Windwaker 194 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 (The world that never was.... Great..... Roxas is going to appear now. Your fault not mine!) Babs tries to fight them, but they are too powerful. A blur fought them off. Babs looks to see Wind. "Connor!" Babs called out. She hugged Wind. "You're not supposed to be here. Get out, NOW!" Connor yelled <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "Not until you tell us whats going on here" Frost said. "Wind whats going on here please tell us" Frost pleaded as he killed more heartless. "I want to know" Frost said as threw the keyblade at the heartless and it reappered in Frosts hooves. "Why are you here also" Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 10, 2013 Author Share March 10, 2013 "It's none of your concern. If I tell you, your lives will be ruined. People will hunt you 2 down to get this valuable information." Winds horn glowed as the tardis appeared. "I need you to leave." Wind had 2 weapons. The ultimia, and the Hero's blade. "Leave, NOW! This is for your own good." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "NO" Frost said as a second keyblade appeared and his mane changed to a silver color and started floating with the two keyblade behind him and the blade in his hand. "Not until you tell me" Frost said as he killed more of the heartless. "Xemnas was looking for two keyblade wielders i dont know why he would need them but all i know is" Frost killed more heartless. "That he said your name what does he want Windwaker" Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "Get it the tardis. I'll tell you there. This place, the world that never was is a dangerous place. This isn't ponyville anymore, this is not a place for young fillies like you too. Windwaker got I. The tardis and started it up. Babs went inside the tardis, scared out of her mind. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "Alright" Frost said as he went inside the Tardis and went back to looking normal. "How did the Tardis get here in the first place" Frost asked knowing he didnt touch the control panel. "And back to my last question What does Xemnas want and how does he know you" Frost asked. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 10, 2013 Author Share March 10, 2013 "Sigh. I'll tell you everything..." "There were 13. They were nobodies, wanting power. So they made a group to get that power. But there were 2 who didn't make it in. A young girl named Xion, and me. I am a creation by the dark lords Xemnas and Sauron. They wanted to make the most powerful warrior to defeat the alliance. That warrior was me. I went rouge and escaped. I died quickly. Then, gods from another demension found me and made me into a race of people. The Critics. I became a Timelord critic nobody alicorn hybrid." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "Ok...and about this blade Discord said it was some legendary blade what do you know about it" Frost said. "Plus how was i floating when i was fighting the heartless and why did my mane change colors" Frost asked as he didnt know much about what was going on Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "1. The sword was lost and everypony freaked out. It was actually my adopted father who gave it to me. I think his name was Freecolt or something... 2. You are changing because you are becoming the Son of the Hero of time. The prophecy says if the hero dies, his son will take his place. And I guess the prophecy thinks your my son. Now go to sleep." <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "So im now the son of the hero of time....when im not" Frost said. "THAT make a whole lot of sense" Frost said sarcastically. "How do prophecys even do that im not your son parents abandoned me at an orphange when i was little..." Frost said when he thought back to what Xemnas said. "So Xemnas was trying to screw with my mind cause he said that nobodies are good and something else" Frost said. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "Xemnas just rolls like that. Now go to sleep!" Connor said. He went to his bed where Applejack was already sleeping. Connor laid down next to applejack, and slept with her. Babs went up to her room, went under the covers and went to sleep. She was really tired. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "How can i sleep when stuff like that already happened" Frost said to him self as he sat down at the dining table. "Son of the Hero of Time...and that's me...but why me" Frost thought. "I'm just least that's what I thought before all this happened" Frost whispered to him self. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Babs came downstairs and sat next to Frost. She put her arm around Frost. "It's okay, Frosty. I've been through what your dealing with, everypony trying to make you somepony but you want to be somepony else. Everypony wanted me to become the little sister of the Hero of Time! But that didnt turn out well." Babs kissed frost on the cheek and hugged him. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "But why me" Frost said. "For all I know is that unless I am going to be the next Hero of Time...I better train hopefully im not" Frost said till he remembered. "13 nobodies each wanted power...then there are the 2 who didn't make it in Xion...and Wind...who was Xion though" Frost thought to himself. "I have so many question yet I can find them" Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "We'll, don't worry about them for right now. Just go to sleep." Babs said to frost. She kissed him and went upstairs to bed. She was worried about frost's future, if he's going to be a messed up kid, or he will die. Whatever happens to him, she will always love him. Wind was in a white room. All of his memories were flashing before his eyes. The images of his memories turned black, and transformed into a beast. "You know you want to do it." King sombra said, circling around him. "You have the whole universe in your hooves, and all do is protect that stupid applejack." <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 "Your right" Frost said as he yawned and headed to bed for the night. "I shouldnt worry about it anyways" Frost said before he fell asleep next to Babs. Meanwhile Flare and Lyra were in Ponyville looking for the Tardis that left without them. "Last time i ever leave without telling them" Flare said Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 11, 2013 Author Share March 11, 2013 (edited) The tardis, with a mind of its own, timeported to where Lyra and Flare where. "NOBODY CALLS APPLEJACK STUPID!" Wind yelled as he tried to punch Sombra. But he disappeared behind him. "You were destined to become evil. That's why Xemnas created you in the first place. Everypony pretends to love and care for you because they are dependent on you to save the day. I'll go away forever if you answer me one question. Do you want to live in a world where people don't love you, or do want to live in a world where people actually care about you and where you truly belong?" Wind shut his eyes. His horn glowed. He opened his eyes. His eyes has flames in it. "I'll be with you. I will kill Babs and Frost In the morning." Wind said to sombra. "Good. GOOD!" King sombra said as he easily put the flames in his eyes. The tardis 6:00 AM "Frosty, frosty, wake up! WAKE UP!" Babs said to frost as she shakes him, trying to wake him up. Edited March 11, 2013 by DoctorWhoovesandDerpy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 "Wh-what is it Seed" Frost said waking up. Flare and Lyra get in the tardis and Flare collapse onto the couch and Lyra lays next to him. "Whats wrong Seed did something happen" Frost said tiredly as he stood up from the bed. "Why do I have the feeling something is wrong" Frost said as he grabbed the sword and exited out the room. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 11, 2013 Author Share March 11, 2013 "I have a bad feeling. We need to get out of here! Grab your keyblade and sword! I'll grab my sonic screwdriver!" Twilight's house 6:00 Spike (crap. I have to talk about this annoying piece of crap.) woke up. He couldn't see anything. He knew something bad was going to happen. He sneaked out of the house and ran. He saw some ponies up, but the first pony he needed to go to was pinkie pie. He looked at the window and saw mrs and mr cake opening up shop. He ran inside. "Mr and mrs cake! Where is pinkie pie?" Spike asked. "She's in the kitchen." Mr. Cake said. Spike ran to the kitchen where he saw pinkie pie. "Oh, hey spike!" Pinkie pie said. "Pinkie, you remember your insane twin sister, Pinkamena Diane?" Spike said. "Yeah, what about it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 "Ok" Frost grabbed Oblivion and strapped it to his back along with the blade. "Lets go" Frost said as he left the Tardis with Babs. "So where are we gonna go anyways Seed" Frost said as they ran down the streets of Ponyville. "I really hope Windwaker is gonna be ok" Frost said Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 11, 2013 Author Share March 11, 2013 "We're going to the Crystal empire! Shining armor and Cadence will hide us somewhere safe." Babs said. They found a train station. "2 tickets to the Crystal Empire." Babs handed the pony the bits. "Here you go!" The pony said. Babs and Frost got in the train. "Listen, Frosty, I know it's hard to be the son of the hero of time, but whatever happens, I will always love you." Babs kissed frost. (There's a lot of romance between Babs and frost!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 "I will always love you Seed" Frost said as he kissed Babs. "Lets go" Frost said as he got on the train with Babs. Meanwhile Flare and Lyra woke up. "Whats going on" Flare said as he looked around and he headed up to Frost and Babs room only not to see them. "Where did they go" Lyra said. "He left but why did he leave" Flare said as he headed to Windwakers room and knocked on the door. "Wind are you awake Frost and Babs are not in their room anymore" Flare said. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhoovesandDerpy 13 March 11, 2013 Author Share March 11, 2013 Wind awoke with the flame is his eyes. He got up, and knocked the door down. "I must KILL Babs and Frost!" Wind yelled. He ran upstairs to see they are gone. He saw an image of babs and frost on the train. Wind flew out of the tardis to look for them and kill them. His color was fading and his eyes were turning black. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 "Wait what" Flare went after Wind. "Is he insane why would he want to kill Babs and Frost" Flare said while chasing down Wind. "WIND" Flare yelled as he was right behind him. Meanwhile on the train that just took off twords the Crystal Empire Frost was looking out the window. "Why do I have a bad feeling something is chasing after us" Frost said Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 "I just had a vision Connor is trying to kill us! Get under the seats, and maybe Wind will be stupid enough to not check under." Babs said. She went under the seat. Wind was flying really high. He could barely see the train. But he could see the train. He dove under to the train. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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