard duty, then remembered it was her job.

Sitting down backwards on a chair she turned her attention Flame

" 'Oi Cap'in" her voice muffled by the gas mask

"I'll keep all you little fillies safe, just make sure you cover me until I'm done absorbing" looking around, " this has a freakishly low magical presence" and with that, her eyes started glowing a dark blue, absorbing magic from the environment, and slowly building her mana pool.



"yep you do that Bio" standing up, he started walking over to his tent, giving cherry blossom a shy smile as he went.

(Ooc: I am at work, so how much I can post will be limited, please take control of my two oc's if I lag to far behind, just don't get them killed)

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In my research back at Canterlot I found some old books and scrolls about how they use to exile and banish ponies here.

Star Keeper sat quietly with Harp as she talked softly to him. But then he overheard the conversation from the camp. As politely as he could, he left Harp by the tent and zoomed into his bags. She needed the sleep anyway. From it he pulled out a series of tomes and scrolls, rushing back to the Captain and Tarza- I mean Fatigue. He laid out the scrolls and books in front of them and indicated to each one.


"Are these ones you were talking about. I went over these like a million times. It fascinates me all of these accounts of a mysterious island that nopony dare tred on. Here is the collective accounts of Able Tasmane, Captain Colt, even Columbus. They never set hoof here till the year 221 when no survivors returned. And nopony knows why. That's why we are here and it seems you are here." Star Keeper knew he got carried away. History, it was his thing.

Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 1


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Harp went to sleep inside the tent she waited for star keeper to return, as she slept she dreamed she got married to her some pony and they had foals of her own. She smiled in her sleep to show that she was having a good dream , she had no blanket to keep herself warm.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Looking at history probably isn't going to help us survive... I am curious as to what is at the top of the mountain... I almost feel like something is up there. I know that sounds weird but, Thats what I think." He said, "Lets talk in the morning. You three should get some sleep." He said to Cherry Blossom, Star Keeper and Fatigue. "Tomorrow we will start building. and one last question before I leave." He said, standing up. "Is there some place on the island that has fresh water ?"

Something something something something


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She smiled at Avion as he came into the tent.

Cherry Blossom nodded and went into her own blanket, but she hadn't ate and it would be hard for her to fall asleep. "Is there still any if that Prench onion soup? I'm a bit hungry," she said as she fluffed her pillow.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"You ponies keep talking, I'm taking my stuff and going to bed." Star Keeper collected his mess of tomes and scrolls and trotted back to the tent. He slipped them back into his pack before turning to see Harp. She was sleeping soundly on the ground, very little to keep her from the cold. Star Keeper reached into his pack and pulled out a long wool blanket. He carefully laid it across Harp, making sure not to wake her. She puled the warm blanket across her and smiled.


'Now that that's done, whatever shall I do.' He looked at the ground. It didn't seem that comfortable. It would do. Star Keeper laid himself down next to Harp, keeping some distance between the two. Every time he seemed to get comfortable a rock stuck into his back.


Sleep found him soon enough as the night went on, and after he had closed his eyes he had rolled over right next to Harp. No distance separated them, though neither were awake to realize it...


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Harp open her eyes just for a sceond to see Star keeper next to her, she pulled him into an embrace and went back to sleep.She whispered in her sleep."I love you Star keeper i always will". She dreamed of him dying which bothered her a tear ran down her face.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Avion blinked, "soup? Um yea I sure there is some left" using his right wing to scratch his hind leg "unless that pig sister of mine has eaten it all".

Walking over to the over side of the tent, he dropping his bag with a heavy *thud*, he unzipped the bag and pulled out a little box with a oval shape missing from the top. He took jasmine off his back and placed her on his cot, pressing a button, a capartment on the side slide out reaviling a small black stone, he placed the stone in the box. he started humming a little sad tune.



She was quite happy, she was on her third bowel of soup, slurping it up with glee.

It was funny really, no matter how much she ate, she somehow never lost her strong, sleek shape.


The glow around her eyes turned from blue to green, "ah, now we are getting somewhere"

Going to grab her fourth bowel of soup she noticed something moving in the woods. "Yo Captain, we've got company"

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Suddenly, The ground started shaking and a group of demented ponies could be seen charging down the beach... these ones looked different than the one they had just killed, these were all standing upright and had four arms with claws at the end, they had no face, just blank nothingness.


Flame watched the herd of monsters run down the beach, slowly getting closer and closer. "Everypony.. We Gotta get outa here NOW... EVERYPONY RUN." He yelled, grabbing his saddlebag and running towards the forest. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR... RUN." He yelled, stopping at the edge of the forest and waiting for the rest of the group to catch up.

Something something something something


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Harp awoke to hear some pony telling her to run she pushed star keeper with her hooves to wake him up. "Star keeper get up we gotta go now". she hoped that he'll wake up because she didn't want to leave him, in fact she'll rather die then leave star keeper by himself.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Star Keeper at first refused to budge, merely thinking Harp to be playing around. But from outside came the sounds of snarling and of bolts flying. He jolted up at the sound of the commotion, instantly regretting his hasty move as his head burst with pain. Star Keeper flew to see what was going on outside, only to be horrified with what he saw. Never had he imagined such creatures existing here, but after tonight he could only question everything he knew.


"We need to fly everypony to high ground. Where's the captain?" Panic began to creep into his voice. The situation was dire and swift action was needed. He could not bare to see anypony lose their life at the hooves o these creatures.


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Cherry Blossom panicked again and just ran after Flame Dancer, but not without making gestures for Avion to follow. it seemed there was no where else to go, but the terrible forest. She flew into the woods as fast as she could, and started walking when the plant growth was much thicker.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Star keeper come with me please"! Harp didn't want to leave without him and plus he mite want to fight again and he mite die, she couldn't live with that. Harp held onto Star keeper hoping that he'll come with her to safety and be with her throughout this hole thing.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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In the end, there was no time. Star Keeper knew that the others would hold them off for as long as they could. This was the time to flee, least they linger and not survive the night. He turned to Harp, grasping her hoof. "Come on. We have to find cover in the forest," Star Keeper saw as Cherry Blossom fled under the canopy shades and into the shadows. They had to follow her, they couldn't be split up. "Let's go!"


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Harp went with star keeper into hiding. Harp was shaking from head to hoof because of these monsters and it seemed to her that the only pony who would know about these things is star keeper but what would he know about this island and what were the others not telling her?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Star Keeper had enough time to grab his pack, making his way into the forest with Harp in the direction Blossom went in. They needed to find her and regroup before moving anywhere else. It would not be easy; the over hanging trees blocking out all light from the moon and stars, the entire place was pitch black. Star Keeper waved a hoof in front of his face and could not see it.


Star Keeper set down his pack, rummaging through one of the pockets. From it he pulled out a small portable walkie talkie. He fiddled with the signal for a bit, the only sound it made was a harsh static. There was no response...


"Okay, the best we can do at this point is meet at a central location. The captain talked earlier about wanting to investigate a mountain off to the north side of the island. I suggest we head there and hopefully we will find the others." He gave one final examination of his surroundings. "But where id Blossom?"


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Harp looked around to see if she could see Blossom. But she stayed with Star keeper to make sure they didn't get lost in this jungle, she pulled out her harp and softly played a tune perfectly she composed it for star keeper , telling him in her own way how much she loved him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Star Keeper could here voices from the edge of the forest. I seemed that they wouldn't need to risk it alone after all. Star Keeper tapped Harp on the shoulder, interrupting her playing. "The rest of the crew seem t be at the edge of the forest. I only hope Cherry is with them, and that they all escaped unharmed."


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"Alright, Everypony follow me." Flame called, turning to face the dark forest. <I hope this is a good idea.> He thought, galloping in into the forest towards the mountain that towered over the whole island. <Everypony better be coming... I dont want to find out we left somepony behind.> He thought, the forest getting darker and darker.

Something something something something


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Star Keeper at least was relieved to see the group unharmed. At least they had run instead of choosing to fight a hopeless battle. He turned his attention back to the captain. There was still one danger they hadn't quite addressed yet.


"I hope some of you other guys brought supplies. I only have enough for maybe 3 days, the rest is still at the camp site."

  • Brohoof 1


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Cherry Blossom went ahead and followed behind Flame Dancer. The roots from the trees were giving a hard time for Cherry Blossom to get through, and branches were in the way of her flight path. She started to get tired and exhausted as she caught her breath.


((OOC: I've got to go soon, but please control my character if necessary. Don't do anything that might be very grim to her.))

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"There was no time to get any... we are going to have to do this the old fashion way... We are going to the mountain." He said, in a rather quiet voice. "I am happy to see that you and harp are both alright... I was worried that I was leaving somepony behind."


(OOC: Lets pick up again later today, I think everyone is busy till this afternoon anyway.)

Something something something something


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Harp fluttered her wings a bit she was bit scarred, Harp looked at Star keeper with a bit of a frighten look. She wanted off this island as soon as possible , her wings began to flutter faster to show that she wanted off this island as soon they were able.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Alright... We better keep moving." He said, pulling out one of his throwing knives then continuing the long walk to the mountain.

After a couple minutes of walking they came across a small stream coming from the mountain. Flame leaned down and took a small sip of the water. "Its fresh... Lets take a small break before we continue to the mountain."

Something something something something


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Star Keeper was happy to be relieved of his load for a second. His travel pack rubbed against his side, causing red marks to appear. The bandage around his head was collecting the sweat as it ran down his brow. After dropping the bag, he thought it only proper to take a quick refreshing dip.


Without question he flew into the air and cannon balled into the fresh water, making a large impact that soaked those unfortunately nearby. Star Keeper popped his head from the clear water, gesturing for everypony to join in. He looked like he was having fun.


"You honestly have no idea how great this feels." He dunked his head back under the surface once again, enjoying the cool and calm relaxation in brought.


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