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The real time defenders


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"Sure its ok...well im ok with it but the nurses might not be" Frost said as he scooted over to make room for Babs to lay next to him" Meanwhile At the Tardis Lyra was sitting down on the couch. "I hope Frost is ok I don't want him getting hurt so he cant move" Lyra said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Babs laid down next to him.


"While I was going to get pie, the nurses said you could go home now. The time defenders are at the tardis. Besides, Connor has something for you. He said it was some sort of weapon, like a dagger." Babs got up. "Come, frosty, lets go back to the tardis.

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


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"Ok" Frost said as he got up from the bed. "a dagger...hm ok lets go then Seed" Frost said as he left the hospital with Babs. "At least im better cause i cant stand being in hospitals i mean i know they help you out but it smells weird in there sometimes and the food isnt good except for the pie" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The tardis 8:30



Babs and frost waled inside the tardis. Everypony was sleeping except Connor, who just got out of his room.


"You came, babs. How's frost?" Connor said. He hugged frost and babs.


"He's ok."


"Well, I have something to give you!" Connor said. "My grandfather gave it to me." He gave a sword to frost.


"It's a very special sword. I don't want you breaking this. This killed a powerful lord. Sauron. I want you to have this."

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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"I...I dont know what to say" Frost said as he examined the sword. "You entrust me with this sword...you grandfathers sword" Frost said as he sheathed the blade. "Thank you Windwakera...thank you" Frost said as he brought the sword to the room and placed it against the wall next to the door. "Im getting tire Seed why dont we go to bed" Frost said while yawning

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yeah, lets go to bed." Babs said. They went into their room and got under the covers.


"I love you, frosty." Babs said to frost







Theater critic was in a white room. A giant robot was in the center of the room, hanging.


"Did you give the sword?" The robot said.


"Yes, GLaDOS. I did it. Sauron will be so angry at me." Theater critic said. He walked into his room and picked up a mace and a keyblade, the kingdom key.


"Get the portal ready, GLaDOS. Time to meet an old Keybearer.


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"I love you too Seed" Frost said before he fell asleep. Next morning Frost woke up to his stomach growling. "Couldnt let me sleep longer...man im hungry" Frost said as he got out of bed and saw no one awake. "Great I woke up real early" Frost whispered to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Connor walked out of the train. He was here, the Crystal Empire, to meet an old friend. Sure enough, he was there


"Wind!" He said.


"Shining!" Connor called out. They both hugged. A pink alicorn walked to them.


"It's finally nice to see you again." Cadence said. And they did that dance.


"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap you hooves and do a little shake!" Cadence and Connor said.


"C'mon, alicorns. Lets go." Shining said to the alicorns.






Babs got out of bed and hugged frost.


"Good ,owning, frosty." Babs said to frost.


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"Morning Seed" Frost said as he hugged Babs. "Uh what time is it cause I feel like its 2:00 in the morning" Frost said as rubbed his eyes. "Besides time anyways im going to have to train in using a sword since i only know how to fight with my hooves" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ugh, it feels like 4:00 in the morning. I'll make some pancakes." Babs said, feeling hungry. "Want some?"



Theater critic got out of the tardis. He was quickly greeted by a hug.


"Connor! You came!" Sora said. "Where is you organization XIII getup?"


"We'll, I'm not a nobody anymore." Theater critic. "Listen, we need to talk. Where's Riku?"


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"Sure im getting hungry anyways" Frost said as he looked around. "Hey where is Lyra and Flare" Frost said as he noticed Flare or Lyra wasnt around. "Maybe the are outside for some odd reason at 2 or 4:00 in the morning" Frost said as he went back to the room and grabbed the sword then came back out and sat at the dining table.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Connor, applejack, the Doctor and derpy are also gone. So it's just you and me!" Babs said. She made the pancakes and put it in front of them.c


"Oh, by the way, I wanted to ask you somethi-" Babs was interrupted when a couple of black creatures showed up.


"Heartless! Get you sword out and fight them, Frosty!" Babs said to Frost. She took out a keyblade out of nowhere. (The Oathkeeper.) "What the heck? This isn't my sword? Oh well I hope this will work!"


Connor and Applejack walked up the steep cliff. They could see the castle from here. (http://kingdomhearts.neoseeker.com/wiki/File:Hollow_Bastion.jpg).


"This was the birthplace of my nobody self. He still roams the galaxy wth his friends, Sora and Mickey." Connor said to Applejack.


"Listen, sugarcube, there is something I need to tell you." Applejack said. They got closer to Eachother.


"Yeah, and what's that?" Connor said.


"Thanks for sticking around. When you came here, I was depressed. But you fixed that." Applejack said.


"Your welcome." Connor said to Applejack. "I love you."


"I love you too, sugarcube." They both shared their first kiss together. Not first kiss with Eachother, but their first kiss ever.


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"Ok" Frost grabbed his sword but instead got a keyblade also(Oblivion). "Uh what happened to my sword and what did you call these things" Frost said as he slashed at the heartless causing them to disperse into nothing. "What the heck this is crazy" zFrost said as he took down more heartless.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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They fought the heartless. Then babs had 2 keyblades. (Ultimia and Oathkeeper.) they fought the heartless. Then a lot more surrounded them. Then, nobodies came and defeated the heartless. They disappeared. Babs and frost saw a man with a black hood.


"Nice skills. You must be the young key-bearers we were looking for." The man said. He pulled off his hood to reveal a pale person with long silver hair. "I do not mean to harm you. I am Xemnas, lord of the nobodies."


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"Xemnas..." Frost thought about the name. "Who are nobodies" Frost asked not knowing what nobodies are. "Besides why are you even here anyways and what the hell is a key blade" Frost asked since all of this is new to him and he had no idea what Xemnas was talking about.

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"Four things. One, don't swear, your still a kid. Second, Nobodies are like heartlees but friendly. (Well, they are now.) Third, i am searching for 2 Keybearers, and I found them right in front of me. Fourth, A keyblade is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. The most powerful is Isildur's blade, which is now lost, and The Hero's blade, which your friend Wind has. What are your names?" Xemnas asked. (Do you know who Xemnas is?"

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


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(I played every kingdom hearts game there is so yeah ive heard of him)

"My name is frost...and nobodies are friendly that good to hear" Frost said as he put the keyblade on his back. "Sorry im just wondering have you seen Wind at all" Frost asked since Xemnas/Ansem/Xeahnort said his name

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Xemnas, not the other forms of xeanort...)


"I have not seen him anywhere. I must go see Connor. He's at destiny islands." Xemnas left.


"WHATEVER YOU DO, DON"T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ISILDUR'S BLADE!" Babs yelled to frost. "They think it's lost, so we need to hide it." Babs quickly put it away.




"Ohohohoho! So the sword has returned now." A voice chuckled at Babs and frost.


"DISCORD!" Babs said. Discord appeared in the Tardis.


"Yes, the one and only. Good eye, babs. I see your boyfriend has the long lost sword. Don't worry, I wont tell. Probably." Discord said.

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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"Discord....great" Frost said no surprised by Discords appearance. "What do you want" Frost asked a bit ticked of. "This is the blade i cant believe it why would Windwaker give it to me" Frost said as he stare at Discord. "Chaos always follows you Discord so im guessing your the cause of whats going on here"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Chaos? Oh, no no no no no. I have been reformed by Princess Celestia! He gave the sword to you because he wants YOU to become the son of the hero of time! The prophecy said so right here. TA TA!" Discord disappeared. 


"What a weirdo." Babs said. They ate their pancakes. 


"As I was saying, what exactly are you likes and dislikes?" Oh, boy. this is going to be a long day...

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


Check out my OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/windwaker-r2761

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"My dislikes have been shown a bit already i hate Diamond Tiara i hate not knowing whats going on in this place" Frost said as he ate his pancakes. "But what i do like is being with you" Frost said smiling at Babs. "So anyways whats so special about this sword anyways"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Babs blushed and facehoofed at the same time.


"Here is the story of what that sword is. THis is from an alternate universe where elves and dwarves roam free. THis was made into a book people and ponies call: The Lord Of The Rings..."



"And Sauron was defeated. Any questions?" Babs asked Frost

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


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"no...I dont have any questions" Frost said as he exited the Tardis to see a different place other then ponyville. "What is this place" Frost said as he looked around in what seemed like a city. "Big skyscrapers everywhere" Frost said noticing its raining.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"What? Did you touch the Tardis Control panel?" Babs asked Frost. She got out of the Tardis.


"Well, you finally get to see ManeHattan! Let me show you around." Babs grabbed Forst's hoof as they took of to the city of Manehattan. "The pegasi must be doing the rain today!"

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


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"I dont think this is Manehattan"  Frost said as he headed into the streets. "Its a bit empty for it to be Manehattan plus its dark out and there is no moon" Frost said as he walked to the center of this place and sees a big skyscraper. "Where are we" Frost said looking around when more heartless appear. "Great even more of them"

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