DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 The doctor put some control panel crap into the thing and asks, "Where do you want to go, Flare It can be whatever you want, since you are our new Time Defender member guy pony! It can be an alternate universe even! Thos is your lucky day to choose!" Everyone is looking at Flare, waiting for his words to come out... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 "I wanna start with an alternate universe" Flare said answering Windwakers question not sure what to think besides and alternate universe he always wonder about multiple and alternate universes but he never thought he get a chance to see some of them. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 "And what alternate universe do you want to go?" Babs Seed asked. (Eeyup. She's in this. I ADORE Babs. Don't you?) "It can be whatever you want. Just choose." Connor said with an crap eating grin on his face. "Take you time now, sugarcube. We can wait." Applejack said. "MUFFINS!" Derpy said 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 ((I cant think so if it sounds random sorry)) "Ok um how about an alternate universe that didnt have the elements of harmony" Flare said trying to think of a universe off the top of his head hoping no one thinks he has no idea on which to think of. "Im sorry if it sounds odd i never thought i get a chance to see another universe" Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 "WHAT!?!?!" Everyone shouts. "W-Why? Why do you wish to go to that universe?" Wind asks. "What if it has strange aliens?" Applejack asked. "What if it has living evil FOOD?" Babs asked. "Or even worse, PPPPPEEEEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS?" The Dcotor added. Everyone went screaming, running to and fro and they hid in the tardis. Except the doctor who is punching the stuff into the control panel. "And when do yo want to go?" The Doctor asked Flare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 "um first of all when did you encounter evil food...AND WHATS WRONG WITH PEARS" Flare said as he saw everyone hide. "Now please" Flare said as he thought that he might get yelled at by them again. "I really hope this universe isn't bad" Flare said to hime self as he saw the doctor punch numbers into the machine. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 "Well, I HATE PEARS! It's just a personal preference. And the Time Defenders faced living food. But I'll tell you that later. For right now we need to get to that alternate universe!" The doctor said as the Tardis timeported. "So what's your name? You look a little young. Well, we have babs. What's your name?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 "My name is Flarebolt but you can call me Flare" Flare said a bit agitated since hes 19. "Am i really that small" Flare said to himself. "Anyways my name is Flare and for a few days im a unicorn cause of that alicorn using magic on me cause im actually a pegasus" Flare said. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 "Well, that's interesting." The doctor said. The Timeporting stopped. Everyone got out from hiding and got out of the tardis. "Um, flare, you need to see this." Applejack says to flare. Flare gets out of the tardis to see a decimated and destroyed version of ponyville, and maybe even all of equesrtia. Changelings roam around the now barren ponyville and the new changeling hive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 Flare steps out of the tardis to see what happened. "No...of all the things that could happen...changelings" Flare said before a changeling appeared in front of him and hissed at him. "If this is what this universe is like this...then something is wrong" Flare said before he looked at the changeling. "Get the buck out of my face" Flare said before he shot a firebolt at the changling" Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 MoonSparkle being the way she is decides she wants to bored the tardis, she pushed a changeling out of the way before saying "get out of my way changeling" and hit him on the head with her telescope, she then steps in before looking at everyone "hey all, can i come on bored with a telescope" she asked before trying to fit her golden telescope though the front. "come on fit, you stupid thing" she growled and then blew the door off with a exploding spell, she picked up her telescope and dragged it on board. leaving flare outside "lets go somewhere" she exclaimed before pushing random buttons in the tardis and trying to make it move, she pushed a big red button casuing the lights to go out, "stupid thing wheres the instruction book" she sighed before continuing pressing the big red button Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 Flare dragged Moonsparkle outside of the Tardis before she caused more damage. "What. Are. You. Doing> Flare asked before a pony came up to him. "F-flare?" Th pony aksed looking at Flare. "ummmm i know you" Flare said wondering why this pony knew him he never met her in her life. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 Wind pushes moonsparkle into a pit of lava. "Your not causing any more trouble!" Wind said to the now dead moonsparkle. (OH! PWND!) "Alright listen up! We must split up! Doctor, your with Derpy, I am with Applejack, and Flare is with babs. LETS MOVE!" Now everyone is splitting up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 "Alright lets go babs" Flare said as he started to run twords Ponyvilleamd past the pony that was talking to him. "I was expecting a never ending night since the elements of harmony wouldnt be around...but Chrysalis...why Chrysalis" Flare said as he shot mor firebolts at changlings Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoonSparkle 4 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 LMAO The old Moonsparkle dies like a pro but before she does she turns the tardis into a banana and caused the moon to crash into the world screwing everything up, the earth quickly exploded when the moon hit it leading it a large barren rock floating in space the year is now 10b ad and new ponyvill is made before everyone made it so screwed up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 Wind presses an undo button and everything turns to the way it was before Moonsparkle did those things. (Seriously, A BANANA?) Flare and babs walk to where the ruins of old ponyville are. Babs is frightened and his holding flare's hoof. "Um, mr flare," babs says to Flare. "Do you have any type of sword, blade. Weapon, gun, ETC. if you don't, I can lend you my sonic screwdriver. It has a blade in it. Connor gave it to me." Babs gives flare the sonic screwdriver. (The Tom baker sonic screwdriver.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 5, 2013 Share March 5, 2013 "Im least till i cant use magic anymore but that wont be for a while" Flare said smiling at Babs. "Nothing bad will happen" Flare said as he walked around the ruins. "All this happened...but why Chrysalis....." Flare said as he knows that Nightmare moon attacked first so what happened the her. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 5, 2013 Author Share March 5, 2013 "WELCOME, MORTALS, TO NEW NIGHTMARE TOWN!" A booming voice said. Nightmare moon appeared before them. "FINALLY! Raw meat!" She ran towards them, but a beam of light shone through her, freezing her into ice. A black cloaked figure with a hood came to them. "Come with me, there is no time! Follow me and you'll be fine!" Flare and babs follow the hooded figure to a hut in the everfree forest. They run in and lock the doors. The hooded figure uncloaked herself to be a Zebra. "Zecora. What's your names?" Zecora asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 6, 2013 Share March 6, 2013 "My name is Flarebolt" Flare said as he was suprised that Nightmare moon is still around. "Well theres one of my suspicion gone...but what about Chrysalis" Flare said still wondering why changelings are here. "Its just so strange" Flare thought it over and over on how Nightmare moon is working for Chrysalis or not. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 6, 2013 Author Share March 6, 2013 "Nightmare moon isn't working for chrysalis, silly filly! She's the Kings assistant! Here's the story." Applejack and Connor sneak in the hive of the changelings. They see 2 changelings walking out of the hive, so Connor casts a spell to look like the changelings that walked by. They go inside and check the place out. But a mortal enemy was spotted by Connor. King sombra. "And that is how they took over the world. I am making a potion! Wanna try it out, flare?" Zecora asks flare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 6, 2013 Share March 6, 2013 "Uh...Sure" Flare said knowing that Zecoras potions never go wrong. "What does it do though" Flare asked before he made sure he wanted to accept drinking the potion. "Its not that i dont trust you its just i had bad experiences with drinking potion" Flare said Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 6, 2013 Author Share March 6, 2013 Well, I don't exactly know. I got it from the outlaw, Twilight Sparkle. She said to give it to the Hero. I think ur the hero!" Zecora gave flare the potion. It had a mix of every color in the world. Even colors you can't create at all, like yellow mixed with black. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 6, 2013 Share March 6, 2013 "Umm...ok bottoms up" Flare said as he drank the potion. "ok so now whats going to happen" Flare said as he didnt feel any different. "So Twilight told you to give this to the hero...which happens to be me" Flare said. "This sounds awfully familiar" Flare said to himself. "So King Sombra, Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis took over Equestria" Flare asked Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 6, 2013 Author Share March 6, 2013 "Eeyuo! That wasn't a magic potion. I think that was either a manticores blood, or twilight's magical pee! It doesn't have any effect! I think twilight told be the name of the hero was the substance that blows! I think it's air! But I have no idea what she was talking about! And yes, they all took over equestria!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 6, 2013 Share March 6, 2013 "I really hope it was the former" Flare said as he felt sick before he spoke again. " Has anyone tried to do anything about its not as crazy i mean what happened to Discord did he leave or was he defeated" Flare asked still having a ton of questions to ask. "Plus...that pony that talked to me before...she knew my name...but i dont even know her" Flare said remembering a pony but doesn't remember the detail of what she looked like. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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