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"Im fine im gonna head to my old home right now you guys can come if you want" Flare said as he headed to his old home and got the key from the plant in front of his house and unlocked the door. "I still cant believe that it hasn't changed since I was gone" Flare said

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"I would but its really late...i'm super tired, i should be getting to my hotel room...how bout you show me your house tomorrow Flare?" Milly said starting to walk away but turned and gave Flare a hug "You have been i really good friend Flare, thanks!" Milly looked around "All you guys have been good friends" Milly said goodbye and started to walk to her hotel room

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"See ya later Milly" Flare said before he entered his house. "I wonder if my old room is still ok" Flare said as he went upstairs and opened his door. "Still in one piece...thats good" Flare said as he jumped on his bed and laid there with a smile on his face. "Today was a good day"

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"Well in that case, I'm gonna head back to my room and call it a night. Good night everypony." He said. Thunder Dash said picking up his 12 string and walking slowly back to his room. When he arrived back in his room, he put the guitar back on it's stand, brushed his teeth and went to bed for the night. 

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Red got to the classroom early the next day, he felt a bit out there this morning so he conjured a synthesizer, two guitars, a bass guitar, and drums.  He already had a good piece lined up for everypony to play together when they got here, so he had plenty of time to relax.

Red is playing this song:


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Flare woke and got out of his bed. "Great I guess today is the tour...I should be the one to guide the whole class I lived here for half of my life" Flare said as he grabbed his guitar and headed outside and heard music. "I guess I should see who's playing that" Flare said heading twords the music.

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Milly woke up the next day and noticed she was late for Music School "Yes! today is the tour, can't wait!" She said to herself as she got ready for school. Milly was walking to school and could hear the music they were playing from far away, she ran into the school excited "Hey everypony!!" Milly said excitedly and took her seat "So today is the tour, right?" 

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"Yep the tour is today Flare said seeing Milly. "I wonder where we are going to see on this tour" Fllare said before he almost dropped but caught it in time. "So where are the others at anyways" Flare asked noticing no one but him and Milly are here. "Also where is the teacher at"

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Oh sorry that I'm late if I am late but I'm here now I hope that I'm not late for our tour so where are we going to go to ate we just going to walk around or what is the plan that we have because I never been on a tour before in my life entail today of course soo.

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"Thunder I don't mean to be rude but please don't have the amp so high up its giving me a headache" Flare said as he looked around and noticed Luna. "I think we will stop at some place to eat Luna but I don't know where we are going" Flare said noticing the teacher is not around.

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Splash felt like she had had a hangover. Last time she passed out, she should've forgotten right then, but her memory losses were a bit randomly spaced out, but a tad predictable. She rubbed her forehead. She knew faces but not names. Where had they gone? And why did she feel like she was supposed to be with the ponies in her head. Conrad slipped out of her luggage, so she turned and chased him. She ran down several dark alleys between houses before catching him. When she did, she heard a pony above her. She gulped. This was one pony she could remember anywhere.She gulped as the tall stallion dropped off the roof top and in front of her.

"Splashie, my old friend! I've missed you! I hope you haven't forgotten our arrangement. I don't think your memory losses would affect it," the tall stallion said.

"Hello, Metamorphasis. I've missed you, too. And no, I haven't forgotten," Splash replied fearfully.

The Prince of changelings smiled down at her.


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"My bad." Thunder Dash said. He then made sure he had his 12 string with him. "Hey Milly, did you get a chance to practice what I talked to you about this morning? You still have a little bit of time to do so. It will do you well, in case you have to play piano at a certain point in the tour." Thunder Dash asked. 

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Milly was thinking about what they may be doing at the tour today wen she herd Thunder Dash talk to her "Oh, uh...no i didn't i got up late today and haven't got to practice" Milly said walking over to the piano "But i will now!" Milly said as she started playing then stopped thinking about something "Hey...where is Splash?" Milly asked 

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"She will be here soon we just shouldn't leave her alright" Flare said as he pulled out his guitar and played Smile by PinkiePie. "I need to play this song more often" Flare said to himself as he started to sing the song without noticing that he is singing.

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Thunder Dash went to the piano and accompanied Flare as he continued to play. While he played, he listened to Flare's style carefully, almost mimicking what he did, but he put a little bit of his own thing along with Flare's style. He played mezzo piano or medium softly behind Flare.  

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Oh I'm starting to get worried about Splash maybe we should go and look for her and make sure that she is ok and that she didn't forget about our tour that we have today, so I think that I'm going to go look for her now well I guess that I'll see you later then.

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Red could hear all the ponies gathered in the music hall, he let his instruments fade to nothing and charged his horn.  He then jumped and teleported into the center of the room.  He looked around, this was a very small class.  He then remembered the field trip today.  "Okay everypony," he announced, "I hope you are all ready for this today! We are going to Manehatten!"

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"We are already in Manehattan" Flare said wondering why he said that. "Did you forget that already" Flare said putting his guitar away in it's case when he finished playing. "Also why do you keep teleporting everywhere why not just walk like most unicorns do" Flare said has he hated seeing people teleport to places they could just walk to.

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Milly saw as the other ponies got mad "Uh..Hey, we are in Manehatten" Milly said laughing "So where are we going now that we are here? Maybe some sort of cool museum or something?!" Milly said excitedly. Milly looked around the room and...Splash still isn't here...weird Milly thought to herself 

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Red stuck his tongue out at everypony, "I knew that.  And teleporting is so much more fun!  Now as for our itinerary, I have always found it best to let students do their own thing." Red conjured maps for everypony. "I've marked key areas that I have found interesting, including the Manehatten Orchestra Hall and of course this place.  Have fun everypony!"

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"I was just there yesterday Thunder and I preformed so you should be able too also" Flare said as he headed twords Manehattan hardrock cafe. "Wonder what I should play this time" Flare said before he heard his stomach grumble. "Maybe I should get something to eat first"

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