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open Slice of Life: Canterlot RP


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She did seem to be a little better then she was.

"Well, I-"

He paused.

"I hadn't seen a friend, Arctic Frost for sometime, and was thinking of going to see him, or at least sending an invitation to his house above Ponyville. Other than that... I don't have anything planned."


Star smiled. "That'll be fun. I could make us pie or something...I have been wanting pie for the last couple days now...hmm." She shrugged and sipped some of her tea. "I am gonna be playing piano at that fancy restaurant downtown tonight. But apart from that...I was just gonna go shopping." She said.

  • Brohoof 1

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Star smiled. "That'll be fun. I could make us pie or something...I have been wanting pie for the last couple days now...hmm." She shrugged and sipped some of her tea. "I am gonna be playing piano at that fancy restaurant downtown tonight. But apart from that...I was just gonna go shopping." She said.


"Pie? Where did that come? It's like... some random craving."

He looked at her and smiled, just hoping that it wasn't a bad craving.

"Well... if you would like, I could go with you, shopping... I mean, for time together."

"But that random craving... you don't think..?"

"It's in the past right now."

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"Pie? Where did that come? It's like... some random craving."

He looked at her and smiled, just hoping that it wasn't a bad craving.

"Well... if you would like, I could go with you, shopping... I mean, for time together."

"But that random craving... you don't think..?"

"It's in the past right now."


She nodded. "That would be great." She said, smiling. She noticed his expression...as if something was worrying him. "Are...are you okay Nighty ?" She asked, her smile being replaced with a slightly worried look. "You're not still worried about me are you ? Because that was nothing...just a small stomach ache."

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She nodded. "That would be great." She said, smiling. She noticed his expression...as if something was worrying him. "Are...are you okay Nighty ?" She asked, her smile being replaced with a slightly worried look. "You're not still worried about me are you ? Because that was nothing...just a small stomach ache."


"No, no... I mean, I am a little. The stomach ache and the mention about pie... it has my mind thinking crazy things."

He chuckled.

"It's nothing, I am sure."

He sipped his tea, and found that it was a very good tea. Soon enough, he looked down and found the dregs in his cup. He magically took all the dirty dishes and put them in the sink while he stood up and moved towards the sink to wash the dishes.

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"No, no... I mean, I am a little. The stomach ache and the mention about pie... it has my mind thinking crazy things."

He chuckled.

"It's nothing, I am sure."

He sipped his tea, and found that it was a very good tea. Soon enough, he looked down and found the dregs in his cup. He magically took all the dirty dishes and put them in the sink while he stood up and moved towards the sink to wash the dishes.


Star finished her tea and brought it over to the sink. "I think I am going to save up to buy us a dishwasher." She said, scrubbing the mug.

When she finished cleaning her mug she kissed Nightfall on the cheek and ran upstairs to get her coin purse before they left for the store.

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Star finished her tea and brought it over to the sink. "I think I am going to save up to buy us a dishwasher." She said, scrubbing the mug.

When she finished cleaning her mug she kissed Nightfall on the cheek and ran upstairs to get her coin purse before they left for the store.


He smiled.

"No need, Star. I can do this just fine for the both of us. Besides..."

He looked back, and she was gone. He sighed happily, finishing the sentence to himself.

"It will save us the trouble of picking one out and installing it."

He couldn't help but stop for a moment, smiling, thinking of how much he loved Star.

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He smiled.

"No need, Star. I can do this just fine for the both of us. Besides..."

He looked back, and she was gone. He sighed happily, finishing the sentence to himself.

"It will save us the trouble of picking one out and installing it."

He couldn't help but stop for a moment, smiling, thinking of how much he loved Star.

(OOC: Do you think we should leave the RP open for more people to join or do you think this is enough ?)


Star happily flew down the stairs but when she reached the bottom, she frowned and walked back up, her smile being replaced with a slight look of annoyance. She quickly brushed her mane and tail then walked back down the stairs, face hoofing at the fact that she Actually forgot to do that.

"Ready to go ?" She asked, stepping into the kitchen.

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Star shook her head. "N-No...I love your haycakes...I just suddenly felt...kinda sick." She said. She looked up at him and shrugged. "I guess its nothing...these are delicious by the way." She said, trying to change the subject.






On her way towards the market, Ocean accidentally bumped into somepony. She looked up. "Oh...sorry." She muttered.

Lite's ear picked picked up the sound of a pony talking, but she could definitely she was near, since she had just ran into her.


Want me to take her down?

No, Oril... Be nice for God's sake.


"Hmm? Oh you're fine darling, just a simple accident, nothing too big. Anywho, my name is Lite Shade. You have the permission to call me Lite. And your name is...?"

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Frost blinked. "Oh. Uh...me and Nightfall go back a ways. Back when I started Colt-182 I called him up from the audience to play guitar for us when my sister wasn't feeling up to it. Turns out he was rather good at it, so I let him stay on for our concerts. He's a nice guy." He tilted his head curiously at Standoff. Something was up. "You know him?"

Standoff said too quickly, "Nothing. Thought you said something else." He left swiftly, looking over his shoulder a couple times.


As he jogged through Canterlot, earning himself some grumpy looks for not going at the same speed as everyone else, Standoff was figuring out a way to keep Nightfall from seeing him.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Lite's ear picked picked up the sound of a pony talking, but she could definitely she was near, since she had just ran into her.


Want me to take her down?

No, Oril... Be nice for God's sake.


"Hmm? Oh you're fine darling, just a simple accident, nothing too big. Anywho, my name is Lite Shade. You have the permission to call me Lite. And your name is...?"


Ocean raised an eyebrow, it was rare anypony just introduced themselves to her...most of the time she would just keep walking. "Ocean Wind." She said, using her magic to pick up a couple books that had fallen from her bag when she bumped into Lite Shade...er...Lite..

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Ocean raised an eyebrow, it was rare anypony just introduced themselves to her...most of the time she would just keep walking. "Ocean Wind." She said, using her magic to pick up a couple books that had fallen from her bag when she bumped into Lite Shade...er...Lite..

"Ah, Ocean Wind.... Quite a fine name you have darling.", Lite said to her, smiling a little.


But Lite, that's a horrible name...

Why of course it is, Oril, dear.... Don't think such of a thing.


She saw the books that Ocean was getting back. "Books? You must read a lot, my friend."

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"Ah, Ocean Wind.... Quite a fine name you have darling.", Lite said to her, smiling a little.


But Lite, that's a horrible name...

Why of course it is, Oril, dear.... Don't think such of a thing.


She saw the books that Ocean was getting back. "Books? You must read a lot, my friend."


Ocean nodded. "...yea..." She said, blankly. *Ugh, can I go now ?* She thought, looking down at the ground and shuffling her hooves.

"Uh...it was nice meeting you and all, but I gotta go...um...do...something." She said, taking a few steps back from Lite. "Bye..." She turned around and began to walk away towards the market.

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Ocean nodded. "...yea..." She said, blankly. *Ugh, can I go now ?* She thought, looking down at the ground and shuffling her hooves.

"Uh...it was nice meeting you and all, but I gotta go...um...do...something." She said, taking a few steps back from Lite. "Bye..." She turned around and began to walk away towards the market.

Is she scared by you?

Of course not. Quit being stupid, Oril. Now, lets see this pony off.


"Yes, it was nice to see you as well, Ocean. Goodbye! Ta-ta!", Lite said, acting as though she was part of the common folk that dwelled the place. She then went and meandered the other way.

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(OOC: Do you think we should leave the RP open for more people to join or do you think this is enough ?)


Star happily flew down the stairs but when she reached the bottom, she frowned and walked back up, her smile being replaced with a slight look of annoyance. She quickly brushed her mane and tail then walked back down the stairs, face hoofing at the fact that she Actually forgot to do that.

"Ready to go ?" She asked, stepping into the kitchen.


Nightfall put down the sponge and washed off his hooves, leaving the rest of the things in the sink to soak.

"Just a moment, my dear."

He trotted upstairs and grabbed his own coin purse, then trotted back downstairs.

"There we are. Now I am ready to go."

He smiled and opened the door for her.

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Frost watched the warpony trot off, looking after him quizzically. Huh. He was a strange one. "What can you do," he muttered, dusting himself off and continuing on his way through the marketplace. The smells of various fruits filled the air, with the occasional whiff of baked apple sweets as he passed. Once or twice did he catch a pony glance his way, only for them to look away quickly, blushing awkwardly. Well. That was a welcome reaction.


He chuckled, passing into the food court area, where ponies of all kinds sat enjoying their meals. Even the regals, though they paid him little attention. Frost recalled the concerts he'd played with the others in Canterlot, and how...unwelcome they had been the first few times that they had performed here. He snorted, remembering the more classical ponies and their reactions to the band's up-beat, punky sound. Luckily, their fanbase had increased more and more with every appearance, though there still remained the more...stoic ponies. Regardless, he stopped by a drink stand, flipping out a few bits for a Sparkle-Cola, and sat down at one of the circular tables that lined the area.


((Fallout: Equestria reference for the win.))


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Star happily trotted out the door. "So I was thinking we could just go to the market to pick up some more vegges...and maybe pie." She said.





Ocean couldn't help but glance back at the pony...something was rather strange about her and she almost seemed as if she was making herself be nice and bubbly...probably just another pony who wanted to make fun of Ocean. She shrugged and kept walking to the market.

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Star happily trotted out the door. "So I was thinking we could just go to the market to pick up some more vegges...and maybe pie." She said.


Nightfall glanced at Star.

"When did this pie craving come up? I mean, I just want to know; I'm curious."

He trotted next to her, keeping his stride short enough that they would stay next to each other. He leaned into her slightly as they trotted down towards the market.

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Nightfall glanced at Star.

"When did this pie craving come up? I mean, I just want to know; I'm curious."

He trotted next to her, keeping his stride short enough that they would stay next to each other. He leaned into her slightly as they trotted down towards the market.


Star shrugged. "I dunno...the other day I was just reading about some book about tea and my mind went to pie...and I have just really wanted some since then." She stopped and her yes widened. Stomach cramps...pie cravings ? "Nighty you don't think...never mind...just a thought let's keep going." She said, as a tall unicorn with a big bag of books walked passed them.....




Ocean trotted past a tall blue Alicorn and what seemed to be a half zebra half pony mix. She couldn't help but glance back at them thinking about what an odd couple they were. But she just shrugged and kept walking.

Edited by Jolteon
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Star shrugged. "I dunno...the other day I was just reading about some book about tea and my mind went to pie...and I have just really wanted some since then." She stopped and her yes widened. Stomach cramps...pie cravings ? "Nighty you don't think...never mind...just a thought let's keep going." She said, as a tall unicorn with a big bag of books walked passed them.....




Ocean trotted past a tall blue unicorn and what seemed to be a half zebra half pony mix. She couldn't help but glance back at them thinking about what an odd couple they were. But she just shrugged and kept walking.


(Um... Nightfall is an alicorn. :P)


Nightfall saw the unicorn pass, but paid almost no attention to her. He was just listening to Star.

"You- you may have noticed I have been asking if you were ok more than normal recently. That's because... well, the cramps and pie craving could mean..."

He just kept walking.

"We both may be thinking the same thing. Maybe we should go see a doctor."

He looked at her.

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(Um... Nightfall is an alicorn. tongue.png)


Nightfall saw the unicorn pass, but paid almost no attention to her. He was just listening to Star.

"You- you may have noticed I have been asking if you were ok more than normal recently. That's because... well, the cramps and pie craving could mean..."

He just kept walking.

"We both may be thinking the same thing. Maybe we should go see a doctor."

He looked at her.

(OOC: Darn it, I thought I said alicorn. That's why I said what a strange couple...because its true. An alicorn and a zebra pony mix...I wonder what their baby will be like.)


Star smiled but also felt...nervous. "Do you think so ? Oh Nightfall...what if." Her smile widened slightly and her wings fluttered uncontrollably. "Okay okay...I shouldn't get my hopes up but...what if we really are gonna have a foal ?" She asked.

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(OOC: Darn it, I thought I said alicorn. That's why I said what a strange couple...because its true. An alicorn and a zebra pony mix...I wonder what their baby will be like.)


Star smiled but also felt...nervous. "Do you think so ? Oh Nightfall...what if." Her smile widened slightly and her wings fluttered uncontrollably. "Okay okay...I shouldn't get my hopes up but...what if we really are gonna have a foal ?" She asked.

(We should probably work that out. If you have a set of dice, you could roll to see if it would have strips or not, and to see which species and gender it would be...)


Nightfall couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"If we have a foal... I would need to make another room in the shop, but that's not hard. But a foal..."

His smile grew as he turned to Star.

"Do you think, right now, we should go see a doctor to see if we are or not?"

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(We should probably work that out. If you have a set of dice, you could roll to see if it would have strips or not, and to see which species and gender it would be...)


Nightfall couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"If we have a foal... I would need to make another room in the shop, but that's not hard. But a foal..."

His smile grew as he turned to Star.

"Do you think, right now, we should go see a doctor to see if we are or not?"


Star's smile only widened. "I wanna know...I haven't really thought about it...but I am getting all the symptoms aren't I. Oh Nightfall..." She hugged him tightly. "But shouldn't we make an appointment...or can we just go in and see ? I suppose I could just take one of those test things..." She said.


(OOC: I think the only thing we would need to roll a dice for would be what gender he/she would be. Star is a pegasus so the baby would probably just be a pegasus because Nightfall also has wings... And I would expect it would have very faint stripes maybe on its legs and face or something.)

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Star's smile only widened. "I wanna know...I haven't really thought about it...but I am getting all the symptoms aren't I. Oh Nightfall..." She hugged him tightly. "But shouldn't we make an appointment...or can we just go in and see ? I suppose I could just take one of those test things..." She said.


(OOC: I think the only thing we would need to roll a dice for would be what gender he/she would be. Star is a pegasus so the baby would probably just be a pegasus because Nightfall also has wings... And I would expect it would have very faint stripes maybe on its legs and face or something.)

(Well, then. That settles it. Except I don't have dice, so... Yeah. But a pegasus with faint stripes. Sounds good!)


He hugged her back, smiling widely.

"We could take one of the tests... But... I've heard they some of them do tend to- not tell the correct result. We should probably just make an appointment. Then we could go shopping, if you're still up for it."

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(Well, then. That settles it. Except I don't have dice, so... Yeah. But a pegasus with faint stripes. Sounds good!)


He hugged her back, smiling widely.

"We could take one of the tests... But... I've heard they some of them do tend to- not tell the correct result. We should probably just make an appointment. Then we could go shopping, if you're still up for it."


Star nodded and kept walking but instead of walking in the direction of the market she turned down a road that led to the hospital. "We're not that far away so we could just pop in, make an appointment and stop by the market on our way home." She said, still smiling. She felt like today was the best day in the world...even if they haven't gotten the new's yet...she knew that her and Nightfall were going to have a foal...she just knew it.

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Star nodded and kept walking but instead of walking in the direction of the market she turned down a road that led to the hospital. "We're not that far away so we could just pop in, make an appointment and stop by the market on our way home." She said, still smiling. She felt like today was the best day in the world...even if they haven't gotten the new's yet...she knew that her and Nightfall were going to have a foal...she just knew it.


"I was just thinking the same thing... you know what they say, great minds think alike."

He smiled greatly, putting a wing over Star as they walked together towards the Canterlot Hospital to make an appointment to see if Star would be having a foal soon.

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