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"Yeah this is great...but where are we going" Frost asked Babs as he saw that they are high up into the air. "A Scavenger hunt then we meet and old friend of his" Frost said with suspicion in his voice. Meanwhile Flare headed to Twilights house. "Hey Twilight do you have a book on magic" Flare asked Twilight as she went to get a book. "Here this should help you learn all the basics of magic...make sure to bring it back when your done" Twilight said to Flare as he headed back to the Tardis

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The chariot landed in the front of the Canterlot castle.


"Wait, what's going on?" Babs said. 2 royal guards escorted babs and frost to the throne room, where they met face to face with CELESTIA HERSLEF!


"Y-your majesty!" Babs said as frost and babs bowed to her. "Am I in trouble, your majesty?"


"Heavens no, Babs seed." Celestia said. "I am what Connor said as and old friend! I am to give you two a list of items you need to collect!" Celestia gave the 2 fillies the list.


"Frost, Babs, are you ready?"


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"What is this for" Frost asked as he read the list."This is a lot of items" Frost said as he read the list. Meanwhile Flare started reading the book till he noticed that Frost or Babs isnt here. "Hey Wind wheres Frost and Babs" Flare asked as he read the book

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"A test." Celestia said. "You will need 2 cupcakes from sugarcube corner, a dress from the carousel boutique, a bag of apples form Sweet Apple Acres, a butterfly in a jar, a book from twilight's library, and a rainbow! Good luck, my little ponies!" Babs and Frost got on the chariot and left to sugarcube corner.


"Now how the heck are we supposed to get a rainbow?" Babs asked frost.




"Oh, I just sent frost and babs on their first adventure together!" Connor told flare


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"Ok...i just got a book from twilights library" Flare said reaing about magic. "So what do they have to do" Flare saked. Meanwhile Frost was wondering the same thing. "Yeah unless..." Frost thought about Rainbow Dash and her rainbow colored mane. "I got an idea...we might need scissors" Frost said knowing hes gonna be killed by Rainbow Dash when he does cut a bit of her mane. "Also i dont think Rarity will allow me into the shop" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"A test." Celestia said. "You will need 2 cupcakes from sugarcube corner, a dress from the carousel boutique, a bag of apples form Sweet Apple Acres, a butterfly in a jar, a book from twilight's library, and a rainbow! Good luck, my little ponies!" Babs and Frost got on the chariot and left to sugarcube corner.


"Now how the heck are we supposed to get a rainbow?" Babs asked frost.




"Oh, I just sent frost and babs on their first adventure together!" Connor told flare



"Ok...i just got a book from twilights library" Flare said reaing about magic. "So what do they have to do" Flare saked. Meanwhile Frost was wondering the same thing. "Yeah unless..." Frost thought about Rainbow Dash and her rainbow colored mane. "I got an idea...we might need scissors" Frost said knowing hes gonna be killed by Rainbow Dash when he does cut a bit of her mane. "Also i dont think Rarity will allow me into the shop" Frost said


MoonSparkle was sitting on a cloud talking to RainbowDash, "So Dash your sure you know which way the comet went?" she asked the Rainbow looking pony?. RainbowDash sighed "it went southwest, and no it didn't land so you cant collect any meteor fragments" She replied, before flicking her tail, i thought your meant to keep watch on the meteors anyway isnt that the reason for your observatory?" she added


MoonSparkle sighed "i cant see everywhere at once, besides how can i spot stuff in the middle of the day its like finding a needle in a haystack" she added, "So i asked Celestria if it could constantly be night for that reason but she declined shes still busy with her task for those time travel pony" she sighed 


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"Well, I have connections with Sweetie Belle! That might get us something!" Babs said "Now watch the master do this!" Babs walked in the boutique confedently. A couple minutes later, she got out her her Gala dress.


"Well, that's one thing off the list!" Babs said to Frost. "What's next?"





Connor walked into an alleyway of canterlot. He saw a little door. He knocked the door.


"Who is it? The great and powerful Trixie isn't available for interviews!"


"It's me, Wind." Connor said. The door opened to see Trixie, but without her wizard getup.


"Oh, right." Trixie said to Wind. "Come in, come in."


Connor came into Trixie's apartment. It was filled with potions and brewers.


"Is the amulets ready?" Connor asked. 


"Yes. I'll get it." Trixie said, searching for it. Connor spotted an amulet in a glass case.



"What's this?" Connor asked Trixie.


"DON"T TOUCH THAT!" Trixie yelled, as she hid it. "This is not the amulet I made for you! It is a very powerful and evil amulet made by the horn of King Sombra himself!" (And yes, I will make a lord of the rings chapter about that, where they must destroy it.)


"Alright, alright!" Connor said to Trixie.


"Ah, here it is! The 'amulet'. More like an enhanced version of the element of time and honesty!" Trixie said as she gave Connor a glass case with both in.


"Thanks, Rose!"


Trixie eyes widened. She hasn't heard that name in forever.


''Who?" Trixie asked.


"Rose, remember? The doctor's first new companion!" Connor said.


"Have a nice day." Trixie said to Connor as she shut the door to her room, thinking about the words she just heard. Connor left.

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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"Ok so we got the dress so now we need to see Rainbow Dash" Frost said with a pair of scissors in his hooves. "Now lets go" Frost said Meanwhile. "Lyra go get a apple for me" Flare said as Lyra gave him an apple in which he changed it into a butterfly. "Ok so now i gotten better with magic...even if this is only temporary"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Wait, why are you getting scissors? We are finding a RAINBOW, not dash's hair!" Babs said. "Also, we are going to safe that for last. For right now, I think we should find some apples from the Sweet Apple Acres! I DO HAVE CONNECTIONS. Well, if you count my favorite cousin as a 'connection'."


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"Oh...ok" Frost said as he drops the scissors. "So..to sweet apple acres then" Frost said as he followed Babs to Sweet apple acre. "Also i think i know how we can get a butterfly in a jar" Frost said. "But wait the Rainbow by its self will be hard to get thats why i thought her mane would work hopefully" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Dash will help us get a rainbow, don't worry!" Babs said. "You know, your a pretty cool travel buddy!"



Sweet Apple Acres



Big Macintosh was walking through Sweet Apple Acres. Babs and Frost quickly noticed him as they came to him.


"Hey, Big Mac!" Babs said to Big Mac. "Where is Applejack?"


"Why do you ask?" Big Mac said to Babs.


"We are in a scavenger hunt and we need apples!"


"She's at the Apple stand in town." Big Mac said.





Ponyville, middle of town.



Babs and frost were looking for Applejack. They heard a distinct voice they were looking for.


"GET YOUR FRESH APPLES HERE! ONLY 5 BITS AN APPLE!" Applejack yelled out, hoping to get some customers.


"Ask her." Babs said to frost.


Connor was in a tavern somewhere in Canterlot. It was busy, REALLY BUSY! A grey Pegasus with mechanical wings sat down next to him. He had some sort of weird look in his face, like he was about to murder somepony any second.


"You came, Steel." Connor said to the Pegasus. "Is the Hero's blade fixed?"


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'It is', Irish said. 'I added a special concoction of enchantments, guaranteed to bring a round of suffering to anyone who doesn't already get cut in half. Here, have a cider.'

*passes cider over* 'Dear sweet celestia, i've never been this busy before. Hopefully it'll quiet down soon.'

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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Frost walked up to the stand but was pushed out of the way by a random filly. "H-HEY watch it" Frost said as he got angry. "Oh sorry...not" The filly said. "Anyways i want 5 apples" The filly said putting 20 bits on the table and Frost just stood there wanting to just hurt the filly.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Sure thing!" Applejack said. She gave the Appes to the fillies.


"Oh no. It's diamond tiara and silver spoon! They are probably trying to get revenge on me.


"Yes, we are!" Diamond tiara said, pushing babs.




"Good, Steel. Is it right here, or do we need to fly there?" Wind asked Steel.

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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'It's in the back, let me go get it.' *Steel comes back with the sword* 'Here. Careful about touching the blade, the enchantment issue and all. If theres any issue with it, let me know and ill fix it quickly. If you can think of any other spell to put on there, do NOT tamper with the blade. I'll put the spell on, don't worry.'


(OOC: be back in a while. school dance  :wub: )

Edited by Oireann

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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"Leave her alone" Frost yelled as he ran next to Babs. "No way im letting you hurt her...not while im here" Frost said in a intimidating tone in his voice. "Throw what you want i will not budge" Frost said. Meanwhile. "I wonder where Wind went to" Flare said as he was in the forest looking around for Zecoras hut.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"PFFFFFT. Yeah right!" Diamond tiara said. "No blank flank has ever defeated me! Are you going to fight me??? Then give me your best shot, you stupid blank flank and your stupid blank flank girlfriend!


Connor walked out of the tavern with the sword in his hoof. Then, something hit him. A feeling that something was wrong. He flew towards ponyville.


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"WHY YOU" Frost yelled. "I dont care if i have a blank flank or if my girlfriend does all i know is that your a snotty little rich filly" Frost said with a bit of anger in his tone of voice. "I will fight you and i wont hold back" Frost said as he rushed twords Diamond Tiara.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Diamond tiara punched frost in the face. Frost fell down, bleeding in the mouth.


"You going to get up, blank flank? Are you going to hit me? Your going to hit a GIRL? Your so weak, I could crush you like soda cans, blank flanks!" Diamond tiara said.


"You mess with one, you mess with ALL!" Babs yelled to diamond tiara. She ran and punched diamond tiara several times. But diamond tiara kicked babs to the ground.


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Frost got up and punched Diamond Tiara in the face. "You no girl you a brat" Frost said wiping the blood from his mouth. "Now..." Frost turned and reared his hind legs. "GO AWAY" Frost said kicking Diamond. "No one hurts Babs if you hurt her you deal with me" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hahahahahaha! You are so weak and pathetic!" Diamond tiara said to babs and frost. "I'll be back! Watch your backs blank flanks! And if you tell ANYPONY about this, your dead, and a blank flank SNITCH!" Diamond tiara walked off, with blood in her face.


"F-frost!" Babs cried to frost. Babs was looked like she was about to burst out crying. "I need a hospital!"


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"W-what" Frost said as he limped to Babs. "W-whats wrong Babs...no" Frost said as he picked Babs up but fell to the ground in pain. "I...cant give up" Frost got up again and walked to the Hospital stressing himself to make it for Babs. "I will get you there...even if...im in pain" Frost kept walking to the hospital.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Everypony rushed to grab babs and frost and send them to the hospital. (Happy?) Frost blacked out








Canterlot hospital 3:00 pm


Frost opened his eyes. He was at the Canterlot hospital.


"You put such a fight there, frost." A voice said. Frost turned around to see Doctor Whooves.


"That fight with Diamond Tiara there was painful, wasn't it? No bones were broken though, so your ok. On the other hoof."


The doctor didn't say anything. He just hugged frost.


"If you want to see babs, her room is 623. Your room is 627!" And the Doctor left the room.


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"Thanks doctor...i didnt know she could hurt me that bad...but Babs...How badly is she hurt" Frost said as he walked out the room door and headed twords Babs room. "Babs..." Frost said as he came into the room. "Im sorry Babs...i should have done better to protect you" Frost said as he sat next to her hospital bed. "What is wrong with them anyways" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey, frost." Babs said weakly. "Nothing's wrong with my bone, thank Celestia. And I heard that your bones weren't broken either, from you kicking and punching. You know, your a pretty good fighter! The cutie mark crusaders just left when you came in. You know, we could use a filly like you! Anyway, listen, I need to tell you something that has been on my mind since the gala. I-" Babs couldn't say it. It was too hard to say it. It was 3 words that could change their whole lives. But she couldn't say it. She needed water, then she could muster up the courage and strength to say it.


"Can you get me some water?" Babs asked Frost.


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