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Hey ya'll!  I am Treble Bolt, a female brony.  For those that know me, I do not consider myself a pegasister because liking MLP is completely against who I am (was).  For those that don't know me, I'll tell a bit...


I got into FIM back in 2011 when I stated noticed (in droves) the MLP related content appearing everywhere I went.  After doing a bit a of research (because I could not understand what was going on and why My Little Pony of all things) and found out the interesting demographics for this new cartoon.  I decided to watch a few episodes, and at first I was not impressed (I started with the very first episode).  I have ALWAYS hated girly shows, especially anything Barbie or MLP.  I am a huge tomboy, I grew up with monster trucks, not girly dolls (though they tried to force girliness onto me).  With the 2 part pilot episode, and all the girly things there, I did not like it.  But I decided to keep giving it a try, since at that time I was bored out of my mind, and as the episodes progressed I started to like it, and before I knew it, I became a brony.  All of my friends were utterly shocked in a bad way, thinking I fell off the deep end (hence why I do not call myself a pegasister because I am defying established norms).  As my fascinatinon grew with this series, so did my friends', especially when my husband started watching it with me.  And so here I am!  Since I don't watch TV at all, do not have regular access to the internet, and live in a town that has no peers our age, ponies take up a good portion of my life (i don't get out much I know). 


And now a bit about me....I like bicycling (with my mountain bike), music (play trombone, saxophone, and a plethera of others), deer (not hunting but hugging), reading (i have a personal library of over 2000 real books), and my favorite hobby is blacksmithing.  My husband and I are very old fashioned; we do not have TV, internet, or smartphone.  We have cell phones just for basic communication (since he works an hour away from home), although I am very adept at computers (linux ftw).  I have a three-legged black cat named Treben, and a hedgehog named Rhododendron. 


As for ponies, my OC is Treble Bolt, the musical mechanic pony (A Pegasus), and my husband is Metal Earth (An Earth Pony).  Don't really have a favorite pony, each one of the Mane 6 have qualities that make both lovable and not so lovable.  In terms of who I'd relate to, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, in terms of which one makes me the happiest, Pinkie Pie, the one in my opinion has the most diverse personality is Fluttershy.  Twilight Sparkle and Rarity aren't too high on my list, since Twilight lacks common sense in my opinion (I am immensly practical) and Rarity is the opposite of me. 


So yeah...I also like cheese, haven't come across a cheese I would not eat...

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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being called pegasister just leaves a bad taste in my mouth....idk why.  In the fan community that's what we are called and for the sake of that, I am okay with it.  I really like the brony documentaries animated take on it, exactly how I feel.


muffin thieves are no match for me.  I'll eat them all! :lol:

Edited by Treble Bolt

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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Hello and welcome! This is a great place with lots of friendly people. I never thought of brony as pertaining only to guys. I always found it to be gender neutral. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here!


Like, don't underestimate my power man.

Come join us Friday nights for

Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST.
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Damn you Mr.Dash! Posted the traditional welcome song before me -_-


Anyways, I really hope you have great stay here! There are plenty of friendly users here and most people here are neutral about gender, like the dreaded Mr.Dash said


And I am Soundgarden for the record, nice to meet you!

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Thank you all for the welcomes  ^_^  !

I am pretty excited to be here, it's been so long since I've been on any forum, and there's SO much stuff here to check out :o    (I feel a bit behind with the times), but I'm sure I'll catch up soon enough since now we have to play the waiting game (again) for season 4....man this season went by way too fast...

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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