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"You have no idea how glad i am to see you." Missy said to Splash in an almost scared tone of voice. Splash looked confused.

"What do you mean, i've been here all this time, you saw me a few minutes ago." Missy had to explain to Splash what she had experienced.

"The crystal must have activated, i don't know what the purpose of its powers are but it seems like it feeds off the victim's deepest fears, my fears." Missy explained. "I felt trapped, felt isolated, like no-one would ever find me. I felt as though my friends had abandoned me." Splash was taken aback, but quickly turned her expression into a sincere smile. "Why would you ever think that your friends would abandon you?" Splash asked in a very soft tone.

"Because it is my deepest fear, my parents abandoned me when i was a filly. Just eight years old with no parents. I left Manehatten with no clear direction, but 6 years on and i still feel like that filly that was abandoned." Missy looked down at the ground, she was clearly upset by having to remember that.

Splash lifted Missy's chin up and looked her in the eye.

"Listen, you're my best friends, i will never leave you, that's a promise." Splash said.

"Pinkie Promise?" Missy replied jokingly.

Splash smiled and performed the actions. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Splash said, they both started giggling.

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((any volunteers to plsy the role of the good changeling?))


"We should probably form a plan. The Princess sent us to retrieve the Crystal of Balance, and we almost have. We're just missing our Nature representative. I'm sure Celestia will know what to do with the pieces we have if we bring them all back....what if the pieces leave us after we reach Canterlot? What if it's as if they know where they're supposed to be and they're waiting for us to take them? What if they reform into the Crystal again?" Splash questioned excitedly.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out soon," Missy smiled.

Splash helped Missy up. She trotted over to the last piece of Crystal that was suspended in the air. Grass and vines swirled vaguely inside. Splash reached her hoof up to touch it. She didn't even reach it before she was thrown backwards. She was sent straight into poor Quinky Bolts, who was just recovering from his recent accident. Splash toppled over and kicked him in the head accidentally.

"Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Splash asked,

'I wonder if...' she thought. She used her magic to heal him. The results were amazing. Not only was his headache gone, but his muscles beefed up a bit and all his energy returned.

"Now that's more like it," Quinky said as he flew in a circle.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((I'll take control of the good changeling if that's alright.))


"That's cool, i'm going to get some sleep." Missy said drowzy from the events of the night, as if the universe was mocking her, or rather, Celestia was. The sun was up, no time for sleeping.

"You have got to be kidding me. I am still tired and WE still have a quest to do." Missy shouted, suddenly a dragonfire message appeared beside Missy, it was a message from Celestia. Missy opened it.


"Missy, i forgot to give this to you before you left, it is the pearl of friendship, you must use it when you and Splash become the best of friends. You'll know when, specifically to use it.


A pearl floated out of the letter, it seemed to come from nowhere, it went over to Missy's saddlebag and put itself in a small compartment.

"What was that about?" Splash asked Missy, she didn't think of it as anything vitally important at that time, so she wasn't going to tell Splash about it.

"Just a letter from Twilight, she's just worried about me that's all." Missy said to Splash.

"Okay, well we're just packing up camp and we're heading out in a couple of minutes." Splash replied happily, she trotted off with a spring in her step and a smile on her face, this made Missy reel happy too.

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"Alrighty, everypony. We still have one piece of the Crystal left. We obviously know where it is, for I'm standing next to it, but we don't know who can move it. I tried, but failed as most of ya'll know. Corn, how's Ash?" Splash said at the group meeting she had called.

"He should be up and about in s few minutes," Cornucopia reported. "He must've gotten engulfed in the overwhelming-ness of his new strength."

Splash nodded.

"Thank you, Corn. Anypony got anything else to report?" she asked.

Quinky raised his hoof.

"Um, yes?" Splash answered.

"Well, I was standing over there, like, by that rock, see? And well, I noticed something: where's that drooly timber wolf of yours gone off to? What's his name? Pocky? Pooky?" Quinky informed.

"Pokey, and yes, he has been gone quite some time now, hasn't he? Maybe he's off finding the Nature Wielder," Splash joked.

A nervous chuckle came from Cornucopia.

"W-what's a t-t-timber w-w-wolf?" she stuttered.

"Oh, just a large, vicious dog made of wood and plants," Splash replied.

Corn gulped.

"But don't worry. Pokey's friendly! I'm sure he'll like you!" Splash reassured.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy started laughing at Corn's nervousness. "Don't worry, really, Pokey's a nice timber wolf, from what i've seen anyway." Missy said to Corn, hoping to be comforing in the process, they had to figure out how to move it, Missy thought of trying a simple telekinesis spell, but that wouldn't end well. Just like what had happened to Splash earlier. They all stood round the crsytal brainstorming, 4 ponies and a seapony and they couldn't figure out how to move a semi-large chunk of rystal imbued with nature energy.


"I bet Missy is going to look in her book now."


The voice seemed to come out of nowhere, but it sounded like Splash, what the hay?

"Why would you say that?" Missy asked.

"What are you talking about?" Splash returned with another question. Equally confused, they shrugged that moment off and pretended that it didn't happen, Missy decided to test a theory, if they could see into each other's minds, could they communicate telepathically?

"Splash, turn in my direction if you can hear this." Missy tried to send a message to her, if this worked then it would be useful if they ever got split up. Splash turned towards Missy with a confused look.

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(I have a really good Idea for the good Changeling. Is it alright if I have him?)


Dear Meno


We have finally finished. We have most of the royals covered. As long as you can distract them long enough we can get the whole town pretty much. Last time we had to deal with 'Twilight Sparkle' and her friends. Now that we have the Elements we should be alright.


Now about the reward. You will become a stronger, better, bigger one like me. However transformation will take sometime and if something goes wrong it must be postponed. I hope that is alright with you.


- Queen Chrysalis.


"What happened?" Ash asked. He felt energized and ready for anything. "Who are you?" He stared at the sea-pony. "My name is Cornucopia. I'm one of splashes friends". Ash felt some kind of a connection with this sea pony. He had met sea-ponies before and most of them disliked him for his fire abilities. This one though. Seemed different. "I assume you know who I am?" He asked Corn. "I do." They shook hooves and Ash sat up. As he got up he saw the crack of dawn approaching. "We should get to business." He got up and walked to his tent.


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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((WhoFreak97 already claimed the changeling, but you two can work it out between ya'll. And Cornucopia is a KELPIE, not a seapony, sorry. It's a mythical kind of horse known for drowning peeps and eating them))

"Erm, well, I'm actually not sure what's going on..." Cornucopia said shyly as she followed Ash. "I'm new..."

"POOOOOKEY!!!" Splash yelled. "POOOOOOOOOOKEY!!!"

Quinky began whistling ♪, but Pokey wouldn't come. Quinky stopped to examine the Nature Crystal. It had strange runes carved on the bottom.

хмйтуцппшέΰάέςίώϋψχγαυγρσθω ūdždzųδβλβχορψώςέΐ΅нффэтш

Quinky tried to interpret them, but nothing seemed to match.

((I'm using my 3DS & I found a whole bunch of letters :D I hope I didn't spell anything bad...))


When Pokey didn't come, Splash gave up yelling.

"How could we of lost him?" she asked. "I mean, hard hard is it to miss an enormous timber wolf?"


((Can the changeling enter their campsite by riding Pokey? I just thought'd be funny because Pokey's made of tree and the changeling would be a Naturalist...it doesn't have to))

Quinky flew into the air to get a better look, but dust was flicked by the wind into his eyes so he landed to scrub them out.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"We need to move this crystal somehow." Missy decided that she would try a telekinesis spell on the crystal, it shocked her horn and sent her flying backwards into a bush.

"Missy? Are you alright?" Splash asked, she knew that Missy was alright, she just wanted to make sure.

"I'm fine, though my horn is sore, it'll be fine, why do we need to wait for Pokey, too?" Missy asked Splash.

"We need Pokey to travel, he's our fast mode of transportation." Splash responded. "And besides, it's more safe than travelling on hoof."

"You might like travelling by timber-wolf, but i don't, it's a bit bumpy." Missy said.

"Missy, i wanted to ask you something." Quinky suddenly said, they were both up in the air.

"Sure, Quinky, what do you want to know?" Missy responded curiously.

"I had heard this from some ponies, but i wanted to be sure, is it true that you did a Sonic Rainboom?" Quinky asked.

"Yes, it's an interesting story." Missy responded.


<Story Time>

I was flying with Rainbow Dash when suddenly, somepony set off a lighting bolt above us and injured Rainbow Dash's wing, naturally, i tried to save her, she was plummeting towards the ground faster than i could fly, then suddenly, i started to accelerate exponentially. I started going faster and faster, i felt the force pushing me upwards and i felt as though i was going to be knocked out of flight and Dash would have died. But Dash's expression changed to one of surprise, i hadn't noticed but a funnel appeared at the tip of my nose dive. Suddenly my vision started to crowd, then i just started flying so fast, Dash grabbed on to me and i flew her to Ponyville in less than 3 seconds.


"It was an establishing moment for me, Dash and me became good friends after that." Missy continued. "Though no-one really knows about it, just a few people found out."

Edited by WhoFreak97
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"You...did the Sonic Rainboom?" Splash asked slowly. She was too shocked to say anything else.

"Alright!" Quinky brohoofed Missy.

"What's a...rainboom?" Corn asked.

"It's when a pony flies so fast that a funnel of air forms around her and she flies so fast that light also gets twisted into the equation and torn to shreds, just like a prism. The pony suddenly changes direction, tearing a last burst of light into a rainbow shockwave. The lights cling to that pony while she slows down, leaving a trail of rainbow behind her. It's really cool. The only known pony to ever do it was Rainbow Dash, but that record has been overthrown by Missy's awesomeness!" Quinky explained scientifically.

"You...performed the Sonic Rainboom," Splash still was accepting the fact. "That...IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!"

Missy smiled. Splash hugged her. She helped Missy out of the bush and dusted her off.

"Corn, what's Trotlantis like?" Splash asked.

"Remind me to tell you on the road, that is, if you want me to come," Cornucopia replied.

"Of course! You're our Water wielder!" Splash said. "Missy, where are we supposed to travel to?"

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy was happy that her friends were now happy, it was an unusual feeling for her.

"Well, we have to pass through the Forest of the Ancient Spell, so we should go there first, in any case, Pokey is massive, how are we gonna ride a 50-foot-tall Timber Wolf?" Missy asked Splash, hoping that she wouldn't have to ride it.


"We'll have to rely on some kind of miracle then won't we?" Splash retorted. Missy shrugged, in any case, they had to leave.

"We have to go now, i'm sure the Crystal will be safe until we find the nature wielder. As if the crystal knew that they were leaving, it started floating next to Missy, she flew around a bit and it kept following her. The group left the campsite, they started making their way towards their destination.

"So, was it easy doing the rainboom?" Quinky asked Missy curiously, like a fanpony.

"No, it most certainly wasn't, i won't explain why because you already know." Missy responded.

"Have you ever done a... Double Rainboom?" Quinky stopped and started gasping.

"No, don't be silly, there is no such thing. One would have to break the sound barrier twice for that to happen." Missy explained. "Basically, it's impossible."

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"I bet you could!" Quinky blabbed childishly. "The only thing I can do...nopony really cares about. And it has nothing to do with breaking sound barriers or anything..."

A sound rustled in a nearby bush. Corn practically jumped into Quinky's arms.

"A monster!!!" she screeched.

A baby changeling stumbled out. But it looked a little to old to be a baby, so Splash decided that it was a filly. The changeling was strange to look at. She had pupils, a long horn, and a rune on her flank. She also had one on her slightly curved horn. Instead of wings, two smooth spines protruded from her back. She had two more smaller spines on her back, and two on the back of each of her legs.

"Hey, there! Are you lost?" Splash asked. "Little..changeling?"

"CHANGELING???" the filly roared. Her wide, silver eyes flared. "I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT A CHANGELING!"

"Okay, sorry. What are you then?"


"A what?"


The small runecorn promptly turned around and marched back into the bush she had come from.

"Wait! What's a runecorn? Are you lost?" Splash shouted.

"Come back when you're quieter. Actually, you don't come back ever. Bring someone nicer," the baby retorted.

"At least give us your name!"

"Beauty Jewl. BJ"

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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That was an unusual encounter, the little thing called itself a runecorn, oh great, another variation of a species.

"I don't think we should give chase." Missy said. "Although i think it was in a hurry to get somewhere, do you think we should try and find out?"
"Maybe, we don't want to waste any daylight on small issues such as this, but i am curious about what the little filly was doing." Splash replied. "Nevertheless, we have a quest, and we must continue." Splash kept glancing at the bush as they were trotting away. They were about to enter the forest when Missy stopped, complaining about pains where the crystal was.

"Sorry, we have to stop. It feels like this crystal is draining my magic, it's painful!" Missy fell over after a shock of pain, which made her scream a little. "The crystal won't stop at my natural magic, it'll..." Missy winced mid-sentence. "Splash, put a forcefield around me."

"What are you talking about Missy?" Splash asked. "What are you going to do?"

"Just do it!" Missy shouted, her eyes starting to turn red. Splash complied and put a forcefield around Missy, she started to tense up with effort, there was then a flash and a breaking sound. It blew everyone away from Missy. When everypony got back up, Missy was on the ground, she was trying to get up. Splash trotted over to her.

"Missy, are you OK?" Splash asked.

"Splash, i want you to do something for me." Missy said, Splash nodded. "Sure, anything."
"If i don't make it back to Ponyville... for obvious reasons, i want you to tell Twilight that... she was always like a sister to me... tell her that she was the greatest teacher i ever had?" Missy fell to the floor out of exhautsion, she was awake, just tired.

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"Won't...make it back? Missy, I can find a way out of this! Just...just like when you start to freeze to death! Quinky, what happens when your start freezing?" Splash gulped.

"You fall asleep!" Quinky yelled back.

"Yeah! Just, don't fall asleep! I gotta think think think! Oh......I am the worst friend! I can't even save my own!" Splash panicked.


((Now would be a good time to introduce the changeling!))



Splash ran her hooves through her hair.

"Joy..Joy..JOY!!! What would Joy do? He would've..would've SUNG! He would've sung something happy! It always lightens the mood!" Splash grew desperate.

"I'm not sure that singing will help..." Quinky yelped. "And who's Joy?"

"Nopony important! Ask later!" Splash yelled back. "I won't be able to keep up a force field forever! Missy! What's going on?"


Splash grew panicked. Her magic flared. It strengthened the force field, causing it to look darker than ever. A spell snapped into her mind and she used it, regardless of what it did. With a frozen moment of time, she popped into a inter-dimensional room.

"Where am I?" she asked. She felt surprisingly calm.

"Not where you think. Welcome to Stop-Still." a mysterious voice replied.

"I need to get back!" Splash said.

"Then go! I will not hold you."

Splash tried a counter-spell, but no results.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy winced in pain again as whatever it was, was trying to drain all of her magic. If Missy didn't stop it within the next few minutes it would kill her. She had to do something.

"The crystal is drawing off of my dark magic, if it isn't stopped it will start draining my life force instead." Missy seized up almost as though she was being electrocuted. "I have to stop it before it's too late."

Missy tried to form a light spell, but nothing was working. Missy was starting to feel faint, in a final effort, she vented all of her magic in an effort to stop it, it worked, the force was releasing its grip on Missy's crystal. Missy was shaking, she tried to take a step forward but fell over in the process.

"Missy!" Quinky shouted, he flew over to her and picked her up. "What happened, are you okay?"

"I know what it does now." Missy said in a daze. "The crystal attached itself to me because it knew i had a near-infinite source of dark magic in my soul.
"Then what should we do? we can't let something like this happen again." Corn asked. Before Missy could answer, she had passed out.

"Goodness, this pony seems to faint a whole lot doesn't she?" Quinky said.

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Quinky realized that Splash was gone.

"Where'd she go?" he asked.

Corn shrugged. We have a situation here, but none of us knows what to do," she replied.

"I say...we take her back to the palace?" Quinky suggested.

"How?" Corn questioned.

"Good point. Let me try something..." Quinky made an enormous cloud appear. He loaded Missy, Ash, and Corn onto it. He climbed on after them and pulled the wind to move the cloud. It moved very slowly.

"This isn't working!" Corn shouted.

"I know! I'm trying something else now! Splash would know what to do if she were here or if Missy was awake!" Quinky yelled back. He gathered electrons and forced them backwards. Lightning pushed the cloud with an amazing speed.

"This is more like it!" Corn screamed over the wind.

"Just watch for enormous spires!" Quinky yelled back. "I can't see from this position!"

And thus the day Derpy saw a cloud fly with lightning came to pass.


Meanwhile, Splash tried to escape the trapped room.

 "I'M LEAVING!" she yelled. "Watch me!"

She seriously doubted herself, but Missy was in trouble. With a pop, she appeared on the cloud next to Quinky.

"GAH!" Quinky squeeked.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy awoke with a start, where was she? She was in a dark forest as far as she could tell, she wasn't tired anymore so what the hay happened.

"Hello? Splash? Quinky?" Missy called out but no-one answered. It was no use, wherever she was, she was alone.

"Hello again, Missy!" a mysterious voice boomed from somewhere. "So good to finally have you all to myself." The mysterious voice did not appear to be coming from anypony. It was as though the darkness itself was carrying the message.

"Where am i? What do you want?" Missy said, becoming more and more scared each escond she was there. All of a sudden, there was a dark mare, she looked like Night-Mare Moon but a little bit darker.

Was she feeding off of that horrible memory?

"Don't you recognize me Missy? I have been living in your soul for the past 2 months." The mare shouted at Missy. The mare started galloping towards Missy.

"Stay back, or..." Missy stuttered. Then suddenly a light finally appeared, it was moonlight, wait, was it?

"Begone creature, do not harm this foal!" The light figure shouted. Almost immediately, the dark mare started galloping away. "I'll get you next time, Missy!" The ball of light soon turned into Princess Luna, soon after, Missy seemed to fall asleep again. Missy awoke again, this time she was on a clou... HOLY HAY HOW FAST IS IT GOING?!

"Splash!" Missy shouted, grabbing Splash and pulling her downwards. "It was her."


((I was planning on doing a whole thing with Missy going deeper and deeper into her dreams and the deeper she went, the harder it would be for the guys to wake her up.))

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"Not her!" Splash gasped, horrified. "She tried to visit me last night, but Princess Luna saved me! I'm still assessing the situation. I have no clue how I got here or where I was, but Quinky's moving this cloud with lightning."

"Can I try something?" Corn asked. She felt the vapors in the cloud call her. She pushed them forwards.

   The speed of the cloud increased by 70%.

"CORRRRRRRRRRN!!!! QUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKYYYYYYYYYY!!!! SLOOOOW THIIIIIS THIIIIIIING DOOOOOOOWN!!!" Splash screamed over the wicked winds. But neither of them heard her. They were too excited to hear. The tip of the cloud began to funnel.

  Now, a well known fact is that clouds aren't meant to go that freakin' fast, especially if you form a funnel of wind with your speed. The poor molecules of the cloud couldn't take the extreme pressure of the funnel and whipped into it. A tornado formed briefly, but the ponies who were riding it didn't go with it. The tornado disappeared as quickly as it had come and the five ponies plunged to the earth.




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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Meno was happy. When the Queen got back he would be promoted. Maybe to a prince or even a Queen! All the changelings would look up to him and obey his every command. As long as the Queen finished her job than they would return with all the love in the world and all of Equestria to have. He was looking out at the wonderful view from the Changeling holds balcony. He could see Canterlot. It would have taken awhile to get there though. He was just getting drowsy when he noticed something Wiz past the corner of his eye. It was a grey thing with energy coming from it. He swiftly turned his head to the source. It was a thunder cloud with many ponies riding it.


This wasn't good.


Ash enjoyed the back of the cloud. The wind through his mane and his face felt like nothing else. It must have been awesome to be a Pegasus! The view from here was amazing. You could see Canterlot and even Manehatten from up here. Something got his attention though. "Um guys!" He yelled over the loud sound of thunder propelling the cloud. "Sorta busy here!" Quinky yelled as she maneuvered the cloud through the sky. "Well it's gonna get a lot more busy unless we do something." The Changeling was extremely fast. It was catching up to them even with the speed of the thunder cloud. Ash chucked a fireball at the Changeling but it quickly dodged. It was swift. It was getting closer each second. "We need to do something!" Ash yelled in a panic. "Hold on yelled Quinky." The cloud quickly dove down. The Changling used a magic spell and it tore through the cloud splitting it in half. Ash was with Corn on one side and Slpash was with missy and Quinky on the other side.


The Firey one grabbed the Changelings attention. He dove down after it and pushed the cloud downward into some nearby forest. It pulled the Cloud down until it went too fast and lost control. "What do you want from us!" Ash yelled at the Changeling as he and Corn held on for dear life. "I want...to be a King!" The changeling yelled at the group. They quickly tumbled into the trees of the forest. All three of them fainted.


"We lost them!" Splash yelled as the Cloud dove down. "I got this!" Quinky said as she struggled to pull the cloud up. All of a sudden the cloud ran into an almost unseeable figurehead black as night. *poof* The cloud evaporated into thin air as Missy, Splash, and Quinky were flinged forward. They luckily landed in a well placed pond.


The figure. Was something they had not expected at all.


It was the figure that was Inside Missy.


And pokey? Pokey was running towards a scent. A familliar scent surrounded my Other Un-familiar scents. The scent of burning.


(The group is now two different groups. I think they should get split up for now and re-unite sometime later. It's up to. You guys. The Changeling [Meno] is bad now but he will become good as the story goes on. Sorry I haven't replied to any role plays recently. I have been studing for 8th grade finals too much! Also for some reason I've been having trouble seeing posts appear on my IPad so If I miss something I apologize.)


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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((This post has been edited to follow Neon's revised post.))


A changeling from behind the cloud pushed through the cloud, the cloud broke apart leaving Missy, Splash and Quinky on one side and Ash and Corn on the other side with that strange Changeling. It was strange, as it did not look like an ordinary Changeling. Missy and the others landed in a large pond. Missy flapped her wings and exited the pond. She helped Splash out too.

"What was that all about?" Splash asked. "Was that a changeling?"

"Yes, although something was off about it." Missy said. Suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of the two mares. It was the darkest, most evil thing that could possibly exist.


It was the darkness inside Missy.


"Why, hello there Missy, as you can probably tell by now, i'm not in your dreams." The dark figure boomed.

Missy was rooted to the spot with fear. She couldn't move, it was the end for her.

"Stay, stay away from me!" Missy shouted.

"Missaay!!" Splash shouted from behind her. "We need to go!!" Missy was suddenly picked up by Splash who was riding on a cloud with Quinky.

"You're late." Missy said jokingly.

Edited by WhoFreak97
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"That was the Alicorn of the Amulet, wasn't it?" Splash asked.

"We need some kind of disguise!" Quinky yelled.

"Missy, ya don't suppose that you could..ya know, use the power from the Crystal Shard to whip us up a dark mist, couldja?" Splash asked.

"And make us totally visable and all dark creatures drawn to us? Bad idea!" Quinky yelled over the wind.

"Fine, I guess I'll take this one," Splash grumbled. She removed a package of paint brushes and paint from her saddle bag.

"I do, after all, hold the record for speed painting."

Splash whipped paint over every inch of the cloud and also painted each of the ponies on the cloud black like changelings. She grabbed enormous leaves as the sped by and painted them almost exactly like a changeling's. When she was done, they appeared as changelings floated mysteriously in the air.

"Great paint job, Missy!" Quinky complimented.

"Thanks, but it is my cutie mark," Splash replied as she packed her supplies away again. She felt so alive now that she had exercised her talent for once in a while.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"That thing always makes me feel so afraid, so helpless." Missy was shuddering, it was clear that this thing made her very scared. "Anyways, my magic isn't strong enough right now to perform a spell like that. Even if it is an inherent ability." Missy said. She still felt a little bit tired from the ordeal she had gone through, it was clearly visible, they were hiding somewhere in the forests.

"Where did everypony go, Ash and Corn, i hope they're alright." Missy thought to herself.
"There's no need to be afraid of it anymore, we're here, we're your friends." Splash said. "Besides, even if you did get corrupted, we would so totally find a way to fix you." Missy tried to object to that completely ridiculous and illogical statement but Splash put her hoof on Missy's muzzle. "We'd find a way to help you, we would never abandon you."

"Thank you, Splash. That means a lot to me, to be completely honest, you are the first best friend I've ever had, so it's nice to know that you'd stick by me."

"Of course i would, what are friends for...?" Splash's sentence was interrupted by Quinky whispering.

"Get down, Changeling patrol." Quinky whispered.

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"Dude, we're painted to blend in with them. I'm confident that they won't take much notice of us," Splash replied.

The changelings noticed and sped towards them.

"Happy?" Quinky retorted.


((I can ask my friend to move this rp to the basic rps if it's getting to be too much of a hassle to type all 800 words. Just tell me and I'll tell them)


Meanwhile, Corn stirred and awoke. She tried to get up, but she realized that she couldn't. she examined her tail. The fin on the end had disappeared completely disappeared. Blood oozed from the tip. It was also broken in three places. The two fins on her back ad been severely damaged as well. Corn sighed, happy that she couldn't feel the pain. She twisted the bits in her hoof that splash had given her. she had finally realized what they were for. She only had two left. She had used one of the Wish Tokens to stop pain as they were falling. None of them should feel the pain for many days now. Corn took one of her bits and tied the other in her mane. She flicked the bit in her hoof into the air and kicked it as far as she could.

Trade my tail for two normal hind legs and a tail of hair and fix our wounds.

Instantly, her tail vanished and two hind legs appeared. They matched her front legs, each with a small fin on the side. Her wounds closed and mended. So did Ash's and the changeling's.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((I think that would be best, because then we wouldn'y have to extend out ideas over 800 words. Easier for everyone.))


Missy was obviously still tired which made her unable to perform the spell that she had in mind for this situation. They were battling through the Changelings, MIssy was performing a stun spell every now and then. But Splash and Quinky were really working well in a team. they were mowing down Changelings  in the hundreds. It was as though they were made of paper. 

Suddenly, a larger changeling appeared behind Missy, it tackled her to the ground. Missy was too weak to fight it off. The changeling cut Missy along her muzzle and her chest and stabbed her right hoof and hind leg with a spear., it was as though the world went into slow motion, the pain was shooting right through Missy, the blood coming out. Splash noticed this and tackled the changeling to the ground and killed it. She hurriedly goes to Missy

"Remember to tell Twilight, Splash." Missy said to Splash, the pain continuing to go straight through Missy's body, the pain caused her to go unconcious. Splash was trying to feel for a pulse or wake her up but she didn't get anything. Missy was dead. "Missy? Missy!?!" Splash shouted


((I'm thinking that this is the point where the Pearl comes into play, just roll with it. Something about how Missy was her best friend and that somehow activates it.))

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((Okay-dokay, I've submitted a request to one of the admins to move this rp :) Thanks for the input!))

"MISSSSSSSSSYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" Splash screamed at the top of her lungs. Her magic flicked back into the past for a moment. Her black magic erupted. It was fueled by pure rage, making it into one of the strongest magics in all of Equestria. It fired high into the air, a black beam of darkness. It reached high into the sky and opened a portal. This inter-dimensional gateway was more powerful than anypony had ever known. It split in the sky, and Shademares poured out. They were an invincible group of athletic mares from the underworld sent for one mission: to kill. They were compelled by Splash's spell and they finished off the rest of the changelings that Quinky was fighting, gulping them down their gullets. They trotted silently in a ring around the group. The faceless, all black mares tossed their manes and screamed into the sky, but no sounds came out.

"Missy..." Splash moaned.

Just then, the dark shard floated off of Missy's lifeless cheek. It hovered there, awaiting it's next master.

"This is all your fault!" Splash shrieked at it. She knew better than to touch it, though. "This is all my fault," Splash whimpered. Quinky stroked Splash's hair, searching for the right thing to say.

"No use crying over spilled milk?" he tried.

Splash glared hard. Quinky retreated.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy was dead, there was no doubt about that. quinky and Splash were sitting a little bit away from her. Quinky was huggin Splash, trying to comfort her, it wasn't working very well though. Splash was crying uncontrollably into Quinky's coat, it was the most upset that he had ever seen her.

"She was my best friend, Quinky, i couldn't save her, she's gone." Splash said, immediately wrapping her hooves around Quinky.

"I know, we have to get out of here though, i'm sure Missy wouldn't want us to die too, so put her on this cloud and let's go." Quinky said. Splash walked over to Missy's lifeless body.

"Why did you leave me, Missy? I need you to wake up. Please." Splash was shaking Missy, she started crying again, she didn't want to see Missy like this, her wounds were still bleeding so she decided to heal them, it was the best that she could do for Missy right now. Suddenly, her horn started glowing... and ringing. A small display appeared in front of her. It was Twilight, what would she say to her, how will she take the news.

"I tried to contact Missy, but it wasn't working so i contacted you instead, what's going on?" Twilight asked.

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