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"Missy's...dead...How'd ya get my horn number?" Splash replied. "I was being overconfident and thought that we had a good disguise, but the changelings found us anyway. Missy gave her life fighting...as my best friend..." Splash's tears started again.

"Who're you talking to?" Quinky asked.

Splash ignored him.

"Missy told me to tell you," Splash sniffed. "that you were a great teacher and...and...and..."

Splash tried hard to finish, but the words wouldn't come. Quinky realized that there was magic involved and patted Splash's mane. The shock on Twilight's face was almost unbearable. Splash's cry became a wail. Her nose ran and her eyes swam. It was hard to breath, but the despair was crushing.

"Can't you bring her back with one of those, erm, come to life spells?" Quinky asked.

"That's only for inanimate objects!" Splash screamed.

Quinky got an idea. He brought a couple electrons close and used them like an AED on Missy. No success.

((Admins workin' on movin' this. It'll take some time to get it moved, but I'll keep ya'll updated. Thannks! ill keep up))

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Twilight looked close to tears, she had never lost anyone in her life, especially one of her best friends. Splash was still crying, it wasn't a new experience for her to lose a friend but it still hurt her nonetheless, she composed herself a little bit.

"Well, you'd better come back here then, if you have what you were looking for that is." Twilight said over some stifled tears. "I'd better go tell the others, see you when you get back, bring her to Ponyville will you?" Twilight asked, she then turned the communication off. Splash didn't want to levitate Missy, it seemed kind of wrong, so she picked Missy up with her hooves, it was a little awkward but she rested Missy's body on to the cloud.

"Quinky, we need to go. We need to find Ash and Corn. If it wasn't for that changeling, Missy would still be alive." Splash said with an angry tone, her horn flickering a deep black colour.

"Splash, calm down, you know what happens when you get angry." Quinky said.


<Cut to Twilight's POV>
Twilight closed the communication line, she just sat there for a few minutes, trying to take in the reality of the situation.

"None of my friends have ever died before, and i encouraged her to go for this." Twilight thought to herself. She curled up in a ball and cried for a little while. She gathered her 5 other friends in the library.

"Missy is dead, she was killed fighting Changelings." Twilight explained. Everypony gasped.

"Twilight, sugarcube, are you alright." Applejack asked. No, she wasn't alright, but she didn't want to burden her friends with her own personal issues.

"I'm fine, it's just a lot to take in, one moment i'm sending her off on a big quest then the next moment she's dead." Twilight said.

"Okay, Twi, we'll just be goin' now, but if you need anythin' don't hesitate to ask." Applejack replied sincerely.

Everypony walked out, they went back to what they were doing previously, but a little less cheerful than before.

Twilight went inside and wrote a letter to Celestia.


"You'll no doubt be hearing from the group in a little while but an urgent matter has come up, my student Missy has been killed on the trip, just thought you'd want to know." From Twilight. Twilight wrote, she gave the letter to Spike to send. When the letter was sent, Twilight just lay in the middle of the library and slept, hoping that this was all just a horrible dream.

Edited by ShyFlutters
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"Ash? Ash? Wake up!" Ash woke up to corn above him speaking softly. He opened his eyes and slowly got up pain. His right leg hurt more than anything else. It seemed that corn only had minor scratches. He had broken her fall. The changeling however was still knocked out. Ash got up slowly and picked up the changeling. "We can use him as a hostage?" The kelpie asked. "They won't care. There are thousands of them. They can always make new ones." Ash thought. "We use him to get information." Ash fell to the floor. His leg was in a very bad state. "Ash!" Corn yelled.


The Changeling woke up.


It knew what had happened and since changelings can recover from injury easily it sprung to its feet. It charged at Ash. For some reason it felt that it was more threatening. Then something happened.


The orbs that both Corn and Ash were holding flung together and there was a beam of light that hit the changeling. It stopped moving. It didn't speak. It fell to the floor. "What the?" Ash said. Meno was paralyzed by the power of the elements. Ash looked at his leg. The giant cut that had been there was missing. The elements had healed him. Ash got up ff the floor once again and picked the changeling up. He flung him on his shoulder and turned to Cornucopia.


"Let's go!"


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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"Splash, you really need to calm down." Quinky said in a frightened tone.

"Calm DOWN?!" Splash shouted. "You want me to CALM DoWn?! Missy is dead because of that changeling. I'm going to kill him if i find him." Splash got on the cloud with Missy and they flew through the forest. Eventually they rain into Ash and Corn with the Changeling.

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'Well,' Corn THOUGHT. 'I guess nopony really notices changes much. I wonder...what's it like to run?'

"Ash,? Corn asked. "What species of pony are there? What species are you?"




"Splash," Quinky began. "I think it's important that I tell you-"

The cloud ran square into something hard, tossing the ponies in two seperate directions. Splash rolled down a hill and Quinky rolled into a swamp. Quinky burst from the murky water and took a deep breath.

"Splash?" he asked. "Where are you?"

Splash rolled down a hill and into a hard object. She split her lip.

"What the- Pokey!" Splash almost cried when she spotted her familiar friend.


((keep Q and Sp seperate)P

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((The whole 200 character thing makes this a whole lot easier.))


Splash became so happy that she could almost explode, then she remembered Missy was on the cloud too.

"Oh no, where's Missy?" Splash asked herself. Splash looked around and found Missy  She was face-down in a lake. Splash frantically swam over to MIssy and grabbed her body. She swam back to the shore. When Pokey noticed Missy was dead, he whimpered and nudged her muzzle a bit. Even Pokey was upset. Her saddlebag was on her as well, suddenly, a small spherical object rolled out of it.


((Missy can't really contribute much due to the current situation so i hope you don't mind me continuing the story controlling the others.))

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((erm, ok...aren't you bringing a new character in? :/ like, soon?))


"My Toss'll Totem!" Splash scooped up the small gift. The mystical grooves in the object slowly began to glow.

Meanwhile, the dark mares cotinued to search for their summoner. She had been there one moment and gone the next.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((Just bear with me, i have something. It was the object that rolled out of her saddlebag.))


Splash picked up the object, it was a pearl of some kind. It was sending a message.


"When friendship ends and loved ones die, just give up the essence, that comes from the eye."


"What? What does it mean?" Splash asked, half-expecting a response. "It probably won't help, Missy's dead." A tear dropped from her eye. It impacted upon the pearl, the pearl started glowing. It levitated Splash and Missy. Splash felt a force grabbing her soul, it was...

"Is this really happening?" Splash thought, some kind of essence started flowing from Splash into Missy. The pearl was acting as a conduit... for friendship. The spell ended as quickly as it had started. Splash trotted over to Missy.

"Please be alive!" Splash shouted. Missy's eyes flickered and her ears moved.

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"Missy! MISSY!!! Can you hear me? Oh, my gosh! You're alive! You're not dead anymore!" Splash almost fainted. She burst into tears. "Missy, you're alive. Alive, alive, alive! Are you alright? What was it like to be dead? Oh, how I missed you!"

Splash propped Missy up a bit. She checked her airway, breathing, and pulse. All had begun in a flurry of activity. Splash laughed in relief.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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After what seemed like forever of walking, Ash, Corn, and Meno had found their way out of yet another forest. "Seems like I'm in these too much" Ash said jokingly. "So how are we gonna get the information outta him?" Corn asked. "We'll for one thing most changelings can be wimps so we could threaten him" Ash said. "Aren't we being a little too mean to him?" Corn asked. "Yeah"...He stopped walking. "D you know how to unfreeze him" Ash asked. "Not a clue at all" Corn shrugged. Ash looked up to the sky. It was getting dark. "We should find a cave or something to hide in for the night." They found a small cave that would fit all three of them snug. Ash and corn got firewood and headed back to the cave. When they arrived the Changeling was gone.


Ash dropped the firewood.


He had been unfrozen.


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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"What, what's happening, am i... alive?" Missy thought, even her thoughts were groggy and tired. Missy's eyes started to open, meeting her was the very familiar and welcoming sight of Splash Paint, her best friend. She couldn't move though, it was as though somepony had frozen her.

"Splash... what... happening?" Missy fainted once again, but this time due to complete exhaustion. Splash panicked, was she going to die after all this. No, her pulse was steady and she was breathing fine. That was good enough for Splash.

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"Missy! Why do you always keep fainting? Oh, I am so happy you're alive!" tears of joy streamed down Splash's face as she said this.

((btw, the admins requested that I make an OOC for this rp. I will and I'll post it on this post in just a little bit. Thanks!!! This rp is fun!!))


there ya go!

Edited by Lunar Knight

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((Well, to be fair, she did just get brought back to life by some magical force.laugh.png ))


<About half an hour later>

Missy awoke again, she was in a cave of some sort. Light eminating off of a fire that had been put together by somepony. Missy lifted herself up against the wall, still feeling the pain of the earlier encounter, but less so.

"Missy, you're awake." Splash said, galloping into the cave. She looked pleased as she looked into Missy's eyes, but then gained an angry expression with tears. She hit Missy in the shoulder.

"Don't ever do that to me again!" Splash gave Missy a big hug.

"I promise that i'll try." Missy said with a smile. "So, anyway, where's Quinky? And do we have the Crystal of Balance?"

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"I'm not sure what happened to either. I still have my shard, and Quinky disappeared after we got bucked off another cloud trying to find  Cornucopia and Flaming Ash. My magic conjured some form of shade mare...but their still looking for me. What was it like to be dead?" Splash said.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy pondered the question for a while, it was painful and sad dying but she...

"I don't know. i met Celestia, she showed me what the aftermath of the situation was, she told me that i was not meant to die here. She told me that... you would be the one to save me." Missy said. "I don't really know what it means but i'm guessing you know more than i do."

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"There was some kind of pearl in my saddle bag. It said something and my tear fell on it. Then, you came back," Splash replied.



"The changeling? It's gone??? Isn't that, like, really bad? But don't all the other changelings know we're here now?" Corn panicked.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Wait a minute, a pearl?" Missy came to a sudden realisation. "Splash, i know how this all happened. The tear that dropeed from you must have been filled with lost friendship, so the pearl used that magic and amplified it, bringing me back to life. Oh, Splash you are just so awesome i could kiss you... but i won't, i feel that goes beyond the barriers of even our friendship." Missy laughed and stood up. "So, are we just staying here for the night?"

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"Um, Missy? You're a girl. How about a hug instead?" Splash answered awkwardly. "I guess, but in the morning I'd like to look for the others. Where'd you learn about the pearl other than what I said? And where did the pearl come from? I feel a bit confused...wait, was that you're gift from Celestia?"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy decided to tell her about the thing earlier.

"Remember the letter i got earlier and i said it was from Twilight. I didn't think it was important but Celestia told me it was something called the Pearl of Friendship, she didn't really tell me how it works, i'm just assuming all of this." Missy explained. "I'm sorry i lied about it, i didn't think it was important at the time, but it ended up saving my life." Missy was so excited, the magic of friendship had brought her back from the dead. If friendship can do that, then it can probably do anything.


((I'll be offline for a little while, i'm gonna go watch Doctor Who, it's sort of a british rule that nobody contacts anybody when doctor who is on.

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A rustle came from the bushes. "Watch out!" Ash yelled as Meno pounced on Corn. He got in between them and punched the Changeling straight in the jaw. The changeling fell. To the flat ground but got back up. He flew towards Ash this time and upper-cut him. Ash dodged the blow and countered with a sweep kick which Meno blocked. They both jumped backwards. Meno looked at Corn and smirk. He ran towards ash before sidestepping to the side and grabbing corn. "Ash!" Corn yelled as she flew away! Ash claimed up a nearby tree and Meno flew off grabbed on to him. This weighed him down and they slowly came down. Meno tried shaking him off but it was no use.


They landed at a cliff where Ash and Meno landed next to each other and Corn to safety. Ash got up and Meno scuttled back. Unfortunately as he got up he didn't see the cliff he was about to drop on. "It's too late. We already have Canterlot and most of Equestria. You can't stop us now!" As meno backed off he heard a cracking underneath him. That was when he noticed he was on the edge of a cliff about to crumble. Meno flung forward as the cliff crumbled. He grabbed on the the edge; slowly losing his grip. Just as he was about to plummet to his doom.


Ash grabbed the changelings hoof and pulled him up off the edge and to safety. Meno was close to death but...this pony had saved him. Why? He pretty much split up the group and told them the plan. "W.....why?" He asked the pony. "Because helping others is good....and in the end, good always triumphs over evil." The Changeling still was shocked that after what he did that the pony forgave him and helped him. Screw being king. Meno wanted to be famous for doing the right thing and not the wrong thing. "I'm coming with you!" The changeling said. "What?" Now Ash was shocked. A good changeling. He had never imagined such a thing!


"Are you sure! Will you be willing to help Equestria and Canterlot for good?" He asked the changeling who proudly nodded. "Will you help shed light and peace over the land?" He asked Meno who once again nodded. Ash pulled out a ninjatō from his saddlebag and knighted him. "You are now a citizen of Equestria" he said to Meno. All of a sudden a green shard appeared hit of nowhere from the bottom of the cliff and came towards Meno. He put his hooves out and the shard fell into his hand. I bolt of green light shot out from the shard that reached the sky. The fire bolt and water bolt came out of Ash's and Corn's saddlebag and did the same thing.




"Huh?" Splash felt something in her saddle bag and so did the others. The bolts came out of their bags and shot out beams of light. "Hey!" Quinky said to the others. She pointed to the other beams if light that where about a mile away. "I think those are the others!" Splash jumped up. "Lets go find them then!"


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"My shard! It's on!" Quiny exclaimed ((Quinky's all alone))

"Welcome, Wielder of the Element of Air. This title empowers you to all things Air, such as clouds, winds, and even  oxygen," the shard said MENTALLY.


"Welcome, Wielder of the Element of Fire. This title empowers you to all things Fire, such as raw flame, vortexes, and even Fire Mares," Ash's shard said to him.


"Welcome, Wielder of the Element of Water. this title empowers you to all things Water, such as the ocean, rain, and even clouds," Corn's shard said to her.


"Welcome, Wielder of the Element of Light. This title empowers you to all things Light, such as healing, rejuvenation, and even youth," Splash's shard said to her.


"Welcome Wielder of the Element of Darkness. This title empowers you to all things Dark, such as shadows, dark mists, and even Shade Mares," Missy's shard said to her.

<meanwhile, for the last time>

"Welcome, Wielder of the Element of Nature. This title empowers you to all things Nature, such as plants, minerals, and even Life itself," Meno's shard said to him.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Was that the shard, was it talking to me?" Missy thought to herself.

She saw Splash running towards the beams of light and tried to gallop too but all she could manage was a quick trot.

"I never realised that being dead would cause so much hassle." Missy thought, giggling at the irony of that sentence, they continued running until they ran into the rest of thyem, minus Quinky.

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Quinky was a bit shocked at the new voice.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hi," came his reply.

"Erm, what am I supposed to do?" Quinky asked.

"Whatever you want to do," said the voice.

"I want to find my friends!" Quinky shouted. A mist swirled around him and lifted him up.

"I"M COMING!" Quinky yelled. "FOR EQUESTRIA!"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Missy decided to try and talk to this being.

"Hello, Shard Thingy...what... i mean... who are you?" Missy 

"Hello, wielder of darkness, it may seem this way, but you are in no way an evil mare, the dark magic inside of you attracted the shard to you."
"What about earlier, when it almost killed me?" Missy asked angrily.

"Yes, about that, when the corruption within your dreams tried to harm you, the shard tried to protect you, that's why it was so painful, it was drawing off of your magic, it may have been painful, we offer our apologies." The voice said.

"So, what are these powers of mine, what do i do with them?" Missy asked curiously.

"They are dark, be imaginative, it's night-time." The voice replied. Missy walked into a shadow of a tree.

"Hey guys, look!" Missy said, she sunk into the shadows, she had dissapeared.


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"Missy! Missy! Oh, not again! Where'd you go? I can't lose you again!" Splash yelled. She panicked and almost cried, scared that her friend had gone. She heard a strange howl. The Shade Mares that she had summoned earlier had found her.

"What do you want?" Splash asked.

"You summoned us. We want flesh. Send us for flesh," they growled in one voice.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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