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"Okay......you can do this Red...." Red thought to himself, "First session ever.........just get to know them.....how hard can that be?  Teach them classical how hard can that be?!" Red walked into the room and began to set his instruments up.  He got out scores of music and laid them out on his stand.  He began to practice a bit in his head as he waited for the students to show up.

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"Yea i'm thinking about it...but it would be all the money i have..." Milly said now unsure if she was going to get it. She sat there thinking about it then Flare went over to her and told her she could get it for free "F-for free? are you serious?" Milly was surprised 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Thunder Dash continued to jam. He then got out his Leslie Speaker pedal and hooked it up. This pedal made a very warbly tone when cranked up. It also gave a slight boost to the sound signal. He then noticed Red. He then started to play the 2nd movement of the Beethoven Pathetique on his guitar using a clean signal with a chorus effect. He had memorized this piece on piano and now can play it on guitar. 

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"Yeah for free" Flare said as smiled. "I wonder if that one person still know me...he told me to see him if I ever made a band...wonder if he is still around" Flare thought as he exited the store and heard the clerks say bye to him. "Now where did he say he was working at again" Flare asked him self as he looked around

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Hay Flare will I was going on my adventure of exploring this place I accidentally bumped into one of your old friends and I really did actually bumped into him (I am so clumsy) he is waiting to talk to you outside of the music store he said that he really needed to talk to you.

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Thunder Dash then finished and went to another room. "I'll see if I can get to teach some rock and metal around here. Maybe even start with jazz."  Thunder Dash said. "I wonder what Milly's up to?" He asked himself setting his stuff down in the empty room. He then started to jam again waiting for somepony to come. 

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Red nodded to the student playing his guitar and urged him to keep going.  It was some form of Beethoven, but the guitar made it hard to recognize.  He nodded again at the student and held a hoof up, "You wanna see something cool, man?"  Red looked at a few of his instruments and began to charge his horn.

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Thunder Dash had a strange feeling he left someone hanging so he teleported back to the room. He then looked at red. "Alright then." He said putting his guitar down and eying Red. "Show me whatch ya got!" Thunder Dash said with a smile. He then noticed Red's horn lit brightly. 

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Milly got the guitar then wondered where Thunder Dash went then she got a call from Vinyl Scratch saying that they could go to a music school in Manehatten if they wanted to, but didn't have to if they felt like adventuring Manehatten she also said how tomorrow there will be a tour around Manehatten and today is just "do whatever you want day" Milly went to tell everyone then saw that everypony went off to do there own thing "Well guess i'll go to the music school" sometime later Milly got there "Oh there you are Thunder Dash" Milly saw the teacher and thought to herself how he was kinda cute "Are you the teacher?" Milly said to the red pony


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Red winked at the student, his horn glowed and fired bolts at two violins, a viola, and a cello.  The instruments lifted from their stands, the bows then went to the strings.  Red looked at the student again, this should make a good impression, he thought to himself.

Red then made his magic play the instruments from across the room.

here's the song he's playing:


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Hay Flare will I was going on my adventure of exploring this place I accidentally bumped into one of your old friends and I really did actually bumped into him (I am so clumsy) he is waiting to talk to you outside of the music store he said that he really needed to talk to you.


"Really who was it" Flare said as he exited the music store. "Well I reckon that I see Flarebolt and his girlfriend" Flare heard a voice that made him almost yell. "She is not my girlfriend she is just a friend" Flare said seeing his old friend who is now a music directer. "Its been awhile hasn't it Flare"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Milly smiled at the red pony when he winked at her "So you are? haha" then he started to play a awesome song. Milly was amazed at how well he played and at how awesome his magic was "W-wow! that's so amazing!" Milly said with a smile "I wish i could do something like that, but my magic isn't that good and i can't play a instrument as wonderfully as you can!" 

Edited by PinkieShyFlutterPie


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Wow that was amazing I never herd anything like it before how did you do that I wish that I can do that to but with a clarinet though and I can't believe that you played that whole entire song by yourself and I never new that magic could control so many instruments at the same time.

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Red finished playing and set down the instruments, the ponies commented on his magic, he blushed a bit and stated, "It's really just a levitation spell.....if you can manipulate more than one object at a time, then you're golden."  He walked around a bit, "I'll be your classical teacher, I'll be showing you where music as we know it came from........and we get to have some fun along the way.  How's that sound?  I'll need your names too."

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"Awesome!" Thunder Dash said. "Now, here's a little something for you!" He said adjusting the settings on his pedalboard. He set his amp to a disortion channel and added the Leslie Speaker pedal He then gathered some electricity and aimed it at a nearby piano. He was going all out. Electricity surrounded his body as he played vigorously 




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"Well maybe you could help me with the spell sometime?" Milly said smiling "My name is MillyMusic, but call me Milly. So Vinyl Scratch, our guest teacher back in ponyville said tomorrow we will be going on a tour of Manehatten with a teacher...is that teacher you? 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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That would be great but I'm not sure what Flare or the rest of thy ponies will say so we will have to wait for there answer but I have no clue were they are when Milly said that today was a free day all of them just ran to do something different so you will have to wait for there answer.

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Flare heard Thunde played his music and thought to play some music himself just somewhere else so he walked off with his guitar on his back he took it off and played his guitar and played ain't no rest for the discorded by cage the pony (Not good an ponyfieing songs or bands)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Alright! Looks like this'll be fun! And yes, Milly I am that teacher." Red smiled, this would be interesting.  The yellow pegasus began to show off on his guitar, Red flipped his switch to "off" and turned his volume to zero, "That's good, but I'll be showing you how to use a classical TWELVE string.  Then the real stuff begins, my friend."

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Hay Flare were are you going do you think that I can come with you because I would like to here you play your guitar if that's ok with you and maybe I can play my clarinet with you but I don't have to if you don't want me to go with you that's fine by me as long as you stay out of trouble.

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"I've used 12 strings before. They're pretty cool. I've been in music ever since I was a young colt. So it should make no difference. My main three instruments are piano, saxaphone and guitar. I also can play marimba pretty well too. I just need to brush up a little on my classical skills. I haven't used a 12 string in months, but I'll get back into the groove of things." Thunder Dash said setting his electric guitar and making his own 12 string acoustic appear out of the blue.

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Flare stopped playing and noticed Luna was following him. "It's ok hopefully you know the songs I will be playing" Flare said as he strummed his guitar and played 'Into the Night'. and also started singing. "Sometimes I wonder if I should even stay here or leave back for ponyville like the rest" Flare thought to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Thunder Dash played a soothing piece, which was one of his very first pieces he had learned. He actually picked up guitar by teaching himself. He was taken into another world, a sort of relaxing place where all of the animals surrounded him just listening to him play. This often happens to Thunder Dash when he plays expressively. 




Edited by Thunder-Dash
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So Flare what are you thinking about and the only reason that I'm asking you is because you look worried so tell me what's bothering you and no matter what you say I will try to help you with what ever is going on so don't be so worried everything is going to be just fine.

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Red sat for a moment then nodded when Thunder finished, "Well done, try to shift more smoothly though, you can hear everything on a stringed instrument."  Red then looked at Milly, "But enough of him, what can you do? Surely you play or sing, try and play something like this..."
Red conjured a lyre and a viola and played...


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