Demonic Soulz 483 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 "Well...that was interesting" Frost said seeing Chrysalis and her changelings get sent far away. "Anyways...Sombra is on our side now" Frost asked in confusion. "Why did he suddenly have a change of heart..." Frost said glaring at Sombra. "Odd thing to happen" Frost said Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 "I don't know." Wind said. "He said he relates to me." The gooey green stuff disappeared, as the mane 6 hugged Wind. Then, he saw applejack walked up to wind. "Do I know you?" Wind teased at Applejack. "I don't have a clue." Applejack teased back. They shared a passionate kiss. The mane 5 awed. Wind walked into the castle room with babs. Instead of Celestia, Rainbow Dash was the vowpony. (Celestia and Luna had "things" to do.) "Good luck." Babs said to Wind. Wind looked at the door to see Applejack and Doctor Whooves. The doctor was wearing a Bowie and a fez, in a Timelord fashion. Applejack was wearing the gala dress, Wind's favorite. His wings spread out. Thank Celestia RD was there to tell him. "Dude, wingboner." Rainbow said to Wind. Wind put his wings in place. "Sorry. Thanks for telling me." Wind whispered to Rainbow Daah. "No prob. I get those sometimes." Rainbow dash replied. Applejack got on the altar. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Wind and Applejack. Blah blah blah. Do you, Wind, take Applejack as your wife, in sickness and in health, till you die in some random war." Everypony laughed. "Eeyup." Wind said, looking at applejack romantically. "And, do you, Applejack, take Wind as your husband, in sickness and health, till you die in an applebucking accident." Everypony laughed. "I do." Applejack said. "Well, you can kiss Eachother now!" Rainbow said. Applejack and Wind kissed as everypony cheered. (A song is in bloom! Get it?) The party. Everypony cheered. The mane 5, not including applejack, all smiled at Applejack and Wind. "Nice job!" Shining said. Wind and Shining both had tears in their eyes. "Are you 2 crying?" A certain purple alicorn said. "No. It's liquid pride." Shining said. Wind walked off to see Big Mac. "Take good care of my little sis!" Big Mac said. "I will!" Wind said. They both hugged. "Your like a big brother to me, Macintosh." "And your like a little brother." Big Mac said. "OMIGOSH! CONGRAGULSTIONS!" Pinkie pie said. " APPLEJACK IS LIKE THE BESTEST FRIEND YOU COULD HAVE! YOUR SO LUCKY!" "T-thanks." Wind said to pinkie pie. They both hugged also. "Aren't you going to song a song?" Pinkie pie said. "Um, I don't know." Wind said. Everypony chanted, "DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!" "Oh, alright." Wind said. Everypony cheered. A mic was thrown to wind. He got up on stage. "You know what your going to sing?" Vinyl said to Wind. "Eeyup!" Wind said. He gave a cd to vinyl. She put it in the cd thing. The music started. STOP AT 40 SECONDS IN! "You know, this reminds me of our wedding!" Shining said to Cadence. "Agreed." Cadence replied. Wind threw the mic for twilight as she saying the rest. Wind walked down to see babs running up to wind and hugged him. "This has been the best wedding ever!" Babs said to Wind. "Agreed!" Wind replied back. Wind walked to Doctor Whoovesand hugged him. "Well, no paradoxes happened." Doctor whooves joked. "Hold on, I got something to take care of." Wind said. He walked over to Sombra and hugged him. "Thanks." Sombra said. "It's okay, sombra. No ones going to kill you. Everypony loves you. You're a hero!" Wind said. And last but not least, Wind walked over and hugged Flare and frost. "Good to see you." Wind said to both of them. <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demonic Soulz 483 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 "Wouldn't miss it for the world congrats on getting married" Flare said. "Things would have turned bad if I wasn't paranoid when I sensed something was wrong" Frost said. "I'm just glad this didn't turn out badly" Flare said. "Anyways congrats on getting married" Frost said. Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windwaker 194 March 16, 2013 Share March 16, 2013 "Thanks!" Wind said. "You do know the legal age of marrying is (oh, crap. Ridiculously low age activated!) 14 right? I'm just saying." Wind walked off as applejack and wind walked to the tardis. "HEY! What about me?" Discord said from behind. Q was next to him. They all hugged. Applejack and Wind walked into the Tardis timeported out. THE END Wait, the end? Srsly! Eeyup! I will message you the new RPs! The new RPs are: The new time defenders And The romance of babs and frost. BUT, lets end this thing with 2 links! (I'll message you when they are up!) <p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover... Check out my OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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