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Hmmm... only mild life readings.But I see a storm coming.. Better get inside somewhere. *Goes in Twilights abandoned Library* Oh, look at all those books! Surely I can find something useful in here..

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Rex thanked the town and went on his way, and eventually, after a couple hours, finding Ponyville. It was abandoned. He saw what looked to be a dress shop and went inside.

Edited by Dr. Derpy
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Skullbusters leg reattached its self "my pants are torn from the mid thigh down, this dosent look odd at all"


he got up and saw a farm in the distance "that seems like a place to go have fun at" he started walking there

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After looking through books for a while, I look out the window, noticing... Large mobile vegetables? "WTF?!?" And they look angry somehow... "Good thing I brought my trusty M-16!" *Proceeds to destroy many, many vegetables with ease.*

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Rex finds a bed, and tries to sleep. But then he hears tiny voices yelling loudly and gunfire. At first he though it was that stupid android again, but as he got closer, he saw it was a normal human trying to kill a bunch of evil plants. He burst out the door and started shooting the plants.

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All the vegetables dead, I could have sworn I heard someone else shooting... But I don't see any.. Oh wait, there it is... well it was shooting at them too, but can I trust it?

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"I think I can trust you... but as for the cyborg I must say I have my doubts.. And those Vegetables.. I have no idea about that."

Edited by Nyan Cat
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"No you dumb android." ( the asterisk means he is thinking to himself) *Stupid humans. Why'd you have to make such dumb robots!*

This is an information collector. (Like a pokedex) It scans stuff to find information on it."

Edited by Dr. Derpy
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"And it looks to be deserted. Hold on, I am scanning it for life."


"Yes, no indication of life. Well except for that large mob of vegetables. Wait a minute....."

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