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private Innocence

Feather Gem

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Chamois sat there, her forelegs folded across her chest, staring straight ahead with an upset expression frozen on her face.  Chamois was stubborn.  But eventually, she'd have to do something.  Anything.  Flip over a rock.  Throw a rock.  Play with the strap of her saddle bag as if it were a snake.

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Discord sat, drumming his fingers against his armrest. "Oh for crying out loud!" he said suddenly, and snapped his fingers. A living hydra, sixty feet tall, four heads roaring, appeared fifty feet behind Chamois. "That should make things a bit more interesting." Discord said smugly.

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Chamois twitched and didn't even bother to turn to look.  Chamois, turn around for Celestia's sake.


What?!  You're going to risk your life?!

Yes.  To win.

Win what?!

Chamois didn't move.  She didn't speak.  I'm sure he won't let me die... she assured herself.  But she had only read of Discord in history books.  He seemed to be the more interesting thing to read, but still.  She didn't know him.

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Discord grinned at the screen, waiting for the mare to start running. But she didn't. "Wait... what?" he said, learning forward in his chair. "You silly pony, why aren't you running?" He was certain the mare had heard the roar, and smelled the foul breath. It was just his luck to be assigned the most stubborn pony of the group. At this rate, he would have to work hard to beat Chrysalis.

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Chamois sighed as if she were bored.  She almost lifted her hoof to check the time on her non existent watch as well, but decided against it.  That might be a bit too rebellious.  And she didn't want to die. 

For Celestia's sake, Chamois, run.

No.  Maybe the creature detects movement anyway.

What?  Chamois, you idiot.

Chamois couldn't help but smirk as she called herself an idiot.

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Discord was suprised. She really wasn't going to run, was she? Letting out a roar of frustration, he teleported to her side, the maze collapsing around him and the hydra turning into a small plush toy. "You really want to make me mad, don't you, little pony?" he asked, snarling.

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After having been still for so long, Discord appearing beside her made her jump.  She looked up at him, keeping her forelegs crossed.  Little?  Oh, well...I suppose compared to you...  "Uhm...sure I guess so," she said nonchalantly.  She gave him an innocent look.  "I think it worked though."  And she knew she was pushing it when she said;  "I win."

Ooh you are so dead.

I know.

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Discord roared again with frustration, and with a flash Chamosis was thrown at a frightening velocity at the high ceiling. As soon as she was about to hit it, she was thrown back towards the ground again. This process repeated, with Discord, suddenly calm, floating beside her. "You may want to start showing me a bit more respect, miss Chamosis. You belong to me now."

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"Woah, waah!" Chamois gasped.  "Stop it you jerk!" she cried.  She glared at him, fuming, but still afraid.  "I'm not going to show respect to some pony who throws me around!  And I don't belong to any pony but myself!" she hissed.  "You...got...that...?" she said, suddenly going slightly quieter. 

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Discord snapped his fingers, and Chamosis fell from her current height (about 7 feet above the ground), with enough impact to feel some pain, but not enough to break or sprain anything. "Why would you say those cruel things to me?" he asked, wiping a tear from his eye. He then threw his head back in laughter.

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"Ow!" Chamois cried out.  She laid there, her teeth gritted as she waited for the pain in her back to go away.  Her eyes were wet with tears of pain.  Finally she sat up.  "Hey?  Discord?  Yeah?  What the actual buck is wrong with you?" she growled, pointing a hoof up at the ceiling.  "Do you even know how high up that is?"  Chamois stood up and brushed off her coat.  She picked up her barrette from the ground and shoved it into her saddle bag which she then adjusted and strapped on tighter.  "Honestly," she muttered.

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"Why do you lash out at others, my dear?" Another flash of light, and Chamosis was lying down on a couch with one armrest, with Discord sitting on a high-backed, leather chair, wearing a suit, and balancing a clipboard on his knee. "Now, why don't you tell me all about it?"

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Chamois shot Discord an odd look and rolled off of the couch.  She sat down on the floor and leaned against the couch.  She took her sketch book and pencil out of her saddle bag and opened a random page.  She began to sketch a daffodil, ignoring Discord completely.

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Discord sighed dramatically. "Well, fine, if you don't want to accept psychiatric help..." he trailed off, noticing what Chamosis was doing. "Ah, a sketchpad. The wonder of art. I used to dabble in it myself. My favorite artist was Ponycassio. That stallion drew up some wonderful chaos. What are you drawing, my dear?"

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Chamois looked up.  "Ponycassio?  Which was your favorite?  No pony seems to care about such classics..." then she stopped talking, remembering she was supposed to ignore him.  She turned away and continued her sketch, but answered him anyway.  "Just a daffodil.  Nothing special," she shrugged.  Then she gave him a look.  "Wait, what are you doing?"

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Chamois looked up.  "Ponycassio?  Which was your favorite?  No pony seems to care about such classics..." then she stopped talking, remembering she was supposed to ignore him.  She turned away and continued her sketch, but answered him anyway.  "Just a daffodil.  Nothing special," she shrugged.  Then she gave him a look.  "Wait, what are you doing?"

"My favorite work of his is Guernica, of course. Wonderful work. And I am merely trying to have an intelligent discussion with somepony who seems to be quite good at art herself."

Chrysalis hasn't even gotten inside the mountain yet, Discord thought. She's falling behind.

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Darts was speechless. "What in hell just happened?" He flew back away from the cave and looked down at who he thought was Harp. "Don't tell me, are you an evil Changeling queen who is going to try and suck the love outta me?" He asked, semi-sarcastically.  "Because if you're not and you have any sort of brain in your head then you should get far away from that cave!" 

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
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"Really?  I loved that one!  And...and..." Chamois paused.  She inspected him for a long moment.  She flipped to an empty page of her sketch book, slipped the pencil into the spiral binding and held it out to him.  "Draw?" she suggested.  Chamois, don't let it touch your sketch book.

But just imagine what this dude could draw.  Just imagine it.




Chrysalis stared at Darts.  She flew up and flew over to Darts.  "We should go.  It isn't safe," she whispered, flying past him.  She turned back towards him and then smirked.  She threw herself straight at him, hoping to knock them both in the cave.  Every ponies beating me.

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"Really?  I loved that one!  And...and..." Chamois paused.  She inspected him for a long moment.  She flipped to an empty page of her sketch book, slipped the pencil into the spiral binding and held it out to him.  "Draw?" she suggested.  Chamois, don't let it touch your sketch book.

But just imagine what this dude could draw.  Just imagine it.


Discord shrugged, and took the charcoal pencil ((OOC: I'm assuming it's a pencil,)) He gripped it in his clawed hand, making quick and precise strokes. "It's been a couple hundred years, so my skills might be a little rusty," he said, showing her his picture-perfect drawing of a Poison Joke flower.

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Darts dodged quickly to the side and Chrysalis went flailing uncontrollably into the cave alone. "Just as I thought, as soon as those other villains showed their faces I knew that they wouldn't have let the real Harp just get up and walk out." Darts flew up further away from the cave mouth. "So are you going to show your true form or what? I can guarantee you aren't gonna beat me in that body!"

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
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Chamois snatched the sketch book from him.  "Oh my gosh," she breathed, running her hoof along the drawing, but being careful not to smudge it.  She didn't even hesitant to admit it.  She looked at him, smiling.  "Its so pretty..." she said.  She looked back at the drawing as if mesmerized.



Chrysalis slid across the ground when she hit it.  She glared up at him and hissed at him, her eyes sparking green.  She stood up and lowered her head, growling.  A burst of bright green flames came up around her, flying high up into ceiling.  In the flames, Chrysalis slowly changed back into her true changeling form.  The green flames burst out and then extinguished away. 

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"That's better" Darts said smugly as he floated high above Chrysalis' head. "So you gonna join me up here, the weather is fine, plus I'm getting lonely." Darts did a quick mid-air somersault to show off and smirked down at Chrysalis. "Think you've got what it takes Queen grasshopper?"

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Discord shrugged again. "It's something. I enjoy art. The chaos in it. There's almost never any symmetry, and it almost always doesn't make sense. Ponies like Celestia", he gave a short snort of annoyance. "don't appreciate the beauty in chaos. Chaos is, after all, the natural order of things."

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Chrysalis just laughed, showing her sharp teeth.  Her horn began to glow a bright green and she moved her head to the side.  She shot out the green glow which could knock a pony unconscious after ten seconds of the impact.  She moved her head to the other side, sending a whole line of the green glow at him, hoping if he moved away, he would get shot as well.


Chamois closed her sketch book and looked at him.  "There's weirdos popping up all the time.  Like that changeling at that wedding, and the crystal empire thing that happened.  Isn't that chaos?  I don't think any pony can really stop that," she said, with a shrug. 

Are you agreeing with him?

When I agree with something, I agree with it.  Can't change that.

"No harmony without chaos."

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Chrysalis just laughed, showing her sharp teeth.  Her horn began to glow a bright green and she moved her head to the side.  She shot out the green glow which could knock a pony unconscious after ten seconds of the impact.  She moved her head to the other side, sending a whole line of the green glow at him, hoping if he moved away, he would get shot as well.


Chamois closed her sketch book and looked at him.  "There's weirdos popping up all the time.  Like that changeling at that wedding, and the crystal empire thing that happened.  Isn't that chaos?  I don't think any pony can really stop that," she said, with a shrug. 

Are you agreeing with him?

When I agree with something, I agree with it.  Can't change that.

"No harmony without chaos."

"Well, one could argue that those events were chaotic. But they still weren't what I was trying to accomplish. Chrysie and Sombra and our dear Princess of the Night were only trying to establish a new order to replace Celestia's. I was trying to change Equestria to a natural chaos."

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