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"Are you alright?' Splash asked. "I...I...erm...I don't know how, but I say a memory. Er, to be specific, yours. I don't know how, but I did. Maybe there's a connection between us?" Splash said. She kicked at the dirt a little in embarrassment.

"And, um, I...got my last group of friends banished ,too. It was an accident. My magic...messed up Luna's head 'cause I was mad at her nad she banished my friends. Oh, they were good friends...Twitch Tip, Blondie, Cornucopia, Cheeron, and Vlad. I'll never see them again...I would've done anything to get them back, but they hate me now. SO I went to make more friends, and got a boyfriend, but he died alongside the rest in my freak accident with my magic...so I just wanted to tell you that it'll be a bit hard to be my friend 'cause I'm not used to having friends anymore. And ya'll might get hurt. I just wanted to let you know for your own safety..." Splash said quickly. She nudged Pokey onward and they continued. Quinky fell off twice, but they finally made it to where the mountain range started.

"That's a lot of rocks," Quinky whistled.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy whistled in agreement. "What did you mean, a connection?" Missy asked, was there some connection her, the dark magic contained within the Alicorn Amulet, some similar paths, Missy wasn't quite sure, but she did know that there was something connecting Splash and Missy and she was gonna find out.


"I can't think of a reason why, unless, you're my sister somehow, but that's completely ridiculous." Missy blurted out and continued. "The curse you talked about, that may have something to do with it, let me check in my book here." Missy opened her book of Equestria. "According to this, a long time ago, there was an evil Alicorn named Lyrris, he threatened to destriy all of Equestria unless Princess Celestia give up the throne. She and Luna used the Elements to send him into the void, but not before he left a small parting gift."


"What was this gift?" Splash asked curiously


"It was the Alicorn Amulet as we know it today, but when another Alicorn would wear this amulet. The wearer would be confused for its master and grant powers beyond the powers of even the highest level unicorns." Missy replied. "So, i'm technically a dark alicorn?"

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"Well, I don't know about that. By definition, you'd probably be counted as cursed like I am. I've almost found a cure, but I did try the Alicorn Amulet on once. It helped the curse a ton and my Black Magic balanced the corruption levels. In the end, an alicorn would visit my slumber and wouldn't allow Luna in. Instead, she told me a very long history of my curse and all the other unicorns who had had it. She was a combination of my Black Magic and the Alicorn of the Alicorn Amulet. She said she rarely appears to users, but she has made a couple of exceptions. I was one. You might've been one. Have you ever seen her? Tall, silver alicorn? Red eyes? Black mane? Amulet for a cutie mark? I saw her modified version, but i have seen what she actually looks like. She was all black with red eyes...she looked a bit like Nightmare Moon, but with less color...she still visits me occasionally...but she said she has a new user now. I wonder, could it be you? Could she be the one who established our connection?" Splash asked eagerly.

Suddenly, Pokey halted and Quinky went tumbling off. The group laughed at him, but helped him climb back on. They continued on steadily uphill.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I think i remember something like that." Missy replied "It came to me in a dream, it told me to "embrace the darkness" but i woke up before i could say anything. The next day i was visited by Princess Luna, asked me if i was alright. I was confused, so she told me the legend of this evil Alicorn, she was just as informed as i am right now."

"So, what happened next?" Splash asked inquisitively.

"Well, from then on, she's been guarding my dreams, afraid that something might happen, something might, take over my body, my soul, just because i was stupid enough to put it on in the first place. She said that if that happened they would have to kill me, for i would no longer be me." Missy answered. "That is no curse, that is a mistake which can never be corrected, you may have a cure for your curse, but there's nothing that can ever take away the risk of losing myself to darkness, to evil."

Splash and the others were shocked at the story, but Missy wasn't alone, she had friends, real friends, even though they had just met last night. "I appreciate you guys listening to me. It's not just anypony who listens to me without getting sent to sleep."

"No worries." Quinky blurted out. "We don't havve anything better to do anyways."

Missy smiled.

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"Um, guys? We're here!" Splash gasped at the scenery. The land was jagged and torn, and the sun wouldn't shine on it, so no plants grew. Tall boulders twisted from the ground and sharp rocks protruded grotesquely. The ground was covered in cracks and no water ran along the ground.

"Wow. That's a bad-looking place. One day, remind me to fix this place up one day. Actually, I'm gonna start now," Quinky stumbled downhill and onto the cracked ground. He used electrons to create a mini sun and brought some seeds from the pony side to the other side and planted them. As soon as the seeds had hit the ground, a tree sprang up. Quinky fell back.

"They must have some rich soil here," he whistled. He repeated what he had done, but a variety of plants popped up.

"I think that this looks pretty good," Quinky remarked.

Splash slapped her forehead. Pokey randomly reared up, tossing them off his back, and ran until he reached the Territory. He rolled in the dust until he was covered then he began to grow. He grew and grew and grew. He was definitely huge. He towered over all of them.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy looked up at the humongous mass of creature that was Pokey, she saw some drool fall from his mouth so she put up an umbrella-shaped forcefield so she didn't get burnt by his newly-acidic saliva.

"Is he always this... wet?" Missy asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Quinky had put up his own forcefield to shield the others. Missy didn't know any shrink spells, so she wasn't sure how to get him back to his normal size, if he COULD be turned back even.

"Well, what are we gonna do now, don't you know any shrink spells?"

Missy asked. "Like the one you used earlier."

"You're the one that's studying under Twilight Sparkle, most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria, shouldn't you know some kind of spell like that."

Splash asked in return.

"I've only been Twilight's student for 4-and-a-half months." Missy said in reply. "Besides, that's some pretty high-level magic."

"Fine, but next time you're magicing us out of a situation." Splash replied and proceeded to try and turn Pokey back into... Pokey. Something was wrong though, the spell wasn't working, the soil must have tainted him.

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"Are we, um, in the East Changeling Territory? And I don't think that there's changing Pokey. He's a plant, and this soil is exceedingly rich. Splash, how did you befriend him in the first place?" Quinky asked.



Splash's filly school class in Canterlot. It was recess. Ecerypony was playing with their friends. Splash sat in a corner miserably and kicked at pebble.

"Hey, Freak! Why aren't you playing with your friends? That's right, you don't have any. Just makes you even freakier, Freak," one of the jerk colts said.

Splash's face turned red with embarrassment and rage. Her magic performed a quick spell, letting off sparks.

"Awww, the Freak's mad. Look, her fail magic is trying to work! What a total Loser," the colt remarked to his friends. They laughed.

Suddenly, a group of large timber wolves stalked steadily out of the bushes. The colts screamed, but the wolves kept coming slowly. They noticed Splash and nabbed her. They dragged her screaming down the cliff and into the Everfree Forest. Her back bled from the scratches the rough rocks had made. The wolves surrounded her and began to circle her, slowly spiraling toward her. They were almost upon her when a much younger wolf cub rolled snarling over her and snapped at the adults. They pulled back in surprise. They eventually left. Splash tried to scoot away from the cub, but it licked her playfully and nudged her leg. She giggled and hugged him. She instantly reared back.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed. 'You're pokey! Actually, that's what I'll call you. Pokey."

<Flashback ends>

"It's a long story." Splash explained.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Splash's Flashback caused some kind of chain reaction, it caused Missy, to remember her school days and when she left home,


Flashback - Inner Commentary

I was 8 years old, my wings were becoming functional, but i still couldn't fly, it was a difficult time for me, i didn't fit in with the Earth Ponies or the Pegasi, or the Unicorns, so, where would i go?

Pegasus: Why don't you just crawl into a cave and die?

The other fillies were incredibly mean to me, since i wasn't sure which race i belonged to.

Being a non-royal alicorn meant that i didn't fit in with the likes of Princess Celestia. I had no-one, not even my own parents accepted me.

I had come home from School one day to find that everyone had left, no note, no food, no nothing.

I left that day, vowing never to return to Manehatten, it's been hell, but i've been travelling for about 10 years. The rest is a different story.



A tear dropped from Missy's eye, it was the worst time in her life, she just wanted to forget, to take away the pain her parents had inflicted on her, why did they leave? Why did they abandon her?



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"Hey Splash? Do you have anything I could throw? Like a rock or something?" Ash asked. He pretty much hadn't spoken the whole time. "Okay? Why would you need that?" Splash pulled out a small stone from her bag. "Watch." Ash grabbed the stone and aimed high at a tree that was about fifty meters away. He threw it with an incredible amount of strength and landed straight in the tree. The tree shook before something fell out. It was a changeling. "How did you?...." Missy was astonished. The crew walked up to the changling that was now unconscious  "He's a scout. He was sent out to watch and report on us. They know that were coming" Ash knew quite abit about certain forest creatures. He was trained in the Everfree forest so he knew about exotic creatures. But the changelings. he had a grudge on them. They were the ones that game him a cause to be what he is today. "We should get moving. And its starting to get dark. We should establish a camp somewhere. The other ponies agreed with him. "Remember. If you see anypony... dont trust them. 


<Not my character. Some unknown forces.>


"They're finally here. What should we do?" A dark female voice asked. "Simple. We trap them and never let them see the sun again. They won't escape and they won't be able to send a message." The Male voice said. 


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Suddenly, Quinky made a weird face. He scrunched up his nose and sucked in a deep breath. He twitched, twitched, squeezed his eyes shut and let out a monstrous sneeze. Lightning blasted from the dark, swirling cloud beside him. The bolt was a pure white.

"Remind me never to make you mad," Splash giggled.

Quinky patted out the fire that had started on his hair from the lightning. He rubbed his nose and sniffed loudly. He began snneezing again and again and again. Bolts of lightning splattered in every direction. Ash avoided many, but almost got caught by most. Splash formed a bubble and charged through the onslaught. She reached Quinky and pressed the spot between his nose and mouth. She held the point of her hoof there for several seconds until the sneezing stopped. Quinky made another weird face.

"You've practically signaled the changelings that we're here!" Splash screeched.

"Sorry! I just couldn't stop sneezing!" Quinky sniffed. "I didn't mean to!"



<Other characters, far away (nopony can hear this)>

"Oh, it's not his fault. It's your turn next!" a dark voice cackled.

<Back to my characters>



Splash suddenly squealed. She hopped from hoof to hoof. She ran off of the territory. Quinky started sneezing again.

"What the heck?" Splash asked.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Wait a minute." Missy exclaimed "I'm picking up a long range magical manipulation." Missy wondered how that was possible, manipulating the properties of a very large piece of land. The changelings were a very powerful race of metamorphic creatures, who transform into (in most cases) a loved one such as a husband or wife, they then feed off of the partner's love for them. It is quite a cruel process but it obviously works.

"They must be using an awful lot of power to pull this off." Missy said. "They might be using the Crystal of Balance to do this. I might be able to cast a spell to get through a certain amount of the land so we can make camp somewhere safe." Missy concentrated really hard. She could remember a spell that Twilight had taught her. To ward off evil magic.

"That's a cool spell." Splash said. "What does it do?"

"It keeps away evil enchantments and curses." Missy replied "It also works to keep away colds and flu's."

Missy felt weird saying that, almost as though she was advertising a cold & flu drink. Embarassing.


"Come on gang." Missy let out a sigh. "Follow me, i'll lead the way." She pulled the map out of her saddlebag and they set off.

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Eventually they arrived at a nice spot that Missy had considered 'safe'. She used a spell that surronded a small spherical area in a purple aura. Ash left the camp before the sun came down to gather some firewood, Splash and Quinky started to put together some tents and missy went out in search for food. When the sun had set and they saw the sillouette of Celestia lowering the sun they made their way back to the camp. Missy had gathered some flowers and ash used some of the bread he had to make pansie sandwiches. Ash started a fire using his "Awesome flame powers" and when they had eaten they sat around the fire and talked. They sang songs and Told scary stories and when they felt really tired they drifted of into a nice sleep in their two tents. Quinky and splash slept together and Flaming ash shared his tent with missy.


<Ashe's dream>


"I will never serve for you." The White unicorn was being choked to death by the Queen. Ash came from underneath the bed but it was too late. is mother was dead and there was nothing he could do about it. He screamed and charged into Queen chrysalias but she faded into dust. He heard her horrible laugh echoed though his head. "ENOUGH" He screamed at the top of his lungs.


<end of dream>


Ash woke up sweating. A tear rolled down his face. Chrysalias would pay for what she did.


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It was late at night, Missy was walking through Ponyville, she had to find Twilight and tell her something. But what?


"Twilight? Is that you?" Missy asked a shadowy figure. The figure shot a small projectile out of its horn, it hit Missy, causing her to stagger, a look of shock filled her face as she saw Twilight, but it didn't make se... She had been hit again, this time she fell over.

"Please... Twilight." Missy panted "Don't do this." Twilight's horn glowed, a look of evil. Missy awoke with a start, it even scared Ash.

"Ash? Why are you awake?" Missy asked rudely due, mostly, to her sleep-deprived state.

"Oh, no reason" Ash replied. He certainly wasn't convincing anypony, Missy could tell that he had been deeply disturbed by something.

"Did you have a nightmare too?" Missy asked Ash, hoping he would tell her a bit about him, see, Ash seemed like a strong but not silent type, although personalities could be debated later.

"No, besides, i only just met you, i'm not going to tell you anything." Ash replied, unintentionally sounding very rude in the process.

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Splash awoke screaming and shrieking at the top of her lungs. After several prolonged shrieks, Quinky awoke and screamed twice as loud for several solid minutes without stopping to breath. They both stopped when they realized that they were both screaming and Splash took deep, heavy breaths. She wiped sweat off of her face and back.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Missy asked.

"The Crystal! The Queen doesn't have it! It doesn't want us to take it, so it's coming after us!" Splash screamed a reply.

"Calm down. It was just a dream," Missy comforted her.

"No! It was rea-" a dark object swished past, interrupting Splash. Quinky jumped up and glanced around for the shape. It sped by again. Finally, it hovered slowly into the light.

The Crystal had six segments. Each represented an Element of Matter. One was Sky, another Nature. Dark, Light, Water, and Fire accompanied them. But instead of the beautiful glowing Crystal they had imagined, the surface was cloudy and tarnished. The Cystal whirred, it's fifth segment (Fire) lit up.

"Oh...dear," Quinky mumbled in fear.

Fire erupted towards the group.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"GET UP GET UP" Quinky yelled to the other tent. Ash was about to ask "Whats the big Idea?" But as he left the tent he saw. "MOve back Move back! I got this!" Ash Knew about fire. Heck he freaking controlled it! He had to put it out somehow. He could start it and make it but he had yet to discover how he could put it out. Hang on. The necklace. Maybe that would help me. Celestia said it could help control myself and hopefully controll this fire. He put on his necklace and ran towards the fire while everypony else fled to a safe distance away from the camp. Ash calmed down. He breathed slower and concentrated. The fire was on his feet but he ignored it since he can't feel any pain from it. I will control you. I will put you out. You will listen to me. I am not a simple pony minipulating fire. I AM fire. Slowly but stedily he pushed the fire away. With his hand motions he clumped the fire into one small area. he compressed it so much it became the shape of a shard of the crystal. The fire stopped but with the end of the fire.


There was ash.


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The crystal erupted fire again, it raged towards the 4 ponies, Missy put up the strongest forcefield she could. The strong force of the fire smashed against the forcefield, it was powerful, no doubting that, the forcefield (and Missy) started to buckle under the pressure, it wouldn't be long until the shield broke, leaving eveyone open to being barbecued.
"Splash!" Missy cried out desperately "Help Me!" She could feel the pressure of the fire, it was burning, Missy started to cry from exerting her magic too much. Splash stepped alongside Missy and put up a forcefield of her own. Quinky gathered Electrons in the air and focused them into a forcefield.
"You didn't think we were just gonna let you have all the fun did you." Quinky shouted.
"You're late to the party." Missy shouted back. They didn't realise, but Ash had snuck around the side and was about to attack. *smack* Ash had kicked the crystal and it stopped spewing fire, it fled, but how much longer would they be safe?

"No sleep tonight then?" Quinky asked.
"I guess that's good news for your mane then." Missy replied slyly. Quinky tried to respond but all that came out was a couple of groaning sounds.

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Suddenly, the Crystal stopped. One segment of the six cleared up. It broke off a hovered next to the Crystal. Red, orange, and yellow lights swirled within it, almost like a real fire. It floated slowly towards Ash and stuck itself to the side of his face. It reduced into a tiny, orange diamond on his cheek. Ash felt his fire power swell exceedingly.

"Whoa," he exclaimed. He sent a pillar of flame the height of two houses up into the air. It swirled before dissolving. Splash's jaw dropped.

"Did you just-? Did it just-?" she stuttered. She released the force field out of shock. The Crystal remained silently suspended, a sixth of its mass missing. The taint slowly faded. The other five segments contained Light, Water, Nature, Air, and Darkness clearly. Light, Air, and Darkess broke off. The Air contained bits of lightning. It hovered to Quinky and stuck to him. Light and Darkness hovered between Splash and Missy as if confused. Eventually, they both froze and floated there for the night as if deciding.

"We should get some rest..." Splash said, clearly vexed.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy didn't get any sleep that night, she was too worried that the crystal might harm her or her friends, it was not a new experience for Missy to be possessed by an evil spirit. She left her tent and sat by the two crystals, they were rotating around each other. It was an unusual feeling but there was magic seemingly radiating off of them. It was quite unlike anything she had felt before. She felt it in her horn, an overpowering sense of evil coming from the dark crystal and there was an extreme light flowing from the other. It reminded her of something that had happened a while ago.



I had found the Alicorn Amulet, it was like nothing i had seen before, it was like it was made of pure magic. Then when i put it on, i lost myself to it.


Missy: What's happening?

???: Don't be alarmed, i am the spirit of the Amulet.

Missy: Why am i here, what have you done with my body?

???: It is simply being used as a vessel to carry the destruction.

Missy: Why are you doing this? Why me?

???: Something inside you has reacted with the amulet, that's why i am here

(faint)Twilight: Missy, help us, we need you.


I could hear Twilight calling on me, the desperation in her voice, the voices of those who i hold closely.

They are my friends, i had to help them, it's part of my very being. Which means that even though i was possessed, it couldn't stop me from helping my friends in their time of need.

<Flashback Ended>


"Missy, what are you doing out here?" Splash asked.

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"DARK MAGIC ISN'T EVIL MAGIC!!! TJAT IS WHY THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT WORDS!" a mysterious voice boomed, making Splash jump. She looked around for the source. Nopony else but Missy and Splash were there. Splash trotted over to Missy and gently placed a hoof over her shoulder.

"You had another flashback, didn't you? I didn't see it, but I know that look. Is anything the matter?" Splash asked softly.

Missy looked sad. Splash hugged her.

"You're my first friend I've ever trusted this much. I don't want anything to ever happen to you."

Just then, a sillouette appeared near the Crystal. It was too dark to identify, but its body was horribly out of proportion. It reached a hoof out and poked the Crystal. A segment fell off and attatched to the pony's face. The pony shied away and tried desperately to rub it off. It even resorted to rubbing its face on the ground.

"Hey! You!" Splash yelled. The pony looked up and saw them for the first time. She shyly trotted up to them.

"Um, I'm Cornucopia... I didn't know that was yours... its stuck. Will it come off?" she said shyly.

Splash almost laughed.

"You probably know just as much as we do. I'm Splash and this is Missy. We're from Equestria. Where're you from?" Splash said.

"I'm from..." Corn slid off her cloak.



She had a long, slender fish's tail.

"...Trotlantis." the seapony said.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Flaming Ash failed to notice the other ponies at all. When the Crystal segment had hit him hies power... grew Immensley. He lifted fire from the ground. He threw fireballs the size of giant bolders into a mountain. He had power. It was growing as well. His hooves caught on fire. This spread to his legs and eventually his whole body was on fire. Of course he didn't feel a thing. He felt like....like a god with his power. He was becoming too powerful. and at an alarming rate the area around him caught on fire. "Guys! Help?" The other ponies immideatley turmed to him and saw him about 100 meters away with fire growing around him fast. "Stop growing!" He yelled. But the fire in his eyes grew more until his whole pupil was glowing red. This was becoming too powerful. The necklace that he wore started to glow blue. Like it was cooling him down. The fire receded and the Crystal shard combnied with his necklace and created a blue color even though the combination of his orange necklace and red shard would not make any color of the sort. The fire stopped and as he calmed down he fainted from the raw opower usage.


Dear Queen


The distraction has worked as planned. They are searching for the rest of the shards and once they find that they mean nothing to them they will give up. If they find our base I will defend them from it. Hopefully that never happens.


How is the mission doing? I hope that capturing and imprisoning cadence wasn't any trouble. Last time it went pretty smoothly. Hopefully she won't escape like last time with that purple unicorn. I hope that the mission will be succsesful this time and that we can get food soon!



Your most trusted advisor.



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Cornucopia hiccuped.

"Ash, are you alright?" Splash asked. Ash nodded.

"You're a sea pony???" Missy asked Cornucopia. Corn shook her head.

"I'm actually...a kelpie...I don't eat ponies, though. I'm a vegetarian, like a normal pony. I have one best friend. His name is Trojan. He's a timber-pony, but he...got shredded by changelings. Our only access from Trotlantis to the ground above is through this awful place," Corn replied coyly.

A bolt of lightning erupted from Quinky's tent.

"Quinky!" Splash yelled. She charged over to his tent to find tendrils of smoke drifting off of his charred mane.

"What happened?" Splash asked.

"I was trying to make a tiny spark just out of boredom and it exploded!" Quinky exclaimed. "Hold on a sec..."

He moved his hooves together and a cloud appeared. He jumped back in shock ((haha)).

"Well, now I have a bed. Anypony else want one?" he asked. He looked a bit scared of his new power.


((Would Missy rather have Dark power or Light power? You probably can guess with the Light, but Darkness entitles shadows, dark fogs, lack of light, etc.))

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy looked confused, she was still staring at the two crystals. Eminating dark and light energy, it was amazing, almost ancient magic.

"The everlasting conflict between light and dark." Missy said "Two of the balancing forces of the universe. Almost seems appropriate." Suddenly, the crystals stopped spinning, they still looked confused, Missy thought about this for a while. Something her father had said to her when she was a filly.


"Light cannot exist without darkness and darkness cannot exist without light."


She thought about this statement for just a few seconds when suddenly the dark crystal flew towards her and hit her in her chest, the other crystal twirled a bit and shot towards Splash, what did this mean? Was she going to gain extra powers like the rest of them or was there evil hiding in the crystal.

"Oh no, does this mean something? Why did the dark one hit me? I don't represent darkness do i?" Missy asked.

Everypony shrugged their shoulders, it was a complete mystery to them. Go figure, huh.

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"I guess that entitles younto discover what it does," Splash said. She helped unconscious Ash over to Quinky and set him atop the cloud.

"I don't know what mine does either, but Ash found out awfully quickly," she said. "And so did Quinky."

Cornucopia gulped.

"Oh! These are for you!" Splash levitated the bits that Celestia had given her and placed them gently in Corn's hoof. A small, green fin stuck from the side of her two hooves.

Corn looked surprised. She accepted the gift.

"T-thank you. How did you know I was coming?" Corn asked.

"I didn't know exactly that you were coming, but our ruler gave me these to give to the first pony we met along the road. It just so happened to be you!" Splash said.

Just then, a whisp of smoke trailed towards them. It reached the group and turned into a letter. Splash opened it.

"It says here that our little group has a name now: the Celestial Conquesters. Not particularly my favorite, but it's the Princess' orders. It says that Celestia knows that we found the Crystal, but we're still missing one pony: the good changeling. Appearantly, it'll get the last segment of the Crystal!" Splash read.

Corn's bits suddenly hovered in the air and floated around her neck. They formed a necklace and the segment of the Crystal stuck to it.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy decided she would write an entry in her journal while Splash and Corn where talking, it said:


"We've made camp in the Changeling Territories, i am not quite sure what this dark crystal means, but if it has any connection to what we're doing here, then..."


Suddenly, Missy felt a sharp pain inside her, she ran out of her tent and tripped over her own hooves. She got up but she was lost in another world. Missy couldn't feel or hear anything, she couldn't see, there was only darkness. "No, no, i'm all alone, i don't want to be alone, somepony help me." She said softly while tears were streaming from her eyes. She could see a figure, a shadow, it was heading straight for her, it looked like Twilight... no, Chrysalis... no, wait, it is Twilight. Missy was becoming more and more unstable, she had no idea what was going on, for all she knew she was dead and no-one was going to come and get her, but faintly she could hear Splash's voice.

"Missy, snap out of it, please." Missy gained control of her senses again, the first thing she did when she saw Splash was hug her.

Edited by WhoFreak97
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"Are you okay? You seem to have a lot of trauma lately..." Splash steadied Missy. "Do we need to find a cure? I know a lot about that sort of thing."

Corn slunk into the room, if that's what you call it. She walked a bit like a seal, but her cloak made it just look ridiculous.

"We really need to get everypony secure. Ash's down, Missy's in no position to be going anywhere, Quinky's exhausted, and I'm downright tired. Can you help?" Splash asked Corn.

Corn nodded.

"You take care of Missy. I'll tend to Quinky and wait for Ash to wake up. I may have to use some of my water power," Corn replied. She shuffled back out.

"Tell me what's wrong," Splash demanded. "I want to help. I also want to get this quest fone so we can get home, where it'll be easier to find you a cure and finish mine. I really care about you now. You're my best friend! We can solve this together! Wait, so that's why Celestia went on and on about friendship...she wanted me to know more about the magic of it! It is just like Twilight says! I see what she meant! Thank you, Missy!" Splash hugged Missy again.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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