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Phoenix Wright: Disaster Struck Midnight


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The night air settled over the quiet town of Ponyville. Everypony slept comfortably in their homes, as was the custom of Equestria. Crime was a subject that was unheard of, so everypony kept their doors unlocked, unafraid of the dangers this could bring. One pony in particular had kept *** door open, the light of his home trailing on the street. A dark figure stood in the alleyway near the home, staring at what it could do to the pony who resided in the home. Slowly taking steps forward, the figure knew what it wanted to do. It wanted blood.


Welcome to Phoenix Wright: Diaster Struck Midnight! This roleplay will be an adaptation of the Phoenix Wright games! As not to copy Turbulant storm, I will have a pony version of Phoenix, so people don't yell "COPY RIGHT ENFRIDGEMENT!!!" and all that jazz. the ponies you will be able to play are detectives along with me, or one pony can become the prosecuter. I will not let anyone be a mane six pony because they are involved with the story line, and if I said who you could and couldn't be, you could guess who comitted the crime, or if they had in any part of it. So go ahead ponies, and let's have some law and order!














Name: Phoenix Wright


Sex: Male


Age: Stallion


Species: Earth Pony


Description: Phoenix Wright is a defense attourney, having experience in many cases of the law.


Personality: Very hard in the court, but slow outside. He is keen to make jokes, but not express them openly.

Edited by Rose


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Name: Coffee Dark


Sex: Male


Age: Young Stallion


Species: Earth Pony


Description: A greenhorn prosecutor, known for seeming too cowardly to try anything fishy, and as such is trusted.


Personality: Highly energetic, comes across as scary through behavior when under pressure.

Edited by Ouker
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Name: Minty Fresh


Sex: Yes, please. Male


Age: Ah, about the mane six's age I would suppose.


Species: Pegasus


Description: A naturally curious and just particularly unlucky pony, he spends most of his time accidently stumbling or hearing crimes being committed, and thus ends up on the witness stand. His employers aren't too happy about that.


Personality: Very fidgety and shady, his voice just screams how nervous he is every time he steps up to say his part.


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Name: Stripey Suit

Sex: Male

Age: Dunno. Aging i guess. Forties or fifties.

Species: Earth Pony

Description: A big business tycoon who owns several questionably successful businesses based in Manehatten. He is usually on the better side of every deal. It's likely that everypony in Equestria has been ripped off by him in some way. It is rumored that he has his hoof into less than legal operations, but his small army of lawyers and legal assistants keep all but the most determined ponies off his back...


Personality: Picture the Monopoly Guy as a pony, but also as typical greedy rich guy. He is very impatient and always seems to have several other more important meetings to attend.





Work in progres... >.>

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Name: Dizzy Dew


Sex: Female


Age: About Twilight's age


Species: Unicorn


Description: A clumsy girl that always gets into trouble. She isn't the brightest, but she is an amazing detective! Also very skilled with any magic related to water. Picture: Posted Image


Personality: Friendly and very nice. Doesn't have a lot of common sense, but is great at solving mysteries! (Okay, maybe not that great...)

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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We've introduced a new roleplay system to MLP Forums. To maintain a consistent format, we have locked and archived all of the original roleplay threads in Cloudsdale Colosseum. If you would like to continue your roleplay, please re-create it according to the new system.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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