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open Party gifts and parting gifts

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  Splash danced hard that night. It would be her last night in Canterlot. She knew that she was supposed to be selecting three friends to go with her on her quest. That was the problem. She had......zero friends...so how could she pick them. That is, zero friends who would go with her...her only friend, M&M Slang, had thrown this party because, well, M&M always threw parties. Celestia would be disappointed. She knew Splash would be most likely on her own. She just wanted to help Splash's loneliness. Splash saw the time and scurried towards her dorm. As she went inside, she threw on her favorite dress, a 1000 bit gala gown, and put her hair up as quickly as she could. She tossed her jewelry on and adjusted everything so that it looked nice. She galloped of to Celestia's parting ceremony for her. She was supposed to bring three other ponies, but she hadn't. Splash burst into the room and galloped onto the stage. Her twin glared angrily from the crowd.

"So sorry, everypony. i had some, erm, dress failures." Splash lied.

  Celestia glanced sadly down at Splash.

"Tomorrow, Splash Paint will be leaving Canterlot on a deadly mission. She would be accompanied by three of her friends, but seeing how she didn't bring anypony...." Celestia anoounced.

  Splash glanced up innocently at Celestia.

"I have assigned three ponies to come forth. I will call them one at a time." Celestia announced.

  Splash's jaw dropped. Celestia had assigned three ponies to come with her?!?! It might be for her own good...

  "Before I call out the names, I will give you a gift. As I call the names, each pony that I call, who doesn't know they'll be called, will come up to the stage and receive their own gift. Splash, I give you...this..." Celestia called. She used her magic to summon a small, round object. "This is a Toss'll Totem. It'll help you in your time of need. You just need to trust in your friends." Celestia passed the wooden ball to Splash. It was covered in ornately carved designs.

  Celestia boomed, "The first pony is..."




((Please take only one slot for the pony that comes with Splash. I would like multiple ponies to participate))

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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(If its ok I'm gonna do this with another character since I've used Chaser plenty of times. My new Stallion is going to be a unicorn with a red coat and a black mane. He likes his mane a bit spiked). Ash felt like he had just been woken up. He was a little late already and didn't want to miss this. When the princess boomed in her loud voice he felt awakened. "The first pony is Flaming ash." At first he thought he was dreaming. He pinched himself a little just to make sure. Nope still awake. He made his way upstage to Celestia and Splash. Why was he chosen for this? He didn't ask for anything like this. "You have been chosen to accompany Splash Paint and help her through this dangerous quest." Celestia summoned a small red crystal necklace. "This charm will help you through your struggles and troubles as you journey with Splash Paint." Of course he thought. When Ash used to take care of philomena she said one day she would repay him. but the only payment he really received was the honor of taking care of her pheonix. Ash can manipulate fire like nopony else can. Advanced magic could control fire but to ash it came like it was second nature. He could easily start it, move it, and resist it. His use in fire magic protected him from it. Ash thanked the princess and moved next to splash paint who was already trying to fix her dress. "The next pony will be.....


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  • 2 weeks later...

((I guess anypony else can take multiple slots then, seeing how this isn't moving forwards very quickly...))

  "Quinky Bolts! Please come to the stage as the second companion to Splash Paint." Celestia boomed.

Quinky's jaw dropped. His best bud nudged him and he snapped out of it. He slunk slowly onstage and looked pitifully up at Celestia.

 "Quinky, you have been chosen as the next participant. Please be wary that lightning magic is easy to be spotted by an enemy even at a far range. I give you this gift," she paused long enough to summon a small silver chain. "for it will come in handy along the journey ahead of you. And remember: Never chew on anything that is purple or dark blue. It's probably really nasty. Oh, and also, don't forget to pack your tooth brush."

Quinky made a face. As his aunt, Celestia knew every one of his deepest, darkest secrets. Even if he wasn't an alicorn, she still treated him as though he were. He nodded and accepted Celestia's gift. He set the chain around his neck. It fit perfectly and wasn't all that girly looking.

"The next pony is..."

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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(My character Ms. Adventure, can be found on the Character Database)


"Missy!" Celestia shouted. "Come on up here."

Twilight nudged Missy and nodded her head towards Celestia. Everypony in the immediate vicinity was staring at her, this made her feel very uncomfortable, she started to make her way up to Celestia, the walk seemed to last forever, she had only dreamed of taking part in such a mission, she wasn't sure whether to jump up and down in excitement or fall to the floor with fear. "Thank you, your highness." Missy said elegantly. "Here, Missy, this will surely come in handy on your quest." Celestia spoke softly. It was a map of Equestria, showing each and every location. Missy excused herself for a moment to talk to Twilight, she was there to support Missy. "I can't thank you enough, Twilight, if it hadn't been for you, i would never have had the courage to do this kind of thing."

"No problem, just be careful, won't you?" Twilight asked sincerely.

"What do you mean, i'm always careful" Missy retorted, met only by a look that said "You sure about that."

She walked up to the front and stood next to the other two ponies. She didn't like being the centre of attention.

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Celestia posed majestically.

"These four ponies will embark on a quest to retrieve the long lost CRYSTAL OF BALANCE. The Crystal is constantly moving, but it has been sighted multiple times in the East Changeling Territory. Please retrieve it as quickly as possible. As my seer has predicted, you will encounter two more ponies along the road. Please give the first pony these copper and tin bits. The second is more tricky. It is supposed to be a changeling who will save you from somewhere. Please give it this jewel. I wish all you ponies a safe and fast journey, for the fate of Equestria might depend on your speed. Pack lightly but don't forget Quinky's toothbrush. Or toothpaste. Thank you, everypony, and good night!" Celestia handed ((or hoofed biggrin.png )) Splash the bits and small red jewel. She pranced haughtily offstage and Luna followed her. Splash moaned a protest but stuffed the gifts in a secret pocket she had sewn on her dress. Everypony began to leave. Few came and congratulated her but most shot her a pitiful look. Her brother congratulated her a bit too much before bidding her farewell. She turned to the other ponies and huffed.

"Well, good night ya'll. We can proceed with the formal greetings tomorrow when we 'embark on a perilous journey,'" Splash said sarcastically. She turned from the bunch and headed down the hallway that led to her quarters. She let out a sigh. She really didn't want to go. Celestia had decided that she needed to make friends just as she had to Twilight. Maybe she planned to party when she left. Splash hung her dress in her closet and put the gifts in a saddle bag. She'd pack tomorrow. She crawled into bed and sobbed herself to sleep.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy, turned around and looked towards the others, "I guess i'll see you all tomorrow?"Missy stuttered, she went back to the library with Twilight to discuss the events that would be following.

"Twilight, i can't do this, i just can't." Missy said "I know i always say i'm a great adventurer but i mean, Changelings, this changes everything."

"Come on, it doesn't change that much." Twilight responded sympathetically, Missy wasn't sure whether she meant this or if it was just to make her feel better. "In the morning you'll feel better, but i could help with a couple of things right now."

"Like what?" Missy blurted out quite rudely, she hadn't meant for it to come out this way, but she felt very nervous and annoyed with herself. "I'm sorry, i just thought things would be a bit easier, that's all."

"No worries, besides, you could learn a few spells that might come in handy on your little "adventure"." Twilight replied comfortingly. "I'm sure it won't be that difficult." The windows of the library started glowing with magic. Missy was quite worried about tommorow's journey, but with Twilight's support, she felt as though she could do anything.

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Splash woke up the next morning with a sunken feeling in her gut. She knew she'd have to go. She wouldn't see her brother for a very long time. Maybe not ever. Splash rolled out of bed and freshened up. She began packing. One half of her saddle bags would contain food. The other, the gifts and a couple of necessities like her toothbrush and hairbrush. She chowed down a large breakfast, for it might be her last meal. She strapped on her saddle bags and headed out the door. She locked the door behind her then climbed the long stairs to the courtyard. There she gave Celestia her door key and sat on a bench to wait for her companions. She counted the number of times Celestia's hair flicked past a certain point on her knee. She picked at a scab on her leg and then messed with her Toss'll Totem. The ran her hoof through the grooves and patterns until Quinky Bolts showed up. He pranced nervously up to the bench and tripped over Celestia's hair. He wore his necklace-thing and a fully-packed saddle pack. He sneezed and a bolt of lightning burned up a nearby plant.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy had to wake up early to catch the Friendship Express to Canterlot that morning, she packed her saddlebags (i say she did, it was actually Twilight), she packed 5 apples, 3 cupcakes and a book called "Everything about Equestria", all of her friends gathered round to send her off, "Thanks you guys, i appreciate you getting up so early." Missy said with a hint of exhaustion.

"Are you kidding, none of us would've not come down here to see one of our good friends go on such a noble journey" Fluttershy said sort of quietly.

"Why wouldn't we come here?" Pinkie said in her usual upbeat tone "You need to be happy when you get to Canterlot" Missy, Twilight and almost half of Ponyville was there when she got on the train, she looked across at Canterlot, oh the beautiful spires had never looked so splendid. Missy stopped in at a few places on her way there to pick up some more supplies for the journey ahead. Missy started to worry, what if she or anypony doesn't make it back, what about if they fail their mission, how will her friends feel, since Twilight pushed her to do this after all. Missy ran up the stairs to the courtyard, Quinky and Splash looked relieved. "Princess Celestia!" Missy shouted, she was surprised to see her. "Ah, Missy, how goes the ongoing studies with Twilight?" Celestia asked inquisitively. "Better than i hoped, Your Majesty." Missy walked over and sat beside Splash on the bench.

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"Sleepy head! Wake up!" The Pegasus next to him yelled. "Going on a Quest aren't you?" The Pegasus flying over his bed was a Pegasus with an orange coat and Jaggered yellow and red hair. "Yeah I um......." He got out of his bed and quickly got his saddlebag. "Do you know who the substitute is gonna be?" Ash asked. "I don't know but I better like him...or her". Daybreak and Ash had a bit of a complicated relationship. Both of them liked each other but they worked together as well so they often got into conflicts. Sometimesnit made the moment romantic but sometimes it just made them argue. Both of them were assigned to protect Ponyville from immideate threats like Changelings. He was pretty much in a clan of ninjas. He had packed his things including his katana, his suit, and his necklace which he decided to wear instead. "I guess I'll be back soon..." He opened the door and just he was about to leave he got a kiss on the cheek. "C ya!" As he left he dashed off so Daybreak couldn't see him blushing. After a fair bit of walking he met Celestia and the others. "Hey guys" he said casually as he sat down on the bench. He plopped down like he hadn't had any sleep. Now they were just waiting for Missy.


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"Well, I guess that's everypony. Shall we be off?" Splash stood in front of the group. She turned to Celestia and glared up at her expectantly. Celestia cleared her throat before speaking.

"Your first destination is the East Changeling Territory. Follow your instincts from there. Use Missy's map to get there and back as well. I trust you'll bring the Crystal back speedily. You will know when to use your charms, if you have one. Splash, your Toss'll Totem will help you be sure that a pony is safe to travel with and give the extra gift. Do not forget your magic. Camp in safe areas. Use your judgement well and Quinky, don't forget to-"

"Brush." Quinky finished for her. "I know."

Celestia nodded.

"Before you depart, I have one more gift for you," Celestia said.

Splash groaned. She knew she'd have to carry it. Celestia pulled out a jar. Five glowing parasprites hovered slowly inside.

"These are firesprites, a hybrid of firefly and parasprite. They are the opposite of parasprites. They spew random food objects when released. Only use them within Changeling territory. Farewell!" Celestia handed Missy the jar. Both Splash and Missy looked confused. Missy accepted the jar. Celestia spread her wings and flew off.

Splash sighed.

"Well, let's get this show on the road. Missy, which way do we go first?" Splash asked.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy pulled the map out of her saddlebag, unfolded it and made it float in the air, she and the others looked at it for quite a while with no-one talking. "Aha, i've got it, we need to go to the Everfree Forest, there should be a passage through there leading to the east of Equestria, we should  go that way" Missy said reassuringly, although she wasn't really quite sure herself, but the map that Celestia gave her looked reliable enough. She put the map back in her saddlebag, but upon opening it, a burst of confetti flew out. "Oops" Missy apologised for scaring everypony, she had the jar of firesprites lying on the ground, she magically picked up the jar and put it in the other side of her bag. Before they left, Missy wrote down in her journal that Applejack had given her for her birthday, it said:


"I don't know what this journey will bring, but i know that it will not only help me but it will help Splash, too. I often wondered why Twilight had taught me so much about friendship, but for this adventure, we're going to have to work as a team, or the chances of anypony making it back to Canterlot is very unlikely, i know that with the support of my newfound friends, we can overcome all obstacles, no matter how great or small."

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Splash sighed for nearly the millionth time.

"All right troops. Time to go through the Everfree forest. I practically grew up there myself so it'll be safe around me. I personally named each of the timber wolves that I saw. Wait, how long is a timber wolf lifespan? Does that mean that Pokey's dead? Oh, snap...well, that shows what I know," Splash said.

And thus they began their long journey starting at the Everfree forest.

"So, um, Missy, do you get out much? I heard you're friends with the mane six. Are Rarity's dresses all that they're said to be?" Splash asked.

Missy nodded. They walked in silence for a few moments before Quinky piped up.

"Are Pinkie Pie's cupcakes really that good?" he interrupted. "And how has Apple Jack's havest been? What about Twilight's library? Or Fluttershy's cottage? How's Rainbow Dash doing with the weather?"

Splash tripped over a rock and cried out in pain.

"Snap! Why the hay are there so many jagged rocks? I don't remember these being here!" Splash exclaimed.

A growling could be heard and a stinky breath smell filled the area.

"P.U! Alright, who did it? That was really just nasty!" Splash rudely accused.

A timber wolf stepped into the clearing. Splash gulped loudly.

"I think the timber wolves have grown since I saw them last. Wait, Pokey?!?! Is that you?" Splash realized.

The long twisted scar across the Timber Wolf's left foreleg revealed Splash's old friend. It recognized her and licked her face.

"Pokey! I knew you weren't dead!!!" Splash hugged the friendly wolf around the neck.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Fluttershy had always told her how dangerous the Everfree Forest was, but she hadn't imagined this happening, a friendly Timber Wolf, those things are meant to rip someone into nine pieces in the blink of an eye, how could one pony get in this creatures "good book".


"Um, i don't mean to be interrupting but uhh.." Missy stuttered, Splash was just rolling around and hugging this thing, Missy saw Quinky walk up to beautiful flower with a bee on it, he tripped over a twig and crushed it. She opened her book "Everything about Equestria" and started reading it, there were so many things in here that weren't in Twilight's books.


"Soooo, i really think we should be going now, important mission, almost certain doom and stuff like that." Missy rambled on, she took out the cupcakes and handed one to Quinky and Ash, then she sat there, trying to perform a forcefield spell, she had learned this from Twilight last night, but she just couldn't get it, her magic just wasn't strong enough, maybe when the time is right, it will come in handy and protect her and her friends from harm.

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"Pshaw! Who needs that kind of magic when ya got Pokey! Every timber wolf is afraid of him! We'll just ride him!" Splash mounted the enormous wolf. Pokey barked playfully.

"And, um, I can do an electric force field, if you'd like." Quinky said. ((check Quinky Bolts' database!!! It's in my signature!!!!))

He wiped the bee off his face. Unfortunately, it wasn't any kind of bee. It was the kind of bee that traveled in pairs and would attack the offender if the other was harmed. The second bee charged at Quinky who accidentally snorted it up his nose. He grabbed his nose and tried to blow it out. Splash rolled her eyes.

"Just get on," She said.

Splash grabbed Missy and pulled her up. She did the same for Ash. Quinky sneezed the bee out and flew into the air.

"I'd rather fly, if you don't mind," he sniffed.

"You won't be able to keep up!" Splash laughed as Pokey broke into a full gallop, leaving Quinky in the dust.

"Ohh, it is on!" Quinky gathered electrons in the air and used them to propel himself past Pokey. He waved as he went be but he smashed into a tree.

"Oh, that's gonna leave a mark!" Splash giggled as she stopped Pokey. Pokey swiveled around and carried Quinky in his mouth.

"Ugh, does this thing ever brush?" Quinky moaned.

"Nope! It's a good thing you do, though!" Splash remarked.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy lightly chuckled at Splash's Joke, met with an unentusiastic look from Quinky, Missy pulled the map out of her saddlebag again. "According to my map, we have to cross Timber Valley and we should get to the side of a cliff with a cave going straight underground, we can get to our destination through the tunnels.

Missy shouted so that she could get everypony to hear what she said. She then put the map back. Missy wasn't sure that travelling by Timber Wolf was the best idea. Suddenly her horn started glowing...and ringing.

"Sorry, i should get this." Missy said, "Twilight, i only just left, what's up."

"Oh nothing, i just wanted to see how everypony was doing." Twilight responded in a happy tone. A little picture of her popped up infront of Missy, "What is that noise?"

"Oh, um, it's just us, riding to our destination via Timber Wolf, no big deal." Missy responded awkwardly with a very uncomfortable grin.

"Is that safe?" Twilight inquired.

"I'm guessing it is, it's one of Splash's friends from when she was just little." Missy responded reassuringly.

The little display faded away and Missy started to feel tired, but they had to continue, they had only just left.

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"I made friends with Pokey many years ago. Years later, I had to go visit my brother because he was planning a wedding with his special somepony. She wanted us to be better friends, but I still don't like her much. She decided to give us more things in common, so she constructed a mechanical wolf to match Pokey. It still lives with her, for all I know, but Pokey is indifferent about the false intelligence. She used a Come-To-Life spell, but I still like to call it fake. You might've heard of it, the Mysterious Monster of Canterlot? He's terribly friendly...my brother's special somepony's talent is with mechanics and such. She's the Runnaway Princess...she hated being a princess, so she renounced her royal title and ran away. I believe the Timber Valley is that way," Splash blabbed.

Quinky made a face and crawled out of the wolf's mouth and onto its head next to Splash.

"Ugh! Nasty! I'm covered in dog drool! That's totally disgusting!" Quinky moaned.

Offended, Pokey tossed his enormous head and Quinky fell onto his back headfirst.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"We're here!" Missy shouted, everyone got off Pokey, "Okay, now how do we cross." Splash asked.

Missy started flapping her wings , she flew over to the other side with no problem. "Like that." Missy retorted.

"Haha, i meant how do WE get across" Splash replied, pointing at everypony else. Missy chuckled, she landed at the other side and tried to levitate the bridge over to her side. "This should work, if i can just.... concentrate." Missy said with effort, she kept the bridge levitated for everyone to get across. Since there wasn't anything to tie it to, this would be a one-way trip.

"So, this "Princess", why did she hate being a princess, Twilight is and she has no problems with it." Missy asked while trying not to cross any kind of line. They arrived outside the cave, it was a fairly large entrance, moss was growing on it, there was a sign post that said "Do Not Enter", there was also smoke coming out of the cave, that could mean one of two things, something's on fire or...

"There's a dragon in there...!" Missy whispered. Everyone gasped.

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"Dragon? No problem! Wanna see something funny?" Splash said. She summoned her magic and called out to Quirk, her assistant. In a flash, her baby dragon appeared.

"Oops, wrong one! Let me try again!" Splash repeated her spell but called somepony else. This time, her pet boa constricter, Conrad, appeared.

"Urgh, I'm a little out of shape. Let me try this spell..." Splash mumbled. She used the spell her brother had taught her some time ago.

In an instant, Quirk had grown 20 feet...and so had her other pets. Pokey wagged his tail and drooled on everypony. Conrad looked confused, each of his eyes going separate ways.

"I'll just pretend I didn't do that. Sorry," Splash apologized. She fixed her pets and sent Quirk and Conrad home. Pokey licked her face.

Quinky rolled his eyes.

"Why don't we just use my electron power? We could zap it away!" he suggested.

Splash shrugged and stroked Pokey. She cleaned up his massive drool puddle magically and sent it away.

"Why don't we just go around?" Splash retorted. "Oh, and by the way, Allissa couldn't stand being a Princess because she was a tomboy and hated the frilly dresses and sparkly shoes she had to wear."

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"The first camp is just beyond this cave. We have to either drive the dragon away or we could sneak around." Missy stated while shaking like a leaf. She was very afraid of dragons, even the thought of dragons scared her, then she remembered the story of how Fluttershy pwny'd that other dragon,  if her friends got hurt, that would make her angry, then the dragon would be in trouble.


The ponies entered the cave, everypony opted for sneak first, fight later. Missy was very cautious with her steps, she didn't want to step on a gatter, or a twig, or a dusty plant. The dragon was very close, there was a ridge that everypony was walking across, Quinky sneezed and the dragon opened one of it's eyes, it saw the 4 ponies, it roared and the ponies fell down to the ground where it was,it blew a powerful gust of smoke that knocked everyone away, Missy got up very confused and dizzy, but when she noticed that the others had been hurt, she was very angry with the dragon, not just "you stole my lunch" angry, but "pushing-the-buttons" angry, her horn started glowing red and so did her eyes, she shot a red beam out of her horn, knocking the dragon out of the cave, Missy's vision started to fade and she blacked out.

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Splash's jaw dropped.

"Missy! Missy? Are you okay?" she caught Missy as she fell.

"We need to get out of here!" Splash yelled at Quinky. Quinky nodded and used the electrons to push everypony out of the cave. Pokey followed closely behind. Splash found a stream and rubbed a little water on Missy's face. No response. Pokey came over and drooled all over everypony. No response, either, but a lot of stinky smell. Splash wiped away all the slobber and thought for a moment. She searched in her saddle bag but found no useful items.

"And I thought that I was the only pony with black outs," Splash said softly. "Her breathing is so ragged and uneven."

"I have an idea. Step back," Quinky said. He called a small group of electrons to attention. He guided the to the small spot between Missy's rib cage and pressed them against her in a swift motion. Electricity crackled briefly before fading away. Missy gasped, but didn't wake.

"She should wake probably in an hour or so," he said to Splash. Splash stroked Missy's mane and untangled a twig from her own.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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After about an hour, Missy awoke with a headache, which felt like a hangover but she couldn't be sure.

"Missy!" Splash shouted "I'm so glad you're ok!" Missy showed visible signs of discomfort, after all, she had magic'd herself unconcious, Twilight always told her not to overwork herself, now look at what happened.

"I should probably explain." Missy said, with a few nods from the group. "A few months ago, i had a mishap with a little thing called the Alicorn Amulet. I wanted to impress Twilight with a great spell, and i had found a book on the amulet, what i didn't know, was that it corrupted the user. The amulet took hold of me, my very soul, so when i finally overcame the corruption and broke the amulaet off, a part of it must have attached itself to my soul. So whenever i'm angry, i perform miraculous magic, same goes for my other emotions like sad, not happy. That's what happened back there."

"How did you escape the amulet's grasp." Quinky asked confusedly.

"My friends" Missy replied. "Friends are the most important part of my personality, so when my friends needed me, i couldn't refuse. I guess friendship really is magic."

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"Ohmygosh! That sounds so much like me! Many, many years ago, one of my ancestors angered an alicorn and received a curse. The curse passed down, skipped some generations, and finally settled on me and my twin brother. But, the magic only worked with one so my brother received immunity to my magic. The curse was a Dark, Black Magic that entwined with my soul ((read my character database)) and might not have a cure. Fortunately, I have recently learned to keep it down. It took a lot of Celestia Magic, Luna Magic, even a tad of Cadence Magic, but mostly my brother's magical plant cures. It was painful, but that's why my magic is black colored. See?" Splash magically lifted a stone nearby and tossed it into the stream. "The magic is tried to my emotions as well, but it reacts differently. If I'm scared majorly or angered majorly out of embarrassment, the Magic reacts and forms a town-crushing laser, a bit like yours. I have actually destroyed a town....and accidentally killed my boyfriend...." Splash confessed. "Anyway, are you alright?"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I'm fine" Missy replied "I'm just not used to using that much magic in one spell, i'll be good to go in a few minutes, just need to call Twilight." Missy had to gather her strength and perform the spell.


A small screen popped up in front of Missy. "I'll catch up with you guys in a minute." Missy shouted. "Hey, how's the adv..." Twilight stopped mid-sentence, she could sense that something was wrong.

"You didn't!" Twilight said in a surprised tone. "Remember what happened last time, you almost destroyed Ponyville and you scared Fluttershy so badly that she didn't leave her cottage for a week."

"I know, but i can't help it, the dragon was attacking the others and i don't take too kindly to my friends being hurt." Missy responded.

"Just be careful, won't you." Twilight askec sincerely, Missy was not only a student of Twilight, but a very close friend. Missy nodded with a weak smile.


Missy decided to write in her journal:


"Right now, i need to learn to keep my emotions in check, if not for me, but the welfare of my friends, i just can't stand seeing one of my friends being hurt like that. I should try harder next time."

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"Then again, my brother's magic also seems to have a mind of its own at times..." Splash said to Missy when she had finished. Suddenly, she realized something.

"Where's Pokey?" she panicked. She froze instantly as her horn crackled with a brief flicker of magic. She exhaled (I almost put outhaled) and regained her calm.


Quinky winced. Pokey came bounding out of the bushes proudly like a puppy who had just done its business, which he probably had. Splash rolled her eyes.

"So, where to next? Are we even near Changeling Territory?" Splash asked enthusiastically. She had actually started to like these ponies, now that she had found many similarities between herself and Missy.

Pokey drooled a long length of drool down Splash's shoulder. Suddenly, it began to burn as if acidic.

"OW! Pokey, what have you been eating???" Splash yelped as she magically whipped the burning slobber off her shoulder. Pokey opened his mouth and dropped Chili Berries, the hottest kind of chili and berry, onto the ground before her.

"I should've known. You can't even taste these! Fetch!" Splash magically tossed the berries as far as she could. Pokey disappeared after them. Quinky snickered. Splash scowled at him.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"We just need to go through this mountain range and we'll be just outside it." Missy replied confidently. Missy wasn't sure what it was about Splash, but she had a very trusting air about her. The mmore she learned about this mare, the more she saw her as a friend. Splash whistled and Pokey came back, the group left through the mountain range. It gave Missy time to think.



Missy: Princess Celestia, i want to ask you something.

P.C: Yes, little one.

Missy: I... I want you to banish me, somewhere off this planet.

P.C *gasp*

Twilight: Wait!

*Twilight runs in behind her*

Twilight: Don't do this.

Missy: I have to,  it's impossible for me to walk 2 feet in Ponyville,

without getting harassed, by people wanting to be my friends, i

don't need friends.

Twilight: But friends are the best part of magic, friendship has saved me

and Ponyville far more times than i care to mention.

P.C: It's true, if you're looking for someone to teach you, there's no-one better

than Twilight.

Missy: So, you were in my position once?

Twilight: Yes, i wa...

<Flashback Interrupted>


"Missy, Missy?" Splash called. "You've been staring at that rock for 10 minutes."


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