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The real time defenders


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"What pony? Tell me all about it! Is it a pony you LIKE?" Zecora said. She had that evil grin on her black and white striped mouth. The kind of grin that you smile at to be kind of creepy but not actually creepy herself. If she was creepy, she would have let you to be grotesquely eaten by nightmare moon.


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"Like is said i DON'T know her" Flare said wonder why Zecora was asking the question. "Anyways shouldn't we get out of here before Nightmare Moon breaks down the d- No...buck no" Flare said. "Im going to try something...i promise i will be back" Flare said as he headed to the door and sighed. "Boss battle just like video game...shouldn't be that hard" Flare said as he opened the door and closed it behind him and faced Nightmare Moon.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Wait for me!" Babs cried as he ran off with flare.





Doctor whooves was looking at the greenest colored city he had ever seen! Green was the only color that stuck out from him, besides BLACK! Derpy came behind him.


"Wow. That's a green looking city!" Derpy called out.


"Listen, derpy. If we don't get out of here, what would we do?"


"Why do you ask that, doctor?"


"Just because, derpy, just because."


Doctor whooves and derpy shared a passionate kiss together.


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Flare stood there stareing at Nightmare Moon. "Im going to defeat you and change this place back to what it was" Flare said as a Red ball appeared above his horn. "Hopefully Fire magic will do something" Flare said not certain if he can even defeat her.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Um, you do know she's dead, right? ZECORA FROZE HER! She is dead! Go investigate ponyville some more! Maybe find a clue and find out who that pony was! (Seriously, who is she? If you say applejack, your dead. Applejack is Connors gf! So pick somepony else for a change besides the main charecter. Lyras pretty popular now, why don't you choose her!


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((cant let me fight a little huh?))


Flare stood there. "When will i get to fight for once" Flare said as he left. "Where to n-" "Flare?" A pony said walking up to him. "Im sorry but i dont know you who are you?" Flare asked as he turned to see a mint green colored unicorn. "What its me dont you remember" the unicorn said as she hugged Flare. "Im sorry miss you got the wrong pony> Flare said as he pushed the unicorn off him and left.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(YES! Lyra's the winner! You win a fabulous prize of- wait. UNICORN? Is this another freaking OC? (Don't worry, you'll face the king with The Hero eventually))


Then, something hit flare. Zecora said the name of the hero is something that blows! The only thing that blows is wind. THAT'S IT! Wind is the hero everypony is talking about! Quickly, to the hive!


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((Wait Lyra is not a unicron...woops need to get back on watching the show and learn the Background ponies sorry it is Lyra though))

"I should have known...Babs we need to find Windwaker" Flare said as he ran off twords the train station. "First lets c-" "Flare wait" The mint color pony said before rushing up to Flare. "Im sorry i dont know you i said that already" Flare said as he got on the train but was tackled by the pony. "It me Lyra...dont you rmemeber" Lyra said holding back tears. "Im sorry you got the wrong person" Flare got Lyra off him. "NO I DONT" Lyra yelled.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(I can't believe I have to do this)


Then, like a sudden slap to the bucking face, Lyra kissed flare. That suddenly brought memories of them dating and in lov or whatever. Then Flare had to move to Manehattan. That was why flare forgot about Lyra. He hadn't seen her in forever.


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"L-Lyra" Flare said surprised she even remembers him. "I feel like a real idiot right now" Flare said since he didnt remember her. "Im glad i get to see you again...just i wished we didnt meet when Equestria wasn't all destroyed" Lyra said. "Yeah...Im heading to Canterlot right now to check on something" Flare said looking at Lyra. "Please dont...Ever since Chrysalis took over everywhere else is just a crazy mess" Lyra said trying to warn Flare about Chrysalis. "I know...that what im heading there for...i have a score to settle with Chrysalis" Flare said. "Well im coming with you" Lyra said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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MoonSparkle sat on her throne of telescopes being rather evil and being the 5th pony in command after Nightmare moon, Queen Chrysalis, And both their deputy's. She looked out from her castle and frowned when she saw a blue box "Captin, we have a problem, it looks like the band of rabble have got themselves a tardis" she told her second in command who unforgettably was a changeling, "It looks like ill go and see what is happening your in charge until i get back, im bringing Bolt with me though" she added before glancing at the evil clone Flare, "right Bolt its time to crush these rebel scum" she told him with a evil smile, "lutenient you better inform the others about this, i don't want to be caught out" she ordered before flying towards the tardis


MoonSparkle landed near the tardis before glancing at bolt "i don't know where on earth Twilight Sparkle or celestria got this from but if we can capture it then we will win the war completely" she said before heading forward and touching the tardis "hmm lets ram it"  she decided before headbutting it while Bolt looked on, "maybe we could use the door?" he suggested with a small sigh. MoonSparkle blinked slightly embarrassed "oh er yeah good idea, that's the reason why i married you" she praised before pushing the tardis door open and walking in


MoonSparkle looked at Bolt, "right the plan of action is to take this back to base, i wonder what button starts to move it" she said looking at the control panel, she blinked before tilting her head "i cant work it, it looks to complex" she sighed before backing away, "still we can sabotage it" she added before casting a fire spell which ended in a small flame being produced which quickly died, "dam I've never been able to use magic since i had my accident" she explained to Bolt, "let me think of the best way of destroying it" she added before sitting down to think  


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The doctor and Derpy go in the Tardis to see Moonsparkle. Moonsparkle attacks them, but she gets locked out of the Tardis.


"Crap! They found the tardis!" The doctor said.


"Well, where is a good hiding place?" Derpy asked.


"I know where!" The doctor said as he pushed some buttons in.




"WELCOME, MY CHILDREN!" Queen chrysalis called out to the changelings who were surrounding her.


"How in tarnations are we going to defeat queen chrysalis AND escape the the changelings?" Applejack asked Wind.


"We'll just have to come back to the hive later!" Wind said as they left the hive. 'For right now, we need to find my good ol time traveling buddy Lyra!"


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MoonSparkle started to ram the door again, "let me in, this is now my tardis" she roared contnuing to ram the tardis until she broke her horn, "dam look what you made me do" she hissed before looking round "Bolt Fire the cannon" she instructed where a large cannon fired into the side of the tardis making a large hole, Moonsparkle ran though the hole and looked around "muhahaha your all mine, come out and i wont hurt you" she added looking around


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Then, the changelings grabbed moonsparkle and took her away!


"You stupid fool!" A changeling said. "You fell for our trap! The tardis has left already! Time to take you to our leader and creator, Queen Chrysalis! Then, if she allows it, we will EAT YOUR JUICY GOOEY LOVE AND BODY!"


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MoonSparkle drop kicks the changeling in the head killing him instantly, "Im in charge here, you have no right questioning me" she growled before biting another one killing that one as well, "You have no powers here changeling" she hissed at the others her eyes blazing with anger


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Flare sensed something. "Lyra" "What" "Come with me" Flare said as he headed twords the Tardis and see Chrysalis and...MOONSPARKLE. "WwWHAT ARE YOU DOING HE-" Flare stopped as he saw his clone and then remembered. "Alternate universe....which mean" Flare thought till Lyra said. "Evil versions of you and your friend" "Lyra said and then Flare got into a battle stance. "Chrysalis and Moonsparkle and me...this seems fun" Flare said as he charged up another firebolt.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The, a lightning bolt shock moonsparkle, chrysalis, and the changelings. Everybody cheered.


"Attention, everypony!" Wind said. "We are leaving! See ya!"


Then, wind noticed a certain some pony. A pony he knew through the doctor. And she was with flare. His eyes went all big. He ran towards he and they hugged.


"Lyra! What the hell are you doing here?"


"It's complicated! We need to get out of here!" Lyra said to wind. They got inside the tardis and it timeported.


"All right! I have a plan of who is sleeping where! Me amd applejack will sleep in the master bedroom. Doctor whooves and derpy will sleep in the guest bedroom. Babs will sleep in her own room, and Flare and Lyra will sleep in the foldable couch! Flare, is it all right of you and Lyra will share a bed?" Wind asked

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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"ITS FINE" Lyra said hugging Flare. "Its fine" Flare said. "I kinda already know Lyra also" Flare said looking at Lyra. "Yeah mister bad memory" Lyra said nudging Flare as he unfolded the couch. "So how long has it been since i last saw you Flare" Lyra said to Flare. "Its been so long...im surprised you remember me" Flare said as he laid on the bed. "Still angry every time i get a chance to fight someone comes in and takes them out in one hit" Flare said. "Well your a temporary unicorn so your magic is weak" Lyra said as she laid next to Flare.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Chapter 2: Hearts and hooves day


Everypony loves Hearts and hooves day! And the Time Defenders are no exception! Wind is going out with Applejack, The Doctor is with Derpy, and babs is with no one. (FOREVER ALONE.) flare is getting ready for the triple date to the Grand Galloping Gala until Wind runs to him.


"DUDE! I need your help! How do I dress for the gala?" Wind asked flare

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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"Just dress in formal attire its that easy" Flare said as he knows he needs to buy formal clothes. "Anyways i dont see why you have a problem i still need to find something for Lyra" Flare said still wondering what she would like. "Besides its not like im going to see moonsparkle" Flare said in a sad tone as he loved Moonsparkle but she probably will hate him for leaving a clone to take his place. "Well that all i can think of if you need formal attire go ask Rarity" Flare said as he looked up to the sky.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Who's rarity? I've heard of her before! JK! I know rarity! She said applejack is going to look so beautiful and hot! Rarity was running low on supplies, so she gave applejack her "enhanced work duds" or something. I have a blue tux that rarity gave me, so I'll be fine! I do have extra flowers if you want to give Lyra, your special somepony, some!"

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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((Gonna add my OC that i jut created in school hes the same age as Babs))

"Thanks Wind" Flare said. "Doesn't Babs have a special somepony if she doesn't i know somepony that might like her hes a friend of mine and hes usually alone on Hearts and Hooves day" Flare said as he take Babs into consideration so she isn't alone on Hearts and Hooves day.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"We'll, babs IS old enough. She's like 11 or 10. I'm 14 human years, and that converts to 22 pony years! How does that sound ridiculous!" Wind said. He gave flare some roses on a bouquet for Lyra. Wind walked out of the tardis.


"Oh, and if you hear strange noises from me and applejacks bedroom, um.....GO BACK TO SLEEP! Wind said.


(Was that a sex joke? Yes, it was! I didn't know ponies could have sex!) (can I see the OC u created for babs?)

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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((its not on here yet i made him on paper his name is Frost though and hes a light blue pony a a bluish silver mane with light blue eyes hes 12 hes a orphan also and Flare was his babysitter))

"Uh...ok" Flare said as  he also walked out of the Tardis."HEY FLARE" Lyra yelled making Flare jump and almost drop the roses. "Hey Lyra how have you been" Flare said as he turned around. "Are those for me" Lyra said. "Uh yeah...here" Flare said giving Lyra the roses. "Thank you Flare anyways what this i hear about getting your friend for Babs" Lyra asked. "Oh yeah his name is Frost hes usually lonely on Hearts and Hooves day so i thought that he would be perfect fro Babs" Flare said as he headed off twords the school. "Hopefully Frost hasnt gotten in trouble since i have been gone i mean he hasnt been happy since he was adopted 5 years ago" Flare said knowing that e has been taking care of Frost when his parents are gone.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey flare!" A British voice called out. Rarity came to flare, who was busy talking to Lyra. She knew she was interrupting, and this was an emergency. A fashion emergency that is!


"Darling, can I speak to you privately? It's about your suit for the grand galloping gala!

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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