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Necromancers in Ponyville

Harmonic Revelations

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 Harmonic awoke once more. He would start the day like any other. He walked over to his alchemy lab and opened a drawer, securing his key. He then trotted over to the basement door, it was old and rotted, yet still somehow kept it's integrity. Harmonic levitated the key into the lock, turning it and opening the door to the basement. He put on hoof after the other onto the cold stone stairs.


"It seems it's quiet, perhaps the others are still sleeping?"  he says to himself as he walks down the stairs. He uses his magic to close and lock the door behind him.


He sees his three zombies, as they stalk the halls of the sanctuary. This Necromancer sanctuary was sacred, for it was the last sanctuary in Equestria. All the other Necromancers who weren't part of this sanctuary either practiced in their own homes, or practiced in abandoned buildings or ruins out in the wild. This sanctuary being so close to the targets was the best thing about it.


 Harmonic particularly liked mixing bones from Diamond dogs and ponies in order to create bipedal archers. Harmonic's prowess was well known among the Necromancers throughout Equestria, yet unknown to anypony else. He walks over to one of the stone slabs, with his latest victim chained down on it. He had secured a tan colored mare with a black mane. He was accustomed to taking mares as they were less likely to fight back. He usually targeted the homeless as they are generally isolated, having no friends or family to search for them.


 Harmonic was well aware however that the guards were starting to catch on to the disappearances, he figured that his best bet would be to recruit more to the Necromancer cause. His plans to eventually take over the town could never be fully realized until he had more members. His sanctuary was large enough to support at least two dozen ponies or more. And his creations made sure that they were safe.


 He once more turns his head to look at the pony lying sprawled out on the table. 


"Shall we begin, madame?" He says, laughing to himself slighty.


Harmonic levitates the his dissecting tools, ready to begin.


(Meanwhile, in the Guard Barracks)


 Pure Intent stared down at the news paper that had just been released this morning. He was shocked by just how many disappearances have happened just this week. He noted that taking the homeless was a major pattern. 


"Sir, permission to enter." a voice calls from the other side.


"Of course, come in." Pure replies.


 In walks a guard, he is levitating a bag in front of him. These particular guards are unicorns, the personal guards of the town watch captain. The town watch captain himself was also a unicorn. This helped them extremely in combat. He dumped the contents of the bag onto a table, inside were a pair of robes, marked with a skull,  and two blades crossing over it.


"It isn't..." Pure says, shocked.


"It is, sir." The guard replies.


"But, we had vanquished the Necromancers out of Equestria." Pure says.


"It appears they have returned. We cannot pin point the location or members of this particular cult. However these robes were found just outside town by a scout, perhaps someone was ditching them?"


Pure nods his head in agreement.


"This might be more than our guards can handle." He says, looking at the robes. It was a hard thought to think about. But back before Celestia had set about on a campaign to rid Equestria of Necromancers, several guards were always lost to each sanctuary. Necromancers sure were evil, but they knew what they were doing when it came to crafting undead. Pure just starts to sob a little bit. Necromancers were a personal problem, he had lost his wife to a sanctuary that was hidden under Canterlot Castle embedded into the cliff. It was old and empty now but he still can't bring himself to set foot into the castle.

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The white mare ran into the alley, breathing heavily, her horn glowing.

"What do you want?" she screamed, at the dark, cloaked figure approaching her. She saw a grin appear beneath the hood.

"That is no concern of yours."

"Then get out of here!" she yelled, backing up and hitting a wall. A dead-end.

"Tell me," the stallion asked, lowering his hood to reveal shockingly red eyes. "Do you believe in the afterlife?"

The mare, realizing what he was about to do, shot a beam of energy at him, which he deflected easily and laughed.

"Offensive magic doesn't work without concentration, which you lack at this moment. Let me show you how it's done." His horn glowed red, and a bolt of purple energy clipped her face, splattering the wall behind her with blood. She screamed, and huddled into a small ball, whimpering.

"Please.." she whispered.

Shadowheart smiled darkly. "I've been to the afterlife. I'm not sure you're going to like it."

The Mare's screams pierced the night, before ending abruptly.


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The white mare ran into the alley, breathing heavily, her horn glowing.

"What do you want?" she screamed, at the dark, cloaked figure approaching her. She saw a grin appear beneath the hood.

"That is no concern of yours."

"Then get out of here!" she yelled, backing up and hitting a wall. A dead-end.

"Tell me," the stallion asked, lowering his hood to reveal shockingly red eyes. "Do you believe in the afterlife?"

The mare, realizing what he was about to do, shot a beam of energy at him, which he deflected easily and laughed.

"Offensive magic doesn't work without concentration, which you lack at this moment. Let me show you how it's done." His horn glowed red, and a bolt of purple energy clipped her face, splattering the wall behind her with blood. She screamed, and huddled into a small ball, whimpering.

"Please.." she whispered.

Shadowheart smiled darkly. "I've been to the afterlife. I'm not sure you're going to like it."

The Mare's screams pierced the night, before ending abruptly.

 Harmonic was almost finished with his work, when he sensed something. His detect magic spell works in a short radius, but apparantly the source of magic was close. It was quite strong.


"Speaking of which, such a welder of dark magic might easily defect to my cause."

Harmonic's horn started glowing, and he teleported off.


Suddenly, behind the mare's crippled corpse appeared the form of the green unicorn, however his coat was covered by his pitch black necromancer robes.


"Hello, I sensed your magical presence nearby. I can see from inspecting your robes that you and I share a common...hobby." *Harmonic laughs slightly*


"I suppose you've heard of the sanctuary here in town? I am it's leader. I am the keeper of the sanctuary leader, if you have any brains at all you've heard of me." he says to the cloaked figure. A small grin forming across his face.

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Shadowheart raised a hoof, gesturing him to wait. Placing his horn on her chest, and closed his eyes. Her body glowed slightly, before the light traveled into his horn, and all color left her body. Satisfied, he teleported the body to his house for later experimentation.

"Of course I have heard of the Order. Or rather, what you used to be," he said. "I hear that you're not as powerful, since the guards decided to punish the interest that we share."


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Shadowheart raised a hoof, gesturing him to wait. Placing his horn on her chest, and closed his eyes. Her body glowed slightly, before the light traveled into his horn, and all color left her body. Satisfied, he teleported the body to his house for later experimentation.

"Of course I have heard of the Order. Or rather, what you used to be," he said. "I hear that you're not as powerful, since the guards decided to punish the interest that we share."

"Since the outlawing in Equestria, things have been difficult. But the order is still alive and well. The sanctuary is just as glorious was it was in the days of old. I have come here to recruit you to the sanctuary." Harmonic says. He was in one of his 'straight-foward' moods.


"The Order is being restored to it's former glory. It will just take time." Harmonic adds.


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It was dark in the small room. Scrya sneezed.

She really needed to start clearing up her last batch of Stardust.

Made from the best of Unicorn horns, she mused to herself.

Picking up her trusty Tarot cards, she prepared herself to go outside.

Last night she saw guards snooping about from her tower, and she need to tell the others.

"Messy messy messy." she murmured, stepping u

in a small pool of blood.

Tonight mission:Tell the other members, then come home and CLEAN.

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"Since the outlawing in Equestria, things have been difficult. But the order is still alive and well. The sanctuary is just as glorious was it was in the days of old. I have come here to recruit you to the sanctuary." Harmonic says. He was in one of his 'straight-foward' moods.


"The Order is being restored to it's former glory. It will just take time." Harmonic adds.

Shadowheart laughed. "I apologize, but I'm usually not a fan of an established government. I prefer to work alone. It's much easier to avoid detection that way. Besides, if I do join you, how will it benefit me? I feel the order only wishes to have my talents, but offer nothing in return."


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Shadowheart laughed. "I apologize, but I'm usually not a fan of an established government. I prefer to work alone. It's much easier to avoid detection that way. Besides, if I do join you, how will it benefit me? I feel the order only wishes to have my talents, but offer nothing in return."


"I can explain in the sanctuary, even this alley is not safe enough to discuss the true nature of the Order. If you come with me, I will make it worth your while, For one, I will teach you how to make the bipedal archer skeletons I am famous for, they have a very high resistance to magic and normal weapons." Harmonic says. Hoping that this recruitment will not be difficult, he needed to return to the sanctuary soon for Scrya's report about the guard postings.


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Shadowheart raised an eyebrow. "Take me there, and show me what you've got."

Although acting difficult, Shadowheart knew that the sanctuary would be an excellent place to settle. They had the ingredients and spells that he knew he couldn't get his hooves on.


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Shadowheart raised an eyebrow. "Take me there, and show me what you've got."

Although acting difficult, Shadowheart knew that the sanctuary would be an excellent place to settle. They had the ingredients and spells that he knew he couldn't get his hooves on.

Harmonic approached Shadowheart and put his horn to Shadows. It emitted a slight dark red glow as they both teleported to the sanctuary.


"Here we are." Harmonic said. The sanctuary room they were in was the living quarters, which was, to be honest, the least gory part of the sanctuary. It was clean so that alchemy could be performed there without imperfections due to impurities. The walls were lined with tapestry bearing the Order's symbol, a dark red pony skull, crossed with two swords  sticking into either side. The beds were fairly fancy looking, with dark red/beige alternating wear. The structure of the sanctuary itself was a dark gray stone that appeared to be cobblestone.


"Now, to discuss what's in it for you. You see, once we have amassed an army large enough we are going to restore the other sanctuaries. Now, what's in it for you is access to ingredients and spells that you cannot learn anywhere else. I can also provide you of course with a place to sleep, safe from any guards. We have an alchemy lab, and a trapdoor leads there to the groves, where we grow mystical ingredients only normally found in the underworld, such as blood bush, and Soul-Grass. These are especially useful for making lethal poisons. This sanctuary is located in the basement of my house, next to Sugarcube Corner." Harmonic finished. He had a feeling that either way, he had already convinced Shadow to join.


"And for vampires, we have cattle cells, with living ponies ready to be fed on." He adds, those were the only major things he could remember.

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Scrya made it to the Sanctuary.

She stepped in, pulling on her cloak hastily.

"O-okey dokey guys, uh, i mean, members of the order. You won't believe what i saw." she said; stumbling with her words.

"Guards found several of our cloaks discarded near the woods. Either someone made a mistake and left theirs, or it was on purpose." she said, suddenly becoming very serious.

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Arcane sat silently in his study, he was reading an interesting book about rock formations and layers, and how it all works. He had been informed about ponies disappearing around Ponyville, Arcane had laughed at the matter and responded with, "Its simply just that time of year that ponies like to go on vacation". But that was yesterday, and he didn't start thinking too much about it until today. Maybe the ponies WERE actually disappearing, they weren't reported in any other towns or cities in Equestria, and would a pony really go on vacation outside of Equestria?


Arcane finished his book and put it away in its proper place. "I'll have to dig deeper to find out whats going on..." he thought out loud. He left his house and ventured into Ponyville, hoping for some sort of lead.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Shadowheart looked around, impressed. This was certainly much better than he imagined it to be. He had heard the the entire Order, including all Sanctuaries, had fallen. He turned. "Alright, I'll join. On one condition." he said grimly. "I get the Canterlot sanctuary."


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Scrya made it to the Sanctuary.

She stepped in, pulling on her cloak hastily.

"O-okey dokey guys, uh, i mean, members of the order. You won't believe what i saw." she said; stumbling with her words.

"Guards found several of our cloaks discarded near the woods. Either someone made a mistake and left theirs, or it was on purpose." she said, suddenly becoming very serious.

Harmonic noticed Scrya suddenly bursting in.


"Sister Howls, this is indeed dark news. Since no one carries their robes outside of the sanctuary, someone must have planted them there." Harmonic says, he has a look of contemplation across his face.


"I believe that this should be investigated further. Perhaps with our look they will believe that the sanctuary is out in the ruins nearby, as opposed to in town."



Meanwhile, in the guard barracks.


"Have the guards on full alert, I want anyone who looks suspicious stopped and searched immediately." Pure says in a stern voice.


"And step up the patrols, I went three times as many guards patrolling the streets." Pure said. He knew this seemed a little bit of an ill informed order to give, but he had dealt with necromancers before, they were a dangerous group.


"Yes, sir." the guard says, saluting. He walks out of the office, closing the door.


 Pure looks out the window to the ponies below, they all look so happy, unaware perhaps. It was times like these, remembering how happy everypony is under Celestia's rule, that he remembers why he joined the guard in the first place, to protect innocent citizens from the evil the lurked around every corner.



Shadowheart looked around, impressed. This was certainly much better than he imagined it to be. He had heard the the entire Order, including all Sanctuaries, had fallen. He turned. "Alright, I'll join. On one condition." he said grimly. "I get the Canterlot sanctuary."



Harmonic faced him.

"As you wish, you can lead the Canterlot sanctuary. However you must take proper care of it, it is imperative to our plans that the Canterlot sanctuary is in working condition before the plans are carried out." Harmonic says to him. It was a hard decision, but Shadowheart was quite famous for his exploits, and it would likely be worth it.

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Harmonic noticed Scrya suddenly bursting in.


"Sister Howls, this is indeed dark news. Since no one carries their robes outside of the sanctuary, someone must have planted them there." Harmonic says, he has a look of contemplation across his face.


"I believe that this should be investigated further. Perhaps with our look they will believe that the sanctuary is out in the ruins nearby, as opposed to in town."


Harmonic faced him.

"As you wish, you can lead the Canterlot sanctuary. However you must take proper care of it, it is imperative to our plans that the Canterlot sanctuary is in working condition before the plans are carried out." Harmonic says to him. It was a hard decision, but Shadowheart was quite famous for his exploits, and it would likely be worth it.


Shadowheart smiled. "Excellent. Expect it to be up and running by the end of the year." his horn started glowing. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to investigate those robes." He was hoping for a fight with the guard. It had been awhile since he had a challenge.


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Shadowheart smiled. "Excellent. Expect it to be up and running by the end of the year." his horn started glowing. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to investigate those robes." He was hoping for a fight with the guard. It had been awhile since he had a challenge.

"Fine, go, but whatever you do. Do not lead them to the location of the sanctuary. In times like these, I'd prefer all unicorn brothers and sisters to use teleportation magic to leave, as to not alude to our location. After all, many ponies walking out of my house's front door all day would be quite suspicious." Harmonic says. He was being extra cautious due to the discovery of the robes. He didn't want to show this, but it worried him.


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"Fine, go, but whatever you do. Do not lead them to the location of the sanctuary. In times like these, I'd prefer all unicorn brothers and sisters to use teleportation magic to leave, as to not alude to our location. After all, many ponies walking out of my house's front door all day would be quite suspicious." Harmonic says. He was being extra cautious due to the discovery of the robes. He didn't want to show this, but it worried him.

Nodding, he teleported to a location three blocks away from his home. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he put his hood back up. Turning to the Everfree forest, he begin galloping towards it, casting a spell to keep himself in shadows as he ran. He didn't want to get discovered before it was time.


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Harmonic noticed Scrya suddenly bursting in.


"Sister Howls, this is indeed dark news. Since no one carries their robes outside of the sanctuary, someone must have planted them there." Harmonic says, he has a look of contemplation across his face.


"I believe that this should be investigated further. Perhaps with our look they will believe that the sanctuary is out in the ruins nearby, as opposed to in town."



Meanwhile, in the guard barracks.


"Have the guards on full alert, I want anyone who looks suspicious stopped and searched immediately." Pure says in a stern voice.


"And step up the patrols, I went three times as many guards patrolling the streets." Pure said. He knew this seemed a little bit of an ill informed order to give, but he had dealt with necromancers before, they were a dangerous group.


"Yes, sir." the guard says, saluting. He walks out of the office, closing the door.


Pure looks out the window to the ponies below, they all look so happy, unaware perhaps. It was times like these, remembering how happy everypony is under Celestia's rule, that he remembers why he joined the guard in the first place, to protect innocent citizens from the evil the lurked around every corner.





Harmonic faced him.

"As you wish, you can lead the Canterlot sanctuary. However you must take proper care of it, it is imperative to our plans that the Canterlot sanctuary is in working condition before the plans are carried out." Harmonic says to him. It was a hard decision, but Shadowheart was quite famous for his exploits, and it would likely be worth it.

"Don't worry sir! I have a contact who knows exactly what the Guards will be doing! She hasn't failed me yet." she said, thinking of an old friend.

This is when she noticed the new stallion.

He seemed interesting.

But now was not the time for making Bffls. As he left she thought to herself for a moment.

She needed to check up on her contact and get the latest information.

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"Don't worry sir! I have a contact who knows exactly what the Guards will be doing! She hasn't failed me yet." she said, thinking of an old friend.

This is when she noticed the new stallion.

He seemed interesting.

But now was not the time for making Bffls. As he left she thought to herself for a moment.

She needed to check up on her contact and get the latest information.

 Harmonic went back to working on the mare that was chained to the stone table. By this point she was already dead, but her parts would still be useful for creating new minions. And perhaps her possessions would fetch a pretty bit in the market place. He noticed she had a gold amulet with an emerald in the center. Harmonic takes it and sets it aside on a table. He then continues to remove pieces of her, and on the stone table next to her is where he was working on an uncompleted undead creature, He called it the brute, it would be bipedal with four arms (He used Dragon parts for the arms and torso) with a pony head, and diamond dog legs. The creature would be great for melee combat. He removes the head of the mare and puts it onto the stone table.


 Suddenly the door to the living quarters opens and out stops Fury Blaze. He has his robes on and appears ready to work. 


"I see you are awake, brother Blaze. Necromancer presence in Ponyville has been discovered, we must be ever vigilant." Harmonic says. Fury was his most trusted member, when the Order collapsed initially he and Fury Blaze were the only ponies to stay in the sanctuary in Ponyville. 


"I am ever vigilant, dearest brother, I am going to head to the market place to buy some animals, I'll need the part. Do you need anything?" he asks.


"Perhaps a new carving knife, this one is getting dull and rusty, I've been using it for twelve years." Harmonic says. He knew that his equipment was getting outdated, but it was expensive to replace,


Meanwhile, in the streets.


 Guards were walking everywhere, you could not go a single block without seeing a guard. They were all looking around, quickly. It was quite a sight to behold. The guards were stopping anyone who looked even the slightest bit suspicious.

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Scrya put away her cloak before teleporting a street away from Sugarcube corner. Guards were everywhere.

She looked about, before happily trotting to Rarity's Boutique.


Rarity sure did have news.

Almost half the Guards from Canterlot were patrolling Ponyville.

It wasn't safe right now.

Act normal, act happy, and act stupid.

Scrya was worried.

This hadn't happened before, in the entire time she has been in the order.

But She did what her friend said, and smiled a big fake smile and went to her home.

Her senses were telling her to prepair for something.

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 Meanwhile, in the streets.


 Guards were walking everywhere, you could not go a single block without seeing a guard. They were all looking around, quickly. It was quite a sight to behold. The guards were stopping anyone who looked even the slightest bit suspicious.

Seeing a guard at the next corner, he slowed down and stayed close to the buildings. His spell should make him blend in with the shadows of the houses. Moving slowly, he slipped right past the guard, and began to run again. He heard the guard cry out after him, and swore under his breath.


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 Fury teleported into an alley in market square. He stepped out into the daylight, and began to head to the stores. He bought a new carving knife as instructed. He bought some animals from a local caretaker. Larger animals mostly, such as bears, and teleported them into storage cages back at the sanctuary. He would make use of them later.


 Fury then started to walk through the streets, noticing the extensive guard activity, he got a bit of a smirk.

"So they think they can take us down? I doubt it." He thought to himself. He walked past, the guards didn't seem to find any reason to stop him. Mostly because they knew as him as an upstanding citizen. He made monthly donations to the school house in Ponyville. Luckily they didn't know that money was coming from selling his victim's possessions.


 He headed towards the gate. He would be heading out of town. A magic erupted from his horn, teleporting the carving knife.



Meanwhile at the sanctuary


 Harmonic was almost finished assembling the Brute. He had everything he needed. Suddenly a flash occured and new carving knife appeared on the table with his other tools. 


"Perfect." He said to himself. Testing the sharpness on a bit of the mare that he hadn't used. It cut perfectly. The blade was ornate and hand made. Harmonic would indeed put it to use. But first, to bring his creation to life. He stood back away from the stone table, and his horn started to glow a deep red, an olive green burst shot out and into the Brute. A sickening crunching noise occured as the parts on the table joined together, and it opened it's eyes. The Brute stood up. It was three times as tall as Harmonic.

"Rise, my creation, rise." He said. Looking at it, it was much better looking than he had anticipated.


"Patrol these halls, destroy guards on sight." He said.


The creature began to patrol the hallways of the sanctuary, it's hulking and intimidating form was a good advantage to have in Harmonic's opinion. 


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Turning around, Shadowheart decided to show these guards his special talent. His horn, instead of glowing, emitted darkness and shadows. The shadows gathered around him suddenly took form, guided by his magic. A wall of shadow rammed into the guard, knocking him into the wall behind him.


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Scrya worked on her small project in her basement.

A simple, and very small stalking bug.

As she finished it, it's small insect-like wings began to flutter and flit.

"My little baby~Fly to mummy~" she said to it quietly.

It was no bigger than her hoof, a dark blue with a rainbow sheen from the Stardust. It's face was like that of a Parasite and a spider.

"Mummy will call you... Ib~ Mummy's little Ib." she cooed to it quietly.

"Now, go be a good girl for Mummy, and watch the Guards shift pattern."

The Stalker Bug was teleported outside her home, ready to silently watch Ponyville from the dark nighttime clouds.

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Approaching the edge of the woods, Shadowheart begin to look for the cloaks. He stepped on something, and looked down to see a small string. Not a second later, a loud alarm went off, and he heard thundering hoofsteps coming towards him. His horn began to gather shadows, ready for combat.


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