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The real time defenders


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"NO! I'm coming with you!" Babs said. She rushed after him to the castle. King sombra dodged the attack.


"So, the son of the hero of time wants to fight me? Then so be it. Hit me with your best shot. I DARE YOU!" King sombra growled.


"I WILL!" Babs said. She hit king sombra, but he pushed Babs.

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"SEED...WHY YOU" Frost said as he attacked Sombra with a flurry of slashes. "I WILL KILL YOU" Frost jumped back. "I will defeat you...and i wont go down...till you die"  Frost said. "You think you can waltz in here and try again to take over the empire...well that not gonna happen. Frost said as he used...RAGNORROK and fired several lasers at Sombra.

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"Oh, a feisty one, eh, will no matter. I will still defeat you!" King sombra roared at frost.



"Wind, answer me!" Applejack said to WindWaker.


"NO! I DONT LOVE YOU YOU ANYMORE!" Wind yelled at Applejack.


"Yes you do! You love me! King sombra put you in an evil state!"


"Which is my real state!" Wind yelled.


"No, it isn't. You love everypony! You love me." Applejack said. She kissed Connor. He tried to let go, but the kiss was warm and welcoming. Connors fire in his eyes distinguished.


"I love you too, applejack."

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"NO. YOU. WONT" Frost yelled as he went in to attack. "YOU ARE JUST A HEARTLESS" Frost said before dissappearing the reappearing behind Sombra. "Zantetsuken" Frost said.


"He did it...the sword mastery art...i cant believe it" Flare said watching Frost fight sombra

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(Um.... Gensutiet!)


"Lets finish this!" Connor yelled. He had 2 blade with him. The master sword, and Isildurs blade. He went and stabbed king sombra. King sombra exploded with his sword flying. It hit babs. Stabbed in the stomach. She screamed.


"H-help!" Babs said weakly. "I need help!"

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"BABS" Frost ran over to Babs. "No..nononono" Frost panicked. "What happened" Flare came over to see."No...what do I do..." Frost said as tears started to well up in his eyes. "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO" Frost yelled while he tried to think of some way to help Babs. "You cant pull the blade out unless we can patch her up right away...man...this is bad" Flare said. "This is all my fault...im sorry Seed" Frost said.

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"Calm down, calm down." Babs said. "Trust me. Everything is going to be fine." She put together the amulet. "I.....love......you." Babs kissed frost. She was gone...



Then the amulet began to glow. Babs rose up. She brightly glowed. Then she fell down.


"I told you things would be fine!" Babs said. "Now where's our milkshake?".

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"H-how did you do that" Frost asked. "Well the amulet did have special properties" Flare said smiling. "Yeah but first..." Frost said looking at Wind. "Why did you do that Windwaker...just why" Frost asked. "Why would you do that in the first place" Frost said having a look of doubt on his face.

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"King Sombra just took control of me... It wasn't my fault. He just popped up in my dream. And now I can do this." Wind's eyes flamed again. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Let's just go home..."







That night, Sugarcube Corner. 8:30



Babs and Frost were drinking those milkshakes they spoke about the night before.


"What flava' did yooze get?" Babs asked Frost. (Finally, the accent!)

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"Strawbeery" Frost said as he took a drink of his milkshake. "This day was just really hectic dont you agree Seed" Frost said."I dont think i can do anymore of this...especially after what happened today" Frost said as he took another sip of his milkshake

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"Me neitha'. Ah' can't believe what happened! It's just ridiculous!" Babs said, drinking her milkshake.






The tardis 9:30


Babs and frost was in bed. They just got home and was going to sleep until......


"Ey' Frosty, can I tell ya something? Well, can ya keep a secret?" Babs asked frost.

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((I feel like Sombra isn't dead yet))

"I can keep a secret Seed I always can" Frost said sitting up in his bed and looking at Babs. "What is it you want to talk about anyways Seed and why is it a secret" Frost asked as he is really tired but is willing to listen to Babs.

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"We'll, befo' I met you, things was rough. Bullies were picking on me everyday, and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I went here again, (don't ask about my first visit here) to get away from it all. Then, I saw you. I knew instantly you were the right person! And mah instincts were right." Babs said. "Thanks." Babs pressed her lips on Frost."I love yooze."

Edited by DoctorWhoovesandDerpy
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"I kinda know how you feel...before I met you I was pretty much on my own...Flare was like a father to me since the people that adopted me always left on some trip and never took me but left me with Flare then life was still hard cause people kept messing with me and others and I don't like seeing people getting bullied but i couldn't do anything...then when I saw Diamond Tiara push you something in me just snapped" Frost explained.

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"Yeah. I knows. Wait? Do you go to school?" (Preparing to make another role play thread.) Babs asked. "I'm just curious."



Wind was at the Canterlot castle, waiting for Celestia and Luna. They came out of the door.


"I only need Luna, your majesty." Connor said.


"Ok." Celestia said. Luna walked towards Wind.


"You needed me?" Luna asked.


"Follow me. I need to talk to you." Wind said. Luna followed Connor to the sugarcube corner

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"Yeah I still go to school...dealing with Diamond Tiara  being annoying all the time...she didn't bother me till now actually" Frost said. "So yeah I do go to school. I haven't been to detention yet and hopefully I don't get any detention yet..." Frost said knowing he gonna have problem to deal with at school.

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(Not making new role play. GAD DANGIT NAPPA!)


"We'll, go to sleep!" Babs said. She went under the covers and went to sleep, and I think you know what happened next. The same as always!





Sugarcube co-


HOLD ON! Wait.... I have an idea! (Makes new role play.) continue...



Sugarcube corner


"And that is how I got the seven Chaos emeralds!" Wind said to Luna.


"Um, okay? What were the seven chaos emeralds again?" Luna asked. Wind facehoofed.

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((ok whats the new roleplay and why are we bringing Chaos Emeralds into this?))


Frost woke up and got out of bed. "Morning...again" Frost said as he headed twords the kitchen and made pancakes and eggs for breakfast. "Why do I feel like i'm not in the Tardis anymore...I guess i'm just out of it today"

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Intermission (non canon) chapter 1: Spin The Bottle. (Oh, boy...)


All the fillies were in a circle, hovered over the bottle spinning. There were an equal amount of genders. For the girls, there were diamond tiara, silver spoon, babs, Scootaloo, apple bloom, and sweetie belle. For the boys, there were filly Wind, Frost, snips, snails, featherweight and pips. (I'm using randomizer.) they spun the bottle and it landed on....


Frost and sweetie belle! Your reaction?

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Fine, flarebolt. I'll retry it. AHEM!


All the fillies were in a circle, hovered over the bottle spinning. There were an equal amount of genders. For the girls, there were diamond tiara, silver spoon, babs, Scootaloo, apple bloom, and sweetie belle. For the boys, there were filly Wind, Frost, snips, snails, featherweight and pips. (I'm using randomizer.) they spun the bottle and it landed on....


Flare and apple bloom

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((not a problem just where is Flare))


"Uh...ok" Flare said as he kissed Applebloom.


((Dont answer the question just answer this one...WHY DOES THE RANDOMIZER CHOSE ME ALL THE TIME GOD DANG IT...ok so now that my anger is gone what made you think of this anyways...okay))

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(I played a game of spin the bottle. Kissed the prettiest girl in my class. YES!)



"That was awesome! You kiss good." Apple bloom said. They spun the bottle again to reveal...


Snails and daimond tiara (That didnt turn out well...)


Scootaloo and snips. (Scootaloo liked Snips.)


Featherweight and sweetie belle. (Featherweight megusta'd.)


Babs and pips (pips liked babs.)


And silver spoon and filly wind. (They both seemed to enjoy it.)




Chapter 101: the big day


Babs woke up from the intermission. She went downstairs to see Frost making eggs and stuff.


"YAWN. Good mornin' frosty." Babs said to frost.

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"Morning Seed how do you like yours eggs" Frost asked as he made his own first cause he didnt know how Babs liked her eggs. "I also mad pancakes...though they are a bit big Frost said pointing at the pancakes that are the size of the plates. "Did i add too much batter...i think they might be too big" Frost said

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"No, no! They're okay, ah' guess." Babs said. "The time defenders are out, so wanted to show ya' to mah hometown, Manehattan. I know how to work da' Tardis, so I can pretty much take ya' wherevah ya' want."


The doorbell rang.


"YAWN. Ah'll get it." Babs went to the door to see a mailmare.


"Are you babs seed?" Derpy the mailmare asked.


"Yeah, wha'?" Babs asked.


"Here you go!" Derpy gave a letter to her. Babs closed the door.


"Lets see. Dear babs and frost, you are invited to the wedding if Applejack and GASP my brother?"

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"Wait...who" Frost said hearing Babs read the letter. "We are invited to a wedding...Applejack and your brothers wedding...why do i have a feeling this happened before and something bad happened" Frost said trying to remember where he seen/heard this happened before

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